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59.06% Fanfiction Collection + EPub Links / Chapter 99: Game of Thrones Fan-fiction 9 - The Dragon Queen & Her Bladewolf

Capítulo 99: Game of Thrones Fan-fiction 9 - The Dragon Queen & Her Bladewolf

Plot: Getting dropped Into a TV show? Wonderful! Sarcastic. George Edwards is dropped into the dangerous world of Game of Thrones. He will have to play that dangerous, cunning, and evil game if he wants to protect his Dragon Queen and the woman he loves,and protects, Daenerys Targaryen.

Pairing: OCxDany

NOTE:Goes up to Season 7. Can be considered complete. Character is also from the other works of the author.

It was over.

He had won!

He had WON!

After nearly 30 years of war, it has now come to an end. The Promethean Army had been destroyed, their leader destroyed, never to return at all. The Resistance had fought hard in their last stand and final battle, but they made sure if they were going to die then they were bringing their enemies down to hell with them.

He had fought his former best friend and brother with all his power and immortality that lies within his soul. He would rip his own heart and soul out if it kept the Promethean Leader from winning the war and conquering the world then the Universe once he had created an Empire on Earth.

The Resistance Leader fell to his knees as fighter jets from his army flew overhead with a cheering army on the ground. The fortress attack had been very carefully planned, Bloodwolf had made sure to have no weakness in the fortress defences, but they somehow managed to find one. So with that, they exploited that weakness and used it to get into the fortress.

It had been a bloody battle as soon as the Prometheans were aware the enemy was inside.

He and Bloodwolf had fought, in the Fortress's main tower that had become not really a tower anymore during the battle. Thanks t his superb healing factor, many bloody wounds were healed but not the same for the clothes. Eventually he had driven his sword through Bloodwolf's heart, ripped it out and shoved a bomb powerful enough to blow up the whole tower into the wound before it healed and he watched as Bloodwolf blew up with no trace of him remaining, no brain, no heart, nothing but rotting burning bits of flesh.

Bloodwolf was dead. Forever, never to return, no matter what. He had been sent down to hell, where he belongs.

George, leader of the Resistance, had won and kept the Earth from being conquered by a mad Warlord.

"It is over..."

Eyes snapped open to reveal brown, like chocolate almost, looking around before the hardened expression softened and the person the eyes belonged to sat up from the tree log he had his head sleeping against. He sighed and looked around the woodland area he had chose to make camp at.

How long has it been? 3 years? 3 years since he fell through that portal and Into another world.

3 years... since he fell into the land of Westeros.

Bloody hell he couldn't catch a break can he? First with the war with Bloodwolf, now this? He definitely should retire, but not in this world. He may not have watched Game of Thrones up to the current season, which was 7, but he did now the characters and that the Game of Thrones was a dangerous game unless you REALLY are good at politics.

It was a game he'd rather not get involved, that's why he became a Mercenary in this world.

He was well known as The Bladewolf, the Mercenary who is like darkness itself, the God in mortal form, all those little nicknames the commoners make up through the rumors and stories they hear of you.

They had only called him Bladewolf because he had spoke that name to a guy who he spared. So maybe that's his it went around.

This was George Edwards, former leader of the resistance, now Mercenary in the Seven Kingdoms. A Legend among the people of multiple towns and cities, Including the capital King's Landing.

George sighed and reached into his trench coat before pulling out a mask that could only cover Hus face and leave his eyes visible. It was bony looking, like he had made it from somebody's bones. He traced the mask before turning it around and attaching it to his face, throwing his hood up and his shoulder length black hair adding intimidation to the look.

He stood up and grabbed a sword resting against a tree, it had a skull in the middle of the hilt, some think it's his house sigil, he didn't even have one. House Edwards? Sounds weird a little, but he cared not. He looked at the sword before sighing and sheathing it through the hole In the back of his trench coat.

