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74.85% Fanfiction Collection + EPub Links / Chapter 126: HP-Hobbit Crossover Fanfiction - There and Beyond

Capítulo 126: HP-Hobbit Crossover Fanfiction - There and Beyond

Plot: A version of Harry Potter from a universe with advanced technology ends up in Middle Earth during the events of the Hobbit movies. He joins up with Thorin's Company and fights evil. He's powerful and is attracted to females. Everything Changes.

Crossover: HPxHobbit

Pairing: Harry/Tauriel

NOTE: SUPER OP MC, so .....

Chapter 1

Harry's mind swam to consciousness. He heard voices around him. He slowly opened his eyes and saw a tall figure leaning over him.

"Dumbledore?" Harry muttered because the figure looked like his old Headmaster.

Then Harry's vision fully cleared and he beheld the tall figure above him.

"Gandalf," the old man answered.

Harry sat up and noticed for the first time he was naked. He was lying in the woods next to a trail where a caravan sat on ponies. The caravan was comprised of what looked like dwarves and one small humanoid creature that almost looked fully human if not for its size.

"Where is this?" Harry asked.

The last Harry could remember he was working to get the remainder of his people through the portal to their new universe.

"This is Middle-Earth, stranger," Gandalf answered. "I felt a strong surge of magic from the trail ahead of us a little bit ago. The sound was like a miniature thunderstorm. When we came in sight of this area we saw you lying here unconscious."

"Huh…the name is Harry, Harry Potter," Harry said as he rose to stand upon slightly wobbly legs. Harry idly conjured himself a set of clothes in the same style as the members of the party before him but of a nicer fashion. "What type of creature is that bloke? I'm assuming the others are dwarves."

Gandalf's eyebrows had shot up at the casual display of powerful conjuration. The being before him was obviously quite magical but of an unknown power class. Gandalf looked to where Harry had indicated and spotted Bilbo.

While Gandalf was looking away Harry took the opportunity to summon his nanite-network out of his essence storage. The network immediately flooded his body and fed back information to Harry about his physiology and the universe around him. His people had not long ago devised a coordinate system in order to navigate the different realities throughout the multiverse.

"We are far from our origin universe and even further from the target universe, Harry," said Lily, Harry's nano-net AI directly into his mind. "And you do not appear to be the original Harry Potter. It would appear he got copied in a glitch during the universal transit. You have his capacity for magical reserves yet your reserves are only at seventeen percent of their full capacity."

"Shit…I don't suppose Hermione got copied here with me," Harry said hopefully.

"I am afraid she did not," Lily replied.

Lily was modeled after the personality of Harry's mother. Harry loved how life continued to surprise him even after 3,522 years of conscious existence. Harry in his youth had experienced a bit of a mishap with a Philosopher's Stone. The stone had bound itself to Harry's magic and sort of evolved him into a new type of magical being. The evolutionary leap created a backup of his essence in an artificially created region of spacetime embedded within a natural higher dimension. In other words even if his physical body was destroyed his essence could form a new body. Harry's physiology was always quite malleable. He could self-transfigure his manifested form better than any metamorphmagus. In addition to indestructibility Harry found that he could control his age at will. He was truly immortal. Harry soon discovered that he couldn't die by any means he knew of.

Harry had fallen in love with his best friend Hermione. Hermione had helped him research his new existence. They had feared that Hermione would grow old and die leaving Harry alone. After about a hundred years of making love to Hermione the couple noticed she was taking on some of his abilities. After first noticing her changes it became apparent Hermione shared her mate's immortality. They conducted some experiments that revealed that as long as Hermione made love to Harry at least once a century she would retain her immortality. The couple watched their friends and loved ones grow old and die. Hermione realized she could pass away too if she chose to but she would be leaving Harry to an existence of loneliness. It took some experimenting but the lovers figured out a way to put themselves into stasis. The non-magical sciences of the time suggested that time travel would be possible for a future civilization. Harry and Hermione sealed themselves in a magical stasis chamber intimately intertwined so that Hermione kept her immortality. The control systems on their stasis chamber would hopefully wake them when enough temporal manipulation was sensed. The wizards and witches knew enough temporal magic to be able to sense such things.

What the two lovers hadn't counted on was magical kind dying out and the non-magicals mostly leaving Earth to explore. Harry and Hermione weren't awoken until billions upon billions of years into the future. They were awoken after the universe was more than 10100 years old and nearing its end in heat death. The civilization that woke the last living witch and wizard had used science to gain abilities that rivaled and even surpassed magic in some areas. They were looking to escape the death of their universe to another reality. They were also curious about Harry and Hermione's immortal nature. In exchange for being allowed to study Harry and Hermione the humans of that time shared all of their technology with the couple. They had figured out how to store matter in the very essence of a being…in their soul…to be recalled at will.

