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57.92% Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 95: Evil Unleashed

Capítulo 95: Evil Unleashed


The second Proton shattered the ceramic mask the most evil aura I had ever felt exploded outwards as a sinister cackling could be heard, echoing throughout the entire tower as it pressed down on us.

"We need to get out of here!" I told both Lucario and the female ninja as Proton was engulfed in the shadows.

"Exploding Shrukian!" The ninja girl shouted as she readily threw several ninja stars at one of the walls, which then exploded to create a hole big enough for us to escape.

I quickly scooped Cubone up into my arms and ran to the old man to grab him as well, before darting to hole alongside Lucario and ninja girl as we all threw ourselves out of it.

"PIDGEOOOOOOOOOT!" I yelled out as we began to plummet to the ground.


With a cry my bird came swooping in to catch Cubone, Mr. Fuji and I, while Vespiquen swooped in to catch Lucario. The ninja girl however took care of herself as she kicked off of the side of the tower, and vanished into the growing darkness.

With Pidgeot carrying us away from the tower, I was able to see what was happening at the top clearly for the first time.

The entire top floor was engulfed in a cloud of shadow and darkness that was pulsing as if it had a heartbeat, and grew with each pulse. But even as it grew, it also began to condense as it began taking form.

"Finally~! Being sealed away for over a thousand years could give you SUCH A CRICK IN THE NECK!" The shadowy mass declared as it stretched with numerous audible cracks and pops, before coming together to make a familiar form.

"A Gengar?!" I exclaimed in shock, though it was far larger than any Gengar I had ever heard of. Let alone it's apparent ability to speak.

"Don't let its appearance fool you... That THING is one of the original ghost types, a true alpha that spawned the entire Gengar line!" Mr. Fuji explained to me as we circled around it.

"That's a true alpha?" I uttered while looking over the massive Gengar curiously. I'd heard about them from Petrel and Hudson, but this was the first time I'd seen one.

It's strength easily put it in the legendary category though, with the sinister aura it had been emitting increasing by several times now that it was unsealed. It was so powerful, that the shade being produced by the Team Rocket airship was turning into actual night by its mere presence.

"The true alpha has appeared! Now initiating capture procedure!" Declared a voice from the airship, before numerous spotlights appeared from it.

"Huh? Why's it so bright in here?" The true alpha Gengar asked lazily, despite the numerous massive Silph Scopes being directed at it.

"Let's blow out those strange candles~!" It declared while holding out one of its hands.

I watched as the shadows around us began amassing atop the extended hand, before spinning rapidly to create a massive Shadow Ball.

"No way..." I uttered as the Gengar sent the Shadow Ball at the airship with a flick of one of its 'fingers'.



The massive Shadow Ball moved faster than I could follow as it shot at the airship, before crashing into it and dealing so much damage that it was instantly brought down into the surrounding mountains.

"We're doomed...." Mr. Fuji despaired as he watched the destruction.

"Maybe... Maybe not!" I declared as a confident smile spread on my face.

"You thinking what I'm thinking partner?" Lucario asked as Vespiquen drifted closer to us.

"I believe so, partner!" I answered before saying to Pidgeot, "take Cubone and Mr. Fuji somewhere safe Pidgeot, then get the rest of my Pokemon and join us!"

"Pidgeo!" Pidgeot answered in affirmation, before I slid off of his back into a controlled fall onto one of the buildings below. Meanwhile Vespiquen took off straight up into the sky with Lucario as I turned my attention to our opponent.

"Ah~ How scrumptious~!" The Gengar declared as it opened its mouth wide. I'm sure other people would be confused as to why it was doing that, but I could see the aura of the souls it was consuming from the destroyed airship clearly before they disappeared down its gullet.

"But a little chewy...." It added, even going through the motions like it was chewing something before spitting it out at my feet. Proton's shriveled, and already rotting corpse.

