" Are you sure this is a good idea " Draco asks, skeptical for what was about to happen.
Louis shrugs his shoulders in response, " Eh, it's the best one out of all the others. " Annie rolls her eyes at his response, " Honestly out of all the other ideas, this one is the safest cause it won't kill us. "
Richard turns to Draco, " Trust me when I say you don't wanna know. "
Nodding his head, Draco turns to look into the sky from. The four children are in the forbidden forest surrounded by Louis' and Bandit's friends, waiting for the arrival of a certain someone.
" So how long more till he shows? " Draco asks. " Not long, he should be near here by now. " Louis replies, squints his eyes at a certain direction.
Eyes lighting up at the familiar figure of his friend, Louis waves his arms in the air happily alerting the figure of where they are. Huge gusts of wind smacks the four in their faces as the figure lands on the ground.
" Aego! It's been too long since we've seen each other! " Louis exclaims happily as he hugs the dragon.
" Hello again Louis, it has Indeed been too long since we last saw each other! And greetings young Rochard and Annie. Oh? Who's the new addition? "
Aego at last notices Draco awkwardly standing on the side, next to Richard, trying his hardest to not provoke the powerful dragon.
" This is Draco Malfoy, he's a friend! " One could see a spark light up in the dragon's eye, " Wonderful! You have increased your interaction skills splendidly Louis! "
Nodding his head like a chicken pecking on it's food, Louis smiles widely at his achievement. " Louie, did you forget something? " Annie speaks rhetorically to her cousin as she points to the Dragon egg floating in the air surrounded by fire.
Realising he forgot the point of why he asked Aego to come to Hogwarts earlier despite the dragon's busy schedule, Louis sheepishly rubs the back of his neck taking his wand out.
The egg floats smoothly to Louis' side as the boy directs his attention back to his dragon friend.
" Aego! I found a dragon egg in Hogwarts by chance. Do you think you could take care of it, or send it back to where it came from? " He asks, curious of his friend's answer.
Aego nods his head in agreement, " Of course I'll take care of it and send it back to its family. It just so happens that one of my companions has lost their egg, I'm suspecting it's this little one they lost. "
Nodding his head, Louis hands the egg to Aego with the fire still surrounding the egg to keep it warm. " I'll send you a letter for when I've returned it safely Louis, rest easy alright? " The dragon attempts to ease the young boy, sensing his worry for both him and the egg.
Nodding his head reluctantly, the four hastily bid Aego farewell as he takes off once more back into the sky.
Once Aego was out of sight, the four notice that they were almost past curfew and rushed back to their dorms. Well, Draco rushed back. The three Princeton's just strolled back.
Along the way to the Gryffindor common room, they caught sight of the golden trio roaming the halls secretly. ' I'm betting their looking for us. " Annie states, Louis looks back to her with a questioning look. ' Why would you even bet that? ' He asks her ' Just a hunch. ' She states calmly.
' Shush, Filch is nearby. ' Richard silences the two, ' Why would we need to be quiet? We're speaking telepathically. ' Louis points out to his cousin, Annie snickers at Richard.
' Ron isn't with them. ' Annie notices upon closer inspection. ' What do you think happened to him? Wait, Ron's the one with red hair right? ' Louis asks confused with who is who.
' Yes he is, gosh Louie. How can you still not know that. ' Shrugging his shoulders, he smiles sheepishly ' Beats me. '
They watch the two closely only a corner away from being caught.
Louis got bored of watching them so he left. He did have another gathering with the unicorns tomorrow, and he had to get enough energy for them.
They act like majestic creatures without sugar but turn into sugar crazed chipmunks the next. They are surely a weird bunch.
Tucked in and greeting the night sleepily, Louis falls into a comfortable sleep.
When the morning sun greets him, Louis gets out of bed and starts getting ready for the day. Completely forgetting about last night's events he turns invisble and heads out.
Walking into the dining hall where whispers and topics about current events that happened in the school get spread around like wild fire, Louis had absolutely no care for what the students were talking about for his only goal was Jello.
" Morning Louie. " Annie greets her half dazed cousin shoving Jello into his mouth. Receiving a nod of his head as a greeting, Annie continues eating her breakfast.
Richard enters the dining hall with Draco looking particularly grumpy for the morning.