"That is Bilbo Baggins," Gandalf answered, drawing Harry out of his thoughts. "He is a hobbit. I am a wizard. The rest are dwarves," the wizard explained before naming the rest of the dwarves one by one. "What are you?"

"Where I come from I am known as a wizard," Harry answered. "But I think I am a far different wizard than your kind. Where are you all heading?"

"Gandalf," Thorin called in a warning tone.

"I must speak with my companion for a moment," Gandalf said before walking over to Thorin.

It was obvious that Thorin was the leader of the dwarves. It was also obvious that he intended to speak to Gandalf in hushed tones so as to not be overheard. That didn't help keep their conversation quiet in the least.

"We should not trust this wizard. We do not know his motives," Thorin warned.

"He is powerful, Thorin. I do not completely trust him either. But it is better to keep an eye on him. Besides, he could prove useful," Gandalf suggested.

"He may also prove lethal. He may come but be it on your head. And he does not get a share of the treasure," Thorin stated before starting off with his pony again.

Gandalf turned back to Harry and suggested, "Since you do not seem to be from around here might you travel with us for a while at least and talk further with me? I might be able to enlighten you about the native magical threats you shall face."

"Sure," Harry agreed. Harry eyed the pack ponies and said, "I can provide my own transportation."

Harry conjured a bicycle but charmed it to propel itself and maintain its balance. The bicycle had a very cushioned seat. Gandalf looked intrigued at the conveyance and Harry simply came alongside the older looking wizard. While Harry learned more from Gandalf by discussion his mind split its focus using his nano-net. Long ago humanity had learned how to do this and also long ago they had learned how to perfect projection of their consciousness over long distances of spacetime. It was much like the Astro-projection being experimented with in Harry's youth but far superior. Wizard-kind had developed a spell by the time Harry was 1,050 to find the best mates for a being. Harry knew his original best match was with his Hermione and that he would have to find a new mate. So he figured he should get a move on.

Harry cast the spell and let his consciousness flow across spacetime until his mind found itself in a city of beautiful beings. In particular Harry found himself flying into the room of a red haired female who looked to be in her twenties. One look at her aura told him she was at least half a millennia old. She happened to be writing in a journal. Harry's AI translated the language and the text changed to Journal of Tauriel. The beautiful elf's name was Tauriel. Harry recognized her for what she was and back in his body he engaged Gandalf in a discussion of this universe's elves.

Lily scanned the journal and learned quite a bit about Tauriel from this scan. Harry decided he had observed her silently enough. He moved himself to just outside her door and caused himself to become visible to only Tauriel. He did this with a targeted invisibility spell. Harry raised his hand and knocked. Force-fields allowed the mage to appear to be corporeal even though he wasn't really always solid in this form. Moments later the door opened. Tauriel showed great surprise on her face when she laid eyes on him.

Tauriel had been expecting another elf but the man before her was clearly not an elf. He looked human and was quite handsome. But he exuded a sense of tangible power. While Tauriel may not be able to use overt magic she was a creature of magic herself and could sense it fairly well. Though, she wasn't as skilled as an Eldar or even an older member of her kind.

"Greetings, can I help you?" Tauriel asked.

"Hello. My name is Harry Potter," Harry introduced while holding out his hand.

Tauriel recognized the gesture among humans and took his hand before saying, "Tauriel."

"I just arrived on Middle-Earth and am looking for friends. I just met a wizard named Gandalf who seems rather interesting as well as some dwarves and a hobbit he is traveling with. I have ways of telling who I can be really good friends with, spells. My spells tell me you could be a very good friend to me and I to you," Harry explained.

Tauriel gaped for a moment at the rather strange response.

"Perhaps you should come in and sit," Tauriel invited as she stepped aside and gestured towards several sitting chairs grown out of living branches.

Harry entered and took one of the seats while Tauriel sat across from him.

"Thank you for welcoming me," Harry said warmly.

Tauriel noticed her guest was very sincere and appeared to be quite friendly. But she also sensed a hint of danger in him. Tauriel had been told she was too curious by her elders. She had always wanted to explore but the rulers of the elves liked to keep elves in one place out of danger. This visitor represented a way to learn new things and hear tales of the outside world.

"You said you just arrived on Middle-Earth. Where did you arrive from? And what type of being are you? You look human but you feel different," Tauriel said.

