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83.33% A Cheap, OP Brawler / Chapter 170: Chapter 167: The Underdog’s Infiltration

Capítulo 170: Chapter 167: The Underdog’s Infiltration

Unusual was the first word that came to mind when we got into the emergency room. It had the ambience of a guest room, there was a wardrobe, a vanity, and a closet, but no bed, no windows, no ornate decorations. It was more like a dressing room reserved for an important celebrity. The only thing that stood out was the fancy red and gold rope that hung from a hole in the ceiling.

"Are we … here?" I asked with skepticism. Then again, I was skeptical when I saw Noire's memory of this room.

"This is it, indeed," Noire confirmed while running her fingers down the lone rope," One tug of this would notify Her Highness that we're here. She would send a few guards to escort us to her office."

{Ah, so it's like a doorbell of sorts?}

"The closet and wardrobe are empty and would be used for visitors like us to temporarily store our belongings," Noire continued while approaching the vanity and checking her appearance, fixing her hair and other areas that looked out of place. I could already guess why that was there if meeting the Demon King was an expected part of these procedures.

"Since we're meeting Her Highness in secret, though, we're not going to pull this rope, then?" I asked.

Noire nodded, "Correct. We don't want to risk any word of me being here reaching Father, so it's imperative that we avoid everyone but Her Highness."

I approached the only door that looked to have a dumblock that locks from the outside, "I understand that much, but if this room is so important to serve as an emergency back door via teleportation magic, let's say if word of this does spread to some bad guy. Shouldn't this door be locked? Isn't that why there's a rope here in the first place?"

If the Demon King was the first to know that someone's here through that rope, she must have sent guards down to fetch the 'visitors' here for extra security. If they have no idea who the person in the room is, that would immediately bring suspicion on them.

In other words, if a bad guy tried to escape here from some trouble, they'd basically be jumping into their own prison. That's why this room would be locked at all times, save for the occasion of cleaning and maintaining the space.

"Your experience in security is really showing to figure that out, Jinma," Noire said, "Yes, that would normally be the case; however, I have a way that will get us—"

"It's open."

"... out?" Noire finished in confusion.

Out of curiosity, I tried turning the knob and pushed lightly, finding I could open it quite easily.

"That can't be right. Could this room be in the middle of cleaning and the maids are elsewhere? But servants of Her Highness couldn't possibly be this lax …" Noire whispered, despite seeing the evidence before her.

I peeked out into the large royal halls and saw no sign of maids having been in the area. I had an idea for why this door was unlocked, but it made me uneasy.

Despite my concerns, I shook the discomfort off for now, "There's no time to ponder over this. We need to get to Her Highness' office fast, right? Lead the way."

"R-Right, hold my hand and don't let go," Noire said as she stepped out first.

I quietly closed the door behind me and obliged to Noire's request before we made a dash.

Just before we left far enough out of earshot, I could have sworn I heard the sound of a door behind us locking up.


[Stealth] is a skill from the Thief class that allows one to sneak by and be out of people's detection. This is in effect so long as they didn't see the user, or if that said user doesn't make abrupt noise blatantly. This skill can extend to multiple people once they make physical contact with the user. I had first used this with Ren when we broke her slave friends and their merchant out from captivity during the raid at Dondegarm.

Noire, despite being a noble, has Thief as one of her secondary classes. She was having me hold her hand for the [Stealth] skill to affect both of us as we moved. Noire also has the [Lockpicking] skill, which I assumed was what she was planning to use to undo the lock in the emergency room, though I wasn't really sure we would get out so easily that way.

Noire didn't mention any of this to me, but she likely didn't know I was aware of her secondary classes and those skills already. She also didn't know that I was the same. I wasn't sure if it would help, but I used my own [Stealth] skill to hide our presence further. I also added something else as we moved.

"Using [Soundproof] above the floor to quiet our footsteps! Absolutely brilliant, Jinma!" Noire whispered in high praise.

By creating a long, narrow, and constantly moving field around the hallway floor, my [Soundproof] kept our movements from being heard in the distance of the castle's echoing hallways. As long as we kept our voices low, we could sprint and not worry about our feet making noise. I thought it up on the fly and I was thankful that it worked.

As we moved, I also had my [Intuitive Mapping] and [Size Up] skills active, not only looking ahead in the castle's three-dimensional blueprint in my mind, but to also avoid any passing guards. When I sensed someone was drawing close, I quietly warned Noire and we stopped behind corners, stairways, ornate statues, vases, and other decors in the hallway. Keeping still and out of sight is when our [Stealth] skills would work at their highest performance. If we were lucky, we'd hide in a vacant room that Noire would unlock quickly with her [Lockpicking] skill.

We've narrowly escaped the guards' and servants' detection a couple times, with one instance really standing out to me.

"Pudding, pudding, pudding, I gotta get that pudding quickly!"

