--- --- ---
...Well...Grandfather, that kind old man...I never heard from him again, which made me sad...and confused...he was the first person to be nice to me...and he left just like that...
...I got over it, eventually...
...I think it is time...for me to wake up...
--- --- ---
(...Ba Bum...Ba Bum...Ba Bum...)-Heart beating-
(...Burble...Burble Burble...Burble)-Blood flowing through body-
...w-what is...I feel so..warm...am I in water?...what are these sounds?!?...they are starting to hurt my head...its worse than that...these sounds are vibrating in my bones...my skin, everything...
...I am scared...really scared...what is happening...where is Grandfather?!...
{???}...~Hello Bill, my nam-...you are in pain...one moment...everything will be fine Bill, you will be going into a extended sleep state for now...I will wake you up soon, goodnight Bill~...
...who are you?...where is Grandfath-...ohhh...sleepy...
-Bill is asleep-
--- --- ---
-Bill is waking up in 3...2...1...-
...mmmmm...where am I...
[???]...Oh, I think he is waking up!...quick get the doctor!...
[???]...Yes Mrs.Stark...
...Stark?...doctor?...where am I...I am so confused...
[Mrs.Stark]...Hey there, mommy's little boy...you gave us quite the scare, yes you did.
[???]...Mother...is my little brother awake?
[Mrs.Stark]...Yes he is Howard, why don't you get your father...he might like to know...
[Howard]...Yes Mother...
...B-Brother...Mother...Father...my family, I have a Family!...
[Mother]...Now that you are awake, I think it is time to name you...what would be a good name for you? Hmmm...Billy, my little Billy...
...Billy, my name is Billy...Mother said it is a good name, I have a good name...
...I can't talk...why can't I talk?...
[???]...So he is awake...what did you name him?...
[Mother]...Our baby boy's name is Billy...would you like to hold him, Edward?
...I am a baby?...I am so confused...I was not a baby earlier...was I just born?...
[Edward]...Nah...keep 'Billy' to yourself...I've got some fruits to pick...
[Mother]...Y-Yes dear...love you...
-Edward walks away-
...He is mean to Mother!...why is he mean, he made Mother sad!...
[Howard]...Are you okay, Mother...
[Mother]...Yes...I'll be fine...
[Howard]...M-May I hold him?
[Mother]...Sure...take him around the house if you'd like, I need to get some rest...
-Mother hands me over to Howard-
[Howard]...Well, hello...I am your Big brother...Howard...
...I have a big Brother...I am so happy!...
[Howard]...Lets go...we need to let Mother rest, right Bill?
[Howard]...Hmhm...I couldn't agree with you more, Bill.
-Bill and Howard spend the rest of the day outside, with Howard talking about life while Bill lays in his arms-