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47.09% Tarasha / Chapter 73: hello Boss

Capítulo 73: hello Boss

Henry took a glance at the clock after waving at the

security men as he drove in through the gate, it was

twenty minutes past nine am. He had overslept and

ignored the alarm when it rang, waking up later by eight

o'clock, the exact time he was supposed to resume work.

He decided not to rush as he was late already by the time

he woke. It would be his first time of getting late to the

office, and it wasn't that he was going to be chastised by


His eyes met something in the rearview mirror as he

killed the engine. It took sometime for the picture to

finish processing in his brain. He opened the door and

turned to look at it, there was a blue Camry parked at the

parking space at the opposite side. The car park was

constructed to have spaces for cars at the left and right

side and a space in the middle through which vehicles

drive in and out.

The blue car could have been for anybody else but the

plate number was what looked familiar. He got out of his

car and banged the door unconsciously. Locking it again

with the control in his hand. He almost ran into another

vehicle that was trying to occupy the space beside his

car. He apologized to the driver and crossed to the other

side, to inspect the car that got his attention. It was the

same car he thought he hallucinated about the day


He turned to the front of the car to check for the mark

on the bonnet. He couldn't find it but there were signs of

repainting at the exact spot the mark was supposed to

be. He scratched his head and heaved a sigh. His heart

began to beat fast as he circled the car. Was Omotara

really in the same compound with him? He asked


He began to walk slowly away, rolling his car keys in his

hand. He decided to take a last look when he got behind

the car. 'AA689-GGQ' he read the plate number to

himself again. He moved closer and squatted behind the

car, touching the letters and numbers on the plate, just

to assure himself that the number he was seeing was real

and not a part of his hallucinations.

He got up and walked slowly to the front of the car again,

taking a peep inside. He could see football magazines and

newspapers at the backseats. That got him a little bit

confused. He was a hundred percent sure that Omotara

wasn't a lover of football, so maybe she wasn't in the

compound as he thought or maybe the car was brought

in by one of her male accomplices.

He paused and let out a deep breath, thinking of what he

could possibly do to find out who brought in the car. He

took a glance at the security post, he thought of going

there to ask but that would look strange and may raise

unnecessary security scare. A better idea came to his

mind, he turned back and walked to his car.


**Katsina, Katsina State**

Benny and Aisha waited patiently for Cole in the car as

they were set to embark on their first visit to the Ata's

Foundation. Benny had grown miraculously old

overnight, he had his hair cut lowly, his slightly greyed

hair made him look like a man in his late fifties or early

sixties. His beards were also grey and sturdy. He had a

dark pair of eyeglasses on his face. Aisha who was looking

different already only added some makeups to make her

face lighter than it was. There were both dressed in black


Soon, Cole appeared and opened the door to the driver's

side. He was also dressed in a black suit and had grown a

miraculous moustache too. He was made to look older

than his age but not as old as Benny was, he looked like a

man in his late thirties.

His phone began to ring as soon as he settled in the car.

'Hello boss' he answered the call.

'Are you set?' Tarasha's voice sounded at the other side.

'Yes, we are about to drive off'


'Yes, but not from the house like we planned'

'Good, make it go smoothly and keep me connected

always. I want to listen live to all of the discussion.'

'Got you boss' Cole replied and the call ended. He

dropped the phone and took out a tiny recording device

which he clipped behind his tie.

'Let's go' he said and took a glance at Benny by side and

Aisha at the back before starting the car engine.


Dakolo stared at the man dressed in a blue suit in the

picture, lines of disappointment began to show on his

face as he recognized the person in it. Henry E.G. Dakolo

could still recognize him even though his head was

bowed in the picture. He was seated alone, pouring wine

into the cup.A female bag and another bottle and cup of

wine was at the other side of the table.

'He looks like someone I know' Debo said, contorting his

face like someone who just swallowed a bitter pill. Ken

got up from his seat to join them.

'Okay' Dakolo said and swiped to the next picture as he

saw Ken approaching. Three other pictures which

contained Henry's image showed up as Ken joined the

view but luckily, Henry's face was not shown at all in the

new pictures. It was obvious that the photographer was

more interested in the cloth he was putting on than his


'Well…' Debo began after pausing to recollect some

information from his memory. 'I remember seeing this

man closely that day. I saw him when I went to discuss

something with someone sitting close to his table. He was

sitting alone then too.'

'So, you saw him very well?' Ken asked.

