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58.33% Lives Worth Saving : Legacy of the Hokage / Chapter 14: Meetings, Training, and Duels? Part 1 (3)

Capítulo 14: Meetings, Training, and Duels? Part 1 (3)

Out in the clearing Neji shifted nervously. After seeing what Tenten just had to go through and beginning to see just how powerful of a man this Jonin was, well who wouldn't be a little nervous. Somehow he knew that what they had seen before was just the tip of the iceberg.

When Haruki arrived in position a little ways in front of Neji he pulled out a small alarm clock from his trench coat and told him the rules of engagement for this spar loud enough for everyone to hear.

"The rules for you are as follows: We are both bound to this clearing and cannot leave under any circumstances. Until this alarm clock goes off you are the offensive and will try to hit me continuously using whatever means necessary; however, once this alarm clock goes off you will be on the defensive until I either contain you, knock you out ,or you are forced to yield. Understood?"

Seeing the young Hyuga genius nod. The red head gained a shark-like grin.

"Perfect. We begin now." And in that moment the alarm was clicked though no one was standing next to it and the red head vanished.

Neji immediately launched himself to where the red head had been previously standing and found it to be empty. Perceiving that the red head was no longer there, Neji quickly activated his byakugan only to find that his field of vision was restricted in all directions to only three feet.

A voice then echoed around the clearing in an amused tone, "I'm afraid Neji-kun that won't be of much use to you here. Best of luck to you though. Oh and do remember time is ticking."

Neji, realizing he couldn't force his way through whatever barrier was up, decided to change tactics and try and sense the red head out. He began running around the clearing trying to methodically route out the red head but seemed to find nothing no matter where he went.

In the audience the elder hyuga were both shocked at what they were witnessing. They both of course had heard Kurenih's claim that Haruki had the ability to block the Byakugan's field a vision to an extent but to witness it in person was something all together different. What was even more amazing was the fact that they couldn't visible see the red haired jonin either. They could not even sense the Jonin's chakra presence. The idea that this man would be able to challenge Hiruzen was becoming more and more of a potential reality.

"What's going on?"

Lee's voice broke them from their thoughts.

"Why isn't Neji using his Byakugan? Did Haruki-senpai leave the clearing even after declaring it against the rule of engagement for the spar? If so that was most unyouthful of him."

"No Lee Haruki hasn't left the clearing. He has, however, probably used a jutsu of his to render the Byakugan useless. Am I correct in my guess Hizashi-san Hiashi-sama?" spoke Gai in response. At seeing their nods of acknowledgement, Gai closed his eyes and opened up his other senses. He even knelt and began feeling the earth for vibrations or signs of tampering. "Oh yes. Haruki is definitely is definitely in the clearing and is deliberately giving himself away in such a way that Neji will not be able to pic up on it. Which if I had to guess is the point of this exercise."

Opening his eyes to see his students staring at him in confusion he continued to explain. "Haruki has used his superior jutsu to his advantage by removing Neji's usual method of sensing him but has hidden himself underground and left behind enough signs that if one was trained in Doton they would find him no problem, but since Neji isn't there is no other way for him to find Haruki."

At this Tenten turned back to watch Neji continue to run around the field frantically searching for his target. "Just like there was no way I was ever going to hit Haruki with my weapons."

No one responded to this the Gai did exchange a look with the two Hyuga. He had figured out what Haruki was doing and he could understand why. He just wondered how his last student was going to take it, and did he have the heart to put him through it. Gai immediately shook his head 'No. it is unyouthful not prune and nurture the youth of others. I must remain firm.'

Just as Gai was reaffirm his commitment to today's training. They all heard the bell go off. Time was up.

Neji was panting. At some point Haruki had taken to telling him if he was hot or cold. Unfortunately this came from all around him so he could not use that overly cheerful voice to find his opponent. He stilled as the alarm finished sounding off and took that moment to take in his surroundings something felt different. On a hunch, he activated his byakugan and was surprised and relieved to find the barrier gone. It was then though that he found red head right as he…

Neji had no time to even think as two hands appeared out of the ground and gripped his ankles before another body, likely a clone, burst out of the ground and nailed neji under the chin.

"hehe got him with this one last time too." Haruki thought smugly to himself. He was having far too much fun with this.

