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28% Reincarnate Into High School DxD / Chapter 5: Chapter 5 - War's End

Capítulo 5: Chapter 5 - War's End

(Author's Note - I shall try to make this 2.5k words long at least according to InkStone, the writing location of stories at Webnovel. I'm also finding difficulty writing these chapters. I meant to make the first arc of the war last at least 20 chapters originally but since I didn't have time to plan since I had released this series power levels and forgot to save the other series one making me think I was on the right one at the time. Thereby, making this come out months ahead of my plans. So, I really hate the fact that this introductory arc is going to end up extremely short compared to the rest I will write later as the later ones have some base story I can incorporate.)

(Angus) - "Leviathan. If you want you can stay here for now. When you finally regain control of your emotions you can head back to the battlefield to join me and the surviving 72 pillar families left."

Leaving Leviathan who was still crying in the air Angus headed off for the final confrontation against God. For today, God shall lose. For today, God shall die in this war between the three sides of the Bible. The Angels, Fallen Angels, and the Devils. The winner shall be determined today. In memory of those who died. It was time to finally end this scramble for power between sides.

(Angus) - "72 Pillar Clans! It's time for this battle to end! For the fallen, we shall take down the Biblical God today! Are you ready? Let's go, to battle!"

(Clan Heads) - "For the Underworld! To war!"

(Angus) - "Good, looks like they still have the motivation to keep going despite the current loses. I was worried they might not be willing to fight considering we already lost Marbas, Valefor, Buer, Guison, Leraje, Eligos, Botis, Bathin, Marax, Ipos, Aim, Bune, Runove, Foras, Gaap, Marchosias, Halphas, Malphas, Raim, Vepar, Sabnock, Vine, Bifrons, Haagenti, Crocell, Alocer, Caim, Murmur, Orobas, Ose, Amy, Zagan, Andras, and Flaurous clans during the war already. Out of them, the ones that died off in this battle was the clans of Crocell, Alocer, Caim, Murmur, Orobas, Ose, Amy, Zagan, Andras, and Flaurous clans. It's certainly not a small number. Although to be fair, I did technically some of their members as well when they tried to invade mother's grave."

With the advancement of the 72 pillar clans as the main force leading the fight against the angels, fallen angels, meanwhile, Angus and the remaining heads of the 72 pillar clans fought off against the enemy heads and their generals. Angus faced off against God of The Bible and Azazel the who are the two heads of the Angels and the Fallen Angels respectively. Meanwhile, the remaining 72 pillar clan heads fought off against theAngel side generals such as Micheal, Raphael, Uriel, Gabriel, Metatron, and such level enemies. While on the Fallen Angels side they had to fight off against enemies such as Baraquiel, or at the very least others that were at the level of Kokabiel. While the clan heads were struggling to handle the enemy generals, Angus had his own struggles to handle. On the other hand, it could be considered lucky for the weaker Devils as although they had more enemies they were also weaker and easier to fight.

Angus struggled against God of The Bible's attacks as they were all holy attributed and had a corrosive effect so if he didn't stop the attacks with his own magic then the attacks would stray off and hit the clan heads. Angus was careless once and the Cimerius clan head got hit by the attack he dodged and it left him dying instantly as it blew away his head and corroded its way down while the Cimerius clan head fell into the bottomless gorge down below them. On the other hand, Azazel had all his little experimental contraptions and they had quite the impact. The most annoying part of facing off against Azazel was his trinkets versatility. Azazel's trinkets had various effects such as being able to emulate elemental magic, sacred gear effects, and even transformation equipment based abilities as well. Overall, Angus had an extremely difficult time due to the suppression effects of God of The Bible and the versatility of Azazel's attacks and abilities.

While fighting the Biblical God, Angus had to keep creating shadow swords and shadow shields to counter or block his attacks. While on the other hand, with Azazel's attacks he kept having to avoid them or counter them with a shadow sword or use a shadow bow and launch attacks to get Azazel off of him. Meanwhile, this confrontation between the three raged on with no end in sight while on the other side, the battle continued to advance slowly as members of the 72 pillars continued to die off, and the other generals died off as well. So far after 2 hours into the start of the confrontation between the three sides, the Devils had already lost the Cimerius, Amduscias, and Decarabia clan heads during the confrontation.

