kioz:the reason I come to this is school is...
kioz:maybe later teacher I cannot afford to tell you now
teacher:its ok take your time go back home and take rest
kioz go back home but in middle of the way when he want to go home he see the one who get bullied at school early training at playground then he go and ask
kioz:hey why you do not go back home and sleep
yuri:why I need to answer a question from someone who do not know my name
kioz:is name is important if you put it like that what's your name
yuri: you come here first but you don't tell me your name now you want to ask my name
kioz:ok fine I am sorry my name is kaichi
yuri:my name is yuri
kioz:ok that's a good name bye.
yuri:hey wait where are you going are not you going to ask something.
kioz:why I need to tell someone who doesn't know my name where I am going
yuri: what's are you talking about your name is kaichi right
kioz:hahaha see you can lie about your name but you cannot lie about you face and personality so that's why I said name is not important for us to get along
yuri:haha you are the strange one I have meet
kioz:hehe, well go back to the main topic what's are you doing at this hour
yuri:I need to train myself if not I will get bullied again no one will help me if I do jot help myself even you do not help me, you just ignore me like I am nobody.
kioz:I know, I am tried to not get more attention
yuri:its ok I understand frank and his friends is strong no one dared to fight them
kioz:why don't you just tell the teacher about it
yuri:I am afraid they will killed me
kioz:WHAT! hahahaha you are funny one that's no way someone will kill just because get called by the teacher.
yuri: what's you know you are new transfer student
kioz: let see how exciting this can be, ok I go back first bye
yuri:hey wait, hmm he gone already so fast what's the point coming here for.
kioz go back home with a smile.
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