'No, not very well. I was seated at his back'

Dakolo felt a need to hide Henry's identity for the time

being. He didn't want to believe what his detective mind

was suggesting to him, that Henry could be one of the

assassins. After scrolling through all the pictures, Dakolo

and Ken returned to their seat with the device.

'I visited the NSCC's office like we planned the last time'

Dakolo began after a brief moment of quietness. 'I spoke

with Henry and he told me that the number was really


Debo shrugged. 'I don't really need that information

anymore. I don't know how Mrs Jubril intend to run the


'Do you still have the number?' Dakolo asked.

'Yes, but in the office'

'We'll need to get it as soon s possible, please' Dakolo

said and paused to type in something into his device.

After asking some more questions, they left Debo's

residence and headed back to the office. In the car,

Dakolo was unusually quiet. He kept thinking of the

possibility of Henry being a member of the Samantha

Osman's group. Maybe he was even the one in charge of

disrupting the cameras system for the gang operations. It

had to be. That was why no solution to the problem had

been found with all the efforts of the other people in the

NSCC. Or how could you explain how Henry was the man

who accompanied the suspected Alexander Evelyn to the

party? The same Evelyn who was suspected to be

Samantha Osman. But he had thought Henry was a

patriotic citizen, committed to nation building and

development. It was hard to believe that Henry is actually

a part of the assassin group.

A thought came to his mind on remembering Henry's

past association with Dare. He also recalled that the

reason for all the recent killings were still unknown.

Could it be possible that it was no political killing? That

the assassins were embarking on a personal vendetta? It

could be. And it could also be possible that Henry may

have found out that Evelyn Alexander was an assassin

and only decided to help her because Chief Jubril and

Dare were his enemies.

There were two options in Dakolo's heart now. It was

either Henry was part of the Samantha Osman's gang or

he helped the gang in carrying out Chief Jubril and Dare's


Somehow, Dakolo still felt the need the need to dig

further personally. A third and strong option was

developing in his mind. He had a soft spot for Henry

which grew ever since the time the grave injustice was

done to Henry's family. He decided to hide the picture

which showed Henry's face for sometime.

He took the tablet device from the backseat. He swiped it

open and clicked the gallery option. He pretended like he

was just taking another look at the pictures while be

transferred it to his own personal device. He deleted the

picture from the device afterwards and spent some more

time with it before returning it back.


'You've not still told me the program you used to

elongate the monitoring time of the system yesterday'

Sylvester said to his new volunteer staff. She was sitting

behind his table with the laptop he had given her to use.

'Sir, I didn't use any special program, I only changed the

settings of the same program you were running with'

shereplied him.

'But how come I never saw that option in the settings

area?' he got up from his seat and began to make a turn.

Tarasha answered with a shrug. He stood still when he

got beside her and bent to look into the laptop. 'Can you

show me where it is?'

'Sure.' She clicked open the software and waited some

minutes for it to load.

A knock sounded on the door. 'Come in' Sylvester picked

up the door control and turned to the door to click

unlock. Someone pushed open the door and walked in.

'Good morning Mr Sylvester' Dayo walked in briskly.

'Good morning Mr Dayo' Sylvester turned back to receive

him. 'How are you doing today?'

'Fine sir' Dayo said, taking special interest in the lady who

had Mr Sylvester bending over to look into her laptop

while she was comfortable seated. He thought it was one

of their junior staffs who had such effrontery.

'Alright, how may I help you?'

'Sir' Dayo turned his look back to Sylvester. 'I noticed

that you made some changes to the system yesterday. It

shows that you can actually be receiving notifications

offline for over twelve hours now'

'Sixteen hours precisely' Sylvester corrected with a bold

smile. 'And I'm not just receiving notifications, the signal

would still be strong for the sixteen hours offline


'Interesting' Dayo's eyes lit up. 'That's what we're talking

about, bright innovation' Dayo commended.

'Yeah' Sylvester flashed his teeth brightly, resting his bum

on the table.

'I actually came to see if I could learn the new method

from you, I may need to combine something of such in

my new project' Dayo presented his real reason of


'Ermm… 'Sylvester's smile diminished, now he knew the

reason for Dayo's commendation. He had wanted to take

the credit for Tarasha's work, that's was part of the

reason he wanted to learn how Tarasha did the job.

'I didn't really do it myself' he finally confessed, after

realizing he had no choice.

'Oh!' Dayo gave him a naughty kind of look. Sylvester

could interpret the look as a silent way of saying "I

thought as much, I knew you weren't so intelligent".

'Who did it?' Dayo asked when Sylvester remained


'She did… We did it together' he replied, pointing to

himself and Kimberly.