Soon a horse, black as night with red eyes, appeared from the shadows like they manifested themselves into the form of a horse. George smiled as his loyal friend and steed, Shadowmere, a demon horse from the spirit realm, one that can't die but would be banished to the spirit realm until George calls upon him again.

And right now, George was itching to get paid for a job.

The only one with the most and biggest payment was killing Daenerys Targaryen.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out the contract that shows the reward for the Targaryen woman's death, a bonus added if er head is brought along with her brother's.

This was a contract Robert Baratheon had one of his men give to the Mercenary before he left King's Landing once, the last time he was in it. That was a month now, and George didn't feel like killing her.

No, instead he was going to protect her from everything, including her brother.

"I just need to get to Essos." George sighed as he grabs his other weapons, which consists of two daggers made of Valyrian steel, a bow and arrows. Originally he had two guns but they run out of bullets, which suck. Many called them his boomstick.

Sliding the quiver of arrows on, then his bow, George got on Shadowmere and rides off for a ship harbour, he had coins enough to get a ride to Essos.

A Month Later

Daenerys Targaryen stood on her balcony in the quiet night. She was a very beautiful young woman, had her family's silver hair, but not the fierceness that was the dragon blood flowing through the veins like most Targaryens. Her brother, Viserys, mostly had all that. He was the rightful king to the Iron Throne, something that their father, the Mad King, sat on during his reign, but now it belonged to Robert Baratheon.

Tomorrow she would be meeting the Dothraki Lord she was getting sold off to by her brother in exchange for a Dothraki army to conquer the Seven Kingdoms and take back the Iron Throne to the Targaryens. Viserys was her brother and here he was selling her like a piece of meat getting sold to a commoner. She knew her brother was cruel but she didn't think he would go this far. Daenerys had heard stories of the Dothraki and she was afraid of what they'd do to her.

The Young Targaryen hoped to one day meet a man she'd love, marry, and bear children for, but her brother pulled all the strings in her life, he decided how her life goes, and if she ever talked back or refuse then she'd 'wake the dragon' as her brother puts it.

She was broken from her thoughts when she heard a noise coming from inside her room. Startled, she turned around and saw nothing there,causing her to frown as she walked inside.

"Who's there?"

Nobody answered her question as she walked forward with her fear increasing in each step. Suddenly she was grabbed from behind and a voice whispered into her ear as a knife was placed to her throat.

"Scream for me."

Daenerys probably let out the loudest scream of her life.

Soon Viserys and guards barged into the room and saw Daenerys being held with a knife against her throat while the assassin was backing up slowly towards the balcony.

"Release her!" Viserys demanded, pointing his sword at the assassin. "Release her or I will kill you and you're whole house."

"Oh fuck off, dragonspawn. You don't have the army not the power to do such things. You're family's house is over now, your done as you're father was done when the kingslayer put his sword through his back." The assassin said and the two Targaryens could tell he was grinning. Viserys and the guard then noticed a hooded shadow quietly land on the balcony from the rooftop and pressed his fist against the assassin's neck, the sound of a blade meeting flesh was heard before the assassin released Daenerys and gurgled up blood.

Daenerys stumbled to the floor as the assassin's body fell to the ground while the other one watched before lifting his head and looking at the blades pointing at him. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." He said casually, nothing in his tone that could be threatening or hostile.

The guard ignored his words and advanced, causing the new Assassin, George, to sigh and three metal blade came out of the space between his knuckles before he struck with one swipe and one of the guard's stomach opened with his guts falling out. He tried putting them back in before falling down. Everyone was shocked and only Viserys could form words.

"Who are you?"

"George ignored the self proclaimed king and looked down at Daenerys, who was very beautiful in his eyes, before offering her his hand. Daenerys stared at the cold mask over George's face before her gaze went to the assassin and the guard, then she looked at George again before taking his hand and allowing him to gently pull her up to her feet.

"Are you hurt my Lady?" George asked with concern.

Daenerys blushed but nodded her head. She was so close to him that she could look into his eyes, her eyes looking into his brown ones. She could tell he was studying her.