"Are you familiar with the concept of a universe, Tauriel? That which encompasses all of the stars and galaxies that make up your reality," Harry said.

"Yes. My people study the stars and our realm. There is speculation amongst mortal-kind that that my kind does not originally come from this realm. And the mortals would be right after a fashion. I do not completely understand the workings of it but our original lands known as the Undying Lands seem to be in a different realm but one which is easier to get to and from for our kind than other realms," Tauriel answered. "Do you come from another universe?"

"I knew I would like you," Harry said with a grin. "Yes. I come from another universe. That universe was so old it was dying and near its end. So my people traveled to another universe, not this one. As for what I am…in my universe my kind is known as wizards and witches but they seem to be quite a bit different than the wizards and witches of your universe. Our magic is more overt and obvious."

Tauriel set aside the implication that universes had a finite life-span for a time. It was something elven scholars had begun to question but until now had not been confirmed.

"How did you end up in our universe when your people ended up in another?" Tauriel asked.

"My kind has evolved to be able to exist without a physical body in a non-corporeal state. We can create bodies when we need them. Having a body is our preferred state but not a necessity for survival," Harry explained. "I woke up in this universe and discovered there was a malfunction in the process used to transition to a new universe. I am a copy of the original me. All of his memories, a portion of his magic, and his soul…his very essence was copied to me. He ended up with his people but I ended up here."

Tauriel was silent for some time as she digested this information.

"How long ago was this?" Tauriel asked.

"Not even half a day ago," Harry answered. "My physical body is currently actively talking with Gandalf while traveling with his group."

"You aren't physically here?" Tauriel said as she reached out and touched him only to find him solid. "How is this possible?"

"I can project my will including fields of force which I can mold to any shape through space," Harry answered, leaving out the full word of spacetime which would just confuse her. "Where I come from our technology…that which your inventors think up and build, has advanced to such a degree it is beyond many magics."

As he spoke Harry projected holograms of examples of technology from his world. A look of thrilling excitement appeared on Tauriel's beautiful features as she beheld these images.

"Show me more of your world, please," Tauriel requested.

"Alright," Harry agreed.

The pair talked long into the night. Harry managed to ask questions about Tauriel's life too throughout their discussions. When he could tell she was growing tired he took his leave but not before she asked him to come back after her duty shift the next day. That was the formation of their friendship and perhaps in the future more.


Gandalf got a much less comprehensive story of Harry's past than Tauriel. In return Harry learned about the quest the odd company was on. Thorin, the lead dwarf, was a dwarf prince on a quest to reclaim a jewel called the Arkenstone. Thorin's people had been driven from their home many years ago in the mountain known as Erebor. Erebor was also sometimes called the Lonely Mountain. One of the few remaining dragons called Smaug had driven the dwarves out in order to steal their vast treasure. Harry honestly thought the quest sounded like a most interesting time.

"Have you ever encountered a dragon before, Master Potter?" Gandalf asked after having summarized their quest.

The group had been traveling most of the day. They must have found Harry pretty early in the morning.

"Yes. In my old realm I killed several. Though from the way you describe your dragon ours might have been smaller and I'm not sure their armor was as hard to penetrate as your dragons," Harry answered. "And call me Harry."

Gandalf and company knew Harry came from another realm and that his old realm had died of old age. They didn't know too much else. They knew he was there by accident but had no wish to leave. His primary mission in life was to make friends and hopefully sometime soon a mate. Harry loved Hermione. Inside he would always love Hermione. But he was pragmatic enough to realize that there hadn't been a day that had gone by since he was a young man in which he hadn't made love to a woman. The form of stasis he and Hermione had worked out for all those eons had required their intimate connection. He had been inside Hermione the entire time. He was pretty sure he held the record throughout the multiverse for longest erection. So while he was in no super rush Harry would very much like to find another lover in the near future.

He of course had technology which could simulate a woman or even create one but he would much rather have a real female to make love to.

Gandalf had silently been contemplating his fellow wizard's response and asked, "That is still impressive even if your dragons are smaller and less armored."

"Having you along could be a great boon," Bilbo told Harry.

Gandalf was thinking the same thing.

"We shall see," Harry mused. "This is really gorgeous country."

The company was traveling over a range of large hilly valleys. The hills were large but not quite mountains. Everything was covered in green.

"Do you not have landscapes like this in your old realm?" Frodo asked.

"In my realm man grew in such numbers that he destroyed the landscape to make place for him to live," Harry answered while projecting a hologram of just what he was talking about.

Gandalf and company had been spectacularly amazed by the illusion of a hologram at first but they now managed to look at the landscape projected before them while keeping their amazement inwards.

