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95.97% The Wish of the Dragon / Chapter 165: Side Chapter 22

Capítulo 165: Side Chapter 22

"You were splendid as always foster father!" Sorano welcomed Issei excitedly the moment he returns.

"Um, that was a splendid performance, foster father... Although we couldn't really learn anything from it." Kagura said in pity.

"The way you punch that old man out of existence is truly remarkable, deary. I get all hot whenever I recall your gallant figure~" Irene S. said seductively.

They all chirped around him welcoming his return forgetting Athena who tagged along with him.

Athena looks at Issei's interaction with his supposed children and wife.

In the next second, she suddenly sensed a thick bloodlust coming from the side.

What she saw is a beautiful woman with mystical long white hair with a teal accent reminiscent of the night sky.

She is extremely beautiful even from her point of view... as if there was a night there that was so beautiful, it was to the point that she could, no, will steal men's eyes with just a single glance.

Athena is often praised as a great beauty by others but she truly feels slightly inferior in front of this woman. This woman is obviously Brynhildr.

In fact, not only Brynhildr. Every girl in this room has an otherworldly beauty that could topple down nations and countries. Whereas the unknown God she has never seen before is beyond that...

She couldn't appreciate his feature because she was nervous back then but now that she calmed herself down, even she felt like her heart beating erratically just by looking at him.

But, this woman who's looking at her with thick bloodlust made her feel nervous yet again.

"..." Athena doesn't back down from her glare and meet it with her own gaze. Although she's sweating buckets, she won't admit defeat just like that... Call it as a pride of a woman and a warrior if you want.

The reason she gives up immediately when she's confronting Issei was because her entire being felt an indescribable fear. Being brave and being foolhardy is a totally different thing. Especially if that said opponents could even make her soul tremble with just a glance.

While this woman before her is not any better, at least she doesn't make her soul feel threatened like when she's facing Issei. Even if she dies while fighting her, at least she will die a warrior and not like a pig being slaughtered...

"Stop glaring at my wife or I will gouge your eyes out." Issei's cold voice resounded which made Athena shudder. She hastily looks down and apologizes.


"And Bryn, she will be our child 'protective charm' in the future." Issei said smilingly at Brynhildr.

Brynhildr's eyes went soft before she replied: "But Master... Me alone is enough to protect our child."

"Nonsense. Don't even think for even a second that you will be protecting our child alone." Issei said blamingly.

"A-Ah, sorry, Master!" Brynhildr becomes a little panicky after hearing his blaming words.

"Err, you don't need to apologize either... Just think of her as a backup plan. Of course, in the end, I will be there instantly the moment our child is in danger."

"Understood, Master." Brynhildr responded with a loving smile.

Issei also returns her smile with his own.

"Jeez... Your interaction truly makes me feel jealous you know?" Irene S. cut it between their husband and wife talk with a pout: "Don't forget that you have another wife in line, deary."

"Uhh, you're not my wife yet though?"

"Oh hoo, 'yet'?" Irene S. eyes shone brightly at his little slip-up.

"I misspoke..." Issei said with a groan after realizing his little slip-up.

"Oh no you don't! No takebacks! As a king, you should know that every word you speak is gold. Am I right, girls?"

"Um um." Not only Sorano, even Yukino and Kagura nodded along albeit there's a little blush on their face.

"On that topic~, I also want to volunteer to become one of your wives, foster father~" Sorano said with a wink.


"Eehh, but why?" Sorano asked in disappointment.

"You little brat, don't be so mischievous." Issei lightly knocked her head.

"But foster father, are you willing to see us marry another man?" Sorano said with a pout while holding her head.

"Hmph, don't try to trick me... And I will only accept that specific man if he's good enough." Issei snorted.

"And how good are we talking about here?" Irene S. questioned.

"Of course, as long as he could defeat me and pass a few tests." Issei huffed.

"..." They become speechless at his words... Defeat you? You might as well say that you're unwilling to marry them off...

"You might as well say that you don't want to see them marry, deary." Irene S. chuckled. Ah, she said it... They thought wryly inside their mind.

"Why are we even talk about this? Besides, they're still too young anyway... At least wait for another million years, then we'll talk."

