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Capítulo 19: BOSS-BABY


"Okey got that. What's more ?"

I was talking to my Secretary on the call. As I hired some men to investigate about the matter that occurred during our honeymoon.

"Oh so those frauds were hired by XXX"

My anger boiled at the name so everything was all set up to defame Hudson group.

"Good job."

And I ended the call.

Previously I was disturbed due to Camilla's decision. I didn't know what to do, all things were messed up now. And I was screwed.

Camilla was at company. Mr Hudson was taking a nap throwing the whole responsibility upon my shoulders. I threw myself on the couch with a heavy heart. And stared at the roof.

"Everything was planned. How dare___I can't let Camilla to suffer once again when I'm here by her side. Even though she doesn't know about me I can make some things right. "

I stood up and immediately walked down with my car keys. And rashly drove off.

"You'll have to pay for this. Nothing can part us."

As I reached my destination opened the dashboard n took out a pen. I used to keep such gadgets with me for emergency due to my high position within the business world.

"Now wait for the payback you bit*h ! "

Placed the pen in my pocket with pressing the 'record button'. Banged the door open and yelled.

"Penelope !"

The girl came down gliding, with a flirty look tainted on her face she strode towards me.

"Oh Eduardo I knew you'd come for me. I knew you love me. I'm so happy honey."

She hugged and was circling her finger on my shirt. Her words though coated in sugar hit me like a venom. I pushed her back hard.

"I told you to stay away from Camilla but I think you mistook my words. How dare you to attack on Hudson group ?"

I yelled at her.

"I don't know what you're talking about dear."

She still pretended nothing to know. Her fake shocked expressions were adding more to my anger.

"Cut the crap. I know you hired some frauds to defame Hudson. Using my name to part us both. Why you did that ?"

"Why ?

Why I did that ?"

She threw her facade and cried at me raising her voice.

"Because I love you Eduardo. Dammit I love you that's why I did that. Why are you blind to see that she doesn't love you. I've seen you both many times & anyone can guess that you both aren't a couple the way she treats you."

"You're keeping an eye on us & call this love ?

You're insane Penelope.

And we both are a couple, happily married couple."

She held my shirt and pleaded by making an eye contact.

"Please don't say that Eduardo I know I did wrong but everything was just to have you. I can't stand you with other woman that's why I hired those men. I'm sorry."

"You've to pay for this for hurting my woman. And keep this in your mind that I love Camilla and she is my wife, my only wife."

"No this can't be, please Eduardo you can't do this to me."

I walked out of the lounge when her sentence stuck my ears and I felt fear.

"If you can't love me I'll not let any other woman to have you. Mark my words Eduardo you'll not have her either."

I stormed out and called my PA. After some drive in horror I handed over that pen drive to her. I was shaking with fear.

"Take this. You know what to do with this."

"Boss are you alright ?"

She was standing outside as watched me from the car window.

"Ah ! yes yes. Just take care of this matter."

Driving back to home I was distracted, only Penelope's words were banging in my mind. My grip on steering became strong. My body was becoming cold, nearly stiffed because of fear. Many colours were coming on my face, thoughts were running and my heart was racing.

I reached home n with heavy steps I walked towards my room with turtle steps. Camilla was standing in front of the mirror when I opened the door. She turned towards me while moving her fingers in hair.

To see her safe n sound tears began forming in my eyes n hurriedly I hugged her. She responded by wrapping arms around me.

"Don't leave me Camilla. I don't want you to go. I don't want us to part. Please don't do this."

I __Eduardo Diego the famous bachelor business man rumoured to be a flirt, Casanova, even gay kept himself preserved for his childhood love.

And now that love wanted to part with me, divorce me. I know I've many enemies out there who could hurt her because I love Camilla.

Being her man I couldn't let that happen. I pleaded her, the strong shelled man cried in front of her.

She caressed my hair from back as I stood there in that very position. Unable to move & not wanted to.

"I love you Camilla & I'll do. There's been one woman and that's you."

I sniffed her fresh scent, she had a bath when I barged in. Within a calm tone she informed me something.

"Let's have lunch tomorrow somewhere out. Okey."

She scooped my face with a genuine smile.

"I've a surprise for you."

She winked.

"Don't let that surprise be divorce papers !"

My began to pound faster.

She chuckled slightly n kissed my forehead tiptoed.

"No it won't be."

She turned around and crept into the washroom again. Then came her voice.

"Oh I forgot to tell you tomorrow night we've to attend an event. The Italian tycoon has invited us, other business people will be there. After lunch we'll attend that."

"Okey sure."

