I trusted you with my heart
You gave me an assuring laugh
I trusted you with my lifetime trust
You gave me a nudge to not
I trusted you with myself
You gave an answer full of lies
I gave my everything to you
But what I got was just a betrayal
A betrayal that pierced my heart
And what remained was an empty shell
A shell that felt more like a puppet
A puppet that knew nothing
That understood nothing
For she trusted only once and one in her life
And all that resulted in was a deep scar
A scar left behind by a web of lies
For now, she wouldn't be able to trust someone
Alas, but would never regret the decision of her heart
For her heart was true to itself
And she can't deny the call of it
But what remains is a skeleton of nothingness
Who shall trust no one ever again
-By Tinni_15