"You are really... Nevermind." Irene S. shook her head in resignment. Million years? At that time, they will become a grandma, not an adult!

"Anyway, how long will you girls and boy stay here? I don't really mind letting you stay but didn't you all still need to attend a tournament or something?" Issei asked them.

"That's right! Go back now! You all still need to attend the tournament." Erza H. said with a huff: "You better reach first place, sister." Erza H. pointed at Erza S.

"I-I'll do my best..."

"You better be, you don't want to put shame to otou-sama's name, don't you? How embarrassing it would be if you were to lose against some random weakling just like that lizard wanna-"

"Waaah! I get it, nee-san!" Erza S. hastily shouted.

"Nee-san?" Issei becomes puzzled at the way Erza S. addresses Erza H.

"It's a long story, otou-sama..." Erza H. said tiredly.


"Well, anyway, all of you go back now. You already had your fill so no more excuses." Erza H. said commandingly.

"Ehhh, can we just forfeit?" Sorano raised her arm lazily: "Just let Erza-chan participate."


"Sadly, I also want to attend the tournament still. I need to repay my guild benevolence." Kagura said seriously: "But, more than that, I want to test my skill against you, Erza." She smirked at Erza S.

"Well then, let's go back."

"Booo..." Sorano groaned but Erza H. dragged her away ignoring her protest.

"Then foster father, we'll see you soon."

"Mm, I'll go visit you all later. I already slowed down the time over there so I should be there in time." Issei said with a smile.

"Take care now~" Irene S. waved at them.

"You're coming with them." Issei lifted Irene S. by the scruff.

"Ehhh! Deary, how can you be so cruel?! We were just reunited!" Irene S. cried tears of sorrow.

"Stop overreacting. Little fairy, drag her away as well."


"Nooo, Er-chan, let me go~" Irene S. whined.

"Act your age, mum."


"Don't copy Sorano!"

And with that, they all excuses themselves...

"Master." When they left, Wo comes out from the shadow.

"Mm? What's wrong, Wo?"

"There's something we need to inform you about Princess Hong'er, Princess Bai'er, and Princess Nyaruko..."


"H-Hey! L-Look at that!"


The guards on top of the city gate dazedly called out to their friends after seeing a Goddess-like beauty coming towards their direction.

"...A-A Goddess..." One of them uttered. Some even drooled at her sight alone.

Her galactic bright silver hair clung to her delicate body and hung all the way down. Half of them are tied in a bundle atop her head while the rest hang downwards freely almost touching the ground. The hair in front of her forehead danced even though there was no wind, complementing her white jade-like tender looks.

Her hourglass figure was seemingly covered with a white glow making it a little hard to catch a glimpse of her entire body. Her exposed calf resting above the delicate white glass-looking shoes made them feel inferior as if they're not supposed to profane this Goddess before them.

None of them could snap out of their daze looking at the beauty.

Even when the beauty entered the city, they still didn't react for a long time and only foolishly look towards her departing back.

This beauty is obviously Bai'er.

When she entered the town, as expected, all of the people she passed by had their eyes immediately focused on her figure.

Such eye-catching beauty will always attract attention no matter where they go. Not to mention her ethereal figure is not something that should've existed in this world...

Bai'er didn't really care about their gaze, she started to look around the city.

"Hey! Woman over there!" Someone shouted at Bai'er hoping to gain her attention but she paid no heed to his voice.

"Hey, did you hear me?" The man stood in front of her.

The man has an arrogant face and red hair. He's surrounded by his lackeys from both sides.

Bai'er finally frowned in annoyance at the man who's standing on her way. Bai'er is not really someone who would expose her expression freely unless she's around her loved ones.

Around strangers, she would always keep a calm and stoic face. So for her to make a face full of displeasure like this says that she truly dislikes the man before her.

Just like Hong'er, she shares a certain connection with Issei hence she also gained some of his abilities such as judging people's nature.

And with just a glance, she could tell that his man before her is no good...

The way he looks at her made her feel uncomfortable.

She wanted to bypass them but the man once again blocks her way.

"Are you deaf or blind? Don't you know who's standing before you right now?" His lackey shouted: "Our young master here gives you the honor to accompany him for a cup of tea so you should feel honored!"