"That is terrible," Gandalf commented. "We should make camp for the night."

It was growing dark. The company soon found a small clearing to make camp. The dwarves set about setting up a fire. Harry caused quite a stir when he summoned forth some more stored matter. Harry pulled forth a zipper which he set floating in the air vertically. He drew down the zipper and spacetime distorted.

"Let's live a bit more comfortably," Harry suggested. "Come inside."

The company followed Harry through the portal in spacetime to find themselves inside of a spacious apartment. Harry walked over to a wall to a runic console and began typing out a sequence.

"What is this place?" Thorin questioned.

"This is how my type of wizard travels," Harry said. "We call it a traveling apartment. We used to use tents but we have come a long way since my youth. Right…there is a room for each of you along with a bathroom. The apartment will prepare our food from its stores. Dinner will be served once we all get cleaned up."

The dwarves began finding rooms and going to get cleaned up.

"You continue to amaze me, Harry," Gandalf said.

While everyone was cleaning up, the automated systems in the apartment were making dinner. In truth they could make it nearly instantaneously. The matter synthesizers in the apartment made Star Trek era fictional replicators look like antiques.

During dinner there was a screeching noise heard from outside far in the distance.

"What was that sound?" Bilbo asked.

"Orcs," Kili answered.

"You mentioned Orcs as a possible threat," Harry said. "Could you elaborate on them? If you touch this device while thinking about what an orc looks like we can see a hologram of one."

Harry had summoned a small pedestal device into existence in front of Gandalf. The wizard touched the device and an orc was projected above the table.

"Orcs are thought to have been created by an evil being known as Morgoth during the time of Great Darkness. They are suspected to be bred from elves which were captured and corrupted through torture and mutilation. They are nasty creatures which enjoy the suffering of others," Gandalf explained before elaborating on the creatures.

"You need to know how they fight in large numbers. Can this device recount running battles?" Thorin asked.

"Yes," Harry confirmed.

"Thorin…you don't have to," Balin said.

"I know that," Thorin said. "But he should know. After Smaug took Erebor my grandfather Thror tried to reclaim our ancient lands of Moria. But our enemy had arrived first." The holographic projection showed a massive battle between orcs and dwarves. "Moria had been taken by legions of orcs led by the most vile of their race known as Azog the Defiler." Azog was a huge orc white in color and covered with deep scratch marks which looked too purposeful to be anything but intentional. "He was a Gundabad orc. He had sworn to wipe out the line of Durin starting with my grandfather." Azog was shown holding up the severed head of the dwarf's king before tossing the head down a small gradient at Thorin. "My father Thrain was driven mad with grief. He went missing. We do not know his fate. Our army was leaderless and defeat seemed imminent. It was left to me to take charge so I did. I fought Azog."

The fight that followed was brutal but after losing his weapons to Azog, Thorin managed to use a small oak tree limb to shield against the orc's blows. Azog was wielding a large weapon which looked like a mace but with blades instead of spikes. Harry watched as Thorin fell back from the repeated swings of Azog's weapon. Azog was fighting in a berserker rage so confident of his greater strength that he left himself wide open for attack. Thorin took advantage and cut off Azog's left forearm. Azog clutched the ruined stump and was dragged off into a stronghold by his minions.

"We won the battle but the cost was too great," Thorin explained as they watched the dwarf army prevail. Then the scene changed to a battlefield littered with almost as many dwarf corpses as orc corpses. "We few had survived."

"What happened to the pale orc Azog?" Bilbo asked.

"He slunk back into the hole whence he came and died of his wounds long ago," Thorin answered.

"That was a severe wound but if properly treated in time he wouldn't have died," Harry pointed out. "I have ways of telling just from the memories you showed me how likely someone is to die."

Thorin appeared disgruntled by this news but did not comment further.


It started pouring rain pretty heavily four days later as the group traveled.

"Mr. Gandalf, can't you do something about this deluge?" Nori asked.

"It is raining, Master Dwarf. It will continue to rain until the rain is done," Gandalf answered. "If you wish to change the weather of the world you should find yourself another wizard."

"Are there any other wizards like you?" Bilbo asked.

Even as Gandalf answered Harry cast a charm which deflected the rain off of their group and cast drying charms on everyone.

"There are five in my order. The greatest of our order is Saruman the White. There are two blue wizards whose names I have forgotten and Radagast the Brown," Gandalf explained while turning to look at Harry appreciatively.

"If you could do that all along then why didn't you?" Nori asked Harry.

