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100% The void of his Soul, Legacies. / Chapter 13: Legacies 13#

Capítulo 13: Legacies 13#

[ March 1, 11h09 ]

[ Counselor Tig office ]

" You ever questioned the presence of violence in your life ? What it could do to you Alec ? " Emma asks, the question is brave, in a way, it is only the second time she sees the young man seating before her, so the question could be felt as presomptuous. The necessary link between a counselor and its patient is tenuous between them, non-existent whisper the cynical in her.

" Violence is a constant in everyone's life, be it if they're aware or not. If I one day believed it to be possible to erase violence from our world then that version of me is long gone. " Alec's answer is worrying but from what she could observe and subsequently interpret from their first session to be expected.

" Couldn't it be that you've been subjected to so much of it that you see it now as a primary and unquestionable component of your life ? " Emma retorts, watching closely if Alec's crafted expression will shift to something more real and honest. She detects an hint of anger as he start to speak.

" I think you are taking your role of school counselor a bit further than required miss Tig. " Alec answers, not appreciating her sudden attempt to explore his psychology. " A kid knows violence earlier than we would like to admit, it's a primary component of you, me and all the others on this rotting drifting ball of dirt. And I'm not saying it's a good or bad thing, love is there too, with hate, hope and despair... Contrast, opposition, merging, adaptation... This is what it is, violence is just another puzzle piece grafted with the rest, it works in perfect synergy with the rest, making up the incomprehensible puzzle that is our souls. So why question it and it's presence ? " He adds, sharing honestly with her maybe for the first time since they met.

" So you see human nature as a sort of bicameral anima where every bad parts cohabite in harmony with every good parts ? " Emma asks to verify she understood correctly.

" Pretty much, I view it as something infinitely more simple. Never expect anything from anyone, always consider that they are capable of everything. " Alec clarifies his words, cementing a bit more what she already knew.

"So, trusting no one... Isn't it exhausting ? " Emma keeps up with her barrage of questions, scrambling notes rapidly and as discretely as possible in her notebook.

" I have enough lucidity to see it is as the uncommon view it is but so far it worked for me. You are a good example of it, I'm sharing with you something personal despite waiting for either the worst or the best of you, to be clear you're going to either keep it to yourself or repeat all I said to Alaric. If am telling something then I am always willingly taking this risk, the chance to be let down, I think its more respectful and honest than a lot of others peoples mindset. " Alec responds, laying the groundwork for the test of Emma Tig personality and ethic.

" And do y-" She starts to ask another question but she's cut off by Alec.

" Time's up, sorry. See you next time counselor Tig. " He says, his eyes staring at the clock hanging on the wall to his left.

" Wait Alec ! " Emma says while getting up from a chair to get closer. He's already at the door and she needs to take a few steps to reach him. " What you say in here, in this room with me, I assure you that it'll stay here. These sessions may have been enforced as a condition by Alaric for your presence here but I take my job seriously. I'm here to act in the benefits of the students but I must also protect them from themselves. " She adds, conveying her sincerity from her eyes as her moving hands translate by movements the true passion animating her in the profession she exercise.

" The future already have the answer, let's just wait for it to tell us. " Alec retorts theatrically but in a nonchalant tone, before leaving the office to go to his next appointment of the day on a long list.

[ Alaric's Office ]

[ 13h00 ]

In the suffocating office, Alec is seated as is Alaric, they're separated by the desk but it does nothing to shield him from Ric's disappointed gaze on him.

" I asked you one thing, just one.. " Alaric starts to says.

" I-" Alec begins however he's interrupt.

" Gonna lie again ? Emma tell me you need time, to get accustomed to our way of life, our rules. I don't agree, I don't think you want to play fair with us. " Alaric says coldly, he's daringly honest and Alec knows where he gets his courage from. MG is hiding behind the door, the atypical sensation of the death magic coursing through the corrupted bodies of vampires revealing his position.

" Thank you Alec, truly I am, for your help in protecting this school and.. Saving my life. However, I can't let you stay here, I hope you understand but your involvement with the Sheriff and what came out of it, it is not tolerable, not in this town and neither in this school. " Ric continues, giving him his final and irrevocable judgment.

" I was in my right Mr Saltzman, what should I have done ? Letting myself being taken and locked up or worse being executed ? I was defending myself from humans, if your school doesn't support supernaturals when they must defend themselves from threats then you're more hypocrite than I though... " Alec tries to justify his actions, he doesn't attempt to deny the accusation. He's the anomaly, the only believable suspect in the case.