George looked over Daenerys Targaryen, who really looked like Emilia Clarke, and saw she wasn't the fierce woman many love in the show yet. Of course she was still in the stages if becoming that woman, but right now she was a scared giro who didn't want to be wed to someone she didn't even know or love.

She was just a girl that wanted to go home.

And he was going to do that while protecting her.

"I asked you a question, I will not ask again!"

Daenerys saw her saviour's eyes close in annoyance before opening them as he looked from Daenerys to Viserys and walked towards him before surprising everyone when he went to a knee and said.

"My name is George Edwards, the Assassin known as the Bladewolf, I am here to serve the rightful King of the Seven Kingdoms." God, how it left a bitter taste to say that to the wrong ruler, he'd rather say 'Queen' to the other Targaryen in the room. He bowed to no one, but for Daenerys he'd make an exception.

Viserys and Daenerys widened their eyes and exchanged a look as they had heard of the assassin and Mercenary known as Bladewolf, that he attacks from the shadows and is quick as the wind, silent as the night.

"Really?" Viserys asked when he looked at George with shock.

The Mercenary suppressed a groan and rolled his eyes under his hood, thankfully it kept it hidden with his mask so the expression wasn't spotted. "Yes, your Grace. And I think tonight proved I could slay your enemies that would try to harm you and your sister."

Viserys agreed that he had a good point there, besides why not have a very dangerous Mercenary who could help him win battles and lead his men? Viserys would sure as hell pay him when he go the Iron Throne back. Besides, having a protector for him and his sister would give them extra security.

"Well, rise Ser Edwards, henceforth you are now the protector of my sister and I." Viserys said and George rose, keeping his annoyance way behind his eyes.

The Next day

The next morning saw George standing on the steps with his same outfit on, waiting for Khal Drogo. He was alone as everyone else was making preparations for the Dothraki. He could tell this lot didn't know Dothraki customs, even if he didn't know them himself but his friends from his world and Westeros had told him all about Dothraki when their brought up.

One of those friends happen to be Tyrion Lannister.

"Ser Edwards."

George looked to see Daenerys and he smiled behind his mask. "Please, just call me George when we're alone, I'm not really a Knight."

Daenerys nodded before saying. "I wanted to thank you for saving my life, last night. If you hadn't come, I..." Daenerys trailed off as she knew she would be dead.

George placed a hand on her shoulder, causing her to look at him. "You are very welcome, Dany, I can call you that right?" Dany slowly nodded, wondering why he was being so casual with her. "I wasn't going to let a inexperienced assassin harm that pretty head of yours."

Daenerys blushed and was about to say something but the arrival of her brother stopped her.

"George! Why are you not by my side?"

George sighed before his eyes gained that cold look and tone whenever it cones to talking to Viserys. "Apologies, your Grace, I'm rather new to the protection job as my services are mostly killing people."

Viserys scoffed. "Someone could have killed me by now."

George shook his Head. "Oh I'd have known if someone was around, and as soon as I would have noticed I would have killed them before they make any move on you're sister or you."

Viserys reluctantly nodded as everyone prepared for Drogo's arrival. He surprised everyone when he just gave one look at Daenerys before leaving.

"Where is he going?" Viserys as he moved down the steps to join his sister and Illyrio, George following close.

"The ceremony is over." Illyrio informed the self proclaimed king.

"Did he not like her?" Viserys asked with a frown, this could have not given him the army.

"Trust me, your Grace, if he didn't like her we would know."


"Because I'd be cutting his head off and his fellow riders." George answered this time, his cold tone staying with him.

The next few weeks saw George watching over Viserys and Daenerys closely, getting closer to Daenerys until they were like friends who had known each other since childhood, she allowed him to call her Dany in exchange for seeing his face, which he agreed and kept his mask off when around her. They had conversations in the middle of the night in a secret cave under the palace, hidden by a waterfall, and George admitted to himself that he was starting to fall in love with Daenerys Targaryen.