But sitting there on one of his fingers was the Keystone ring he'd used to Mega Evolve Houndoom, the only thing left on his body that was in pristine condition. Ignoring my disgust, I quickly stripped the ring from his body and slipped it onto my middle finger, where it fit perfectly.

When that was done I looked up to see the Gengar hovering in the air right before me, a Cheshire Cat grin on its face.

"Hello, my darling and delectable delicacy~ Perhaps you can point this peripatetic purveyor of particular provisions on the proper path~?"



"For Arceus' sake... Did the level of intelligence drop while I was away?" The Gengar sighed in exasperation, though something he said caught my attention.

"You know about Arceus?" I asked it curiously.

"Hm~? Well of course I know about HIM! Who doesn't?!"

"Most, if not all of the other people of this world aside from me." I answered it.

"Hehe.... Is that so~?" It asked with an almost gleeful tone.

"My master will be most pleased to hear that~ kekekekekeke~~~"

"Master?" I asked curiously to fish more information from it. Plus the more I kept it talking, the more time I bought until my team got here.

"Kekekeke! That's right~! He who was so terrible and powerful, that Arceus itself had to create an entirely different dimension to seal him away~!"


My eyes widened from the bomb that had just been dropped, as only one Pokemon that I knew of came to mind that fit that criteria. Granted, I still know next to nothing about the lore from every single generation that came after four. But how many Legendary Pokemon were so bad that Arceus himself had to banish them?

"Oh~? The look on your face tells me you might know who I'm talking about, kekekeke~. Don't worry, you'll be able to confirm it yourself when I take you to meet my master, mortal who carries the scent of Arceus~!"


"Don't act so surprised mortal, it radiates from your body in nauseating waves~. Any one of my siblings or those you mortals worship as Legendaries would be able to smell it~! My master will VERY much like to meet you though~!"


"Excuse me?" The massive Gengar uttered to my immediate refusal.

"I said nah, I don't feel like meeting your master right now." I told him bluntly.

"Doesn't matter." He said, all of his earlier cockiness gone as he looked down on me.

"Yes it does. I have no intention of meeting him just yet, so I'm not going to. When I do meet him though, it'll be to kick his ass up and down his own dimension before turning him into my bitch."


"Please tell me you're joking."


The true alpha just stared down at me in disbelief from my casual dismissal of his intentions, as well as my intention to kick his master's ass when I do meet him.


He then burst out into gut-busting laughter as he made several reverse flips in midair, literal tears streaming from his eyes. Except that they fell, those tears hit the ground and exploded into toxic sludge.

"HOW AMUSING!" Gengar declared when he finally seemed to be getting a grip on himself. "But then again, what else should one expect from a mortal chosen by that damn Arceus himself!"

"How about this?" I asked while sticking my middle finger up at him. The same finger that had the ring I'd taken from Proton's corpse, which began to glow brightly.

"Eh? What's that?" Gengar asked curiously, before looking upwards as something else seemed to have caught his attention.

"ZEN HEADBUTT!" The now Mega Evolved Lucario roared as he shot down like a massive bullet from above, his forehead glowing with amassed psychic power that hit Gengar with the force of a falling star.


Even the ghostly true alpha was sent reeling from the force of the impact created by Lucario, making his figure flicker between tangible and intangible irritably.

"Little insect..." He growled irritably while focusing his gaze on Lucario.

"You want me? Come and get me." Lucario declared while preparing to fight against yet another Legendary grade Pokemon.

Unlike Mewtwo though, we MIGHT have a chance to win against this one.

As far as I could tell, Gengar was still recovering his strength after being sealed away for so long. If we could capitalize on this time before he grew even stronger, then we might be able to end it.

But, with all the Team Rocket souls he'd already consumed, then it might already be too late. Not that we'd know without trying!

"You wanna play with the big leagues? FINE!" Gengar smirked as he created another Shadow Ball, and aimed it right at Lucario.