Neji rolled a few feet and had enough time to position himself upright before he found himself under a grueling assault. He soon found however that, though blocking the blows hurt, he was in fact able to block them and that the movements felt familiar if a bit new. Recognition flashed in Neji's mind and after taking a moment internally to calm himself prepared to counter assault with his new form. However the moment he stopped defending Haruki seemed to sense it and in three swift movement Neji found he could not send chakra to his legs or arms nor could he move them and was knocked flat on his back. And then it was over. Neji tilted his head forward as best he could so that he could look at the Jonin that had just decimated him in front of his father and uncle. A part of him was angry and hurt that he had been made to look like such a fool but another part of him was just sad and scared that he was this weak. Yet now looking at the Jonin Neji felt respect more than anything at the controlled power this man had. He could see his palms still glowing green with chakra from his last attack and his body coiled in an unfamiliar stance arms out stretched almost like a crane.

In the audience, it took every ounce of self-control for Hizashi to keep from running out there and scooping up his son in his arms. He understood though that his son neither needed that nor wanted that but he could help but feel that way. Haruki didn't pull any punches there at the end and the results were evident of that. Hiashi on the other hand was busy processing the series of combat he had just witnessed. It was clear that Haruki had somehow seen enough of the Gentle fist style to incorporate t into his style and then improve upon it until it was a very powerful variant. Oh Hiashi had caught on to what Haruki meant earlier instantly when they began their Taijutsu clash. It was also evident that this style could provide both a powerful defense and an overwhelming offense if expanded upon and mastered, especially should the Byakugan be paired with it. Though neji did not get much of a chance to to capitalize on this fact as the moment he switch to offense to try and land a blow and win the spar Haruki switched tactics completely and ended the spar swiftly and decisively. The significance of the manner he chose to do so was probably lost on most but not on him. He had seen Haruki mold medical ninjutsu chakra with his regular chakra just before he struck (in a very gental fist like way) in that unfamiliar style. This no doubt took out Both Neji's body and chakra coils in the area thus resulting in his current state. There were of course counters in the Hyuga arsenal as this is hardly the first time such tactics have been used, but neji didn't know those. All things considered he was incredibly impressed with both shinobi's performance and simultaneous troubled by what this meant about his red head friend. How had he gained such abilities and what else did he have up his sleeve. While all these questions and more were traveling through the Hyuga Clan head's mind, Gai was watching carefully the facial reactions of the other two. Seeing nothing that would raise concern, he turned to his own reflection. If the clan head was unconcerned about what he just witnessed then Gai could lay any concerns he might have to rest. It appeared the Haruki was willing to train Neji more until he figured out the secret to the test, that he could still accomplish his objective during the second phase of his spar. This however proved to be exactly what the red head wanted as he demonstrated the skill difference between them. It was becoming clearer to him Haruki's goal in these contests. He had originally thought it was just to have them fight at a disadvantage and learn what defeat and fear felt like but now it seemed that he was more looking for them to practice their creative thinking and encourage them to branch out their skill sets. Gai turned his attention to Lee who with Tenten was staring avidly at the Jonin in barely concealed awe. Not surprising considering their respect of Neji and Gai himself had never defeated him so resoundly so quickly. He could of course but it hadn't been necessary for the spar goals at the time. He had a feeling what Haruki was going to do to Lee and he wasn't sure he liked it.

It was then that Haruki arrived at the rest of the group, carrying Neji bridle style. He gently laid him down before his hands began to glow green and he began healing the damage.

"Are you alright Neji?" his Father asked though concern could be seen by his father , uncle, and team mates.

Neji managed to nod his head too embarrassed to say anything.

Sensing this Haruki reassured him of his performance. "You did well Neji. i was very impressed. I did not think you would force me to end the spar so quickly."

Finishing up healing the damage from the spar Haruki stood up.

"I'm afraid you are going to still be a little sore but it should pass quickly. I'm going to leave you with the same instructions I left Tenten. I want you to think of why you couldn't find me and why you couldn't hit me."

Nodding in acknowledgement, Neji sat up but winced a little and the sudden movement.

After reminding Neji to take it easy, Haruki motioned for Lee to follow. He got up immediately and practically bounced his way out into the clearing. Once the were in position Lee was about to start off before Haruki raised his hand.

"Before we begin Lee-kun I have a question for you."

Lee blinked in confusion but nodded.

"If I was to offer you the use of your chakra and it was garenteed to work. Would you take it?"

