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28.57% Pink Dust / Chapter 2: Two Kinds of Weakness

Capítulo 2: Two Kinds of Weakness

"Have you been sleeping properly?"

"Yes, Shishou."

"Any headaches or migraines?"

Every two weeks for the last two months they have been going through with this. Oh and how Sakura hated her checkups with lady Tsunade. It usually starts with the Godaime fixing her with a hawk-like stare, followed by a nasty checklist of grueling, invasive and, not to mention, downright embarrassing questions she had to answer truthfully. Or may Kami-sama have mercy on her soul.

"Not since last week, Shishou."

"Any nosebleeds or blackouts?"

Sakura froze for a second. 'How could she have she known that?'

"I woke up last night from a nosebleed, Hokage-sama." Sakura sighed, dread filling her. "It was minor and I was able to stop it immediately." She added quickly, hopefully.

Tsunade regarded her intently and didn't say anything except, "when the blackouts start, come to me immediately." Her amber eyes filled with concern. "It would then mean that it has progressed."

"Hai, Shishou." Sakura replied, bowing her head. Of course, she knew what this meant. She was a medical-nin after all. Nosebleeds and blackouts in extreme proportions have a hand in a cerebral aneurysm, which would mean that whatever is happening in her mind, it has an effect on her physical brain.

"When was your last 'episode'?" Tsunade asked pointedly.

"Two nights ago, Shishou." Sakura whispered. "It was minor, isolated in the occipital lobe mildly affecting my vision. No other side effects."

"I have never seen seizures shift from one part of the brain to the other in such a random and erratic manner. It's most troublesome." Tsunade's hand rested on her forehead in frustration. "It is the reason we are having trouble with locating the cause of this condition."

"Hai, Shishou." Sakura agreed.

"Have you been eating?" Tsunade continued.

"Uh…you know how it gets at the clinic-"

A loud bang followed by a crack cut her off sharply as the Hokage's fist collided with her wooden desk. "Sakura! Weren't you the one constantly badgering me for a mission?!"

"Yes, Shishou. I-"

"Then if you want me to clear you, you know you need to meet every single one of the requirements on my checklist. You of all people should realize the seriousness of your situation! You. Need. To. Eat!" Again, came her fist down upon the desk at each word emphasizing them.

Sakura bowed her head, a small sigh escaping her lips. "Yes, M'lady. But you know I never really have an appetite."

"And you know why that is. That is exactly the reason you need to eat. Regularly! Especially after your treatments. Your recovery time depends solely on whether you take care of yourself or not. The last one was two weeks ago and you haven't been recovering as you should." Tsunade narrowed her eyes at her favorite student. "You don't want me to cut your hours at the hospital, do you?"

"No!" The pink haired kunoichi's head snapped up, her emerald eyes widening. Sakura shook her head almost desperately her heart stuck in her throat. "Please, Shishou. I promise I will remember to eat regularly. I need my hours at the hospital, I love working, keeping busy. I need it!"

The last thing she needed was fewer hours. It made her feel like she was failing her Hokage and master. It made her feel weak, useless and unnecessary. She had been training to the marrow, past the point of exhaustion.

Past pain and past fear.

Sharpening and honing her skills every waking moment on all levels. Even her weak points. Especially her weak points. She had been doing so well, she felt powerful, accomplished to such a degree that her sparring sessions with Ino were a mere pick-me-up when she was bored; as she had far surpassed the blonde kunoichi. Her stamina and power were at such a level, she gave Naruto a workout. At the same time, storing a large amount of chakra in her forehead, which would ultimately lead her to achieve and release the Strength of a Hundred Seal. Giving her amplified power thanks to her perfect chakra control.

That little twelve-year-old girl who cried about everything, who always walked in the shadows of her comrades. The little girl who was helplessly in love with Sasuke, who would always wait for everyone else to rescue her. That little girl was gone! Now, at eighteen, she was independent and strong. Her own person who never owed anybody anything. All her ceaseless training had paid off. Her peers and superiors all looked up to her in admiration and respect. It was her who had been appointed head medical-nin at Konoha hospital. It was her who had surpassed even Shizune and rivaled the great Sannin herself. It was her who the Godaime turned to for back up whenever she was in a fix or needed a second pair of hands. It was her Tsunade had entrusted the hospital to. She was respected and known as the most skilled medical Nin of her time. Her! Dammit!

