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83.53% Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 137: Embarrassment

Capítulo 137: Embarrassment

"Ngh..." Chloe groaned as she slumbered in her own bed, her head filled with thoughts and images that never plagued her mind until now. In her dreams she was a damsel in distress, almost violated by the horrible villain, before the handsome hero arrived and saved her!

But then thing took a weird turn, as she decided to 'thank' the hero in the naughtiest and most obscene way she new of.

Needless to say that Chloe was NOT an obscene girl.

She never fantasized about doing anything naughty, even with her crush, she had never masturbated, and she had never so much as kissed a man before. And kissing her father on the cheek doesn't count.

That was why, when she awoke in her bed, Chloe was thoroughly confused. Even more so when she realized it was the middle of the day, meaning no one had bother to wake her up, and when she saw her mother sitting in a chair beside her, her head resting on Chloe's bed.

"Yamp!" Cried out Yamper, the electric type pokemon that were typically found in the Galar region.

"Good morning Yamper." Chloe said, greeting the little pokemon who was obviously happy to see her.

"Huh? Chloe...?" Her mom uttered as she too stirred from the noise.

"Good morning mom." Chloe said as Talia raised her head.

"Chloe!" Talia exclaimed when she realized her daughter WAS in fact awake, quickly wrapping her in a strong embrace.

"Mom?!" Chloe exclaimed, not understanding her mom's weird behavior.

"We were SO worried Chloe! When Goh told us you got separated in the sewers, and then finding out that you were captured by Team Rocket! But now you're safe and at home."


"So that.....wasn't a dream..." Chloe uttered as she remembered EVERYTHING.

She remembered going down into the sewers with Goh to try and find the sewer monster, getting separated after being attacked by a horde of Grimer, and then being captured by Team Rocket after wandering the dark and damp tunnels all night.

She was then taken to their base, and forced to strip while they 'searched' her for anything suspicious before hosing her down after the night in the sewers. After that she was taken to a cell for the rest of the day before being forced to put on erotic clothing, and going with the rest of the girls to serve the an in charge, none other than Lieutenant Surge.

Surge then proceeded to show off his entire operation to her, bragging about his 'accomplishments', while waiting for some kind of drug to kick in. And once it had, he started groping and molesting her in preparation for taking her virginity.

Thankfully she had been saved by a handsome man at the last minute, who had managed to go toe-to-toe with Surge while displaying incredible feats of physical strength and prowess.

With the drug in full swing by that point, Chloe felt as if she were falling in love as she watched them fight, until the mystery man finally defeated Surge. And then after that...

Chloe's entire head turned a brilliant shade of crimson as she recalled how she had 'rewarded' the man for saving her, a man whose name she didn't even know. Not only had she told him that she loved him, but she had also proceeded to pinn him down, and give him her virginity.

'It was just the drug! It was just the drug! It was just the drug!'

Chloe repeated those five words over and over again in her mind, trying to convince herself that was the case despite reminiscing about the mystery man's muscles, and the way he had felt inside her.

"Are you ok Chloe?" Talia asked with concern.

"YES!" Chloe practically shouted in response, trying desperately to think of anything else BUT the line of thought her mind had just been at.

"I know, everything you've just been through must have been horrible... But it's ok! We can help you get through this!" Talia said, trying her best to be there for her daughter after going through a traumatic experience.

Except to Chloe the REAL trauma had been the way she had acted after being rescued, though she had to admit that everything leading up to that was also pretty bad.

"W-where is dad and Parker?" She asked, trying to force herself to think of something else. ANYTHING else.

"They're down at the lab." Talia said, also glad to have a change of subject.

She then helped Chloe get dressed from the nightgown she had dressed her in earlier, mostly by taming her wild bedhair, before the duo quickly made their way to her father's lab.


Professor Cerise and Parker both cried out upon seeing her, rushing to embrace her with energy that didn't match the bags under their eyes.

"Dad! Parker!" Chloe exclaimed, glad to see the rest of her family.

"Are you ok? A Nurse Joy checked you over earlier and didn't find any injuries, but does anything hurt? Are you hungry?" Professor Cerise fired off as many questions as possible in rapid succession, before his wife stepped in as she held up a hand.