After hearing his question everyone in the cearing was speechless. None moreso than Gai. "He can give Lee use of his chakra but that's impossible. Is this somehow part of his test?"

Lee himself was overwhelmed with thought and stayed silent for a solid five minutes before speaking his reply. "Thank you for the offer Haruki-senpei. I don't doubt you have some jutsu or way of accomplishing this but I have sworn to become a Taijutsu only ninja; it is my Ninja Way. The way of Youth!"

Gai felt himself swell in pride at his students declaration. But when he looked at Haruki to see the other man's reaction all he could see was disappointment on the man's face. What was he thinking?

"Very well Lee then we shall begin in a moment." Haruki quickly blazrd through four handseals before slamming a palm on the ground immediately a barrier appeared around the audience that glowed yellow and blue.

"This is a level 5 lightning style barrier. Touching it unprepared will result in a painful shock. Your goal is to get me to dispel it before time runs out. I will count to ten before I retaliate once and then begin counting again and it tightens and shocks your friends should you fail. Every time you fail it will decrease in size. You may begin whenever you wish."

Lee immediately tired to lunch himself at Haruki and began closing the distance fast. He tried to get inside Haruki's guard but the jonin just side stepped. From the moment that Lee swung his first punch he could hear Haruki counting out loud. He quickly backflipped away to get a better angle for his next attack run. As he approached though Haruki blurred through a series of handseals before ending in a half rat seal.

(Genjutsu: Temple of Nirvana Jutsu)

All around Lee there began to be feathers falling. He stopped and prepared himself for an attack to come from everywhere. But nothing happened. Then he noticed his arms began to get heavy and all the strength seemed to leave his body. He was so tired. Perhaps a short nap was in order. Lee then closed his eyes and his body collapsed on the ground.

Haruki just tilted his head to the side with a small sad smile on his face. He left lee where he was and started walking over to the group that he trapped in his barrier. As he approached he formed a single handseal and the barrier fizzled and deactivated much to the relief of those inside. While they hadn't actually been worried about being trapped inside, it was still relieving. After all it was always unnerving to be contained especial by seal master that no doubt could have kept them in there even if they had wanted to get out.

Upon reaching the group, Haruki was rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "Sorry about the barrier business I just needed to motivate Lee."

Waving off his concerns, it was Hiashi that spoke first. "So what do you intend to do with him now."

Haruki partially turned back towards the downed genin, "Well I'm afraid Lee-kun is learning the price of his chosen handicap."

Turning back to face the rest of the others who were looking at him with blatant curiosity and interest. "Lee-kun is currently in a double layered genjutsu. He will not be able to escape. However, not to worry I am not very skilled in genjutsu and they should unravel soon. By then the lesson should have hit home."

Just as he finished speaking trying to placate the looks of alarm that had surface on the faces of Lee's team. They heard a surpised gasp and a scream. Every eye turned to see Lee's form bolt upright and him cry out with tears streaming down his face, "Gai-sensei, Neji, Tenten, No!" He turned his head and for whatever reason focused in only on read heads form. With a battle cry he launched himself at Haruki. "How could you?! I'll kill you for this." Haruki's eyes narrowed at Lee's outburst and formed a single handseal. In the next instant the barrier that had previously been removed activated and Lee smacked right into it full force. Lee began screaming and convulsing upon impacting the barrier. It only lasted a few seconds before Haruki dropped his hand and Lee fell to the ground with a crash.

"Lee!" his team mates cried out together.

The raced over to check on him Tenten arriving first and scooping him up. "Lee are you ok? It's ok we are alright it was just a genjutsu."

Lee eyes creeked open and drifted over to see Tenten's worried face. "Ten..ten.. but I thought.. all that blood."

"We're fine Lee Haruki-senpai just put you in a couple genjutsu." Neji said kneling next to Lee.

At this lee moved his eye and found the red head calmly walking over to him. Hands stuff in his pockets.

"Are you ok Lee? I'm sure that was a nasty shock."

The double meaning of his words was not lost on those there.

Tenten propped Lee up and Haruki knelt down next to him hands out of his pockets glowing green. He ran his hands over the areas that impacted the barrier and ordered Lee to not do any taijutsu training until tomorrow since his system needed to recover.

"Haruki, was this really necessar-?" Gai asked with obvious concern seeing Lee in such a state.

Haruki just closed his eyes and interrupted sharply.