"You needed something to complain about, Master Dwarf," Harry said with a smirk. "Besides…now you appreciate me more."

"He has a point, Nori," Gloin said causing the other dwarves to chuckle.

Nori grumbled but subsided.

"So this Radagast character…where does he live?" Harry asked.

"He prefers the company of animals to other creatures. He keeps a watchful eye over the forest lands to the east," Gandalf explained.


Tauriel was rushing through the city to try to get back to her apartment. She was late. She had told Harry she would meet him over an hour before. Her tardiness couldn't be helped but she hoped he would still be there. When she burst through the door she saw him sitting in one of her chairs. Harry immediately arose with a look of concern on his features. She couldn't blame him. She looked a mess.

"What happened?" Harry asked as he stepped over to her and examined her injuries.

Tauriel's left arm was in a sling. There were bandages covering her shoulder, her back, and her side.

"My patrol was attacked by orcs. One of my patrol companions Debor was killed. Our attackers had two Gundabad orcs among their number and one of the Gundabad orcs had two Morgul-blades," Tauriel explained. "The king is not in a good mood. He hates when our kind die because of physical skirmishes with the mortal races. He thinks if we avoid skirmishes with mortals we can live forever. I guess in a way he is right. But I don't think hiding away in our forests living quiet lives is truly living."

"What is a Morgul-blade?" Harry asked as he began analyzing the scans of her injuries. "And how long ago precisely did the attack take place?"

"I would say two and a quarter hours," Tauriel answered. "Do you know who Sauron is?"

"Yes. Gandalf explained who he was briefly. Really nasty sounding bloke," Harry mused.

"Morgul-blades were the swords the ring wraiths wielded. The ring wraiths were some of Sauron's most deadly servants. For a mortal who doesn't get elvish treatment getting stabbed by a Morgul-blade is a death sentence. The victim eventually becomes a ring wraith them self. But even with our cure a victim will get violently ill each year upon the anniversary of the attack," Tauriel explained. "The only way to be truly cured is to return to our home realm Eldamar."

"Why do you still have wounds if your injuries have been healed?" Harry asked.

"They will have to heal more slowly because of the nature of the curse on the wounds. The healing is counteracting the curse as much as possible," Tauriel explained.

Tauriel was now sitting in a chair. Harry gently took Tauriel's arm between his hands and his hands began glowing a brilliant blue. Tauriel gasped as any discomfort she had been feeling in that arm vanished. Moments later she was able to move her arm freely.

"The arm is healed," Harry explained. "But I need direct skin contact to heal the flesh wounds. The shirt will have to come off or at least the part where you are injured."

"You can cut the tunic away," Tauriel offered.

Harry produced a pair of scissors and proceeded to do just that. As more of Tauriel's bandaged flesh was revealed Harry grew angrier inside.

"Tell me…are these orcs who attacked you still alive?" Harry asked.

"No. We managed to slay them," Tauriel answered. "Why?"

"Because I do not take kindly to creatures who injure my friends," Harry assured.

Tauriel shivered and she did not know if it was because of the magical touch of his fingers healing her injuries or the dangerous tone in his voice. It had been a long time since she had been touched in those places by a man. Harry repaired her shirt after he finished healing her.

"Thank you, Harry," Tauriel said warmly after he returned to his seat across from her.

"That is what friends are for," Harry assured. "I am just glad I can help. Your friend Debor has been restored to life," he added casually.

Tauriel gaped at Harry for a moment, her lips actually parting due to her shock.

"How did you do that?" Tauriel questioned.

"I sent another version of myself back in time, captured the essence of his being before it departed this realm after the physical death of his body, came back forward in time, repaired the injuries to his body, and placed his essence back in place. I left a note in elvish telling him to avoid Morgul-blades in the future and signed it simply Harry. I will leave it up to you on if you want to tell your people you actually know me or just that I appeared and healed you. I suggest just telling them you felt extremely calm and sleepy when I appeared, healed you, and then left as quickly as I had arrived. You can then provide a physical description. That way it avoids you having to answer any questions about our friendship. What happens between us should probably stay between us. But I won't prevent you from telling them or force you to lie to your people," Harry said.

"I will go with your suggestion. I am still trying to comprehend that you can return the dead to life," Tauriel whispered. "Or that you can permanently heal a Morgul-blade injury. You have the powers of a god."

"Yeah…I might be a little bit overpowered for this universe," Harry agreed. "That is why I choose not to reveal a lot of my abilities to anyone but you. I am choosing to make you my closest friend in this universe."

"Why…why me? Is it just because of that spell you mentioned?" Tauriel questioned.