One of the castle's guards, an Orc from the look of it, was running down the hall while spouting something about pudding in a panic. It wasn't just his voice, the clanging of his armor could be heard from tens of meters away. Despite how well we hid, it was a close call as he passed right by us. His narrow-minded focus on that pudding spared us a great deal of trouble. {Still, that Orc must really like pudding. Or maybe the pudding's just that good here? I should prepare some if we have enough ingredients left.}

Finally, after a couple minutes of running in halls and stairways, making numerous turns, and sometimes taking an alternate route, we finally reached our destination.

"Strange, there's usually a guard or two standing outside when Her Highness is in the office?" Noire said with a tilted head, "Why is there only a halberd on the floor?"

At that question, the Pudding Orc from earlier came to mind. {He couldn't be in a hurry because the Demon King ordered him to get it, could he? That would require leaving his post? Wouldn't leaving his weapon behind be dangerous?}

I checked my [Intuitive Mapping] and [Size Up] to confirm, but I couldn't see anyone in the office. The Demon King could have a 'Pendant of Hidden Anonymity' like Sue does, hiding her status and location, which makes determining whether she's in the room difficult.

Before I could ask for confirmation, Noire suddenly knocked on the door, "Your Majesty! The sky has started raining black!"

{The hell kind of chuunibyou greeting is that?!}

I was going to retort Noire's greeting when the knob suddenly turned and the intricately designed door opened a crack.

"That's a secret code she and I came up with to say we have something important to talk about in secret," Noire whispered, "She knows it's me and is inviting me in."

{Ohh, so it's a code … still pretty chuuni, though.}

"You sure you don't want to come inside?" Noire asked.

I shook my head, "I'll wait out here and keep a lookout. If something happens, I'll knock."

"Okay, wish me luck," Noire said before giving me a peck on the lips and stepping inside the office.

<You think this will go well?> Nyra asked.

<I sure hope so …>


{Demon King Sue}

As soon as the Vampire noblewoman, Noire Scarletine Krauss, entered my office and shut the door behind her, I cast [Soundproof] to make sure our talk was private. I left enough on the door in case someone knocked on it.

"Noire, what a surprise to see you here. I wasn't given notice that you came," I greeted.

Noire did her formal curtsy in greeting, "Please forgive me for intruding unannounced, Your Majesty, but I have an urgent request that I must ask of you."

Noire then reached into her Magic Item Pouch and pulled out an envelope and an open parchment as she approached me. I took the envelope first and opened it to read its contents.

"... A formal request for a warrant to search Perseus Rowling's residence for evidence of forging the Krauss Family seal, is it?" I asked after reading it. There were also a few other pieces of parchment that read 'Formal Testimony of Gabriella', listing details of certain events before that person's signature and thumbprint was put down at the end of the last page. Noire then handed me the parchment that looked like a letter from her younger sister, Opal. I could see immediately that these items were her evidence.

"I've confirmed with Opal that she didn't write and send that letter to me," Noire said, "Moreover, Gabriella, one of Rowling's subordinates and member of the Duke of Demons' Disciples, was holding that message. She confessed and has written in the testimony that it was fake after a thorough interrogation. I've also received intel that Rowling and the disciples may be part of a coup they're planning to enact against you, Your Majesty."

"I see, and you mean to use this warrant as a means to finding evidence of that coup?" I asked.

Noire nodded firmly, "I had Opal help relay a message to Vladimir to report to his father and prepare to mobilize guards at your command, a feat I also couldn't accomplish without the source of intel to help me meet her. That source of intel, by the way, is standing outside this room as we speak, and is also the one who helped me get into your castle. I apologize, but I had to breach that oath in order for him to help me make this delivery possible."

Noire then lowered herself to one knee with her head down, "Your Majesty, I, Noire Scarletine Krauss, ask you as the daughter of Ramone Silshire Krauss, to please spare my accomplice and my family and let me take the brunt of the punishment for going against your agreement. I will take full responsibility for my actions, so please listen to my selfish request of that and the warrant to search through Rowling's residence. That is all."

I listened to Noire's case patiently until she finished. I authoritatively told her to stand back up and face me, "Before I give my opinion, I must ask, do you really trust your accomplice, your source of intel for the coup, enough to breach your oath to me? What do you see in him?"

Noire nodded, "Yes. His name is Jinma Kotori, a Human adventurer who took on my quest to escort me through the Palocaesy Dungeon with his party. He has demonstrated feats and his character so magnificently that I wonder if he was actually a child of a Champion, let alone a Champion himself, as I've heard from hearsay. Furthermore … I fell in love with him at first sight." Her cheeks tinted red after admitting that last bit.

"Is that so?" I asked with a raised brow, "What was it about him that made you feel that way at first sight?"

Noire looked to the side in thought, "How should I put it … For some reason, I felt something familiar from him, especially his eyes, that told me he's not one to be distrusted. As I got to know him more, he naturally let down his guard, showing how much he trusts me. Whenever I'm around him, I feel like I don't have to worry about appearances and act naturally, to be myself without worrying about repercussions.

