so the friendship between us was almost over we went to places many places but now i didnt felt anything abt them for me time is the mist important thing when i asked them to go out they declined and now i was not much interested so travel or no travel it was important to me anymore
in this meantime bell and angela became good friends and they seemed to understand something they were poles apart but there was one thing common for both of then that is i left both of them they are still best friends i dont mind though because i chose to stay alone away from them and i feel this was the best decisions i took for all three of us
those THREEwhich never meant to be together
I am happy that at least in their fights and ups and downs they made it to the end and i was left somewhere in the areas of Grey
the story of three girls who left me when i needed them dedicated to me
this is the life of my graduation days and the characters are inspired by my friends and what they did to me
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