I quickly closed my eyes and tried to synchronize my aura with Lucario's, something that actually took me a bit of effort due to his Mega Evolution. Though different from normal, it was still the aura I was THE most familiar with.

We opened our eyes to see the massive Shadow Ball coming right at us, and we smirked back at him. Challenge accepted!

We put our hands together at the side and channeled as much of our combined aura there as we could, forming a large sphere of energy that shined brightly in the darkness compared to the Shadow Ball.

""EAT THIS!"" We both roared as we fired the mega Aura Sphere at the Shadow Ball.

The two of them impacted one another right before the Shadow Ball could hit us, creating a struggle of light versus darkness as the two fought for dominance, before the Aura Sphere was snuffed out completely.


We quickly had to leap to the side as the Shadow Ball completely engulfed the building we were standing on, before erasing it entirely.

"Did you think it was that easy to match ME~?" Gengar sneered at us with another Cheshire Cat grin.

But rather than reply, Lucario and I just channeled complete confidence in our aura at him, making his expression twitch slightly. And I'm pretty sure our smirk was just the icing on the cake.

"You should wipe that smirk off your face~" Gengar drawled at us, before swiping with both of his hands to use an overpowered Shadow Claw.

Six blades of shadow sliced through everything in their path as they rushed us, bisecting buildings and vehicles like they were warm butter. We tensed all of the muscles in our body as we prepared to take evasive maneuvers, but right as we were about to try and avoid the attack....


With a strange cry, a blade of pure darkness intercepted the Shadow Claw attacks, slowing them ever so slightly.

Instantly we switched from dodging to tanking as we channeled ghost type energy this time for our own Shadow Claw, and slashed at the deadly blades to try and stop them in their tracks.


We were pushed back to the edge of the building we were on as the blades hit us, despite our own power combined with the power of the Night Slash that had slowed them to begin with.

"SNEASEL!" Came a cry as my Sneasel appeared out of nowhere, before she too used Night Slash to help us push back on the dual Shadow Claws.

"GEOOOOOO!" Pidgeot screeched as he too created numerous blades of wind through Air Slash to help us.

But that was just the tip of the iceberg as numerous other attacks impacted the Shadow Claws, until.....


With this much help, all of us were able to successfully push back the attack and shatter the Shadow Claws, much to Gengar's surprise.


"Haaa Haaa..." We all panted from the exertion of defending against the attack. But as Lucario and I glanced around, we realized that ALL of my Pokemon that I'd let out earlier had gathered around. Including some that had VERY different faces.

"Well well well..." I said while canceling the synchronization and looking over Graveler, Chansey, Grotle, and Golbat.

I was smiling ear-to-ear at their newly evolved forms, especially how large and imposing they all were. But this was DEFINITELY not the time to celebrate.

"Alright team! This time we're against a true alpha, which are basically Legendaries! This one shouldn't be as strong as Mewtwo though, so go out there and keep an eye on each other's backs while giving it your all!"

A resounding cheer answered my pep-talk as all my Pokemon psyched themselves up for battle. Thinking about it, I noticed that they all had minimal to no injuries despite going against a small army of Team Rocket grunts and Pokemon.

I had some REALLY awesome Pokemon!

"Finished?" Gengar asked lazily as we wrapped up our pep-talk. He completely disregarded us as a threat. I'll make sure to change that.

"Are you sure YOU'RE not the cocky one?" I asked him testily.

"No. I KNOW you're all no threat to me, so there's no point worrying. In fact, the more you all struggle and genuinely believe you'll win, the more scrumptious my meal will be when you all are despairing as I eat your souls. One. By. One."

My eyes narrowed as he practically began to salivate at the mere thought, even as my Pokemon broke our little huddle to start fighting.

Pidgeot, Magneton, Golbat and Vespiquen took flight around Gengar with the latter's Combee, while the former still had Cubone since the little guy refused to escape with the others. He made be a crybaby, but he sure as hell wasn't a coward.