"Chloe is fine dear. If anything, she probably feels suffocated right now." She said in a placating voice.

"Right... sorry." Professor Cerise said Mareepishly, though his concerned gaze never left his daughter.

"I'm ok dad." Chloe said to reassure her father, before glancing around to try and change the subject. "What is it you're working on?"

"Right!" Professor Cerise exclaimed, seeming excited as he led them further into the lab.

"I wanted to stay with you, but I couldn't just SIT there waiting for you to wake up. And then I got a call from professor Oak about something extraordinary!"

Both Talia and Chloe were curious as they followed him deeper into the lab, until they arrived at the room that professor Cerise used to examine pokemon.

"Introducing, the sewer monster of Vermillion city!"

Declaring such, professor Cerise opened the doors to reveal the largest Bulbasaur that either mother or daughter had ever seen, laying on an examination table while every single window was open to let in the sunlight.

"Oh my Mew!" Talia exclaimed in disbelief, while Chloe just gaped at the massive Bulbasaur.

"A Bulbasaur?!" She eventually managed to get out.

"Yep! Apparently it was abandoned years ago, being forced to get on a raft that carried it into the sewers." Professor Cerise started explaining with both enthusiasm and anger.

"And there it stayed until just last night, continuously growing while never receiving enough sunlight to evolve." Continued professor Oak, who was in the lab with the Bulbasaur while examining it.

"How horrible!" Talia stated in horror, hardly daring to believe that someone would truly do such a terrible thing to such a sweet looking pokemon.

"Indeed. Thankfully Ace was able to convince it to join him, and we're just looking it over for right now to make sure there's no lasting health issues after spending so much time down there." Oak explained while indicating the screen on which it's vital information was displayed.

"Ace?" Chloe asked curiously.

"Yes. He's right over here." Professor Oak said while leading Chloe over to the other side of the table.


On that side, just out of view as he sat on the table and leaned back against the massibe Bulbasaur, was the very same man that had saved Chloe the night before. Even worse, he was the man she had readily givien her virginity to.

"Hmm?" Ace groaned as he looked up curiously, apparently having been napping until now.


Chloe screamed as embarrassment over her previous actions filled her once more. Her entire face turned red and hot, and she promptly turned on her heel and fled from the lab as fast as her legs could carry her.



We all just stared blankly at the door through which Chloe had just fled through, processing what exactly just happened.

"What was that about?" Asked Parker, Chloe's younger brother.

"I think she was embarrassed about what happened last night." I said while stifling a yawn.

Truthfully, I had been fairly concerned about how Chloe would react when she saw me. Would she express gratitue for saving her from Surge? Or would she claim I took advantage of her inhibited state to have sex with her?

Apparently the answer was neither, as she instead fled out of embarrassment.

"What happened last night?" Talia asked me with a sharp look.

"Surge filled the room they were in with an aphrodisiac that instilled arousal in Chloe and the other women. After I finished dealing with him she did some...unlady-like things under its influence. Now that she's sober, its probably too embarrassing to think about or even see me." I answered, while also not going itno detail about exactly what happened.

Thankfully no one seemed interested in asking either, as professor Cerise appeared uncomfortable from this particular discussion about his own daughter, Parker appeared flat out disgusted since she was his sister, while Talia appeared mostly concerned.

"I'm going to go check on her!" Talia stated, taking off after Chloe worriedly.


There was an awkward silence that permeated the room after she left, that was only interrupted when Bulbasaur asked me something.

"I know this isn't exactly the time, but Bulbasaur is wondering if this will take much longer." I said out loud, drawing the attention back to us.

"Right... Sorry." Professor Cerise said as he began looking everything over once more.

In the beginning, Bulbasaur only agreed to come inside for them to examine him because we were worried about any long term health issues he may experience from being in the sewers for so long. But as a result, we had to compensate by opening all of the windows to allow as much sunlight in as possible.

Despite that, Bulbasaur was still anxious to finish this up so he could go back outside where the grass and trees were.

"We just got back the results of our examiniations, and according to them there shouldn't be any concerns regarding Bulbasaur's health in the immediate future. If anything, he should be getting better now that he can spend more time in the sun." Professor Cerise said.

