5 Guilds Adventurer
North, west, east, south, Center
-North(objective to scout the dungeon and it's danger floor/levels)
-West(Mainly defence corps/researching of vital statistics of monsters/ Weaknesses)
-East(Suppling of herbs and study of unknown greenery)
-South(Ore and other type of gems and material specialist)
-Center (Outside of the dungeon/ specialized in normal way of adventuring)
Adventurer Guild Branches/Dungeon/North
-The North Adventurer Guild has 5 Branches when it comes to dungeon
-First is Oisis Guild (Specialized in Stealth making and Footing procedures)
-Second is Hist Guild (Specialized in Camping Procedures and Trap Making and Disassembling)
-Third is Gaius Guild (Specialized in Stamina Endurance and Stability of the body)
-Fourth is Vixus Guild (Specialized in Footing procedures and balancing the Body)
-Fifth is Fixis Guild (Specialized in Eye observation and judgments)
Adventurer Guild Branches/Dungeon/West
-The West Adventurer Guild has 4 branches when it comes to dungeon
-First is Gios Guild (Specialized in Wall making or durability of Traps)
-Second is Farius Guild (Specialized in Tower making or Tower Durability)
-Third is Nios Guild (Specialized in Vital Statistics of the monsters)
-Fourth is Ficios Guild (Specialized in Planning of Strategies when making of Defence)
Adventurer Guild Branches/Dungeon/ East
-The East Adventurer Guild has 5 Branches when it comes to dungeons
-First is Uxis Guild (Specialized in Apothecary of the Herbs)
-Second is Hauis Guild (Specialized in Alchemy of the Materials)
-Third is Rizaius Guild (Specialized to the studying of the Unknown Materials)
-Fourth is Yers Guild (Specialized in Collecting of materials for study purposes)
-Fifth is Luos Guild (Specialized in Cultivating the Materials for Research Purposes)
Adventurer Guild Branches/Dungeon/South
-The South Adventurer Guild has 4 Branches when It comes to dungeons
-First is Esix Guild (Specialized in elemental ores for cultivating purposes)
-Second is Gitls Guild (Specialized in Unknown ores for research purposes)
-Third is Fyis Guild (Specialized in Elemental Gems for Research purposes)
-Fourth is Viqus Guild (Specialized in Vital Statistics of the ore or gemstone)
-Fifth is Wais Guild (Specialized in Collecting the ore and Gemstone)
Adventurer Guild branches/Outside/Center
-The Center adventurer Guild has 3 Branches when it comes to outside of the border
-First is Jaus Guild ( Specialized in escort mission or Collecting mission)
-Second is Diws Guild ( Specilized in Subjugation mission or observation mission)
-Third is Weas Guild ( Specialized in Scouting mission or tracking mission)
Blacksmith Specialization/ North Guild /Axis Alliance
-North Blacksmith Guilds has 7 branches depends on elements has been bestow
-First Guild is Kisrian Guild(specialized in element of Flame attribute)
-Second Guild is Jesx Guild( Specialized in element of Frost Attribute)
-Third Guild is Pios Guild ( Specialized in Element of Spark Attribute)
-Fourth Guild is Tyran Guild (Specialized in Element of Earth Attribute)
-Fifth Guold is Dios Guild (Specialized in Element of Luminary Attribute)
-Sixth Guild is Bios Guild (Specialized in element of Shades Attribute)
-Seventh Guild is Yunx Guild(Specialized in Null Attribute)
Blacksmit Specialization/ South Guild/ Axis Alliance
-South Blacksmith Guilds has Varies to the Systems of status effect
-First Guild is Gilopso Guild(Specialized in Stunning effect)
-Second Guild is Kalipso Guild(Specialized in Mana Draining Effect)
-Third Guild is Twipsi Guild (Specialized in Slowing effect)
-Fourth Guild is Laksi Guild (Specialized in Armor breaking effect)
-Fifth Guild is Plipsi Guild (Specialized in Rooting Effect)
Blacksmith Specialization/ East Guild/ Axis Alliance
-East Blacksmith Guild has material researcher attributes/ branches it also depends of the material has been used
-First Guild is Leos Guild (Specialized in any types of ores and gem stones)(Basic materials)
-Second Guild is Hyius Guild (Specialized in any types of Bones and Skin Materials)(Basic Materials)
-Third Guild is Hasis Guild (Specialized in any type of Classified materials)
-Fourth Guild is Lipus Guild (Specialized in Any Unique Materials)
-Fifth Guild is Wipis Guild (Specilized in Mythic Materials)
Blacksmith Specialization/ West Guild/ Axis Alliance
-West Blacksmith guild is specialized in new design of weapon/ attributes that can be determined to 8 types of branches
-First Guild is Nions Guild (Specialized in Curve Weapons with piercing Attributes)
-Second Guild is Jusx Guild (Specialized in Full Arm Weapon with Crashing Attributes)
-Third Guild is Hixus Guild (Specialized in Pole Weapons with Slashing Attributes)
-Fourth Guild is Nipos Guild (Specialized in Bastard Weapons with Agility Status)
-Fifth Guild is Kiwis Guild (Specialized in Claw Weapons with Bleeding Attributes)
-Sixth Guild is Pius Guild (Specialized in Shield Armor/Weapon Type with Sneaking Ability)
-Seventh Guild is Lopos(Specialized in Armors with Hidden Weapons)
-Eight Guild is Mercus (Specialized in Accessories Attributes)
Blacksmith Specialization/ Center Guild/ Axis Alliance
-Center Blacksmith Guild is specialized to re-forging enhancement/combining/random attributes that can be determine to 3 types of branches
-First Guild is Ixqus Guild (Specialized in Re-forging or Re-forming Swords with different varieties or styles)
-Second Guild is Pisis Guild (Specialized in Magical enchantment stone and combining raw material for a different set of elements or sword style)
-Third Guild is Yqix Guild (Specialized in Random Attributes or Random Enchantment for greater Abilities/Attributes