Grovyle, Charmeleon, Sneasel, Raticate(X3), Persian, Meowth(X2), Tangela, Ditto, Houndoom, Mightyena, Buizel, Flaaffy, and Ampharos meanwhile all started darting around the rooftops with me to employ hit and run tactics. At the same time Chansey had moved to a rooftop where she could easily provide healing if needed.

The others, Tauros, Miltank, Nidorino, Nidorina, Wartortle, Exeggutor, Gyarados(X3), Milotic(X2), Lickiting, Cranidos, Tyrunt, Parasect, Grotle, and Graveler, were either too heavy or not nimble enough enough to take to the rooftops. So they ran through the streets or otherwise found a good position to attack from.

With three levels to attack from, all of us moved while Lucario shot forward to take all of Gengar's attention to himself. He was not only my strongest Pokemon normally, but he was currently suped up from his Mega Evolution on top of that.

As we all moved to attack, I also noticed an outlier amongst my Pokemon, a quadruped Pokemon with white fur and a curved black horn atop its head.

"Is that an Absol!?" I exclaimed with recognition.

My mind raced as I tried to figure out what it was doing here, as they shouldn't be anywhere near Kanto. But I quickly reminded myself that could wait.

That Night Slash that helped Lucario and I earlier had to have come from it, meaning that it should be fairly powerful. And it obviously intended to help us out.

"Sky team, GO!" I commanded to the group in the air.

In response, Pidgeot once again started spamming Air Slash to create dozens of blades of air that hurtled at Gengar, while Cubone threw his bone fragment from his back for a Bonemerang. Golbat meanwhile was using Screech to try and disorient Gengar, while also using Air Cutter to assault him like Pidgeot. Magneton was using Charge to amass as much power as it could, while Vespiquen was commanding her hive into different roles to provide as much support as possible.

Unfortunately Gengar had just gone intangible in response to their attacks, so they were all just flying right through it.

"Ground team-" I began, before being caught off guard as Graveler suddenly flew by like a living cannonball.


"The fuck...?" I uttered in shock, even as Graveler flew right through Gengar and out the other side.

"Damn it.... If only one of my Pokemon knew Foresight..." I swore, putting the thing with Graveler on the back burner for the moment. Just as I was about to command one of my Pokemon to use a dark or ghost type attack on Gengar though...

"Venonat, use Foresight!"


The voice of the female ninja cried out, followed by her Pokemon's as the little poison type directed its shining eyes at Gengar.

"Huh?" Gengar uttered as it was made to be tangible once more, right as Miltank this time went flying and hit it.

"MILTAAAAAANK!" Miltank cried victoriously from getting a hit in.

"Excuse you." Gengar stated irritably, before flicking her away like a bug.

"TAAAAAAAUR!" Tauros cried with outrage.

"Your turn?" Gengar sneered evilly, before an Aura Sphere impacted the side of his face.

"Actually, it's MY turn!" Lucario declared as he taunted Gengar.

"As you wish!" Gengar snarled in annoyance from being hit. I'm sure Lucario's Aura Sphere did quite a bit more to him than Miltank's flying Rollout.

As Lucario and Gengar began to trade blows, the rest of my Pokemon moved in to try and deal damage to Gengar as well.

Parasect was using Bullet Seed from the road below, though they were as large as cannons, before switching to Dragon Breath when the seeds(cannons) barely seemed to affect Gengar. Tangela was using its position on one of the rooftops to help my other Pokemon with its vines, lifting them up or straight up throwing them so that they could be close enough to attack as well.

Amongst them was my Gyarados as well as Tyrunt, who all used Bite to latch onto Gengar. Unfortunately Gengar was as much poison as he was ghost, so they were quickly forced to let go so Chansey could heal them. Well, the three Gyarados did. Tyrunt stubbornly held onto Gengar's tail despite the poison, and Gengar flicking it around repeatedly.