"The only lasting condition that he should experience is that his poison typing is significantly stronger than a normal Bulbasaur, which is to be expected after spending so long in the sewers. It also appears to have resulted in some discoloration in his body, namely the purple patches on his skin. Overall Bulbasaur is apparently in good health, despite everything, and we'll make sure to keep a close eye on him whenever he's sent to my lab." Professor Oak followed up, patting Bulbasaur gently as he did so.

"Bulbasaur!" He declared, pleased that he was ok as he readily leapt off the table, and exited through the door that led outside. Waiting for him was Sceptile, Grotle, Exeggutor and Tangrowth, who were all taking my words about taking care of Bulbasaur seriously.

When he was out of earshot, professor Oak then continued, "The only real issue I can see would be his mental health after being trapped and isolated for so long. However from the looks of things, your pokemon should be more than willing to help with that."

I nodded in agreement while watching them all interact, before adding, "Tangrowth and Grotle especially, considering what they went through with the smuggler."

"Indeed. I have to say Ace, I am VERY impressed with how your pokemon are turning out. Not only are they all becoming powerhouses in their own rights, but they are also caring and accepting towards other pokemon who have suffered."

"Thank you." I said, accepting the compliment.

We once again descended into silence, except this time it was a silence of contention as we watched my pokemon interact with one another.

"Professor Cerise! Professor Oak!"

We all turned to see one of professor Cerise's aides hurrying towards us, his expression and aura fairly flustered.

"Calm down Ren. What's going on?" Professor Cerise tried to calm the man.

"A member of the Elite Four is here!" Ren exclaimed, prompting the three of us to look at one another.

We all made our way to the entryway of Cerise lab, where we found the Elite Four member in question, the always calm and collected Lorelei.

This in itself was not too surprising, since Lorelei was the one dispatched to Vermillion to deal with the mess created by Surge and the Rockets. What WAS surprising though was that, despite her otherwise impassive exterior, Lorelei's aura immediately gravitated towards me the second she noticed me.

Despite her expression remaining neutral as she looked directly at professors Cerise and Oak, all of Lorelei's attention was focused squarely on me.

"Professors." She greeted them in a perfunctory manner. "I came by to discuss the events of last night in detail, as well as a few other important matters."

"Of course Lorelei." Professor Oak immediately accepted, while professor Cerise led the way to a lounge that we could talk in.

Once we were all settled, Lorelei immediately began, "Firstly I would like to obtain a detailed account of the events that transpired last night from each of you. Starting with professor Cerise."

I then listened as both professors gave their account for everything that happened last night, which was mostly them rounding up those who were trying to flee from the warehouse. But then I gave my own account, beginning with when we entered the sewers.

I explained encountering Bulbasaur, reaching the entrance to the warehouse, us splitting up and awaiting the signal to attack. Though it was Janine who prepared the signal and gave me the intel, I made it seem as if it was my secret source within Team Rocket that did all of this. She still wanted to remain as unknown as possible.

I then detailed my battle against Surge, how strong he was and how he seemingly didn't even feel any of the damage I had dealt to him. Finally I told her how I had killed Surge, before rejoining Chloe and the other young women.

"I see..." Was all she said once I had finished.

"Is it possible to also obtain the testimonies of the others involved? I already spoke to the Rangers watching over those who were captured, but I also heard that there were several others present, Gary Oak, May Birch, Dawn, Ash Ketchum, Nurse Joy, and Misty Williams." She continued.

"Sorry, but they're all asleep right now. It was a long and tiring night." I told her, having been asleep myself up until a short while ago.

"Understandable. This incident will take a while to resolve completely, so I will be remaining in Vermillion until the SS. Anne arrives." Lorelei assented without an issue, before digging something out of her bag.

"I also have these from the League for you Ace, as well as your brother and traveling companions." She continued while holding out a case, which I opened to reveal five identical badges that looked kinda like sunflowers.

"Thunder Badges?" I asked curiously.

"Indeed. Though we have already assigned a replacement for Surge, a woman that used to serve under him in the war named Vasquez, it will be a while until she gets the gym reopened and operational. The League however believes that each of you involved in this incident deserves the Thunder Badge for your efforts."

