Tania had been sent back to the waiting hall. It was now the turn of her grandparents and the reader asked if they wanted to come together or one by one?
Her Dada ji and Dadi ji looked at each other and both smiled, "Beta, we have no secrets from each other and we will come together."
Dadi ji nodded her head in agreement and soon both (Dinesh Sharma and Mira Sharma) left with their reader. Within half an hour both were back and looked at peace. Dada ji said, "Amazying science, beyond one's imagination."
However, they did not impart any information about what all had transpired inside.
Now, it was the turn of Tania's Nani ji (Nikita Gagarin) and Tania's Mamu ji (Igor Gagarin). The bundle was found in respect of her Nani ji. She was called inside. Mamu ji wanted to go with her but the Nadi Astrologers did not allow.
"Your turn is next, please wait," their reader said.
"If your father had been alive, and your mother had no objection, he could have accompanied your mother for the reading," he added.
In the case of others, the reading was done in 15 minutes per person. but in the case of Nani ji, it took her half an hour. She came out with a serious expression on her face. She did not say anything to the other.
Now it was the turn of her Mamu ji (Igor Gagarin). The Nadi reader called him to come into the other room. Mamu ji left and then everyone started talking at once.
"One at a time please,"Dada ji said.
Tania said, "I will tell first."
She narrated all that had transpired. What the reader had informed about the demise of her parents through it looked like an accident but it was murder commited by a close relative. Her field of studies as well as her visit to India being related to a past life isse, a karmic connection.
She also added that the reader had informed that she would meet her husband to be in Rajasthan where she was heading. He had added that her life was in danger and not to go anywhere alone.
Then Dada ji related what they had been informed and had agreed to when the reading was done, their place of residence, that they had one son (Mahesh Sharma) who had gone to Russia to study to become a Doctor and had married a girl from Ukraine.(Svetalana Gagarin) Both the son and daughter in law had been murdered and their only child (Tania), has come to India with them to find out about her life and get to know the country of her father.
Dadi ji added that she was informed the same. as she and Dada ji were very close, their information was almost the same.
Now it was the turn of Nani ji.
Nikita looked at the others and said, "Whatever these people say is the truth."
They informed me of my status in my family. About my children and how my daughter, Svetlana, had married an Indian. How she and her husband had died and who was responsible for the accident. The characteristics of her son who had gone for his reading and that he was not a good man. Why he was like this?
He was ok with others he came in contact with. But with Tania and her parents, he possessed hatred for them.
"We will discuss these things in detail at the hotel," Dada ji spoke with a grim expression on his face.
"Igor is about to come into the hall and we all would like to know what transpired in his case?"
"Was his bundle found and what the reader said to him?"
"Will he tell us a little bit or will he prefer to keep quiet?"
Igor's reading was complete. He came out of the reading room into the hall.
He was followed by the Nadi reader.
But he was not happy and he came into the hall muttering to himself.
How can the writing on the palm leaves be true?"
"Every leaf seemed to have all my information and seemed to be my leaf."
"But all were different in some way. "
"What happened Igor" His mother inquired.
"Nothing !" he responded angrily.
"This whole thing is a sham?" Igor added further.
"My leaf was not found in any of the bundles," he responded.
"Let us ask the reader what he has to say about not being able to locate your bundle," Dada ji said.
The reader then walked and and Dada ji inquired from him as to why Igor was so upset.
"He is upset as his leaf could not be located in the two bundles we took out for him," the reader replied.
"I can say that either he did not recognize his leaf or his bundle is not here."
"Some bundles are out of Delhi and it possible that his leaf might be in any of those bundles."
I will inform you when the bundles arrive.
"Yes, Igor can come to visit again this place again just before we go back home," Nikita added.
"We are staying here doing sight seeing etc. and our families are in trouble back home due the Russian Ukraine war." Igor expressed anguish in his words.
"Yes, you are right, Igor, but there is nothing that we can do," Dada ji responded.
Nikita asked Igor to find out about the welfare of his family as well as the family of his sister, Galina.
Soon the Nadi reader came to call Tania and this time he did not object to the entry of Dada ji and Dadi ji into the reading room,
Igor was left with his mother for a few minutes.
In an hour, Igor and Nikita had become impatient basically because Tania and her paternal grandparents were taking a long time with the Nadi readaer.
As far as Igor was concerned, the Nadi astrologer and astrology were a sham. He did not want to be associated with these people.
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