"Sir!" Bella came rushing in Adam's office, not bothering to knock.
Adam was already on his way out when he saw her. She looked like as if she had run a marathon before coming here.
"What is it?" Adam asked her, not paying her much of his attention.
"T-the public ele-vator has st-topped working." She replied in between her breaths.
"And why exactly are you telling me that?" Adam asked her with an amused expression. "I am sorry, but I am not sure whether I can fix it or not."
"No! Mr. Tay-Taylor is stuck inside it." She replied, still taking deep breaths.
"What is he doing in the public elevator?" He added, walking towards the door.
"I don't know. B-but…." Bella replied as she followed him out, but her words trailed off in the end. She didn't know how to break the news to him.
"But he's not alone in there. Stella is trapped with him as well." She finally gathered the courage and spoke it in haste.
Hope you guys like the chapter!
another one will be up in and hour or two :)
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