"I see." I said, readily accepting one since I DID technically defeat Surge. I had earned one regardless.

I wasn't sure how the rest would see it though. Ash would DEFINITELY throw a fit since he didn't 'earn' the badge by actually battling Surge, or Vasquez now.

Speaking of...

"By the way. If she served under Surge, can we trust this Vasquez?" I asked Lorelei.

"I understand your concern, but she had been thoroughly investigated to ensure her interests don't align with his own. We even had a psychic examine her mind, and Vasquez herself renounced any lingering loyalty she had for Surge upon learning of his allegiance to Team Rocket."

I nodded slowly in undertsanding, and gratitude that they took this so seriously and were so thorough, though I also intended to meet Vasquez once before leaving town to determine her true nature.

"Now then, there is much for me to do before the day is over, so I shall take my leave." Lorelei said while standing to leave, before pausing for a second to say, "The mayor of Vermillion will be giving a press conference at five sharp as a response to everything that has happened. I recomend watching it."

Saying such, Lorelei promptly left without wasting a single second. She probably really did have a lot on her plate right now. As for us...

I spent the rest of the afternoon with my pokemon as we relaxed in the greenhouse, which was set up behind Cerise lab alongside the house and Pokemon Center. Needless to say professors Cerise and Oak were both excited when I first brought out the greenhouse.

I wonder how the professor would react when I finally got my stables and training facility that Silph co was still working on?

Soon enough dinner time came around, which the Cerise family would be having in the lab with the rest of us while we were staying with them.

"""Thank you for the meal!"""

We all chanted while sitting around the couple of tables that had been set up in the lab, which was the only way to sit professor Oak, Gary, Daisy, Tracey, professor Cerise, Talia, Chloe, Goh, Ren, Chrysa, Misty, May, Dawn, Joy, Ash, Bruce, Jackie and myself all at once. But of course Chloe STILL refused to look in my general direction.

Obviously it was a LOT of people to actually cook for, so we just ordered a bunch of pizzas for an easy meal after the LONG day/night we all had.

"Man! This pizza is really good!" Ash exclaimed with his usual gluttonous fervor.

"Don't act like such a glutton Ash." I said while shaking my head at him.

"Your plate of food is piled higher than his!" Goh exclaimed while pointing at my plate.

"And? I paid for it, AND I used up a ton of energy last night." I said while taking a large bite from a slice of pepperoni.

"Are you saying he didn't?" Goh demanded in an accusatory tone.


I cocked a brow at Goh as he hurried to defend my brother, who just continued eating as if nothing was going on.

Please tell me there was nothing going on there...

Other than Goh being.....Goh, dinner went on uneventfully until five, when Talia turned on the tv for us so we could watch the mayor's address.

"I can't wait to get my hands on that fucker." I snarled when his face appeared on the screen, to which I received a series of nods of agrement. Everyone knew the story of Bulbasaur's history by now, and I told them exactly who was responsible for him being trapped in the sewers for so long.

"People of Vermillion city, I am afraid I must greet you tonight with grevious news! Late last night, the League and Rangers launched an ILLEGAL attack upon our beloved Gym Leader, murdering him in cold blood before proceeding to justify their actions with baseless slander!

"Well I see their actions for what they truly are, a tyrannical grab for power while sloppily covering for their obvious bloodlust! Tell me good people, what kind of world is this where a widely celebrated hero can be murdered by the very League that he works for, WITHOUT a fair trial to determine his so-called 'guilt'?!"

A roar of cheers met his opening statement as all of the people gathered before the mayor immediately supported his version of events, not even bothering to question if what we did was justified or not.

"If he was just a cruel idiot that they were using, then he might have gotten off easy. But it looks like he's throwing himself completely into Team Rocket's corner." I commented while watching the broadcast.

"Indeed. Usually someone would be trying to disassociate themselves with someone like Surge once his wrongdoings have been exposed." Professor Oak stated.

"Well, he IS the hero of Vermillion city. The amount of attacks from ocean pokemon that he's protected us from isn't a small number, so there isn't a small number of people that would stay on Surge's side unless the evidence was shoved right in their face." Professor Cerise said while shaking his head.

As if on cue, another voice called out through the tv, "Are you SURE that's the version of events you want to go with mr. mayor?"