"If it didn't come from me now it will from an enemy later. And then he will be dead and I am not about to allow that to happen. Lee is strong Gai, very strong, but he must be pruned and tempered." He turned and fixed Gai with a pointed look that was almost cold.

"You coddle him too much."

And without giving Gai time to answer turned his gaze on all of them before landing firmly on Lee.

"Well now Lee, while it is truly admirable and a testament to your genius that you would become such an incredible shinobi using only taijutsu, it also comes at a terrible price that will only get you killed in the long run. In the ninja world every advantage you have over your opponent can mean the difference between success and failure, victory and defeat… life and death."

Here Haruki paused though it seemed more for himself than Lee. He quickly got over it and continued.

"Until now you have been fighting against odds that were forced upon you with sheer will power and I am incredibly proud of you for it."

Haruki's voice then took a steely cold edge that made the others stiffen and Lee flinch.

"However, when given the opportunity to remove the handicap that plagues you and puts your team in danger, you turned it down not out of fear but arrogance. There is no greater vice than arrogance for a shinobi. There is nothing more unyouthful."

Lee just hung his head scorned and abashed until a hand took his face and lifted him to meet haruki's softened eyes.

"Lee its not too late to have a ninja way that isn't rooted in arrogance. Let your Ninja way be about protecting that which is precious to you. Is that not already the rule for your greatest technique?" Lee's eyes widened at this and he asked "How did you know Senpai?"

Haruki snorted at that, "Lets just say I am very familiar with your sensei's talents and remind me a lot of him."

He could hear the other grown ups, even Gai, chuckle quietly at that.

"Beside just because you are able to use genjutsu and ninjutsu doesn't mean you can't still specialize in taijutsu. And when you do use something else it'll be one hell of a surprise for your opponent. Just like Gai-sensei." Haruki finished a wink that had Lee flush in embaracement. Then Haruki's face turned serious once more as he stood up and looked down at Lee uncaring about all the eyes on him.

"Now that you have had a taste of the real ninja world I will pose my question to you again. I can give you use of your chakra. Will you take my offer?" Haruki asked while pinning Lee's very soul with his cerulean gaze.

Lee looked pensive and stayed quiet for about a minute before look up and staring right back and Haruki with eyes full of determination and resolve.

"Hai Haruki-senpai, I will take your offer."

Haruki smiled wide and his answer.

"Would you like to start now? If Haishi-dono and Hizashi-san are willing to assist we will be done in 5 minutes." Haruki said as he pulled out a scroll from his right trench coat pocket. He looked over at the elder Hyuga who were both stuggling to keep there surprise hidden.

"The seal that I'm going to graft to Lee must go on top of his third chakra gate. I will be circulating his chakra around this point during the process so that it doesn't interfere. I need the two of you to close the chakra points that lead from and to this area so that his chakra will flow the way I guide it rather than through his coils. You can consider this you first lesson in upper division seals."

After hearing his explanation, the two Hyuga lords look at each other with excitement and interest clearly written on their face. "We would happily be of assistance."

Nodding Haruki turned and asked lee if he was ready. "There will be a burning sensation where the seal is being applied but other than that it should be virtually painless."

To lee's credit he simply nodded his head firmly and asked what he needed to do.

"All I need you to do is lie down on your stomach and reach for you chakra when I tell you to."

Lee immediately did as he was instructed and once he was in position Haruki unrolled the scroll and placed to the side of Lee parallel to his body. Most of the small scroll was blank with only four seeming squiggly curved lines surrounding and containing what looked like a flower, a lotus flower. Gai recognized the image and his eyes immediately darted to Haruki. Just how much did the Jonin know?

After getting in position and the other on lookers out of the way, Haruki gave some final instruction. "Timing is everything you must be in sync and mirror each other as you close of the Tenketsu. This a level 9 seal and is very delicate. It will take most of my concentration. Wait for my signal."

Seeing the twins nod Haruki summoned a clone beside him. He then place one hand over the third chakra gate on Lee's spine between the neck and the top of the shoulder blades. The clone then placed one hand on the seal and the other on top of Haruki's hand. Haruki then used his remaining free hand to bridge over two stacked hands with his thumb on the largest Tenketsu on one side and his middle and pointer finger on the largest Tenketsu on the other. Once connected his bridging hand started glowing green. Then he other hand and the clones hand started glowing blue with chakra.