"The spell pointed me to you. After meeting you in person I determined you were someone I could trust. I also may have read the contents of the journal you were writing in at the time," Harry admitted.

Tauriel's face flushed in embarrassment.

"Just that journal…or all of them?" Tauriel asked as she thought about some of the really embarrassing journal entries she had made in her 600 years of life.

"Just that journal," Harry assured. "It was enough to get a sense of your character."

"I am not mad at you. I understand you were new in this realm and needed to be able to trust someone. But please don't read any more of my journals," Tauriel requested.

"I can do that," Harry agreed. "I can also give you some journals which nobody but you can read." Just then there was a knock on the door. Harry peered through the door. "There is a male elf outside. He was with you during that patrol you were just in," Harry said.

"Serop…he's probably here to tell me the news about Debor. This should be interesting," Tauriel said as she rose. "Will he be able to see you?"

"No," Harry assured.

Tauriel nodded and went to the door. Harry listened as Serop expressed great surprise at Tauriel's healed injuries. Tauriel gave Serop the cover story Harry had concocted and she was soon called away to go speak to the king and healers about Harry.

When Tauriel returned Harry was still waiting for her. She leaned against the door with a relieved sigh.

"You have the city in an uproar, Mr. Potter," Tauriel told him. "At first everyone thought a powerful necromancer had infiltrated the city. The healers are putting Debor through a battery of tests. I didn't escape without getting tested a little myself," Tauriel explained as she sat in a chair next to him.

"I take it they concluded I didn't use any Necromancy?" Harry inquired.

"Yes. Though all they are willing to admit at this point is that there is no form of necromancy they know of detectable," Tauriel explained. "King Thranduil seemed especially adamant about verifying the necromantic nature of what you did." She looked pensieve for several moments. "The reason for his behavior was probably because of his own injury or the fact that his wife is dead. His face was badly burned with dragon fire. Our healers were unable to repair the damage. He keeps it hidden with a glamour but the people know what lies beneath. He is probably wondering the answer to this question but from what you told me about how you rescued Debor I think I know the answer. Would you be able to resurrect King Thranduil's wife? Is there a limit to how far you can go back in time?"

"I could resurrect her," Harry confirmed. "My only limit is the point at which this universe was born known as Time Zero." Tauriel didn't say it but silently she thought her new friend was more like a god than a flesh and blood being. She sensed he was uncomfortable with that comparison. Still, she was in awe of him. "So what you are telling me is that I have two bargaining chips with your king should I ever need them."

"I suppose it could be thought of that way. Though granting him either of those two favors would see you named as Elf-Friend. That honor is not to be taken lightly. The least benefit of such a title is that you shall be granted comfortable refuge in the kingdom of the king who bestows you such a title. And any elf not of that realm will very likely honor the title and give you refuge as well. King Thranduil and his heirs will be honor bound to defend you when you are in their kingdom with all the resources at their disposal. Though given the power I have seen you display I'm not sure you ever need that title. Not many Elf-Friends are immortal either. A relationship where an elf mates with a mortal is looked down upon because the elf will either give up their immortality or suffer terrible heartache when their partner dies. Because of your immortal status if you were to become an Elf-Friend any relationship you engage in with an elf would be approved of. In fact one might say it would be encouraged," Tauriel explained.

Tauriel's blush was subtle but Harry detected it with his enhanced vision.

"I will take that into consideration," Harry mused. "I have several gifts for you."

Before Tauriel could respond Harry waved his hand and caused several items to appear floating in front of them. The first item Tauriel noticed was obviously a form fitting body-suit. It looked thin yet Tauriel could sense it was more than it appeared. As Harry gestured she watched it become like a liquid and flow into a silver bracelet which then floated down to her.

"What is this garment?" Tauriel asked as she put the bracelet on her wrist.

"It is body armor so that no Morgul-blade will ever bother you again. An energy barrier will extend over your hands and head when the suit deems a threat is incoming," Harry explained. "You summon the suit by thinking that you want it to appear and think the reverse when you want it to retract. It will never get dirty. In fact if you aren't able to stop to bathe on a journey just summon the suit and return it to the bracelet and you will be clean yourself."

The suit had a tactical battlefield AI built in. If Tauriel was ever faced by a threat beyond the suit's ability to handle a portkey feature was built in to take her to safety. Harry watched as Tauriel tried out the suit.

"This is a gift beyond measure," Tauriel said gratefully. "But I see there is more."