"Don't shout... This young lady here, may I have the honor to have a cup of tea with you?" The man berated his lackey and asked Bai'er with a fawning smile.

This beauty in front of him is absolutely stunning! Even stunning than his fiancee! He would be an idiot for not trying to seduce her...

But that's weird... Such beauty shouldn't be unrecognizable. How come he didn't have any recollection of seeing her?

"...Go away." Bai'er's cold voice resounded snapping him out of his daze.

The man's face froze before he smiled once again: "Don't be like that, young lady. I am Shen-"

"Go away." Bai'er didn't wait for him to finish his sentences before she spoke once again.

"You!" The man's pride took a hit and he frowned in anger.

"How dare you talk to our young master like that!" One of the lackeys was about to grab Bai'er but in the next second, all of them passed out on the spot while frothing foam.

Bai'er didn't pay attention to them any longer and left the scene.

"H-Hey, did you see that?" One of the youngsters who was a boy of average height with spiky dark hair and grey eyes said with a gulp while looking from the side. He and his friends were about to help the beauty but it looks like they're not really needed.

"Wh-Who is she? She could make Shen Fei and his lackeys passed out without moving an inch..." Another boy having brown hair and eyes said with a sweat.

"..." A boy who has orange spiky hair tied into a ponytail that reaches past his shoulders and blue eyes look tense after seeing the scene unfold before him.

He started thinking to himself: 'Who is she?! I don't remember ever seeing her in my previous life!'

There's no way he would ever forget someone that powerful and beautiful.

And her cultivation... He can't tell! He needs to find out about her identity.

When he was about to follow after Bai'er, she suddenly turned around and look at him straight in the eyes.

The boy instinct went on a high alert and he started sweating buckets. Under her gaze... He felt like he has been exposed entirely.

Bai'er herself frowned a little looking at the boy. Weird... This boy's soul is... odd. He reminds her of that man she coincidentally met a long time ago in the Little Demon Empress's city...

Meanwhile, Hong'er and Nyaruko situation...

"Aiyaa, where is this place?!" Hong'er shouted in annoyance. This place is so depressing!

She's in the marsh and wherever she sees is trees and mud! She wanted to find some fun places, not this upsetting place!

"Hm? What's that?" She suddenly notices a plank being carefully laid out on the muddy ground.

"Go forward!" She commanded the beast she's riding.

"U-Uungg..." She's riding a beast shaped like a crocodile but its frame is very large and there's a set of horns on top of its head. Around them, there's also other beasts but they seem afraid of Hong'er just like the crocodile she's riding.

They didn't dare to look at her directly and only dare to look from afar unless they're told to come closer.

The beast followed Hong'er command and started walking forward.

She then followed the path where the plank has been laid out...

Following the route made by the planks, she skimmed over the marsh and reached a bulging huge stone. It's an endless abyss at the bottom.

Looking below, there's a cliff with a trail of black spring water flowing down, forming a vast waterfall. On the cliffs, there's a bulged-up platform. It seems like there are traces of human work here. At the bottom of the endless abyss, is a bottomless pond.

Inside the water, there was a terrifying aura occasionally leaking out.

There were also faint roars coming from demon beasts, creating the feeling of suffocation from the abyss but the moment Hong'er presence is sensed, the roars immediately quieted down.

"Hmm, this place looks a little interesting... Jump down." She ordered the crocodile.

The crocodile waste no time before it jumped downwards...

Once they reached the bottom, they ended up on a platform.

On Nyaruko's side, she's surrounded by a large number of men.

"Who are you?! Let go of our Master!" One of them said through gritted teeth.

The youth that Nyaruko is holding had a handsome, oval-shaped face and this seemingly charming face of his was ghastly pale with bloodshot eyes that would cause people to be absolutely horrified upon seeing him, and they would tremble from fear.

This person was emitting a frosty cold aura from his entire body, which caused the surrounding temperature to plunge but currently, there's no such aura coming out of him since he has been beaten like a dead dog by Nyaruko.

It's unknown at this point whether he's dead or alive since he doesn't seem to be able to move a single finger. His whole body is covered in blood...