After a couple of seconds Haruki signaled for the Hyuga to begin. Immediately and in unison the two elder Hyuga activated their Byakugans and began closing the tenketsu around the seal area with lightning reflexes. Within seconds they had successfully closed all the necessary tenketsu. Lee bore the pain with practiced resistance from all the times Neji had done the same. Haruki then, channeling Lee's chakra through his and grit his teeth and shouted. "Fuin!"

Instantly a bright light emitted itself from the hands glowing blue. Lee moaned and groaned and his body trembled a bit but he didn't move. Controlled by his single-minded focus to protect those he considered most precious. Soon the intense burning subsided a bit and warmness filled him from the tips of his toes to the top of his head. After about 60 seconds of time passed Haruki was panting from the exertion and sweat was dripping down his forehead. "Just a bit more" After a few moments he signaled for the Hyuga twins to reopen Lee's tenketsu and began recalling his chakra from the seal. Once this was done the clone dispersed itself as its task was concluded. The Hyuga then quickly unsealed all the tenketsu they had previously closed. After doing so and pulling the hands back, Haruki gsve a shout of effort and pulled his hands back with a flash. There was a flash of light and then everything was still and the only sound was Haruki panting and light sizzling sound of something burning.

"Lee? How do you feel?" Gai asked.

The young shinobi didn't reply for a long moment. Then out of no where he shot up and shouted with tears in his eyes, "Gai-sensei.. I feel amazing!"

Everyone, even the Hyuga twins, smiled and Lee's reaction. Haruki chuckled softly at the antics of Lee, and everyone glanced over at him taking in his appearance. His hands were stuffed in pocket for some odd reason. It didn't seem natural for how he was seated.

"Well Lee you now have access to your chakra and can shape it and mold it just like anyone else. The seal will improve the refinement process the more you move, because it takes in the chakra you give off in living and moving. So its perfect for your continued focus on Taijutsu. The seal also acts as filter that should make it harder for you to fall under genjutsu. In addition, there is a chakra storing component that will store chakra for you like a battery until you open the third gate and then it will release the chakra into your system effectively restoring any you had lost. I even installed a protection seal to prevent opposing seal experts from messing with it on the fly." Haruki said as he gestured and explained the seal's various functions. Sure enough when everyone looked at lee's back the saw the lotus pattern inside a circle that seemed about three inches in diameter. The area was red currently from just being applied but Haruki promised that this would fade after a day or so.

After thanking the two Hyuga for their assistance, Haruki stood hands still in his pockets. He turned to the remaining to genin as Lee talked animatedly Gai and was being inspected by him.

"Now we just have you two to fix."

The two looked at each other before looking down.

"So do either of you have an answer for me?" Haruki asked with a raised brow.

Silence persisted for a few moments before in unison they admitted together. "I was arrogant." They both looked at each other in surprise and mild embarrassment before looking back down.

Haruki kept his gave neutral but firm. "Explain."

They looked at each other again, though it was Tenten that looked back at Haruki first and spoke. "I let my anger control me and let my attitude slip into one of superiority when you asked me to practice throwing my weapons as if it was my weakness. I trained in my specialty as if I couldn't be beat and didn't bother thinking of strategies or answer for how to counter potential weaknesses. And when you revealed this I just lost my temper."

Haruki nodded before turning to Neji expectantly.

The young Shinobi looked uncomfortable and supremely embarrassed at having this conversation where his father and uncle could hear. "Good" Thought Haruki "He could use the humility check."

Neji swallowed hard before speaking, "I… have relied heavily on the Byakugan and what advantages it brings. And this may have… no.. It has resulted in my other skills falling short."

After falling silent Neji risked and glance to his father and uncle and was surpised to see them both looking on in pride at him. Or at least what equated to pride in the Hyuga visage.

Haruki smiled and them warmly as he nodded. "A fair assessment." Both were looking down and they both were startled when each had a scroll dropped at their feet. They both looked up to see Haruki standing there hands still in his pockets.

"Open them" he said to them smiling.

Each of them unrolled their scroll only to realize they were sealing scrolls. Quickly unsealing the contents they were both surprised with what appeared.

In front of Tenten appeared a piece of paper and two scrolls and a thin paper square.

In front of Neji appeared a set of weird looking weights, three scrolls, and a thin paper square.

By now Gai and Lee had rejoined the group. And were looking at what the others and received curiously. At seeing the small square of thin paper Gai turned to Haruki with a raised brow and crossed arms. Haruki just shrugged and replied. Kakashi's team has already started this.