"This is a bottomless bag. It can hold as much as you want to put in it. It will stay on your hip or wherever you place it and only you can remove it. You will never lose it. Simply think about wanting it and it will come to you. Put your hand inside and think about the item you want and that item will come to you. This is an enchanted mirror. Say my name while holding it with the intent to talk to me and I will be able to talk with you over a companion mirror I have. And lastly this sword is yours to wield," Harry explained while gesturing towards the blade. "I took the opportunity to pattern it after one of your elvish styles. I do not think there is anything on this planet which can break the blade. Likewise it can cut through anything on your world. Using this sword you can deflect magic spells. Like the bag you cannot lose it. Think about wanting the sword and it will appear in your hand."

Tauriel stood, plucked the items out of the air, and set them on her table. Then she turned around and faced Harry. Tauriel may be young by her people's standards but she was by no means stupid. It was not lost on her how attracted Harry was to her. If she was honest she was quite attracted to him as well.

"You are a very good friend, Harry Potter," Tauriel said seriously as she stepped closer to him. She leaned down and stopped a short distance away from his face. "Take this as my gratitude and my pledge that should you ever need me I will be there as swiftly as I can."

Then Tauriel's lips were upon his in a heated kiss that lasted perhaps longer than a token of gratitude should. When the two broke apart, Tauriel returned to her seat and smirked at Harry's dazed expression.

"I should do things like this for you more often," Harry said after he had regained his wits.

"Mmmhmm," Tauriel replied while practicing summoning her sword to her.

Tauriel stood with the blade and stepped into a more open area of her apartment. She whipped the blade through the air. Harry summoned a small boulder for her. She quickly got the idea and slashed the sword through the top of the boulder. A ringing clang was heard and the top of the boulder fell off. The sword was not dulled in the least. Harry vanished the boulder. Harry spent the remainder of that visit showing Tauriel the usefulness of his gifts.


Another long day of travel for Thorin's group saw the dwarf prince announcing, "We shall camp here for the night. Fili, Kili, look after the ponies and make sure you stay with them."

Nearby stood the ruins of a wooden farmhouse long abandoned. Not far away stood a cliff face which rose up a hundred feet or so to a small plateau. Trees surrounded the site.

Gandalf had dismounted his steed to look in the ruins and declared, "A farmer and his family used to live here."

"Oin, Gloin, get a fire going," Thorin ordered.

"We don't need to. We have Harry's apartment," Oin pointed out.

"Right…I forgot," Thorin said with a distracted tone. He was looking around the surroundings a little uneasily. "Harry, if you would erect your apartment."

Harry began to set up his apartment. The group had been using his apartment for the past several weeks of travel since he had first showed it to them. Despite this regular use Thorin seemed to be the least used to the apartment's comforts out of all of the company. Harry wasn't sure why that was but didn't let it bother him too much.

"I advise you to move on," Gandalf called to Thorin. "We could go to the Hidden Valley."

"I will not go there, Gandalf," Thorin declared.

"Why not?" Gandalf demanded.

"You know how I feel about elves," Thorin rebutted.

Harry could tell from Thorin's tone that the prince disliked elves greatly. Harry was of the opposite opinion or maybe just about Tauriel.

"We have a map that is unreadable by us. Lord Elrond will be able to help with that," Gandalf suggested.

"A dragon attacks Erebor. What help came from the elves?" Thorin asked. "Orcs plunder Moria and desecrate our sacred halls. The elves looked on and did nothing. You are asking me to seek out the very beings who betrayed my grandfather. They betrayed my father as well."

"You are neither your grandfather nor your father," Gandalf pointed out. "I did not give you that map and key for you to hold onto the past."

"I did not know that they were yours to keep," Thorin replied heatedly.

Harry actually agreed with Thorin at that point. The incident reminded him eerily of Dumbledore returning James Potters' cloak as a Christmas gift. Gandalf walked off at that point.

"Gandalf, where are you going?" Bilbo called.

"To seek the company of the only one around here who has any sense," Gandalf replied.

"And who is that?" Bilbo asked.

"Myself," Gandalf answered heatedly.

"Well…that was a right bastard thing to say. He gets in a fight with you and takes it out on the rest of us," Harry said to Thorin. Gandalf walked into the forest. "I guess there are some lessons he still has to learn after over seven thousand years of life."

"Seven thousand years," Bilbo said incredulously.

"How could you possibly know how old he is?" Bombur asked.

"I can sense how long the essence of a being has been in the realm of the living. It's a small piece of magic but can be quite useful," Harry explained. "Now let's see to dinner."

It was dark by the time the dwarves, wizard, and hobbit were cleaned up and eating their meal. The horses were being kept further from the apartment where they could eat and do their business without disturbing the occupants of the apartment.