"Hmph! This smelly man is evil! He is tainted with so much blood of innocents that it made my nose stings!" Nyaruko huffed angrily. Even now she could see the soul of the children floating around this man. Their eyes are full of resentment and anger towards the man which even affected Nyaruko.

"I'm sure father will praise me if I were to erase such an evil man from existence." Nyaruko's eyes glowed in excitement. Just thinking of her father's warm hand on top of her head made her feel giddy.

Out of excitement, she suddenly clenched her hand crushing the man's skull in the process.


The man's skull burst open like a piece of watermelon.

"Oops... Eww, now my hand is dirty!" Nyaruko grimaced in disgust.

"Master!" The group of men screamed in agony looking at their Master's death.

"No need to shout, you all will soon follow after him!" Nyaruko glared at them before another round of massacre started...

Once she's done, Nyaruko swiped her forehead with her hand: "Fyuh, mission complete! I'm sure father will praise me!"

[Thank you... Thank you... Thank you, big sister...] The souls that were lingering around the man started to dissipate one by one.

"Hehe, no need to thank me... May you find everlasting peace in the afterlife." Nyaruko smiled comfortingly at the departing soul.

"So this is what father feels like when he helped those souls in the past... It feels nice! Let's find another bad guy!" She forgot about her purpose and started a crusade against evil instead...


"Ughh... Let go of me..."

"No... Give me more of that 'potion'..."


Hajime felt weird looking at Arte who's being clung upon by the vampire that they saved.

He didn't know what happened earlier when he suddenly passed out... When he's awake once more, the thing he saw first is that vampire clinging to Arte.

He couldn't help but scratch his head in utter confusion. What happened with this vampire? Why did she suddenly being so clingy like this? And what's wrong with that 'potion'?

He wanted to ask Arte but after seeing their current predicament... he finally decided to just wait a little bit more.

It's not because he enjoys looking at the 2 beauties hugging each other, absolutely not.

"No! My mother told me to not give you any more of that potion! It's not good for you." Arte rejected the vampire request.

"...It is extremely beneficial to me... I can feel my strength risen to a very high degree. Even surpassing my past self." The vampire said: "As a result, even my body even grew a little..."

Indeed, her body previously makes her look like a 12-13 years old. But now, she looks like she's in her early teens. Looking like a 15-16 years old teen to be exact.

It needs to be known that for the last few hundred years during her past life, her body never grows up as a result of her "immortality".

"No is a no!" Arte adamantly refuses.

"..." The vampire frowned in disappointment before she started to sniff something: "...Your scent is very similar to that potion..." She muttered before licking her lips.

"Eek! Go away!" Arte grimaced before she finally pushed the vampire away with her tremendous strength.


The vampire flew to the nearby wall and stay embedded for a few seconds before she started to walk towards Arte once again just like a zombie: "...Blood... give me your blood..."

Arte who saw this immediately cast her ice magic towards the vampire sealing her inside a block of ice. Only her head left exposed...

Thankfully the 'house' itself has an auto-recovery ability so it fixes the damage done to it almost instantaneously.

"...Nngh." The vampire tried to break free but to no avail: "...Let me go... All I want is to take a little taste..." The vampire longingly looks at the trembling Arte.

"A pervert has been spotted! Let's inform the King about her!" One of the house fairies exclaimed.

"Yes! Report her to the King!" Another one chimed in.

Soon, the other fairies also started to chirp around.

Hajime raised his eyebrows at this. Looks like Arte's father is quite protective of her.

"Jeez, to think that you're unable to hold yourself back like that... Even my mother wasn't acting like you when my papa is around." Arte grumbled: "Looks like even papa's distilled blood is too potent to you vampire kin huh..."

"...Your mother? Your mother is a vampire?" The vampire asked in disbelief: "But you're not a vampire?"

"Of course I'm not a vampire. My birth mother is a Demon and my papa is a Dragon. My other mother is a vampire though." Arte nonchalantly said.

"...I see." The vampire nodded after a brief silence: "You said that 'potion' contains your father's blood? So that means he's the owner of that addicting flavor that I taste?"

"You could say that..."