Immediately every person and camera turned towards a group of newcomers, which was Lorelei leading a group of League trainers along with Officers Jenny, and a muscular woman with her cream colored hair styled in a manner resembling a power cord.

"Oh if it isn't the stooge of the tyrannical League!" The mayor decreed, immediately slinging metaphorical mud at Lorelei. "Tell me! Now that you've murdered Surge, do you intend to turn your bloodlust towards me as well?! How about all of the good men and women standing here with me today?! How much blood does the League intend to spill for their own narrative?!"

With each word he spoke the crowd became increasingly agitated as they seemed ready to attack Lorelei then and there.

"Well we would prefer to take you alive, if possible, but if we cannot then it can't be helped." Lorelei stated as if it wasn't her problem.

"Oh? And pray tell, what are the charges you tyrants intend to try and force onto me?" The mayor sneered, seemingly convinced that they had nothing on him while the people there appeared downright murderous, seemingly DARING Lorelei to say anything.

"Well, I DO have this folder here." Lorelei said while holding said folder up for all to see.

She then leafed through it before pulling out a slip of paper, and stating,

"You see, apparently Surge wanted to make sure you would never have the guts to betray him. I see that his concerns were baseless, but he still kept a careful record of your various dealings together. And luckily for us, while everything on their computers was wiped clean, it looks like he kept paper copies of you specifically in case they were needed."

The moment she said that I noticed the mayor's complexion pale slightly, apparently having never even considred that Surge would have blackmail ready for him in case it was needed.

"Shall I start with the cuts of money that you were regularly receiving from Surge to cooperate with his various business dealings? Or how you worked out with him to allow certain buildings and properties to be destroyed during Gyarados attacks, allowing you to secretly buy up the properties afterwards at a discount? Or maybe how the attacks themselves were staged to begin with to make yourself and Surge appear as the heroes of Vermillion to it's people? Or perhaps I shall lead with the evidence of you making use of certain 'services' provided by Surge and his associates?"

As she trailed off Lorelei held up one piece of paper from the folder for everyone to see, both crowd and camera, of the mayor having sex with a young girl that was obviously being forced to participate. Though she of course covered the girl's face for an attempt at preserving her dignity.


"I must say, you apparently have quite the diverse tastes." Lorelei said as she held up another picture of a different girl with entirely different features, before holding up a third. And then she held up another picture that didn't show a girl at all, but a pokemon that he was taking advantage of.

There were several more pictures that Lorelei displayed after that one, each one seeming worst than the last until she finally pulled out the last one, which depicted him taking advantage of a Ralts of all things. Needless to say by this point there was no lingering support for the mayor, and instead the same people that had been cheering him on moments ago were now looking at him in disgust and revoltion.

"Officers, please take this man in for conspiracy, corruption, and abuse of women and pokemon!" Lorelei then gave the order, resulting in several Officers Jenny approaching the stage to apprehend the mayor in front of everyone.

At first he tried to resist by ordering the Peacekeepers to protect him while he ran away, but there were extra Officers lying in wait in case he tried just that. As a result, he ended up being tackled off of the stage by an Arcanine before finally being arrested in front of everyone, and literally dragged away while screaming anything and everything he could think of. From curses, profanities, and even accusations that they were setting him up.

But all of it fell onto deaf ears, as no one wanted to be associated with such a man any longer.

"Everyone..." Lorelei then spoke into the microphone, addressing the crowds of people and those who were watching at home.

"No words can describe the horror we of the League feel in knowing everything that Surge has done while under our employ. On the behalf of the entire League, from Lance himself, I sincerely apologize."

Lorelei then bowed before the entire crowd that was cursing her moments before, along with the League trainers that were accompanying her. And when she straightened herself, Lorelei then gestured to the woman accompanying her as she stated,

"I shall now introduce the new Gym Leader of Vermillion city, who has been thoroughly investigated by the League before officially being appointed to the position. Vasquez."

She then stepped aside to make room for the other woman, who stepped up to the microphone as she declared,

"Thank you miss Lorelei. I would like to begin my term as Gym Leader with an apology and a promise, that NOTHING like this will EVER happen within Vermillion city again so long as I am here."

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

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