And then this happened…These erratic seizures which have no logical origin or pattern. Randomly affects different parts in her brain without any warning; sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste, motor functions. All those things were being affected. And most crucial of all, the ability to naturally replenish her chakra.

It was a miracle that she hadn't died and it was because of the extra chakra she had stored in preparation for the release of the Strength of a Hundred Seal. Sakura had been forced to use her reserved chakra she had been saving just to stay alive. Food pills had very limited chakra replenishing abilities since her body can't naturally produce chakra like it used to. Now she felt like a ticking time-bomb. Waiting for the last of her chakra reserves to be depleted.

According to Tsunade, she had amassed a substantial amount of chakra during the past few years and had more than enough time to find a different course of action before she ran out if she didn't overexert herself. And the Hokage had also been developing a new jutsu, which is the equivalent of a blood transfusion when a person is in need of new blood. This results in replenishing any lack of white blood cells or hemoglobin, aiding their immune system. The chakra transfusion jutsu does the same. It is, however, extremely complex, taxing and painful to the caster and the patient. No one but the Godaime has the chakra reserves to even attempt this procedure. The candidate also has to be resilient to handle such an invasive technique.

To say it was painful, would be a vast understatement. Sakura had never felt pain like this in all her life. It was like a thousand tiny bolts of lightning striking each and every one of her chakra points. The aim of the procedure is to 'shock' the stagnant chakra awake in her. It has been partly successful. Sakura was delighted to find that it was effected. Only to be disappointed once more.

Once she had recovered - two days later - everything was regulated normally, until she had another 'episode' and all their work was nullified in an instant. It was almost like the seizure had reset itself like it had a mind of its own. They were back to square one.

Slender fingers gripped the hem of her skirt tightly, making her knuckles turn white. She didn't want to sound like the victim, crying 'why me?' She wanted to move as far away as possible from that little girl she used to be. And for a couple of years, she did. She grew into herself, her true self. Becoming strong and beautiful; the little bud finally blooming into a magnificent flower. There was no more looking back, only moving ahead. Her destiny in sight, close enough to touch. Her dream to finally surpass her Shishou and to be equal to Naruto. And Sasuke. To be able to protect what she holds dear; her village and the people close to her heart. But why?! Why her? Why did this have to happen to her!

"Sakura! Are you even listening to me?" Tsunade's voice cracked like a whip. "I know you are my most valuable med-nin at the hospital, but if you are not following my rules; hurting yourself more than helping. Why should I keep your hours?"

"Yes, Tsunade-sama. I apologize." Sakura said, feeling thankful for her Shishou's stern voice, breaking her out of her self-pitying reverie.

'Cha! Focus, Baka! We are not dead yet!' Her inner voice broke through, 'It will take a hell of a lot more to break us down!'

Her heart feeling lighter from the mental kick in the butt she got from her inner voice, Sakura looked at the Hokage determinedly, shoulders squared. "With all due respect, Shishou. I do not need you to take pity on me; I am more than capable of handling myself. Yes, you have my word that I will eat. Three times a day. I'll even have Naruto tag along to make sure I eat. And we all know how much he eats. I have been sleeping much better lately." She paused slightly.

Sakura shifted guiltily for a fraction of a second. So what if she was bending the truth a little. She'd been having dreams that have been keeping her up at night. But that is nothing to write home about, she can handle that. Renewed in her resolve, she continued as though she had never paused. "I have perfected the jutsu you taught me, curing my nausea and dizziness. I take my medicine like clockwork. I have developed a new recipe for food pills that slightly sustains my chakra as well as stabilizing my appetite.

She drew a breath, resolute. "Besides, it's only a C-Rank mission and I will have Kakashi-sensei, Naruto, and Sai with me."

"Be that as it may, you will be traveling a long distance and this particular mission is time sensitive. Not to mention, the desert at this time of the year is especially deadly. And it is imperative that you are back for your next treatment in two weeks, it cannot be delayed under any circumstances. I don't need to remind you of the consequences if you skip your procedure."