"It all reminds me of … that's right, Jinma's like—" Noire halted and covered her mouth as she realized what she was about to say. Clearly, she was taking great consideration of me to not mention who Jinma reminds her of.

"... I see," I said, not needing Noire to finish. I already had an idea since my [Mind Reading] skill was taking action the moment she walked in.

{I understand why you stopped yourself, considering it's my own father, and I felt the same way the first time I saw Jinma, but … with the recent developments, can I really think of Father the same as I have before? Was there something he didn't tell me that I should know about?}

Noire cleared her throat of the awkwardness, "A-Anyway, it goes without saying that he's a splendid male. His wife, a Lizardman named Umeiyon who I've recently acquainted with, and other female Demons in his harem seem quite happy with him despite their differences. It's because of their lovely displays of affection that I wish to drop my engagement with Rowling so I could date him freely. He actually wants to speak with you, too, but he's a bit anxious right now to come inside."

"Considering the circumstances, I don't blame him. I'm sure this favor you had him do was something in the spur of the moment, yes?" I asked.

"Uh … yes," Noire answered before giving a wry smile.

"Well, after hearing your praise, I'm interested in seeing him, as well, but I won't force him if he's not ready. Tell you what, if he's still interested after this fiasco is over, I'll reserve some time to have an audience with him," I said while swirling my cup of tea that had gone cold, "Maybe the three of us, plus his wife, could talk over some tea."

"W-Wait, you mean you'll?!" Noire exclaimed in excitement.

"To tell you the truth, I've suspected Rowling was involved with the coup's planning for some time, and since he works directly under Vask, it's likely he's the mastermind behind it all," I said, "You've just given me the outing I need to put both them and their conspirators in their place. For that, since this comes from your intention of helping me and the kingdom, I'll overlook your breach of the oath this once."

"Your Majesty! Thank you so much!" Noire exclaimed in joy as she bowed her head in gratitude. She then remembered something and jolted her head up, "Oh! I almost forgot, I'd appreciate it if Father isn't aware of our meeting. He may be working with Rowling, but I have a feeling he's doing it against his will. As if he's being blackmailed into helping him. Is there any way he can be let off from this?"

I closed my eyes in thought, "Hmm, I don't know how involved he is with the coup, but going about it while neglecting his duties as the Minister of Defense and Weaponry is something that can't be ignored. Depending on the degree of his cooperation, he may have to face a penalty of some kind."

"... I understand," Noire said before bowing her head pleadingly, "All I ask is that you show mercy on my father, however much you can manage."

"Of course," I said while nodding, "I will call on the general and get with the plan of searching Rowling's home immediately. Will you still be going into Palocaesy Dungeon as you told me previously?"


"We should have something by the time you're done, then. I'll have a message sent to your cottage that will tell you the results of our investigation and instructions of what to do next," I explained before I furrowed my brow, "In the meantime, stay on your guard. If Rowling knows you're going against his plans, he may do something drastic. Make sure Jinma and his party are aware of this and proceed with caution."

"Yes, Your Majesty, thank you very much for your cooperation. I am in your debt."

I waved my hand, "Nonsense, with where this will go, I should be thanking you. Now, if there's nothing else, then you're dismissed … ah, one last thing about Jinma."


I wasn't sure what to say for a moment, I had to be careful with my words without giving too much away.

"... Give him my thanks and apologies for going through the trouble. If all goes well, he can look forward to a sizable reward coming his way for his cooperation. I wish him the best of luck in the dungeon and I look forward to meeting him soon," I said before giving the best gentle smile I could muster.

"I'll be sure he gets the message. Thank you again, Your Majesty, until next time," Noire bid while giving curtsies. She then stepped out of the office and closed the door behind her.

I waited for a moment, but only silence ran through the room.

{… Okay, that means he really did it. I can finally relax.}

Alone in the room, with my [Soundproof] spell still up, I exasperated a sigh and dropped my head onto my desk.

<Is it safe to come back?> a voice sounding like my own asked in my mind.

<Yes, come on back.>

At my cue, a [Portal] opened in my office before a copy of myself, a conjuration of the [Clone] spell, stepped inside and closed the hole behind her.

"Did you have trouble stalling Por?" I asked my clone. Por is the Orc guard who was posted outside my office minutes ago.

"Not really, but I made quite a mess in doing so."

I sighed, "Let's see what the damage is. [Merge]."

At my chant, my clone demorphed into a solid manifestation of my mana before it moved to sink into my body. An influx of that clone's experiences played in my mind.

"Oh, dear, I really have to make it up to Por when he comes back," I said while rubbing my temples and deactivating my [Soundproof], "Still, to think Jinma and Noire would come here at this time, I did not anticipate this in the slightest."

Orange_Rain Orange_Rain

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