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84.75% Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 139: The SS. Anne Arrives

Capítulo 139: The SS. Anne Arrives

After the run in with Mew, Goh was refreshingly quiet for the remainder of the day as I finished the errands I needed, and went on to explore some of the various attractions around Vermillion city.

All in all, it was a nice day. Even Gary managed to relax somewhat after a little while, when the shock of meeting Mew had ran its course.

By the time the sun began to set we returned to cerise lab, where the girls had yet to return as well. The professors and Tracey were all still working with the pokemon we had rescued in Cerise park, so we ended up bringing them some of the food that we had gotten to go.

Afterwards I met back up with all of my pokemon, including Lucario after he had been thoroughly 'instructed' by Absol, Blaziken and Prinplup. I led them all through the evening training, in which they mostly trained their moves and sparred against one another, before giving them dinner and calling it a night.

I had noticed the girls returning while we were busy, but that still hadn't prepared me for what was going to be waiting for me when I went to shower before going to bed.

I had expected Misty, May, Dawn, Daisy, and even Joy as she became bolder by the day. The one I had NOT been expecting though, was Chloe.

"H-hello..." Chloe stammered with a bright red face and eyes that tried to look anywhere but my direction. Especially avoiding my waist.

"Hello Chloe. This is a pleasant surprise." I said casually, as if nothing were different. I did however take a moment to admire the beauty of her nude figure.

I may have seen her naked before, but that was neither the time nor the place to fully admire her figure. Now however I could look as much as I wanted, and Chloe didn't even try to hide from my gaze.

"So what prompted all of this?" I asked without taking my eyes off of her.

"Well, while we were out today we discussed some things amongst ourselves." May said while taking one of Chloe's hands in both her own.

"We convinced her to take a chance in confronting her own embarrassment, and feelings." Daisy added as she took the other hand.

"I see." I said while slowly walking towards the group of girls.

Daisy and May quickly separated from Chole as I focused entirely on her, placing my hand under her chin while directing her to stand.

Chloe readily complied, not fighting my machinations in the slightest as she stood to her full height before me. Then, my hand still holding her chin, I directed her face upwards before sealing her lips in a gentle kiss. Not like the frantic kiss laden with drug induced desire she had given me before.

Her lips tasted like pomeg berries, no doubt as a result of the gloss that had been applied to them at some point. And though they had been quivering when I first kissed her, Chloe's lips soon grew steady as the kiss was prolonged, before she actively began to respond.

From there we grew increasingly heated as I cupped her ass with my hands, and Chloe similarly began to run her hands over my body. Lifting her by her ass, I then carried her to the tiled wall to pin her against it, to which Chole wrapped her legs around my waist to keep from falling.

After another minute or so I separated my lips from hers, leaving Chloe breathless as her chest heaving, pressing her breasts against me as her erect nipples brushed against my skin.

"So, do you still 'love me'?" I asked her with a smirk, referring to her confession after I had killed Surge.

"Maybe..." She mumbled, her bashful expression returning as I reminded her of her earlier confession.

My smirk widened as I shifted my stance, placing the head of my cock against her lower lips.

"By the time I'm done with you, there won't be a 'maybe'." I whispered in her ear, before spearing my entire length into her.

"AH!" Chloe gasped as I filled her, her arms, legs and vaginal hole all tightening their holds on me possessively.

"Just wait..." I said as I began to rock my hips. "This is only the beginning!"


The next several days passed by in a blur as we all waited for the SS. Anne to arrive.

For the most part the girls and I focused on strengthening our pokemon in preparation, as I wasn't sure if there would be room on the cruise ship to allow us. When not doing that, we were either helping the professors tend to the pokemon that had been rescued, or going on dates to explore Vermillion city.

That was also how I ran into Jessie for the first time in a while.

Back after the Lavender town incident she and James had been ordered NOT to make anymore contact with me, but to instead follow and observe. Something I made fairly difficult for them in order to keep Giovanni guessing about my intentions.

Now that they had caught up here in Vermillion though, Jessie had filled me in on their new orders. Basically, she and James were to invite as many talented trainers onto the SS. Anne as possible with tickets Giovanni had purchased through certain means. And to help in that goal, they had a specific list of certain trainers to invite.

Obviously I was amongst those trainers, along with Misty, May, and Dawn. So when the disguised trio showed up to offer us 'their' tickets, we just politely refused while saying that we had our own accomodations. Which was true since the League was going to take care of that for us.

Aside from us though, they also had orders to make sure Ash, Tracey, and Gary all boarded the SS. Anne, along with both Bruce and Jackie. Though my brows furrowed after I learned about that, I decided that they all must have earned their place on Giovanni's shit-list after we all dealt with Surge.