" It goes further than that Alec, we both knows it, you're not here to enjoy a curriculum. I don't know what it is but you've got an agenda in coming here. We can't afford to watch our front to avoid another monster disaster and our back in case you decide to betray us. I just can't take the risk, even if I don't believe you to be an evil person. I'm sorry Alec.. You're expected to leave tonight, you got the afternoon to pack your things and say goodbye. " Alaric answers, his tone gentle and apologetic but the words holding the same meaning than his previous sentence.

" Alright. Thanks for the short school experience I guess. It was interesting. " Alec responds sadly, a polite smile on his face as he stands and begins to walk towards the door.

" You're human after all..." He adds his voice barely above a whisper then opens, getting out of the office and walking down the empty hallway.

Reaching his room, he enters then carefully lock behind him. Then, he grabs his bag with the tools necessary to practice his finer arts he pulls out a bowl made of granite and a tiny flask containing only a drop, the tear of a neglected child about to lose its childish naivety. He prepares everything, dispose methodically the tools on the mandatory desk of his room then he hides them under a simple invisibility spell. Missing the last ingredient necessary he leaves the room to hunt for it.

[ 14h51 ]

Almost two hours, it's how long it took for the headmaster to get out of his office. Fuming from his hiding spot, Alec tails him, adjusting his position to always stay in his dead angle in addition to his concealment spell.

He follows Ric outside, keeping up with him while they enter the forest surrounding the school. As they walk, his index is spinning like it's wrapping a wire around, once the indiscernable thread is sufficiently tight, Alec pinches his thumb and index then makes a swift pulling motion, simultaneously Alaric's hand rises up to massage his scalp but he thinks nothing of it.

Now that he have what he needs, Alec turns back on his heels then goes back inside the school however he suddenly stops a few steps away from the entrance.

" Need something fangs boy ? " He says loudly.

" An explanation. " MG answers, his voice firm and curious as he jumps down from the school's roof, landing smoothly, his legs staying straight despite the fall's height.

" You've been tailing me since I left Saltzman's office for an explanation ? " Alec retorts, staring down at the slightly smaller teen.

" No, my questions popped when you started following the headmaster. I couldn't see you but your heartbeat is like, really really loud. Easy to pick up and follow. " MG says with a smile, happy with himself to have listened to his intuition to follow the dangerous teen.

" Ah... Maybe I should just leave, this whole place is starting to be too annoying and time consuming. " Alec mutters, his face set in an annoyed and tired expression.

" Yeah you should. " MG adds, hearing easily his extremely low voice. " But I want my explanation before. " He concludes, his face closed off but slightly nervous with the rumors circulating around Alec. That he killed the gargoyle and another monster with Hope.

" Get off it and beat it. " Alec says, his tone abruptly shifting, a bit angry and disgruntled.

" Hey you think I'm going to drop 'cause you say so ? Fuck you and explain now or we're going to Dr Saltzman to get to the bottom of this shifty story. " MG exclaims, confidently walking closer to him while Alex takes steps back, away from the entrance.

" This is about Elizabeth, hmm ? " Alec quips back, inching further and further from the entrance. " I've barely spend time here but I saw how you looks at her, insistently, morever you totally look like a whipped puppy when she talk to you. " He adds, provoking him with his words and smug, taunting smile.

The reaction is pleasurable in its predictability, the impulsive young vampire begins to rushes at him. His emotions picked apart and poked at by a stranger, he lashes at him. Violence in its barest form. His features turns furious and his movements readable by anyone with fighting experience, telltale signs that allowed Alec to react with perfect timing.

" Ersticken. " Alec whispers, hitting MG with a particularly cruel spell invented by a truly evil German witch.

Laying on the ground, bending and twisting in pain, MG can't stops the coughing fit that started when the spell hit him. His lungs are invades from the inside by an insidious gas generated by the spell, his skin starts to itch and his eyes are drying, his eyelids swell and the pain, burning, persistent does not give him respite.

" Sorry, it's my fault, my honest fault really. I never tested this spell on a vampire... I didn't know you would react so strongly to it. " Alec apologizes, taking a knee to get closer to the whimpering vampire staring at him with hate.

" Eh.. Well, don't fuck with me. Shoving your nose where it shouldn't, it's a terribly bad habit. You brought this on yourself I'll say. "

" He.. Hel-help mee. " MG asks, pleads.

