"What do you mean by next time?" Qiang chuckled.
Shrugging his shoulder, Guang answered, "What? We need to have at least two babies, in fact the more the merrier."
Looking at him, she curiously inquired, "Don't babies freak you out? I mean, many are very reluctant to have one this early these days."
"Well there are many things that freak me out, in fact everything is scary at first. I was scared when I first rode a bicycle, when I started my own company but everything turned out to be perfect. I freaked out when I realized I had feelings for you but everything is amazing now." Caressing her stomach, he added, "Of course this is scary but it's our baby, I know it's gonna be hard initially but we will manage everything. And we aren't that young, we are big enough to handle everything."
Snuggling closer, she smiled, "You just made it sound so easy, I was freaking out before but—"