(Angus) - "Damn it! I can't tell if my regeneration can handle God's light that corrodes the body without getting hit myself! While Azazel isn't much of a threat it's just annoying dealing with his variety of trinkets he uses to bog me down which makes me have to be more careful of the attacks from God! Fucking scientist Azazel!"

(Azazel) - "Hahahaha! My tools are useful aren't they?"

(Angus) - "... Smug bastard... "

(Azazel) - "Hahaha!"

(God) - "Enough talking! Outsider, you don't even have a right to contend in this war yet here you are!"

(Angus) - "Who are you calling an outsider!? Leviathan is my friend! Of course, I would join the war for her!"

(God) - "You dare claim to not be an outsider? Do you really believe I can't see the truth behind your body's lineage?"

(Angus) - "... Damn ... does he mean he can actually tell I'm from another world... ?"

(Azazel) - "Outsider?" Azazel said that as a strange light seemed to flash through his eyes at that moment. "Hahaha! I really want to experiment with you now!"

(Angus) - "Argh! That sounds creepy! Go experiment by yourself old man!"

Angus getting frustrated at the fact that it might truly be that God could see through his soul and tell he's not a native of this world. The Biblical God seemed to have strong control of powers over not just light, but also perhaps God's abilities were also part of what holds the ability to manipulate the control of the rules in the world. Almost like a regulator. This thought came to Angus as he remembered that before the death of God of The Bible in the world, holy and demonic attributes were impossible to be mixed, but were able to be mixed later on. Another example Angus could think of was the fusion of the two heavenly dragon's powers by Issei in the main story. That also shouldn't have been possible as the powers of doubling and dividing are naturally contrasting as well. These ideas made Angus have the idea that perhaps God actually or his system was the regulator to hold the lines between these kinds of things. Which it would also explain why the Phenex clan tears in this time are actually weaker than shown in the anime show. As if the Phenex clan tears were strong enough then one drop should break the boundary between life and death and still have been able to revive Lucifer even if his body was slowly being corroded away by God's light.

(Angus) - "Damn world regulator... Just die already! Today is your end, God!"

(Azazel) - "Hahaha... I'm completely ignored."

(Angus) - "Shut it pervy Crow! I can see you occasionally leering at Gabriel's breast even during the battle!"

(Azazel) - "Hahaha ... now he hears me..."

(God) - "Outsider it's time for you to die for us. I shall break this preordained prophecy that has been around since antiquity itself."

(Angus) - "Prophecy? What prophecy are you talking about? Or has the battle for so long on low reserves made you turn into a lunatic God?"

(God) - "No need to look down on me to that extent. I can still keep fighting. I'll make sure I won't fall as long as you're here."

(Angus) - "Based on your words. Why is that you seem to have a vendetta against me? I have clearly never met you before today?"

(God) - "A child of a monster from a line of a beast dares to wonder what's wrong? Laughable."

(Angus) - "A beast? Now that's a rude way of describing vampires. Seems God's temper isn't as good as the world makes it out to be now is it."

(God) - "I meant it literally for your clan. Angus Apocalypse the last remaining member of the Apocalypse clan. The Apocalypse clan's innate immense strength of their bodies and even your clan's name comes from the impossible mix of an old pure-blooded vampire and the core form of the Apocalyptic Beast Trihexa!"

(Angus) - "That's impossible! As far as everyone knows Trihexa's incapable of emotions!"

(God) - "That might be true now. However, when Trihexa first came into being in the underworld it had no emotions. Trihexa originally was just his core form. Trihexa originally resembled a humanoid shape making them think he was another race from the underworld. With Trihexa getting involved in the clan they somehow ended up creating the first hybrid between vampire and the Apocalyptic Beast before their bloodline thinned down to the strengthed vampiric clan named after Trihexa. That's where your family line comes from."

(Angus) - "That's?!"

(Azazel) - "Wow... now that's a story..."