"...I see." The vampire's eyes glimmered slightly and she started thinking to herself.

"What's wrong? Why did you suddenly become quiet all of the sudden?" Arte asked curiously.

"...If I meet your father then will I able to taste his blood directly?" Thankfully her body is currently encased in ice or she might just 'wet' herself once again after remembering that otherworldly flavor...

"Muh?! No no no! I won't let papa give you his blood!" Arte acted like a cat whose tail has been stepped on: "And papa himself will never give his blood to some strangers!"

"...Cheapskate." The vampire pouted.

"Ah, Hajime, you're awake?" Arte finally notices Nagumo Hajime who has been silent the whole time.

"Yeah... What happened earlier? How come did I suddenly pass out?" Hajime asked while scratching his head in confusion.

"Uhh, sorry about that... But I can't really tell you the reason for that." Arte said apologetically: "You don't need to worry though, nothing bad happens to you when you're asleep."

Although she didn't know why her Majin mama said not to tell him about her, she decided to be obedient and follow her words.

The reason for that is actually quite simple. Okita Alter wanted to see how Hajime would act without knowing that Arte has a guardian behind her.

If he keep his hands where it belongs then it's all going to be okay. But if not... Well, let's just say losing his life would be the last thing he needs to be concerned with.

"...Okay, I believe you." Hajime went silent for a bit before he nodded with a faint smile. If she said so then he might as well believe her.

Not like she needs to use trickery if she wanted to do something bad to him.

"Heheh, thanks." Arte grinned.

"O-Ou." Hajime coughed in embarrassment seeing her smile since he wasn't prepared for it.

"Oh right, here's some monster meat for you. Think of it as my apology for your incident earlier." Arte said in realization and took out a bunch of monster meat.

The monster meat she took out belongs to the cyclops and also the scorpion monster that Okita Alter killed before.

"Mm, thank you." Hajime nodded with a little sweat.

Eating these meats would bring some pain to his body but... it would be a price he's willing to pay just to become stronger.


After the house fairies prepared the meat, Hajime started eating the food.

"The magic essence inside those meats shouldn't be as potent so you won't feel that much pain. Think of it as another courtesy from my side." Arte quipped while drinking her beverage.

The vampire is seated beside her bound in ice still. At least she could move her upper body to a certain extent... For now.

"Mm." Hajime nodded gratefully while munching: "So who's this vampire anyway?"

"Well... Why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself?" Arte asked the vampire.

"...Nn." The vampire nodded before she started to share her stories...


"So, you're at least 300 years old?" Hajime said.

"Hajime, don't be rude." Arte admonished him.

"Nn... Breach of etiquette." The vampire also nodded in agreement.

"M-My bad... I just never thought that your age would be that old considering how small your body before..." Hajime apologized.

Looks like no matter where it is, a talk about a woman's age is a taboo thing. Hajime then sneaks a peek at Arte.


"Uhh... how about you, Arte-san? How old are you?" Hajime asked. He couldn't resist his curiosity and still asked despite just been told that it's rude to ask for a girl's age.

"A-Ah, me? I-I'm 16! Yeah, I'm 16!" Arte was taken by surprise and answered with a little stutter.

"...Suspicious." The vampire muttered.

"Agre- Nevermind, my bad." Hajime was about to nod in agreement before a glare from Arte silenced him.

Arte pouted thinking that she really wishes that she could become older quickly... That way her papa won't treat of her as a child anymore...

Her Koze onee-chan told her that she needs to push papa down with all her might so that he will pay attention to her even more. Whatever that means.

But it will only work if she became a bonafide adult... or so she says.

If Forzelotte were to know of their little conversation then perhaps Kozelotte's little bum would be swollen once again... And she would even be grounded for a few months inside her room.

Thankfully even Arte knows of what to share or not to share with their mother.

"But you sure are powerful for someone your age back then, huh..." Arte said in slight amazement.

At the age of 12, her immortality trait emerged and at the age of 17, she's already suited for the throne.

Arte is obviously stronger than her but she's an exception seeing how her parents are basically super duper ultra God class.

Arte is taught to never underestimate anyone no matter how weak they are.

This vampire achieved all her strength with her own effort so that's worth praising in her book.