'Wow!' Dayo exclaimed, trying to take a peep at the lady's

face but she would not still look back.

'She's my new personal staff, Kimberly' Sylvester

introduced. That was when Kimberly finally turned back,

she got up from her seat and smiled at Dayo. 'This is

Dayo, he works with Henry E.G'

'Nice to meet you sir' Kimberly said cheerfully as they

shook hands.

'My pleasure' Dayo replied, still holding her hand in his.

He wondered silently why she wasn't looking back until

Sylvester introduced her. 'So how did you do it?'

'I was about to show him when you came in' Tarasha

replied and sat back on the seat.

'Okay' Dayo said and joined Sylvester as they both looked

into the laptop to learn grim Kimberly.


2pm, same day.

'Afolabi David, Audu Noah, Sunny Nkem, Nwakolo

Ezekiel' Ken read aloud, looking into the computer

screen. 'All found dead, in the same event centre'

'And these guys are also the suspected kidnappers of

Henry George?' Dakolo asked, taking a glance at Ken.

'Yes, Afolabi David is the head of their gang' Ken


'Where were their bodies found?'

'Their bodies were found in the security department, the

same place Dare's body was found. The same type of

bullets were found in their bodies' Ken expatiated,

pausing from time to time to look at the screen..

'According to the report we got from the investigation,

these guys were part of the security officials provided by

the Jubrils for the event'

'Hmm… How do we connect this?' Dakolo muttered.

'Henry E.G stated that Dare was the only person he

suspected. I think Henry was contending for something

with Dare and he got threatened' Ken said.

'With this, it's highly possible that Dare was behind the


'Well, sir. One case solved already' Ken said with a smile

on his face. 'The kidnappers have been discovered. It's a

pity that they are late already.'

'Yes, but there's still a lot more to this' Dakolo said


Henry's face popped up in his mind again, he took a deep

breath. Now it has been discovered that not only was it

Henry's long time enemies that were killed, even his

recent kidnappers were also killed. Henry was looking

more dangerous to him. Very soon, he'll have no choice

than to spill it out to Ken. He already had a strategy in

mind to use once he fully verifies Henry's personal

involvement in the assassinations. Although, Henry's

involvement have been verified enough according to

police standards, he still needed to do more verifications

because of his long time emotional attachment to Henry.

Capítulo 74: kill the man and bring me the girl



Dayo walked back into the control room smiling. For

him, learning something new was good, but learning it

from a very beautiful and intelligent lady was

extraordinary. He stared more at her face than the

computer screen when she was explaining. Her gentle

and soft way of speaking made an impact in his heart, he

watched as her sexy lips moved while she explained to

him and Sylvester.

'Kimberly E. Alexander,' he murmured to himself as he

proceeded to the seat he previously occupied.

He was too lost in his thoughts to notice the gazes that

were on him. Henry and the other developer had fixed

their eyes on him as he entered noisily and began to

bounce to his seat like someone who has just won the

star prize of the Young C.c's Readers' contest. It was until

he sat in front of the computer and looked up that he

met with Henry's gaze.

Henry gave a chuckle. 'What's up with you?'

'Nothing sir,' Dayo answered, surprised seeing the look

on his colleagues faces.

'How can you say nothing?' Henry's friend, Frank

retorted. 'You walked out over an hour ago and returned

smiling like someone who just finished riding a hot


Dayo smiled at the nastiness of Frank. 'I was coming

from Mr Sylvester's office'

'Mr Sylvester's office?' They both asked in unison. Henry

faced front and continued with his work.

'Yes,' he replied and tried to face the computer set.

'Hmm…' Frank cleared his throat and gave Henry a

mischievous look. 'Hope it's not what I'm thinking?' He

muttered to Henry. His voice was loud enough for Dayo

to hear.

'What's that you're thinking?' Dayo raised his head to ask.

'Nothing really,' he said and burst into laughter. 'It's just

that I've not seen anyone come out of that place smiling

or laughing. You're the first I've seen, so I'm wondering if

the man has become a comedian overnight.'

'It wasn't Mr Sylvester that got me smiling. I met his new

staff,' Dayo began. 'She's intelligent and beautiful. She's

the one behind his prolongation of the monitoring time'

'Oh! I see.' Frank took a quick glance at Dayo as if to look

at his face for a confirmation of his words. He turned

back quietly to his work.

'Is she really that good?' Henry asked, turning back again

as he seemed to develop more interest.

'Yes, she is crazily good.' Dayo widened his eyes to

emphasize his point.

'Did you see her work on the system?'