(God) - "I'm not sure if you realized yet, however? Trihexa's bloodline has already shown its self inside of you. Your cravings to fight, kill, and destroys is just one of the various signs. At your current age, regardless of how much you hated Jehoel, who you had just tortured to death, it shouldn't have been possible for you to be so willing to hurt him to that degree before killing him."

However, for Angus, a thought came to mind. That perhaps while it might be true, he would still do the same regardless. For Angus, people he truly considered his family, friends, and other people he truly cares for is something you shouldn't ever have touched unless they were expecting a painful death. Angus, in his past life, had hated the feeling of losing someone he cared about. He lost his best friend when he was 13, his friend had committed suicide due to bullying after his family had moved. Then, he lost one of his grandparents in an earthquake when he was 14. While finally, he lost all his immediate family in a car accident when he was 16 and had to live on his own after that. He suffered the pain of living alone before he was ready. Angus never wanted that feeling again. Yet, the woman in this world who he had truly considered as his new mother, had been on the brink of death since he arrived in this world. Yet, rather than caring for herself, she sacrificed her wellbeing in fear that Angus wouldn't make it should she try to leave to be healed and gave her life for him because of that.

So perhaps God was right. Perhaps God was actually wrong. Angus didn't care for this prophecy he never heard of. What he cared for was still the same things he cared for in his past life. For Angus, this was all that mattered to him.

(God) - "A secret is revealed. The secret is killed. The Beast of The End runs wild. One seals the Beast of The End. The Beast's last secret kills One. ...While One on death's edge seals the last secret of the Beast... "

(Angus) - "Huh? A secret revealed and killed? One? Sealing the Beast of The End? Trihexa? The last secret kills 'One'? Perhaps it's God of The Bible since you did seal Trihexa? What did God mumble at the end...?"

(Azazel) - "What's that? A prophecy? Something to do with what you're talking about right now?"

(God) - "Indeed, a prophecy. The Beast of The End is Trihexa since it is the Apocalyptic Beast. I sealed the beast so according to the prophecy, I must be 'One' while the one who came to kill me must be the 'last secret' in other words Angus Apocalypse. The last of the Apocalypse clan whose lineage comes from an ancient vampire and Trihexa."

(Angus) - "I don't even know what's going on anymore... Whatever! Either way to end the war is you die or for me and Leviathan to die!"

(Azazel) - "Hahaha! Of course, the young one ignores the prophecy. Hahaha!"

(Angus) - "Shut it pervy Crow! I bet the reason you fell from grace was your perversion for Gabriel's tits! You still keep looking over to where she is while talking!"

(God) - "Regardless, I shall do my best to end this prophecy's string of truths."

(Angus) - "Try it! I'll end it here once and for all today!"

Angus who started to get rilled up again started to run wild and go all out while fighting. His shadow magic proficiency had reached the final bottleneck he needed to end this battle. He was now at 74.93%. The last 0.07% was all Angus needed to use one of his best moves to turn the tides of the battle. Overall, during this near half a day of battling of intense battling, Angus managed to increase his magic proficiency to the point he could use one of his most versatile moves. Right as the battle had stretched late into the next day in this continued stalemate between the three forces, Angus finally reached the point of being able to use his new ability. His shadow magic proficiency finally reached 75%. Which at the same time, unlocked the Super Pieces as well.

However, right at this moment, he got distracted due to his inexperience in combat leading to him getting distracted over that happy feeling of reaching 75% finally. At this moment, God noticed and took advantage of that.

(God) - "Enkidu! Seal him!"

Suddenly a large number of golden chains appeared out from the void around Angus and wrapping itself around his body. Suddenly locked in place without being able to move Angus realized his powers were weakened down to a normal human's level.

(Angus) - "ARGH! Break damn it!"

Shaking as hard he could it was useless. Angus couldn't move much at all. Much less break out of the chains sealing his body in place.

(God) - "*Hmph* There goes the prophecy! I had to go all the way to the human world to negotiate to borrow these from the arrogant king of Uruk."

(Angus) - "Damn it! I let my guard down to much!"