Apparently Brock and Lucy were also on their list, but they both went back to Pewter a couple days after everything calmed down, mainly because Brock needed to go and check up on his siblings. Apparently, Lucy was also intending to build a branch for the Battle Frontier there, which was why she was in Kanto to begin with.

Aside from that nothing too exciting happened during our stay, until FINALLY the day that the cruise liner would arrive came.

The wind whistled in my ears as Pidgeot and I flew above the clouds around Vermillion, with the endless blue stretching out below us on one side, and a sea of green and brown on the other.

I had my mask and goggles on like always when we flew, along with my Ranger jacket to keep out the cold wind. All around us I could see and sense flying type pokemon as they migrated or went about their usual business, some drifting lazily on the winds while others darted about with a sense of urgency.

With a thought from me, Pidgeot tucked his wings into a dive that made the wind whip my hair violently before pulling out at the very last second right above the surf of the see.

Here I could see and sense all sorts of ocean dwelling pokemon below us, and even some flying pokemon as well as a flock of Pelipper bobbed on the surface of the ocean. And with us just being above the surface, soon there was migrating pod of Finizen being led by a Palafin leaping out of the water around us.

Unfortunately they were unable to keep up with Pidgeot, and we soon left them behind as we flew further out to sea. And when we got to an area that could be considered deep ocean, we saw an entire pod of Wailmer and Wailord out here waiting for us.

Their haunting cries made the water itself vibrate, and I had even managed to catch one leaping out of the water on film before it created a literal tidal wave that forced us to ascend even higher to avoid it. There was no ill intent behind it of course, as the massive pokemon were just playing around.

As we ascended though, I managed to catch sight of the very thing we were waiting on coming over the horizon.

"What do you say we go check it out?" I asked pidgeot through my mask.


With a cry of affirmation, my bird shot forward to take us to the truly massive SS. Anne.



Giana appreciated this moment of silence as she again sat out on her balcony, sipping tea. Except this time Leon and the others had not searched her quarters, so there wasn't a literal disaster zone behind her.

There was certain serenity about her, knowing that she was almost home to Kanto. As much as she enjoyed Paldea, from the exotic pokemon to the sun(from which she still had quite the tan), she was admittedly excited to be going home.

The only thing marring this homecoming was the man who had portrayed himself as her father for her entire life, Giovanni.

Not only was there the expectations he had of her as his clone, but there was also the fact that Team Rocket was essentially ran into the ground while she was away. Meaning she was walking right into a massive mess instead of just spectating from the other side of the world.

On the plus side though, her returning home meant that Giana could begin putting the plans she had been making into action, having already started by pulling Ariana into her inner circle. And if the older woman had not been onboard previously, Giana had no doubt that she was now after Surge and his entire operation was destroyed.

Of course, Giana had not officially been told due to her having to get rid of her communication devices, but Sabrina had kept her up to date of everything that had occured.

It was just as well though, since Surge being defeated made things easier for her due to yet another of Giovanni's pillars being gone. Now he was even more desperate and weakened, which would only be a good thing if not for the fact that they would be working with Team Aqua to attack the SS. Anne.

That was the only thing that truy worried Giana, as betrayal was going to be inevitable during the attack. It was just a matter of who betrayed who first.

Just as she was thinking about this, a sound caught Giana's attention that drew her attention skyward, just in time for a figure to flash by.

Time seemed to slow as Giana saw them, an alpha Pidgeot carrying a person as they flew around the SS. Anne.

His face and body was mostly covered, but she knew who it was the moment she saw him. His piercing amber eyes seemed to be looking right at her through the goggles, and Giana could have swore that he was looking right through HER.

When the duo had flashed by Giana let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding, her heart thundering in her chest as an unusual heat filled her cheeks.


"Here you go. Have some fresh sea air." Said a boy with long, thick dirty blonde hair that had brown streaks through it.

Saying so, he called out a pokemon, Mabosstiff, onto a plush bed that was on his own balcony. He may not be riding in first class like the rest of those stuffy elites, but he at least was able to get some fresh air.

The pokemon in question though was completely and utterly unmoving, to the point that one would believe it was dead if not for the steady rhythm of its breath.

The boy patted the Mabosstiff while looking at it as if it were on its deathbed.

"I promise, I WILL find some way to cure you Mabosstiff..." He swore to the pokemon for what could have truly been the thousandth time, but he would readily say it a thousand more times if it meant his partner got better.

Truthfully, the boy already had an idea of how to cure his oldest friend, but doing so would be impossible for him alone. So he had to exhaust every other method possible first, to the point that he had even gone aboard the SS. Anne in the hopes that one of the regions it would visit would yield results.

Unfortunately, they had not.

So he desperately hoped Kanto or Johto would be different, they were the only options he had left before having to try the impossible. Even with the pokemon his parents left him by his side.