"So where are you going to go now?" Arte asked the vampire: "Oh right, sorry for only asking this now but, what's your name? My name is Arte Savant Hyoudou, and he is..."

"Hajime Nagumo. Nice to meet you." He introduced himself.

"...I don't want to use my old name anymore... As for where I will go... I don't know either." The vampire muttered sadly.

"Oh, I-I see..." Arte said awkwardly: "H-How about I give you a new name?"

"...A new name?"

"Yeah, since you forgot your old name so we might as well get you a new name. How about it?" Arte secretly sighed in relief seeing that she managed to alleviate the solemn atmosphere.

"...Okay." The vampire nodded.

"Hmm, let's see..." Arte started to think of a name: "...Tsukuyo, Lena, Luna, Selena, Momo, Pochi, Wasabi... Hmm..." She muttered a few names but couldn't come up with one.

Arte grumbled to herself trying to come up with a good one.

Hajime who's listening at the side sweated at her naming sense. A few of them are nice but what's with 'Pochi'? And why 'Wasabi' is even considered? She's not some pet or food alright... Looks like she's truly a Japanese, Hajime thought wryly to himself.

"Ah! How about Yue? Yep, Yue is quite fitting for your name. Don't you think so, Hajime?" Arte finally come up with one of the names she could think of.

(AN: Too lazy to come up with a new name and it will be easier to remember her anyway 😂).

"Huh? O-Oh, yeah, I guess? Sorry, I'm not that good with naming sense either."

"Yue... Yue... What does Yue mean?" The vampire asked.

"It means 'Moon'. I really like looking at the Moon whenever papa took me out for a stroll at night. Mama also liked it since she said the light from the moon is quite soothing for us Demons. So how about it? Do you like it?" Arte said with a grin.

"... Mmn, yeah, from now on I'm Yue. Thank you." The vampire, now Yue nodded happily.

"Great. Now that's settled, what do you want to eat?" Arte clapped.

"That potio-"

"Anything but that."

"...Then your bloo-"

"Nope, not that either."

"..." Yue puffed her cheeks feeling deflated.

"What, couldn't you eat normal food? Are you from a vampire species that could only drink blood or something?" Arte asked.

"...I can eat normal food but blood is much better... Especially if it's your blood or that 'potion' from before." Yue started to lick her lips once again.

What would it taste like to drink the 'source' of that potion? She shudders imagining it... Will she directly die just from the sheer pleasure? Only God knows...

"Sorry, I can't give you my blood or that potion. I'm prohibited to do so."

"...Nn... Then, I'll just have some meat..." Yue said disappointingly.

"Alright... Everyone, please prepare some steak for her." Arte said towards the house fairies.

"Understood, princess!" The house fairies nodded.

"...Princess?" Yue looked at Arte in askance.

"Ah, that's right. I'm also a princess, just like you. My papa is a King and my mama is a Queen."

"...Oh, I see..." Yue nodded understandingly.

When her food arrived, Yue reluctantly eat the food... It's not like the food is bad or anything. It's just compared to that 'potion', they taste pale in comparison...

"...What are you two doing here?" She asked Arte and Hajime mid-dinner.

"Hm? Me? I'm just here to do some investigation. I'm searching for this world's God but it seems that he/she is in hiding... Quite frustrating to be honest." Arte grumbled.

"As for me, well, let's just say I got bad luck," Hajime said dismissively.

"To put it short, he also got betrayed by one of his friends."

"More or less, I guess." Hajime clarified: "Just forget about it. The business with my classmate is inconsequential. Don't worry about the small stuff. After getting my revenge... Well..." He sneaked a peek at Arte who's looking at him with a puzzled look.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"...Nothing. Guess I'll go home when the time comes." Hajime sighed with a tinge of blush on his cheek.

"…Going home?" Yue repeated sadly.

"We're from another world so I guess we will go on our own way when the time comes," Arte said.

"…I see." Yue is not too shocked of the news them being from another world since it doesn't really matter where they come from.

She looked down with a sunken expression. Then muttered to herself: "…I don't have a place…to return…"

"Hmm... How about you bring her with you, Arte-san? Seeing how you're basically from the supernatural world while I'm from normal human society." Hajime suggested.