Noticing the grey clouds floating above the Malfoy's head, Louis decides to voice out his curiosity " What happened to you to make you wake up on the wrong side of the bed? "
Richard sighs as he takes his seat and grabs his food " He got caught by Filch cause he took a wrong turn on the way to the Slytherin dormitory. He didn't have an excuse on why he was out so he got detention for next week. "
" Don't worry, you won't be alone. " Annie states " Why? " Draco asks.
" Louie will be in the forbidden forest cause the centaurs have been saying that the danger coming to the unicorns is near. "
Louis whom was still shovelling Jello in his mouth wasn't able to process what was happening around him. " Ah, that makes sense. "
Nodding his head Draco heads to his Slytherin table to have his breakfast, the glares from the Gryfinndors was enough for him to know he wasn't wanted near them.
The week passed by too soon for Louis' liking. Thankfully, Richard and Annie were going to be accompanying the boy to the forest. They didn't want the bad guy to have a suffered severe injuries...maybe.
" Oh come on Louie! Nothing bad is going to happen to the unicorns, Meister will be there to make sure! " Annie was at her wits end by the time night arrived.
Louis was making last minute exploding potions to use when he encounters the villain, why he decided to make them was based on a last minute decision.
Draco sighs for Louis, the boy was very weird in his own ways. Saying his temporary goodbyes, he leaves for detention.
" Are you sure this is okay Louie? " Uncertain of what ' master plan ' Louis has brewed for the villain, Annie and Richard are trudging along behind with a picnic basket in Richard's hand.
" Eh, like fifty percent sure. Why did you bring the picnic basket anyway? " Lifting the flap of the picnic basket, A treasure trove of snacks is lying inside.
" Their for when things get interesting enough to have a snack. " Richard replies as he places the flap back down.
Somewhere nearby Draco and Harry Potter, were serving their detention with Hagrid and Fang keeping watch over the two.
Harry was looking around with uncertainty at the unfamiliar sights, while Draco was wearing a sour look on his face as he trudges his feet across the dirt path.
' I could be with Louis patrolling the area for the bad guy. But nooooooo! I'm stuck here serving detention while Annie and Richard are already probably snacking away on some popcorn they stashed while I'm complaining at this moment. '
Both Princeton's had a sudden urge to sneeze but held it in. Looking at each other confused, they shrug it off as a coincidence and continue munching on their popcorn as they watch Louis work his magic.
" Are you sure nothing suspicious has come into the forest? " The boy asks the watch owl for the third time. The owl for the fourth time in the night hooted out his response to reassure the boy what his comrades had observed since the sun set.
" Something isn't right. " Annie states after observing for a bit. Louis turns back to look at her.
" Definitely. But what? Unless the one we're dealing with here has two souls at once and can hide his pre--SHOOT! " Realsiation strikes the boy like a lightning bolt out of the blue making him run to where the unicorns were located.
Realising what Louis found out, Richard's eyes Grow a large margin as he follows his cousin deeper into the woods.
Annie was left behind with the snacks and the owl, " I'll be right behind you then. " She grumbles out as she cleans up the area.
The two boys turn invisible as they continue to rush through the forest in a haste. ' Do you think it's possible? ' Richard asks for confirmation.
' Definitely. The bald professor with the turban has another person in him. The spell I cast can only check one soul per body, no matter if the body has two or more souls.
If that piece of dung by some chance found out by sheer dumb luck the loophole in the spell- " Richard interrupts " Yup! Okay got it! You don't have to finish what you were going to say okay!? " His despair could be heard as clear as crystals.
A neigh could be heard not far from where they were. Louis immediately changes course and heads for the neigh of distress from the unicorn.
" What was that? " Harry asks, whipping his head to where he heard the sound. " Crap. " Draco mutters softly, noticing the familiar sound of a unicorn's neigh.
Fang was with the two boys while Hagrid went a separate way from the three to check on something.
' Leave the golden child, drag him along, or knock him out and leave him here while I check the situation. '
Though the first and third options were the most appealing to Draco, his rational side knew it would be wrong if he did leave Harry to fend for himself.
Thankfully, before he made a step before Harry. The golden boy rushes to where the neigh of distress was heard.
' Thank Merlin he rushes into dangerous and unknown situations by himself. ' The young Malfoy made sure to take note of this reckless trait as he follows behind the young Potter.