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11.45% Killer of MC’s / Chapter 11: Her name is Xie Yujia

Capítulo 11: Her name is Xie Yujia

One more week had gone by. Alex had learned a lot from the Lu sisters, they truly are the best.

There have been surprisingly no problems this past two weeks, they attribute it to Zhen Congming's giant array formation, which actually kept people out of this spot.

Some sects were bold enough to wander around this place, but Alex scared them off with his cultivation strength.

Right now, they are eating some food that Alex *paid* on first heaven. They tried finding foods in the other heavens, but it was too much of a risk to expose themselves like that.

The Lu sisters reached peak Qian level thanks to Alex. Since Alex had 300 Qian level souls, he could easily make the Lu sisters reach that level like he did with Su Han.

As they all ate in one place like a family, something troubled Alex. Today is the day where he needs to show his real strength, he was afraid that any changes would affect Hao Ren from becoming a cultivator, and thus he would miss out on a lot of SP.

After Hao Ren becomes a cultivator, Alex is free to do whatever he wants without worrying about affecting the future.

"Linlin, Lili." Alex said after thinking for a while.

"Yes, Saviour?" They both said at the same time.

"You guys have already taught me all that I need to know, so you guys are free to go, your debt has been paid off." Alex said slowly.

It was the sisters choice whether they're gonna stay with him, or live here by themselves.

The sisters stopped eating, and looked at Alex as if they couldn't believe what they just heard.

"What are you saying, Saviour?" Lu Lili spoke first.

"I have been thinking about it for two weeks. I just… I am not from this world, I am here only because *he* sent me here for one purpose only. I will have to leave this world eventually after fulfilling that purpose." Alex said very softly and slowly. He doesn't want to let them go, but it's their choice.

"No! We will follow you wherever you go!" Lu Linlin spoke out, she even dropped her food to the ground because she stood up fast.

"The places where i'm going are far more dangerous, there are individuals who can destroy planets with just the touch of their finger. Those guys can make even an eternal demon king look like an ant." Alex said truthfully.

This is the reason why he can't bring himself to bring the Lu sisters with him, as the places where he's going can make this world seem like level 1 in a video game.

"It doesn't matter, we will follow you wherever we go. We have nowhere else to go, but you gave us a home, even if it was for two weeks, but these past few weeks have been the most cherished memories for me and my sister." Lu Lili yelled at Alex as tears fell from her eyes.

"She's right. You are our home now, and we will follow you no matter how dangerous it can be, because we will protect you with our lifes."

They both knelt to the ground, and pleaded to Alex to not leave them. They wanted to be with him, as they had nowhere else to go.

When they mentioned 'home' and 'nowhere else to go' this somehow touched Alex's heart.

He left his home and had nowhere else to go, he was very lucky that someone had helped him on the way, and because of that person, he made it through this rough life.

Those words touched his heart because he could relate to them. But can he bring them with him?

"I know what you're thinking, and yes you can bring them with you." The devil said.

"Really?" Alex responded happily. However, the devil added something else.

"But! You can only bring them if they are demons. You must give them a [commandment] for me to bring the Lu sisters with you."

"Really?! Hm…." this is new to Alex. Would they give up their humanity just to be with him? There is only one way to find out.

"Girls, stand up." Alex looked at the girls who are still kneeling.

"We don't want to leave savior." Lu Lili said.

"You girls can come with me."

"Really!!!" As if that was the best thing they have heard, their faces contained a joyful expression.

"But, you need to be demons (or part demon) like me. That is the only way for me to bring you two with me." Alex said.

"Okay." They both said happily. They thought that they would not be able to be with him, but now that it was possible, they are willing to do it.

"Are you sure? If you take these powers is like giving up a bit of your humanity."

"We are sure." They both said at the same time. They looked at Alex with determination in their eyes, clearly they would never leave his side, unless he says so.

"Very well then. There are Ten Commandments for you to choose. I already have one, so you guys can pick one. And remember, we will be immune to each other's commandments, but we aren't immune to our own commandment."

They both nodded as they understood the rules of this power.

"The first one is purity. Anyone who possesses impure thoughts shall be controlled by that person with a single command. Are you two impure?" Alex asked to be safe. It would be better if they picked a commandment that won't fail them.

The Lu sisters blushed when he asked them about 'impure thoughts' you can guess why.

Seeing their blushing faces, he could only move on to the next commandment. He didn't care about the cost of the commandments, as he had more than enough to buy even the two most expensive commandments on store.

"Ahem! The next one is 'love' anyone who hold hatred within your presence shall be powerless." Alex said with a blush. He can't believe that the Lu sisters have impure thoughts about him.

"I'll take that one!" Lu Linlin said.

"Do you get angry? It's a very strong commandment, because it is natural to hate one's enemy." Alex said to be sure.

"I'm positive, I can control my anger very well." She said truthfully.

"Very well then. Buy me the [Love commandment]" Alex commanded his system.