With Viserys, he saw a cruel man who would kill innocent children if it took him to the Iron Throne. His father's madness and lust for the throne flowed through him more than dragon blood does. George would rather serve Daenerys as her protector and right hand, if that's what she wanted, rather than Viserys.

George was in the cave he and Daenerys meet in at night, waiting for his best friend to show up. She soon arrived, making sure to not get soaked by the waterfall, somehow. He smirked as she smiled at him.

"Hey, Dany. How would you like to be taught to wield a sword?" George suddenly asked.

Dany's eyes widened as she looked at her friend, and secret love, in shock. "Excuse me?"

George chuckled. "You heard me, I'm going to teach you how to use a sword. This is in case somebody tries to kill or rape you." George brought out a spare sword he sailed from the palace guards and gave it to her.

Dany held it a little shakily before George went behind her and held her into a fighting stance and taught her how to hold it properly. Dany blushed as she could feel the muscles in his arms and how hard his chest is.

Once he got her stance right, he began helping her through the basics and she was so focused on his words that she didn't notice him let go of her arms and step away from her. When she heard George laugh, she saw he was a few steps away from her and she was holding the sword properly.

Startled, she dropped it as George chuckled. "Not bad, very impressive for you're first time holding a sword. We'll work on it, don't worry." He assured her with a smile.

That smile was Dany's tipping point as she couldn't take it anymore. Before George could react .Daenerys had ran and jumped onto him ,crashing her lips against his? The gasp from him allowed her to let her tongue into his mouth and tangle with George's.

The Mercenary was very surprised to see Daenerys kissing him and her tongue battling his. He didn't pull away as her lips were so soft and soon he was kissing back and backed her up Into a wall, groaning as he groped her through her nightgown. Daenerys had her long legs wrapped around his waist as his hands went to as ass and lifted her nightgown enough to touch the bare flesh and squeeze her rear.

It was when Daenerys was hastily trying to undo the belt on his pants that he came to his senses and broke the kiss, reluctantly might I add.

"Dany... we can't do this, you're supposed to be marrying Drogo tomorrow."

"You think he'll care if I'm a virgin? He'll still have me as his wife. I don't want my first time with a man I don't know and love, I want you. You're sweet, passionate, protecting and loyal. I may have known you for a short while, but please I love you and want you to let me have this." Dany said with a few tears going down her cheeks.

George wiped them away before saying. "I love you too." He then decided to screw the timeline a little and kissed her, causing her to moan as he began getting her nightgown off, both falling to the ground where they proceeded to have passionate sex under the moonlight.

A few hours later saw a sweating and naked Daenerys and George cuddling against each other, their clothes covering their bodies. The Targaryen with her head on her lover's chest and tracing circles on it while his hand softly caressed her ass cheeks.

"Dany, do you want to know why I came here?" George asked, causing her to look at him curiously. "Now hear me out before probably killing me. Originally, I had been given a contract by Robert Baratheon to kill you, BUT, I decided not to. I decided you needed a protector until you were able to stand against your enemies. Dany, when I made that pledge to you're brother, I wasn't meaning it, I would have rather pledged myself to you and only you. I'll always be by you're aide, as a loyal bodyguard and lover."

Dany smiled at the end before leaning up and saying. "I know, now shut up and kiss me." George smirked before doing as she asked and passionately kissed her.

Soon they got dressed and quietly made it to their rooms, George made sure the area was clear before kissing Daenerys goodnight when they were outside her room, he then went to his own to go for a sleep.

He had a long journey ahead of him if he was staying here beside his girlfriend.

Chapter End

PinkBunny PinkBunny

Original Author: Bladewolf101

Original Platform:

Words: 86,572

Chapters: 30


Mega Link to EPUB files of ~3,000 fan-fictions (all completed ones)!nOAznIbJ!Fu3ULn-iCNfkFIAVR0VeHw

(Complete list of all recommendations can be found in the Auxiliary Volume)

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