Hearing this Gai immediately forms a fist and shakes it infront of himself and thinks, "Darn you my eternal rival and you hip attitude. Of course you would move so quickly!"

Ignoring this, Haruki instructs each Genin to pick up the thin piece of paper.

This is chakra paper. It is harvested from a very special tree that is grown with chakra. It is used to tell shinobi their chakra affinity. Your chakra affinity is which change in chakra nature you are naturally gifted with. It will be easier to perform jutsus of the matching affinity while it will be more difficult to preform jutsu of the opposing nature type."

Haruki began giving the same explanation that he gave team 7.

"Now this does not mean you can gain affinities over time. There is training for each affinity type though this paper can only show basic affinities. Now when you channel chakra into the paper, if it burns you have fire, if it splits in half you have wind, if it crumples then you have lightning, if it crumbles then you have earth, if it get wet you have water. Now go on and try."

Each genin did as instructed. Tenten's burst into flames causing her to let go quickly with a yelp. Neji's crumbled in his hand before the pieces became soaked.

Haruki smiled at the results. "Just like old times."

Before anyone could say Haruki began speaking. "Congratulations you two you now know your chakra affinity. Included in your training kit is a jutsu for each affinity to get you started along with a scroll to get you started on the first nature transformation step of elemental manipulation. Only to be done under the supervision of your sensei."

Turning to Tenten he continued. "Unfortunately Tenten I won't be able to be as much help to you in your element as it is the one I myself can't do .But I hope that doesn't stop you from filling out that form and turning it in to the relevant office." He finished with a wink.

Looking at the form, she could see it was an application form for the new sealing corps.

"You actually think I could do this she asked uncertainty in her voice.

"Without a doubt your mastery sealing scrolls puts you in a good foundation. I think you could become a seal expert no problem. Then we'll see how easy it is for people to doge when you're flinging kunia with fireballs sealed inside them." He smirked at her as he finished a chuckled as she clutched the paper with stars in her eyes and a vindictive glint.

Turning to address Neji who had picked up the weights to examin while Haruki had been addressing Tenten. Lee, thinking that Haruki was done speaking to her appeared next to her and began talking excitedly about the power of youth and how much stronger they were going to be.

Ignoring with some effort the antics of his excited teammate next to him. Neji looked up to meet Haruki's gaze and raised an eyebrow as if asking what are these?

Haruki replied to the unasked question with patience. "Neji one of the challenges you face in addition to your need to branch out in jutsu is also your need to capitalize on the flexibility and speed your exceptional taijutsu offers. These weights are made to help with that." Gesturing to the weights Haruki continued to explain that the seals on them were designed specifically to train his speed. He of course gave him the same warning he gave Sasuke.

"I expect you to wear them like Lee wears his. And before you ask, its obvious to anyone that's looking for it that he is wearing weights."

Having stopped the obvious question that was coming from Gai. The man just pouted at being predicted so easily but got over it quickly.

"Well Gai if you would like to help Tenten get started for the remaining of practice, I will supervise Lee's light conditioning and Neji's first stage. There are still several hours of training left."

Gai agreed to the plan and took Tenten further into the clearing to get started.

Hiashi Hyuga excused himself as well stating he had many matters to attend to before the dinner that evening. He thanked Haruki again for accepting his invitation as well as allowing him to watch the training seesion thanked Gai as well and left the training ground deep in thought.

"There is definitely more to this man then I first thought and I get the distinct feeling that he is more than capable of everything that the others have claimed about him and more. It would appear, I do really owe the man a debt of gratitude for everything he has done for my family. And given the sealing skill I witnessed perhaps there is still more he can do for the Hyuga. Hopefully tonight will reveal more of the mysteries surrounding the man. I must move quickly to prevent what opponents that may come against him. I will not allow an influence of his caliber on my family to go unprotected."

And with those thoughts in mind Hiashi Hyuga went on his way to complete his may errands and duties before while the day was still young.


Elsewhere, in a dimly light room, twelve individuals sat in a circle plotting the downfall of their latest political obstical.

"What is there that we can do? It's not like we can just go and demand that this rumored seal be forbidden to even our village seal master."

"It's a threat that must be evaluated. He will come to the dinner tonight and there we will gather the information we need to decide. We do not currently know enough to make any plans."

The others in the room just nodded stiffly.

"Kazuma Haruki you had best tread carefully."

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