'Yes, she showed I and Mr Sylvester what she did on the

system yesterday. That's why I was there for so long.'

Dayo replied with an excited voice.

'Okay, maybe I'll have to see her for myself.' Henry said

and quickly punched some keys on the computer

keyboard. 'Is she's still in Mr Sylvester's office?'

'I left her there.'

Everyone's attention suddenly turned to the door as it

opened. Sylvester popped in his head, his eyes searching

the place. His gaze met with Henry's. He entered and

closed the door.

'Good morning Mr Henry and Mr Frank,' he greeted with

a kind smile.

'Good morning sir,' they both replied at the same time.

'Mr Henry,' Sylvester called as he got to Henry's front.

The smile on his face was replaced with a serious look.

'Agent Dakolo just called,' he said almost in whispers, his

voice bearing a warning tone.

Henry frowned, 'what did he say?'

'He's coming here, to see you'

'When and about what?' Henry asked. Fear gripped his

heart at the thought of facing Agent Dakolo again. Maybe

the man was finally coming to arrest him for lying about

the Jubril's job, but there was no way the Agent was

going to know if he was lying or not except if Sylvester

had told him. He shivered at the thought of Agent Dakolo

questioning him again, maybe inviting him for a lie

detection test this time around. Was he going to get

caught for defending Omotara, who was probably

somewhere trying to play another fraud on someone

else. The fear of being caught and labeled as dishonest

and a person who harbors criminals terrorized his heart.

He began to consider if it was really worth it to take the

risk hoping that Omotara had changed for a better

person or to give up and confess to the Agent with an

apology. He was sure that with an explanation, the Agent

who was also like a brother to him could help and cover

him up.

'I don't have that detail, he's coming to see you

personally and he'll be here in fifteen minutes.' Sylvester


'Okay, thank you sir.'


Jefa returned from the market sweating heavily. Of

course that was expected due to the stress experienced

in the busy local markets on the market days that comes

up in an interval of five days.

A tricycle had brought him and his goods from the

market. He first stopped at his store to drop the goods

meant for business which was eighty percent of what he

bought. Now he had come home with foodstuffs and

other things he bought for home use.

He sank into the weak sofa tiredly and let out a deep

breath. Everywhere was silent, except for the sounds of

the fan blades which were just accelerating. Jefa closed

his eyes to rest a little but soon sank into a deep sleep.


The day was bright and sunny. The sidin singing heard

from every corner of the street was enough to announce

to an alien that it was Sunday and churches were having

their morning services.

Jefa was seated in the passengers side of the white Range

Rover, Omotara was driving. They both looked happy,

dressed in matching white native attires. Jefa was moving

slowly to the sound of the worship song being played,

Omotara was miming along.

They got into the church compound and Omotara

followed the directions of the Traffic Marshals and

stopped where they instructed her to. She switched off

the AC and killed the car engine. In few seconds, both of

them stepped out of the car. It was Thanksgiving Sunday,

they could hear the Thanksgiving hymn being led by the

choir and sang by the large congregation. Omotara held

with her her tablet device which contained a Bible and

writing applications while Jefa preferred to go with a

paper Bible, a pen and a notepad.

The ushers welcomed them warmly and handed them

the Thanksgiving leaflet before directing them to the

available seats. They got comfortable seats close to the

centre of auditorium and dropped their Bibles and

gadgets on the chair while they joined the congregation

to complete the hymn being sang.

Few minutes later, they were seated and other segments

of the service began. Several Thanksgiving verses were

read from the Bible and different categories of people

are called out to dance round the church and give their

Thanksgiving offerings. Omotara and Jefa stood up and

joined the group when the coordinator called out those

who surrendered their lives to Christ in that year. They

had their Thanksgiving envelopes in their hands as they

danced to the front of the altar with the other people in

their category.

The dancing paused when they got to the front of the

pulpit and very few people with outstanding testimonies

were called out to share with the rest of the

congregation. They dropped their offerings and began to

dance back to their seats, Jefa noticed that Omotara was

distracted. She had seen something and slowed her

dance steps. She was flashing her teeth happily at

someone. Jefa glanced at the choir stand and saw Henry

seated in front of the keyboard, flashing his teeth back at

them happily. He took a hand off the keyboard and

waved at them. Omotara and Jefa waved back and faced


Just before they passed the front row, they saw another

familiar face seated on the second row. He was a

government official who had once done them evil, he

was shaking his legs to the beat of the song being played.

Omotara smiled on seeing him but Jefa was indifferent.