I laid on the bed due to whole stress I completely forgot about that event. With Camilla I've to attend that party and individually I was invited too.

"That will be the best moment to tell her the truth. I'll propose her there, yes right."

My mind n heart were saying the same.

But before that I needed to hire some guards for her.

I called my PA & immediately asked for some men to protect my girl.

"I can't lose you this time Camilla I promise."



I'd a sound sleep last night and was happy that Eduardo loves me dearly.

I didn't feel good to hurt him but then that's fine when these two men played with me too.

I sat up in the bed alone with satin sheets all over my body. Fresh fragrance hit my nostrils.

"WHOA !"

The whole damn room was filled with flowers.

Every type n color of roses. It melted my heart at once.

Moisture formed into my eyes and I covered my lips with hands.

There was a note too beside my pilow placed there with a special flower_the rare black rose !

I picked up & sniffed the flower it was my favourite one. Opened the note which read as.

"Will be waiting for you at the place. I hope you loved all this. I love you wifey & want to cherish you for the life time. Get ready n wear that dress I've selected for you. It's on the table near the mirror. And don't forget to inform the guards wherever you go.

Lot's of love for my rose."

"Thank you.

I love you too husband."

I wiped off the tears. And chuckled like a teenage.

"Just endure it a little my love. I'll tell you everything today."

I walked towards the mirror and opened the gift box which was hiding my dress.

"It's just beautiful."

I pull that out and beneath it was another box, rather small one. It held a ring with ruby in the middle.

"Just perfect !"

Eduardo knew & his selection never went wrong since the day we met.

Personally I loved all that, the way he pampers me.

I placed all the stuff on bed and went for a bath. With perfumed water I soaked my body in it. Releasing all the stress and body ache.

After an hour I came out in a towel and was drying my hair when cell phone rung.

"Hello dad !"

"Hello love. Are you alright ?"

"Yes dad we both are good. I was just getting ready for the hospital after that I'll have lunch with Eduardo & then that event."

"I'm glad. Do tell me about your reports okey. And yes tell the boy truth. I'm sure he'll be worried as hell as I was."

Dad chuckled. Yes I confronted him the next day I found the truth.

"Yes dad I'll inform you right away I'll get those."

I placed my hand on tummy and slightly rubbed it__yes I was pregnant.

And was going to fetch my reports.

"Take care honey."

"Bye dad."

After the call I started to doll up. Wore that dress and neck lace. It was so pretty that I couldn't stop staring at myself.

"Oh you narcissist !"

Gave a final touch up to my make up and went downstairs.

"Let's go."

"Yes boss."

The guards were waiting for me downstairs. As Eduardo said though I found that creepy & invasion in my private life but after seeing him worried yesterday I agreed.

And we headed towards the hospital. They followed me inside towards the counter desk. When I stopped them there.

"Wait here I'm coming."

"But ma'am__boss has...."

"I said wait here I'll be back after some time."

And I went to the doctor's cabin. Fetched my reports.

Which were all clear.

"Thank you doctor."

I left the cabin when the door closed a hand came across with a cloth and...


"Boss ma'am has vanished from the hospital."

"What the heck you all were doing ? Have you checked the building ? How's that possible ?"

Eduardo yelled.

"Yes boss. She's nowhere."

"Check the bloody cameras. I'm coming right now."

And he immediately left the company with a racing heart and continuous praying.


"This__this is how she got kidnapped."

A guy was carrying her out on a wheelchair hiding her face & dress with a long cloth. But Eduardo somehow recognized her. That's the power of love.

"Yes I want you to trace the location of that necklace immediately."

He called her PA right away. Yes that necklace was specially designed with a chip inside it to locate Camilla's whereabouts whenever needed. Sure he was a smart guy.

"Let's go."

He ordered the guards and called for 10 more men.

"Hello there police station, officer...."

Then he involved the police and asked for help.

"Boss the location is XXXXXX and not moving."

He was informed and with the police he drove towards the address.

"Camilla I'm coming. Please don't get hurt."

His heart whispered.

They reached the old building in a remote area. The policemen covered the surroundings and started to take over the people from outside.

From the back door Eduardo and some men barged in the building. Tiptoed they all took over the men and searched the building. When Camilla was found tied to a chair on the top floor.

Without a control Eduardo snapped towards her.

"Camilla honey. I'm here open your eyes love."

Upon his voice she snapped open and cried. Meanwhile the gang leader appeared from the back to stab them both but luckily got caught by the senior police officer.

Eduardo carried her down when the officer asked some questions for further inquiry.

"Sir do you suspect someone ?"

"Oh yes I do officer. Penelope La Cruise."