(Azazel) - "Guess this is the end of the Devils."

(God) - "Azazel will you continue or will you stand down."

(Azazel) - "Fallen Angels of Grigori stand down! Retreat!"

Right as the Fallen Angels pulled out of the way Leviathan zoomed past everyone straight towards God and pushed Angus out of the way of the void towards the remaining Devils in the battle to take Angus away.

(Leviathan) - "AAHHHH! Angus! My final request is for you to live on!"

(Angus) - "Leviathan! What you doing!?"

(Leviathan) - "<Self-Implosion!>"

(Angus) - "Leviathan! Nooo!!"


(God) - "Ahhh!"

Leviathan's attack blew off a good portion of God's body yet failed to kill him.

(Angus) - "I can't let Leviathan down here! <Smite thy enemies! God's Bane!>"

Unleashing the special skill of his granted to him from the Head God from Earth he released the power of the skill that couldn't be bound even by even the Chain of Heaven, Enkidu. Using God's Bane he attacked the Biblical God with it smiting him the powers that even in his full powers wouldn't have been able to harness. Having smitten the God of The Bible into oblivion and the last of Angus' powers used he could no longer hold himself in the air and started to fall to the ground. None of the Devils were fast enough to react due to the shock of their last Maou exploding themselves to hurt God while the friend of the Maou Leviathan used a unique skill that killed the heavily injured God. Angus smashed into the ground and became half body half blood splotch. However, even after his body reformed due to his unique regeneration ability he was still stuck with Enkidu wrapped around his body unable to move.

At this time, the Angels retreated due to the loss of God and the need to fix the problems in the system in Heaven due to his death they all retreated then. Azazel who was watching still after the Fallen Angels of Grigori left, turned and left as well. At that moment, the Sitri Clan Head came down to the ground near Angus.

(Angus) - "Hahaha... There goes another person I cared for... Her body wasn't even left... I can't bring her back..."

(Sitri Clan Head) - "Angus! Are you alright?"

(Angus) - "Sitri Clan Head. Hahaha... Looks like I messed up big, this time around."

(Sitri Clan Head) - "Is there any way we can you help you to remove these chains?"

(Angus) - "I wish... But, it doesn't look like it's possible. Looks like this time, I'm going to have to rely on you to hide me someplace while I slowly break out of these chains."

(Sitri Clan Head) - "Most certainly! Where would you like me to hide you at while you break out of these chains?"

(Angus) - "I guess the human world. Humans are weaker... Less likely to find me if you use magic to hide me in some cave. At least, compared to the Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels. I guess for less of a chance to be found. You can place me on an island of some mainland. Preferably inside a cave of a mountain. Then sealed with magic so no one can find me or feel that skill be released."

(Sitri Clan Head) - "Of course! That's not a problem at all!"

(Angus) - "Can you tell the Phenex Clan Head I said thank you for helping in my revenge. It looks like he is helping the remaining wounded clans out still."

(Sitri Clan Head) - "Of course! Anything for our leader's last hope!"

(Angus) - "Hahaha... You always have been too stuck up about that kind of stuff since we meant. Haven't you?"

(Sitri Clan Head) - "Indeed. I guess I have. When do you think you can be released from these chains that are sealing you?"

(Angus) - "Can you do me a favor and count how many chains there are first?"

(Sitri Clan Head) - "How many? Let me see."

After counting the chains by using a stick to flip Angus since touching the chains hurt the Sitri Clan Head due to the chain's high amount of holy attribute on it.

(Sitri Clan Head) - "94 chains exactly."

(Angus) - "Then it will take me 94,000 years to be free."

(Sitri Clan Head) - "94,000 years!?"

(Angus) - "Yeah, that unique skill although I can use it while sealed by these chains, the skill can only be used once every 1,000 years."

(Sitri Clan Head) - "That's going to be an extremely long time... By that point, I probably will be dead already. It's a common occurrence for people to die in a scuffle between the three sides even if we stopped the main war. There is still going to be skirmishes and it's quite likely for many of the remaining clan heads to either die off in battle or disease in those years."