[Love commandment bought. 280,000 SP has been spent.] current SP 226,000

Then a small orb of total darkness appeared in Alex's hand, this was the true appearance of a commandment.

"Here!" Alex gently threw the black orb towards Lu Linlin, not even giving the amount of SP he had spent a glance.

The orb gently entered Lu Linlin's body. She felt an incredible surge of power as soon as it entered her body.

A powerful dark miasma surged out of Lu Linlin's body.


Back with Steven.

Steven had been *running* around the Earth's orbit for the past few weeks. Instead of just Qiu Niu following it, there were dozens of more soul cultivators running behind it.

Some were equivalent to big kings, while there were more soul formation cultivators and heavenly dragons here from all over the world.

Steven had absorbed the attacks of these people, which helped him boost up to the realm of a big king, his cultivation progress is way more terrifying than Alex's method.

At this moment, Steven felt a similar dark power coming from the other side of the world. His eyes lit up brightly, he couldn't believe what he felt.

"Stay on guard! It could launch an attack on us again!" A heavenly dragon shouted as soon as it noticed a subtle change in Steven's face.

But it didn't attack them, it instead extended its wings even further and flew at an even more terrifying speed than before.

All this time, the cultivators thought that Steven was going at his full speed to get away from them, but it didn't even bother to use half of his power to run away. Just how strong is that Pegasus?!

"What the hell?!" That was what they all thought st the moment. They had been trying so hard day and night trying to capture that beast, but it looked like it teleported because its speed was even faster than they could see.


"How do you feel?" Alex asked her to be sure.

"I feel fine, and more powerful." Lu Linlin was shocked to feel that power surging inside her, it was dark energy but it was very strong.

"Good. Practice your new powers on a mountain over there, you need to learn how to control it." Alex pointed at a spot, he is afraid that she might hurt someone if she carelessly used her powers.

"Hm." She nodded then went to practice her powers.

"All right, now what about you?" Alex asked Lu Linlin.

"There is [Selflessness] anyone who hold greed within your presence shall have their memories, emotions and sense of self removed."

"I would like that!" Lu Linlin said. Her personality is anything but selfish, she would always think about her sister, or saviour before her.

"Okay. Buy me selflessness." said Alex.

[Selflessness bought. 180,000 SP spent] 46,000 Sp available.

Just like the last time, a dark orb appeared in Alex's hand and it gently made its way inside Lu Lili's body.

She also felt an incredible amount of power surging through her. Their power levels could be compared to a soul formation cultivator.

"Is there any way to be immune to our own commandments?" He asked the system in his mind.

[Immunity to a commandment 1,000,000 SP each]

"WHAT THE HELL?!?! That's super expensive!" Alex shouted out in his mind after seeing this price. He hasn't even earned that amount yet, not to mention that he's back to being almost broke.

"Trust me, the more system shops you unlock, the higher the chance that you might see a bigger number than that." The devil responded casually.

"Shit! Huh?" As Alex was about to curse in his mind, he sensed something powerful coming his way at an incredible speed.

The others felt it too, and immediately went beside Alex to take a defensive stand.

"That power can only be compared to a Big demon king." Zhen Congming said fearfully, even his teacher isn't that strong, but his mother was stronger than that.

"That energy feels familiar. Where have I sensed it before?" Alex said to himself.

While he was talking to himself, that figure crashed down to Alex's chest without warning, it sent him a couple meters back.

"Ow! Steven!" Alex was about to hit the thing that crashed into him, but saw that it was Steven on his chest.

"Is that?" Zhen Congming couldn't believe what he was witnessing right now.

"This is the immortal being, Steven." Alex said with a smile as Steven flew around everybody.

"It looks like a Pegasus from hell." Zhen Congming said. But Steven took it as a compliment.

"That's what I thought too." Said Alex.

After flying around everybody, it stopped beside Lu Linlin, and began eating a bit of her dark energy.

Alex and the others were about to attack it because they thought it was an attack he activated, but it instantly went beside Lu Lili and did the same thing.

Only a second passed by, but it laid on the floor with its six legs, and his wings covering his body, and began to sleep soundly.

"What did it do?" Asked Lu Lili.

"I have no idea. But are you two okay?" Responded Alex.

They both nodded their heads, they didn't even feel the slightest bit of change when Steven did whatever he did just now.

"Hm… interesting." Even the devil could not help but get a little curious about Steven.

"Do you know what happened?" Asked Alex.

"Not too sure. Maybe if we wait for a while, something could happen."

"So… that's the immortal being that everyone is after." Zhen Congming approached the Pegasus slowly, as it inspected it.

"Yeah. I wonder what it has been doing this past few weeks?" Alex said.

"It was actually helping you." The devil said front the side. Nobody else but Alex could see him, which is why nobody else reacted when he showed himself.

"Helping me?" Alex said confused.

"He has been running non-stop around the earth attracting the attention of powerful enemies. If it weren't for him, you would have been met with several soul formation cultivators."

