Three of them went for lunch. As usual Azlain ordered the food was a shocked to Hala. "Are you going to eat all by yourself?, I mean looking at your figure I thought you only eat a pea or some low calorie diet look at your curves no body will believe". Azlain chucked. She said it is all her two musketeers efforts they make him exercise and make sure she is always in perfect shape beside this her body contain good amount of alkaline because of which she don't have to worry about fats.
Shaizlan who was eyeing on Azlain curves lost in thought thinking how close three of them are. He was annoyed, irritated and jealous. it was like her life is surrounded by two them.
If a person is lonely you try to invade his territory and make yourself fit in those lonely world. you fight for your presence only trying to overcome the barrier that person has built but when the person is already loved by people it is difficult to make your presence feel. You have to be more approachable, you should be madly in love to make that person fall for you.
Shaizlan realised that he need to work hard to even attract Azlain attention. she was to occupied with their thoughts that she hardly paid attention to his change of behaviour towards her which was exclusively towards her only.
"I am jealous Azlain with your body" Hala said pouting.
"Ahh... but I can see your efforts." she pointing out her curves.
"But I need to work on it". to which Azlain was about to reply Shaizlan suddenly abrupt and said, "Can you two talk something else".
Azlain rolled her eyes and asked Hala to ignore. Hala was actually enjoying seeing her Anna in dilema. Finally she can see him showing emotions.
"So you will be the show stopper again". Hala asked Azlain knowing the answer. "I believe so, he always make sure his best creation is worn by me, I hope the theme is good I really wonder what stuff you guys have", this is the first time you two are collaborating?" Shaizlan was curious to know as Sameer has not yet given her details.
"Actually it was first time I will be dealing with wedding theme and I think same with Sameer I believe it was his first time too but than he might have picturised you in mind that' s why he agreed for this". Hala stresses on the last sentence to see Shaizlan reaction as he will react and he might walk along with Azlain which will be a dream come true for Hala in fact she badly wanted him to.
"I think so, anyways I know I have to walk beside someone so you have decided who will the male lead?" as Azlain asked Hala was more than happy she wanted her brother to walk but she wanted him to agree, she knew if it would have been some other female model he would give the reason that he is a politician and he can't do this but now it is confirmed Azlain will walk as a show stopper let's see what her Anna will do.
Hala replied " I don't know, haven't came across with that part in fact I might ask Sameer to do that in fact two of you will look good". She was happy that her plan lead to success. Shaizlan was boiling with anger. the glass he was holding broke due to his tight grip when he heard Hala saying two of you look good. the sentence keep on repeating in his ears.
hope you have enjoyed, sorry before I forget to add the title heheheh
with love