(Angus) - "I understand. It's not a problem. Just seal me and when I come out, as long as your clan is still alive I will make sure to return the favor from my promise then."

(Sitri Clan Head) - "Hahaha! Now you're sounding like the one who's stuck up with pride!"

(Angus) - "Hahaha. It can't be helped I plan to carry out my promise to both you and Leviathan. Although, for you, I guess it will be your offspring who get to cash in your work. Hahahaha! While for Leviathan, she... just told me to live on. Not like it's easy to kill me anyway! Even my regeneration is freakishly strong! My body went splat onto the ground and reformed in the chains after all!"

(Sitri Clan Head) - "I- I guess this is goodbye then."

(Angus) - "Yeah, I guess it is. Oh, make sure you don't tell anyone where I got sealed at. I don't want any people who managed to hear somehow have heard it appear somewhere down the line to appear for revenge. It would suck you know. To have to be sealed, to be beaten, and only to regenerate until they finally give up."

(Sitri Clan Head) - "Hahaha! I guess that's certainly true. You have my word. I thank you for your service for the underworld."

(Angus) - "Ahh... I guess this is truly goodbye then... Even my consciousness is slipping slightly now... I guess I overdid it with that skill."

(Sitri Clan Head) - "Yeah, I guess you did... Feel free to rest well then. I will fulfill your request for sure."

(Angus) - "Thank ... you..."

At that time, Angus fell unconscious after using the skill granted to him from the other world, God's Bane. The next time Angus would wake up would be every 1,000 years to release God's Bane to forcibly release one of the chains wrapped around him in his cave he was hidden in. This continued for 94,000 years and finally, Angus destroyed the last chain, before falling back into another 1,000-year slumber. After waking up, Angus found a single letter in the cave for him by the Sitri Clan Head.

It's contents were "It's been 10,000 years since the Great War. Although skirmishes do happen a form of temporary peace has been met. I came to see you once every 1,000 years or so. I don't think it's possible for me to do so anymore, however. I have contracted a deadly disease I likely won't last another few years now while prompted me to write this message to tell you. If you wish to find the Sitri Clan's new location follow the map I placed on the second page of the letter. - Sitri Clan Head"

(Angus) - "Guess old man Sitri is dead now... Perhaps it's time for me to leave. I wonder how the outside world is now. Maybe it's still far from the main story, perhaps it's right around there, or who knows it might even be after the story. Well, that would suck since it would mean I can't meet the girls. Although I can bring mother back now. It's not a great idea I guess. I don't know the world's situation. I wouldn't mind bringing her back if it's the underworld and if it's after the three sides peace treaty. Regardless it's time to go on a new adventure!"


(Author's Note - I was thinking about keeping Leviathan alive... But, to be honest, I just didn't feel like continuing to write this new character in my mind. It's already annoying enough that I shall have to write Angus' mom aka Alvantain Apocalypse. Although I can have her leave later on to do her own thing so I don't have to keep writing about her interactions with Angus as I don't really enjoy writing OC type characters unless it's the main character, while at the same time I can kinda see her once she acknowledges that her child is now stronger than her and doesn't need her to baby him then she is willing to go and settle down somewhere in the underworld in some secret place which could even be the cave that she raised Angus at for a little while. I also mentioned that the Apocalypse clan is a line from Trihexa, however, I chose that as a setting as I was thinking of a scenario in which Trihexa just came into existence as the core of Trihexa who I imagined as being its original form, at least in my own head from reading the wiki, that it's young male that had 6 different wing pairs that it could use and that it had no emotion but slowly gained some as Trihexa has shown interest in Issei when it sensed the powers of Ophis and Great Red inside of him, according to the wiki.)

Raikou1688 Raikou1688

Also for those who haven't realized yet, I have ellipses (...) as a form of mumbling or talking softly. While I used *word* for sound effects cause I suck at writing emulated sounds effects. I once again apologize for the fact that I had to write this volume hella shorter than I planned on (not going to repeat why... I also originally wanted to write it out to 25 chapters like my next ones are all planned... But, it became a rough outline! Sorry!

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