"Sure, why not. I'm sure we can arrange a place for you to stay in my world. There are vampire races in my world so I'm sure you can fit right in." Arte said nonchalantly.

"Eh?" Yue opened her eyes wide in surprise at Arte's words.

"No need to look so surprised. As I said, I'm a princess. Helping you to find a new home is easy." Arte said boastfully.

"...Can I just stay with you?" Yue asked.

"Eh? Stay with me? As in stay at my house?" Arte repeatedly blinked her eyes.

"...Mm, I can be your servant, maid, or anything else." Yue nodded.

"...Why am I sensing some hidden intention coming from you?" Arte tilted her head in suspicion.

"...It's just your imagination." Yue averted her eyes ever so slightly.

"Hmm. Is that so...?" While Arte narrowed her eyes in return.


"..." Hajime shook his head in amusement looking at the two interactions. This vampire obviously still aiming for that potion.

Sometimes he notices that Arte is often a little bit of an airhead. Such as how she lacks some self-awareness with how she acts around him even though they're obviously a boy and a girl.

"...By the way, if you're looking for clues about the God of this world. This place might be a good start." Yue said changing the subject of their conversation.

"Oh? This place is related to the God of this world?" Arte asked interestedly.

"…Mm. It is said that one of the traitors made this labyrinth."


"Traitors…they were the followers of God that challenged him in ancient times…they created it to destroy the world." Yue then narrated her knowledge about this place.


"Sounds complicated... But oh well, a clue is a clue. This way, I will be one step closer to complete my investigation." Arte sighed: "Guess I'll go check on it later. For now, I will excuse myself since it's quite late already."

"Oh right, you can use the clothes you find in the closet over there, Yue. Feel free to use them." Arte pointed out to Yue.

Yue is currently only wearing a simple white shirt and skirt.

"...You're going somewhere?"

"Mhm, I need to go home obviously. I don't want my mama to be worried about me. Don't worry, I'll be back here tomorrow and I will also try asking if our home needs another maid or not."

"...Then, take care."

"Um. See you two tomorrow." With that said, Arte left the place leaving behind the two in an awkward situation. At least for Hajime while Yue herself seems to be thinking about something else altogether.


"Welcome back." Okita Alter welcomed Arte the moment she arrived.

"Um, I'm back Majin-mama." Arte's form reverted to her 12 years old form. She stretches her body feeling a little tired from all the activities today.

"That vampire sure has interesting prospect." Okita Alter mumbled.

"Right, Majin-mama, is our home recruiting a maid?" Arte asked.

"Hmm, I believe Master doesn't need another maid at the moment since we rarely change our employees... As for the specific answer, then you might want to ask you Fia-mama."

"Oh... Well, although Yue is a little weird, I can tell that she's a good girl." Arte said with a smile.

"Mm, she's not bad... Her potential is also great now that she has drunk that potion you gave her. But Arte, remember to not carelessly give away the stuff your father gave you directly." Okita Alter warned: "Some of the things your father gave you is not something that should give away just like that. Thankfully this vampire doesn't seem like an evil person or the consequences might be quite bothersome."

"Uuuh, I know... I'm sorry, Majin-mama" Arte scratches her head apologetically.

"Um, as long as you understand. Now go to bed... It's your bedtime already." Okita Alter said with a sigh.

"Okay, good night, Majin-mama!" Arte kissed Okita Alter on the cheek before she went to her bedroom...

Okita Alter smiled at her departing back and then she looked towards Yue...

"...I hope you're truly not a bad person... If you are..." Okita Alter's eyes flashed with thick killing intent.

Yue who's being observed shuddered greatly and she started having a cold sweat out of nowhere.

"What's wrong?" Hajime asked after sensing her peculiarity.

"...It's nothing." Yue finally shook her head and focus back on her dinner. But she becomes a bit vigilant to her surroundings.

"Although... Looks like you forgot about the other transferred students, Arte." Okita Alter wryly shook her head looking at the restless Kaori Shirasaki and the others.

Well, it doesn't really matter she guess... Think of this as another lesson for her.

Leixein Leixein


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