His determination set, the boy sat beside his partner as they enjoyed the sea air together, watching even as someone flew by the balcony at high speed on a flying pokemon he did not recognize.


Huddled in one of the many rooms aboard the SS. Anne, a group of suspicious looking people had gathered to have one of their discussions.

"Alright. Its almost time for everyone to have boarded the ship!"

"That means its almost time to make ourselves known!"

"Idiot! That means we need to make sure everyone knows the greatness of miss Marnie!"

"Thats right! It doesn't matter what region they're from, all these guys are chumps!"

"Chumps who'll learn the hard way that NO ONE will be allowed to beat our missus!"

"YES! We shall show them all the greatness of miss Marnie, Spikemuth, and Team Yell!"

As they said that, the members of Team Yell distributed information on all the notable trainers from Kanto. Most of them were previous contenders in the Indigo League, but they also included the notable rising trainers from the region. The top three of which were Gary Oak, Leaf Green, and Ace Ketchum.


"So we're almost to Kanto. I can't wait to see May..." A young man said wistfully as he thought of the girl from his hometown.

"I'm sure she'll be happy to see you too big bro!" Declared a younger boy that was sitting beside him, as they both relaxed at one of the outdoor restaurants that the cruise liner had, sucking down a couple of smoothies.


A cry however drew their gazes upwards where a trainer flew by, creating a mild windstorm as he did so.

"That's a Pidgeot!" The younger boy declared knowingly, adjusting his glasses as he did so.

"If I were you big bro, I'd be more worried about the other trainers, cause that Pidgeot is much bigger than they're supposed to be. I'd bet my glasses its an alpha!"

The boy, who was holding his signature white had down on top of his head, watched the Pidgeot and its rider while seriously considering what his brother had said.

"You're right Max. I need to make sure my team is up to speed against these people from Kanto."


"Wow! Look at that Lucas!" A boy with wild bright-blonde hair declared to his best friend excitedly as they both watched the Pidgeot fly by, having WAY more energy than a boy his age should.

"I see it Barry. And I bet that it's VERY powerful." The second boy beside said in a much calmer voice than his friend, though he was no less excited. Though he had already battled a few of the trainers that had boarded the SS. Anne from other regions, he knew that he had barely scratched the surface of what they were all capable of.

Seeing such a strong-looking Pidgeot before they even reached the shore was firing him up for what was to come.


All over the ship people exclaimed and watched in awe as the massive Pidgeot flew by, people from Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Almia, Fiore, Unova, Kalos, Alola, Galar, and Paldea. And every single one of them was excited to see what Kanto would bring them in terms of new trainers and pokemon to test themselves against, or acquire as far as the latter was concerned.

There was already nuerous trainers trading some of their pokemon to obtain some from other regions, and seeing a Pidgeot fly by made many of them want to get one for themselves.

Meanwhile one particular young woman, who was standing alone at the bow of the ship, was watching excitedly as they inched ever closer to land.

She had long platinum-blonde hair, and wore a white dress along with a wide rimmed hat on her head. Hanging from her shoulder though was a bag, which would move occassionally if one paid attention to it.

"Ok, I guess you can have a quick peek." She said while suppressing a giggle, taking a second to make sure no one was watching before unzipping the bag slightly.

As the being inside the bag peeked out to see the land on the horizon, the girl smiled warmly as it grew excited at the prospect of something new. What she hadn't noticed though, was the figure flying through the air behind them.



The girl cried out as a windstorm blasted her, not hard enough that she risked going overboard, but enough that she was forced to hold her dress down to avoid flashing anyone who might've been behind her. As such, she was unable to prevent her hat from being blown off of her head before it began to drift down to the waves below.

"Oh no!" She exclaimed worriedly, as she had gotten that hat from her mother.

But then the pokemon that had just flown by them suddenly dove down at the hat, allowing the man riding it to catch skillfully before flying back in her direction.

"I believe this is yours." He said through his mask as the pokemon landed on the railing before her.

"Oh! Th-thank you!" She stated in disbelief, as she had already expected that the hat would be lost.

Though she couldn't see much of the man's face, the girl couldn't help but to think that he was really cool to be riding the pokemon like that, along with the Ranger jacket he was wearing.

"Its the least I could do." The man said, drawing her gaze back to his face, which she was sure she could see his eyes glowing slightly through his goggles.

"I mean, we ARE the ones who made you lose it. But now you have it back, so we should probably take off since we aren't supposed to board yet. I'll see you later!"

Without giving her a chance to say anything else, the pokemon released the railing to allow the two of them to take flight once more. Leaving her standing there staring up at them.

The girl was so distracted, that she failed to notice the being in her bag poking it's entire head out to see as well, revealing it's body that appeared similar to swirling cosmic clouds.

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

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