Reason being that Omotara had forgiven him and other

offenders since she repented but Jefa was still trying to

completely forgive them. He silently prayed and

confessed words of love under his breath.

The government official looked up and met with their

gazes. His smile diminished, in fact, he was visibly shaken.

Omotara and Jefa ignored him and kept dancing back to

their seats.

The church service ended two hours later and some

church members began to depart to their homes

immediately while most began to greet themselves and

break into groups. Omotara politely excused herself

from Jefa and made her way to the choir stand to meet

Henry. She met him about standing up from the

keyboard. There were three people arranging chairs in

front of him, they were those who wanted to learn how

to play the keyboard.

'Hi,' Henry greeted with a smile on seeing her. He excused

himself from the learners and proceeded towards


'Hello,' Omotara replied his greetings, with a smile too.

'I was just planning to come and greet you and your

brother before you leave.' Henry gestured for them to

walk to the back.

'No, don't bother.' She refused politely. 'Don't keep your

students waiting, I'll extend your greetings to my brother'

'Hehe' Henry chuckled. He was staring at something

behind her. She glanced back to see.

Jefa was walking towards them, making funny faces. She

gave way as he moved closer and had a handshake with


'Good morning sir,' Henry bowed in respect.

'Good morning Henry,' Jefa replied. He placed his hands

behind him and took glances at the faces of both of

them. The way he was looking at them made Henry bow

his head in shyness. 'When are you guys getting married?'

He threw a surprising question.

Omotara stared at her brother with her mouth agape.

'Married? Who told you we are planning to get married?'

She asked.

'I don't need an Angel to tell me that, I can perceive it in

my spirit.' Jefa replied with a smile. He turned to Henry

whose face was still bowed. 'You're the man, talk to me.'

He said and gave Henry a playful jab on his arm.

'Brother, come on leave him and let's go.' Omotara said

playfully and grabbed her brother's arm. 'You bring a

wife to the altar first, then you can now talk about me.'

She held Jefa's hand and turned to look at Henry's face.

'We'll be leaving now, I'll call you when we get home'

'Let me see you…' Henry tried to offer.

'No need,' Tarasha cut in. 'Go back to your students.' She

gestured with her eyebrows for him to look back. He

glanced back to meet the eyes of his waiting students all

fixed on him.

'Alright then, we'll talk later.' He said and waved them

bye. Jefa offered him another handshake before turning

back to leave.

Henry stood on the same spot and watched them walk

out of the auditorium holding hands together. The smile

on his face was that of a proud man. He was proud he

had being able to help the two of them become better

persons. Now they looked happier than they used to be.

In ten minutes time, Omotara was already driving out of

the church compound with her brother. The plan was to

visit the nearest Mr Biggs outlet and take a meal there

since they couldn't wait to eat before coming to church

in the morning.

They spotted the closest one and stopped by to take the

meal. In another thirty five minutes, they were on their

way home. It was after fifteen minutes of driving that

Omotara began to notice a black Lexus 2031 model Jeep

following them from behind. She kept mute and said

nothing to her brother, wanting to verify first in order

not to make a false alarm to the unsuspecting man.

'Where's this you're going?' He asked when she took a

route which doesn't lead to their home. She didn't reply

him, but he could see that her eyes were fixed on the side

mirror. He looked back to check what it was. 'Are they

following us?'

'Definitely, they are.' She replied.

'What? Who could that be and why…' He paused while

counting the number of men in the Jeep, two men were

seated in front while one was at the back. 'Three of them,

why are they following us?' He asked no one in particular,

he was sure that Omotara was quite as confused as he


The roads was in that estate was not too busy with cars

that day as it was Sunday. So there was no car

obstructing the Jeep from them. Omotara increased the

speed of their car. The trailers increased theirs too.

Soon, they began to hear gunshots from behind.

Omotara did all she could to hasten their escape but it

was futile. The two tyres at the back of the car were

deflated wth bullets by the men. Omotara's driving skills

helped her bring their car to a stop, else it would have

resulted to an accident, but maybe an accident would

have been better.

The Jeep caught up with them and two men came out.

One of them remained in the car, it was the same

government official they had seen in the church.

The two scary looking men came out with their guns in

their hands. They pulled Jefa and Omotara out of the car.

The government official soon came to join his boys.

Other motorists and pedestrians on the road has turned

back and fled on seeing what was happening.

'Kill the man and bring me the girl.' He commanded in an

evil tone and turned back to the Jeep.

One of the men cocked his gun and pointed it straight at

Jefa's forehead. Jefa could hear Omotara screaming and

begging for pity as the bullet was released.

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