"Houndoom, bathe Charmeleon in your Flamethrower!" I commanded one of my hounds as an idea occurred to me.

"Hound!" Houndoom barked as he complied, using his strongest flames on my starter.

Charmeleon had the Flash Fire ability, which was something his species wasn't supposed to have. But the best trait of Flash Fire, was that when a fire type attack was used on those who had it, their own fire attacks would be temporarily strengthened.

"Char....." Chameleon growled as he was bathed in Houndoom's flames.

"Now go Charmeleon!" I commanded him, and my starter leapt up off of the roof.

"CHARMELEON!" he roared while gathering every bit of energy he had for the most powerful Flamethrower he'd ever conjured.


"Ho-Oh!?!" Gengar exclaimed in shock as he turned towards him, only to see Charmeleon hurtling through the air at him.


With a mighty roar, Charmeleon released his most powerful Flamethrower ever right in Gengar's face, bathing him in multicolored fire that rivaled even the Mega Evolved Houndoom's in heat.

"That's it!" I cried from the successful hit.


"Huh...?" I uttered, as Charmeleon disappeared from where he had been.

Slowly, I looked back to see my starter lying in a crater a ways away, where Gengar had apparently swatted him with more force than he had Miltank.

"You will be the first I eat!" Gengar snarled with sudden fury, his face unexpectedly charred and burned.

"No! Get up Charmeleon!" I cried out to my starter, while everyone else began peppering Gengar with all the attacks they could. But he just ignored them while focusing on Charmeleon.

Desperate, I ran out and leapt from the rooftop I was on in an attempt to prevent Gengar from finishing him off.

"Don't you dare!" I snarled at him while channeling my aura, and the rest of my Pokemon tried to help.

"Out of my way." Gengar sneered as a wave of ghostly energy was shot out at me, sending me flying back this time.

"Stop him!" I told the rest of my Pokemon as Pidgeot caught me, as this was different from the other injuries that everyone had taken until now. Now, Gengar was going in for the kill.

"SOL!" Absol cried as it sent another Night Slash at him, only for it to be deflected before he flicked it away as well.

"You're mine!" Lucario roared as he combine Extreme Speed with Shadow Claw.

"Think again." Gengar sneered as he hit my partner with a Shadow Ball.

Venonat, Foresight again!" The female ninja cried from somewhere, before Gengar was rendered tangible once more. Despite this no attacks seemed to faze him as he continued towards Charmeleon.

"ENOUGH!" He cried eventually, sending out a powerful Dark Pulse that sent everyone reeling.

I watched helplessly as he then picked up Charmeleon by the tail and lift him up over his mouth while he opened it ravenously.

"The power of Ho-Oh himself.... This will make a nice meal~!" Saying such, Gengar let go of Charmeleon to let him drop into his mouth.


The world went silent as I watched my starter fall, before he disappeared into Gengar's mouth with a mighty crunch.

"Ah~! Nice and crunchy~!" Gengar said as he began chewing.


"Wait a minute... 'Crunchy'?" He questioned, before proceeding to spit out a mouthful of rubble and stone from one of the ruined buildings around us.

"What is this!?!" Gengar roared angrily, while my mind tried to process what had happened with my emotions in turmoil.

"I believe this is yours, Ace Ketchum." A new voice suddenly said, before the familiar form of Charmeleon appeared in front of me.

"Charmeleon!" I cried out in relief, with literal tears streaking down my face as I embraced my battered and unconscious starter.

"Who the hell are you!?" Gengar demanded as he turned towards us, or more specifically the newcomer.

"I doubt it'll do you any good to know my name, but I shall tell you anyways since you requested it." The newcomer said, at which point I looked to them for the first time despite already knowing who it was.

They stood tall even as they hovered in the air with blue psychic power, standing as a shield between us and Gengar.

"I, am Mewtwo."

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

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