Alex was shocked when he heard his answer. To think that Steven was protecting him all this time from unnecessary trouble.

"Is it safe?" Asked Lu Lili, who is somewhat fearful of the Pegasus.

"He's fine, he can be trusted." Alex said truthfully.

The other heaved a sigh of relief, they believe Alex because he hasn't been turned to stone.

"I have to be going now. I need to visit someone, I'll be back later. If someone powerful comes here, then you can call me with my telepathic powers."

"Telepathic powers?" The Lu sisters said. They knew what telepathy was, they just don't know why they would have it.

"Oh right. You see, now that you are now a commandment, we have a special connection with each other, and I can communicate with you through telepathy because I am the one in charge."

"Ohhhh." They both said. To think that these powers have that kind of ability.

"And after I come back, I'll help you two reach Soul formation realm." Without saying another word, Alex spread out his fairy wings and quickly went to first heaven.

They were left with the midget Pegasus, who is still fast asleep. I guess even an immortal being can get tired after running for so long.

Since he disappeared in a flash, no soul cultivator will be able to find him or the Lu sisters. Because of Zhen Congming's array formation, they are practically invisible to all the other heavens.

Alex flew down as fast as he could, he needed to make sure of one thing, and that is Hao Ren. If for some reason his actions caused Hao Ren to miss out being a dragon cultivator, then it is up to him to make sure that it happens to matter what.

He found the school he was looking for 'East Ocean University' that is the school where Hao Ren studies, as well as the school where his slave teaches.

Using his incredible cultivation senses, he was able to find Su Han teaching a class.

He hid his wings under his shirt to avoid getting attention. Slowly strolling through the halls of the school, he entered Su Han's class.

(I don't know if they let anyone enter the university schools in China, but in this case anyone is allowed.)

Alex did attract a bit of attention for the students who were outside, mostly because of his unique looks. Some girls blushed seeing him. Since his cultivation is very high, it made him look more charismatic than before. It is mentioned in the light novel that because of Su Han, Lu sisters, Xie Yujia, since they were all cultivators, their charm increased as well.

Alex ignored the gazes of the girls as he had no interest in common girls, unlike some people.

Once he entered the classroom, Su Han almost choked from shock by seeing him here. She didn't expect Alex to appear at this time.

Alex smiled seeing her expression. He signalled her to continue her classroom, and to ignore him.

She got the message, and began instructing her classroom again.

Alex looked around and saw an ocean-blue light surrounding a kid, it was Hao Ren. He knows this because he recognized him from the cottage house.

He was happy that Hao Ren still became a cultivator, now that SP is close to his grasp.

However, he also noticed another cultivator nearby. It was a pretty girl, who seemed to be listening very carefully to Su Han's lecture.

Alex felt like she seems familiar, but can't recall her. It can't be Xie Yujia, as the OP granny doesn't teach her about cultivation further into the future.

Finally, after a whole hour had past, the classroom ended and it was time for lunch.

Alex signalled Su Han that he wanted to talk to her, she understood him and followed her to her office without even saying a word.

When people saw Alex, they all were shocked that such a pretty boy was in their classroom. His figure was small and yet he looked handsome and strong.

What was most shocking, is that Su Han waited for him by the door and then led him to her office.

Hao Ren got an uneasy feeling from him. But he didn't pay mind to it, as these past few days have been pretty surprising for him.

The same for the pretty girl, she got a weird feeling from seeing him.

There was a rumor going around the school that this boy and Su Han had a thing going on, and it spread throughout the building like wildfire.

The duo entered the office. Su Han was still angry at him, but she didn't show it.

"How is his progress doing?" Asked Alex as he looked at her office, it was quiet, big, and neat. It felt perfect for him.

"You were right about a human cultivator becoming a dragon cultivator. His progress is good, but he still hasn't broken through Kan level." Said Su Han as she took a seat. Her guard was still up just in case.

"It's only been a few days since he began cultivating, so I guess his progress isn't too bad." Said Alex.

"But how did you know that?" She wanted to know how he knew that Hao Ren was gonna become a dragon cultivator.

"I guess you could say I know a little bit about the future." He said truthfully.

"I would recommend not getting to attached to this kid, as you might even regret it." Added Alex.

Su Han did not know what he meant, because she doesn't know that even she becomes very close to Hao Ren in the future.

"Why do you even care for this kid?" Su Han asked.

"Should that even matter to you? This is an order from your master." Alex doesn't want his secret to leak out, as it could be very troublesome to him.

"Tsk!" Su Han was angry at him. She needed to know everything about him, as it could help her to break from his curse.

"Does anyone else know about your mission?"

"No." She shook her head.

"Okay. One more thing, who is that girl cultivator in your classroom?" Alex needed to know.

"I wouldn't mess with her, she is protected by a soul formation cultivator." Su Han explained.

'Protected by a soul formation cultivator? There is only one person that comes to mind, but she shouldn't be a cultivator, not until much later in the story' Alex thought to himself.

"Her name is Xie Yujia."

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