"I'll just take some dinner to Kili and Fili," Bilbo volunteered as Harry prepared two trays of food.

"I tell you we eat like kings when we are staying with you, Master Potter," Gloin complimented.

Not long after Frodo had left Kili and Fili came running into the tent.

"We have a problem," Kili announced.

"Three trolls took two of the ponies. Bilbo is keeping them busy," Fili explained.

"Lead the way," Thorin commanded as he rose and drew his weapon.

The other dwarves did the same. Harry followed them at a more sedate pace. Harry decided he wanted to see the dwarves in action. Harry watched as the company of dwarves jumped out of the woods and began attacking the three trolls. The trolls had been holding Bilbo by the legs until the attack happened. The troll holding the hobbit dropped Bilbo. The trolls appeared to be fairly slow and stupid as the dwarves hacked, slashed, and jabbed with their weapons. The trolls were different than the kind in Harry's home universe. These trolls could talk. Their hides were quite tough it seemed.

The fighting came to an abrupt halt when two of the trolls picked up Bilbo and held him by each of the hobbit's limbs.

"Bilbo," Kili shouted.

"Lay down your arms or we'll rip his off," Tom the troll declared.

Thorin stabbed his sword into the ground. The other dwarves relinquished their weapons. Harry watched as the dwarves and hobbit were tied up. The trolls then erected a fire spit.

"Don't bother cooking them. Let's just sit on them and squash them into jelly," the troll known as William suggested.

"They should be sautéed and grilled with a sprinkle of sage," Bert the troll said while turning the spit.

Several dwarves were tied around the spit.

"That does sound quite nice," William replied.

The dwarves meanwhile were all protesting and complaining.

"Don't worry about the seasoning," Tom said. "Dawn isn't far away and I don't fancy being turned to stone."

Apparently sunlight turned trolls to stone in this universe.

"Wait," Bilbo called as he came to the same realization. "You are making a terrible mistake."

"You can't reason with them. They're half-wits," Dori called from the spit as he was turned.

"Have you smelled this lot? You are going to need something a lot stronger than sage before you plate them up," Bilbo suggested.

"Traitor," Bombur called while the other dwarves also yelled in outrage at Bilbo's words.

"What do you know about cooking dwarf?" William demanded.

"Shut up," Bert said. "Let the flurgaburburhobbit talk."

"The secret to cooking dwarf is…is um…is to skin them first," Bilbo declared.

The dwarves yelled more loudly in protest.

"Tom, get me filleting knife," Bert said.

Suddenly a sword sprouted out of Bert's chest from behind. The troll toppled to the ground dead from the thrust through the heart to reveal Harry standing there. The other two trolls charged the wizard in outrage but Harry moved faster than the trolls did and sidestepped their charge. Harry's blade sliced through William's left leg as the troll ran past and William went down. Tom turned and charged again. Harry sent a blast of concentrated fire at the troll's chest. The beam of fire cut right through Tom. As the troll dropped dead Harry stepped closer to William and finished the troll off.

"I couldn't take anymore of your stalling tactics, Bilbo," Harry said in the silence of the night as everyone stared at him in awe.

"Why didn't you do that from the start?" Nori demanded as Harry started freeing those tied up.

"Well one…I wanted to see how you lot fight. And two…You are all being paid to be here. I am not. I only freed you now because Gandalf has done me a service by enlightening me about this land. Why should I risk my life if I'm not being paid to? I'm sure you are all alright blokes but I haven't known you that long really," Harry explained.

"Oin, draw up a contract. Does anybody here object to cutting Harry in on a share of the profits?" Thorin asked.

Nobody objected and Oin nodded. Given Harry's experience in slaying dragons and his obvious skill the company realized they would be foolish to not grasp the offered help. Their chances of survival went up drastically with him along.

"It looks like I missed some excitement," Gandalf said as he stepped into the clearing at that moment.

The dwarves took turns recounting their adventure with the troll to Gandalf. By the time the adventure had been recounted the contract was ready for Harry to sign. Essentially he would be paid a fifteenth share of the gold in Erebor which was quite a lot from what the dwarves were telling him. He didn't really need the wealth considering he had been carrying the contents of his family vaults in essence storage when he had been transmitted to this universe. But more money never really hurt anything. Plus it gave him an excuse to help the dwarves without seeming like he was being taken advantage of.

PinkBunny PinkBunny

Original Author: SciFiFantasyWriter1

Original Platform:

Words: 53,890

Chapters: 7



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(Complete list of all recommendations can be found in the Auxiliary Volume)

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