And he drove off with her wife. Continuously he talked to her in order to lighten her mood.

"Okey, everything is fine now honey. You're with me. Feeling well ?"

"Yeah. I'm fine as long as I'm with you. Thank you. "

She replied him with a smile. Though going through such a trauma she was prefectly fine in the arms of her husband that provided her security.

"By the way how did you find me ?"

"Well I placed a tracker in your necklace. I knew something was going to happen. I'd a feeling."

Eduardo was driving contentedly still answering to her questions.

"Oh cool tech guy."

She praised him with such words with an O-shapped face.

"UuMm....honey do you really want to attend this event, are you okey to go ?"

His mind was still revolving around her.

"Oh yes I'm completely fine. Let's drove there."


Camilla was still curious about many things.

"Why did you say it was Penelope behind this ? How do you know ?"

"Honey don't think about this let me handle & don't stress your brain. You've gone through so much pain."


"Hello there good evening."

An old man greeted them in his Italian accent.

"Good evening sir."

"Ah what a lovely couple. Camilla dear why didn't you tell us that you got married ?"

The old man teased her while she blushed.

"Actually sir it all happened so suddenly."

Eduardo answered.

As no one had ever seen him people only knew his name, reputation but not face.

"Very well boy.

Enjoy this night."

And the couple got seated. Eduardo presented her a drink with no alcohol.

"Here take this you'll feel better."

And the music began. Everyone started to dance in couples.

"Want one ?"

He offered her in a princely manner which she accepted with a smile.

"I love you."

He whispered tucking his forehead to hers.

"I love you too."

And the host banged the wine glass to grab attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen I'm thankful to all of you who came along all the way to attend this event. As you all know we're going to sign a great deal with Diego group. And it will be a great turning point for us to reach the skies."

The claps echoed.

And then he again continued.

"I've been informed by his PA that Mr Diego himself is attending this party. Let's welcome that mystery man out of the curtains !"

Everyone clapped and looked around for the person who will walk upto the stage. Eduardo strode and held the mic with a

smile. The chattering of girls began upon his looks.

"Hello there my fellows. And Mr XXX thank you for inviting us. Me and my wife Camilla Hudson are thankful for this warm welcome. As the CEO we're looking forward to work with you soon."

And once again claps echoed throughout.

As Eduardo ended his speech the music again started. The chattering faded slowly. He knew everyone would be talking about them both. Of course he came in front of  the media for the first time & broke hearts of countless girls by having a wife !

He walked upto her and both started to dance again. To his surprise Camilla was calm n smiling at him with love without questioning.

"Why are you smiling ?"

"Just watching my childhood love & my dream coming true."

She replied him blushing.

His eyes widened upon her calm response while he was expecting anger & hatred.

"So aren't you angry or something  ?"

He asked curiously.

"Absolutely not I knew this all along."

Eduardo spinned her around while they kept on talking.

"What ?

When n how ?"

Now he was shocked and curious at same time.

Camilla toyed with her hair strand and teased him by placing arms around his neck.

"Well known for smart & sharp mind Mr Eduardo Diego forgot to hide the information of his calls !"

"Holy shit !

You tapped my calls !"

He was literally shocked now which made Camilla laugh.

"Well yeah & after that you and dad blurted out everything the day you both were drunk. But I decided to take on a little revenge. "

"You really are a heartless woman wifey !"

He pouted with a fake anger.

"So who's the boss here ?"

She chuckled and asked him frowning.

Eduardo saluted her slightly n carefully so that no one could see.

"You're my love.

You're my boss-baby & you really need spanking"

He hushed in a raspy voice.

(from webcomic Boss, baby you need spanking)

"What ?

No way__we both can't afford that."

She blurted bluntly.

"Both ?"

Camilla pulled him closer by grabbing his collar and blushing she told the news__surprise.

"You're going to be a dad."

"OMG really ?"

He lifted her face by chin.

"Thank you so much Camilla for such a beautiful surprise."

And both had an eye contact__an unsaid I LOVE YOU.

"Looks like I've to spare your hot a** for now, no spanking."

Eduardo hushed near her ear with a naughty smirk.

To which Camilla responded with a shy chuckle.

"But you haven't told me about the thing with that actress."

Women !

"Uumm okey listen to this."

He gave her cell phone with the recording.

"How scary !

But what will happen to her now ?"

She questioned worrisome suspecting her to hurt the unborn child.

"Well don't know maybe she'd be arrested or sent to assylum. Leave her, let's focus on our future."

He made sure that this recording would be out on media tomorrow causing the end of that psycho.

Eduardo kissed her there and the hall clapped with "Aww" echoing.

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