" Two sec', need to tweak it a bit upstairs before. " Alec answers before putting his hands on each temples, a pulse of his magic digging in MG's mind, building a block, adding cement, then arming it to resist to anything below his own level of power.

" Done, pff.. Vampires really are cheating when it comes to mental manipulation. " Alec says, musing on how much works he must do to emulate a vampire hypnosis.

" Release me- " MG once more asks to be released of the spell, impressing Alec by finding the strength to grabs his ankle and holding back his coughs to speak.

" Alright, alright. " Alec responds, snapping his fingers nonchalantly, ending the spell subduing the vampire.

Immediately, MG vampire aspects emerge, his healed eyes blackening with veins under them and his fangs baring out in a threatening wince. Once more he tries to attack, this time jumping up from his crouched position, thinking he's catching Alec off-guard. However, no later than a twitches of his legs a blinding headache assaults him, a ringing muting the world around him.

It is only when he forgets the idea to hurt Alec that the headache stops.

" Vampires... You're all the same. " Alec says to himself, chuckling while MG stands up shakily. " My magic was in your brain buddy, you think I went there for a field trip ? " He continues marking a little pause. " Don't answer, if I never hear you speak again it will still be far too soon. Fuck off, pretend we never met, and you better stick to that. Who knows what I did up there... " He finishes, pointing his skull with a finger then leaving wuth the silent and angry gaze of MG on his back.

[ Alec's Room ]

Dispelling the spell over his furnitures, Alec seats behind his desk. He makes the strand of hair he plucked from Alaric floats to the bowl. Picking up the flask, he tap on the cork three times then lift it up. Next, he empty the tear in the bowl then bite his cheek before spitting a mix of his blood and saliva in the in granite bowl. He let the hair soak in it for a long quarter of an hour, reading one of the interesting book he noticed in the library.

The simmering spell, magical charm as purist may call it has its roots in voodoo. Alec discovered it during a mystical rave party, the Consumption, a gathering to celebrate magic, unbridled, free... It is organized every 3 years by marginales witches and warlocks, every time in a different part of the world. It was during his sole participation that he found this spell and as in any transaction he had to offer a thing of equal value to the other party.

Getting up from the bed, Alec puts down the book and walks to the desk, observing the result in the bowl. The unique strand of hair have absorb all the mixture and dried, sealing it in the micro crevices along its entire lenght. Hovering his left hand above it, a satisfied smile graces his face. Only one last step to complete the spell.

[ School's Forest ]

" I feel like you're spending more and more time here. " Alaric says while Hope listens, lacing back her shoes.

" I don't see why it's a problem Dr Saltzman. " Hope answers, stretching a bit once she's done with the last laced loop.

" Everyone's in class Hope, that's the problem, you can't let this part of you take over the rest of your life. You've got to find the right balance between.. You understand Hope ? " Ric pushes a littlle bit more.

" Yes, yes, I do. " Hope concedes then look at him. " So, what's happening now ? Another monster ? " She asks curiously while following him back to the school.

" I'm hurt that you think I only come to you when there's a crisis ! " Ric says playfully.

" I don't know... It's starting to be a recurring theme. " Hope retorts as they reach the entrance and walks inside the big and empty hall.

" Can you come to my office with me please, we need to discuss something. " He says, starting to walk back after seeing her nod.

Closing the door behind him, Alaric sits down on his chair while Hope remains standing. " I've decided to expelled Alec. " Alaric suddenly says, straight to the point and with conviction.

" What ?! " Hope exclaims incredulously. " You can't be serious right ? You want to fire the only person expect me capable of taking down a monster ? Now ? With what's happening ? " She adds, her outburst surprising him.

" I admit that his power could be helpful to, for a brief moment I thought we could be something for him, a home... But I was mistaken, the Sheriff's visit convinced me. And we're not weak Hope. We've fight threats and win before Alec join us and we'll do it again. " Ric begins, taking a break to breath and formulate his next thoughts. " I doubt his intentions towards us and this place. I simply cannot accept him here if I can't trust him. " He finishes gently as he looks at the disappointment of Hope.

" What did he do ? I want to know what could be so bad that you're expelling him over it. " Hope asks determinedly, sitting in front of Alaric's desk. Waiting for an answer.

" It doesn't matter, my decision won't change, you won't influence me ln this Hope. " He retorts, attempting to close the conversation.

" Dr Sal-"

" Ask him before he leave. If you want to know ask him. " Alaric interrupts her, he does not reveal his hidden intention, that of observing whether Alec will lie despite having been confronted by him.

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