Sakura's head dropped along with her heart. She had been so sure she would be let on a mission again, she could not remember the last time she felt the thrill of danger, tasted a sense of freedom being away from Konoha. It had been months since she had been on a mission.

For a shining moment, she believed Tsunade was going to let her go. Working in the hospital was her life, she loved every moment of it. The liberating feeling of being away from home, however, there was nothing quite like it. And she needed some time away. She could feel the symptoms of cabin fever coming on being holed up in the village. But the Hokage's word was absolute, there was no sense in arguing it.

"You, on the other hand, happen to be right."

Sakura's head shot up just in time to catch a ghost of a smile on Tsunade's lips, but it was gone before she could be sure whether it was real or not.

"You will have Team Kakashi with you and I have the utmost faith in you, Sakura." Her face suddenly split into a rare smile.

"Now," Tsunade snapped, back to her usual self so fast Sakura got whiplash, whilst consulting Sakura's medical file before her. "Get out, I have no time to be chatting away. We are done with the checkup for today. The briefing for the mission will be at eight o'clock tonight, so don't be late! And, don't you have rounds to get to?"

"H-hai, Shishou!" Sakura said, hardly daring to believe her luck. She jumped up and gave Tsunade a respectable bow. "Arigatou, Hokage-sama."

"Psh, don't thank me." Tsunade winked. "You've earned it."


The Uchiha awoke, disoriented in darkness. Not knowing what time of day or day of the month it was. He was lying flat on his back. Where the hell was he? Blinking a couple of times to identify his surroundings had been pointless as it was completely black. His eyes didn't seem to want to adjust.

Then memories came flashing back so suddenly his heart jumped. He had no pain at all when that fall could have killed him. Should have killed him. Wiggling his fingers and toes, then his arms and bending his legs, he deduced that nothing appeared to be broken. Attempting to sit up, however, he regretted at once as an intense feeling of vertigo overtook him, so he lay back down hating himself.

The last time he felt this weak was during the battle with Naruto at the final valley those many years ago. He felt weaker than that even, at least last time he was still able to stand and flee. What was going on? His body felt like lead, yet rubbery at the same time. The merest movements felt like a challenge. It felt like he had just undergone intense training; which could only mean one thing. His chakra levels were the lowest they've ever been.

"Sharingan" except, no sound came out of his mouth.

Something was very wrong, he realized suddenly. His Kekkei Genkai didn't seem to want to activate.

"Sharingan!" Still, no sound to be heard.

By now, Sasuke was getting beyond angry, mostly because a distant and unknown emotion was starting to set it; panic. It was emotion he did not think he could possibly still experience. An emotion, long forgotten like all the other wasteful childish things. But there it was, weighing down on his chest, adding to the heavy feeling in his muscles. It was getting difficult to breathe.

'Calm down, Uchiha!' He reprimanded himself. 'Get a fucking grip on yourself!'

Forcing down a few deep breaths made it easier. He needed to focus on familiarizing himself with his surroundings, which would give an indication as to where the hell he could possibly be. Slowly, he tried to sit up again, with it being too much effort, he lay back down cursing. He couldn't sense anything, it was like his senses were dulled. He couldn't see anything, mostly owing to the fact that it was dark, but the Uchiha had never really had a problem with seeing in the dark. This place was a different kind of dark, it was like you knew there was supposed to be light but there simply wasn't. Like an invisible hand being held over one's eyes. He couldn't hear anything either, not to mention smell and taste. Yes, he can feel the hard surface beneath him. But was it cold or warm? He couldn't make out which. And, most important of all, he couldn't feel any chakra signatures of any kind. It was an empty feeling. Usually, he'd be able to sense something by this time. There was just nothing.

Then again, perhaps there wasn't 'nothing'. Sasuke had the suspicion that it wasn't the place that was empty of smell, sight, sound, and touch. No. He was almost sure that it was his senses that were being suppressed. Something was definitely wrong.

'I mean, how could there just be…nothing?'

No up or down, no cold or heat, no pain, no sound or smell. Something was subduing his chakra. It wasn't flowing at all, it had become stagnant in his system. He needed to force his chakra to move; a kick-start, if you will.

He clumsily weaved a hand sign and said, "Release!"

Nothing whatsoever happened. Except if you count the fact that his chakra was possibly lower than it was before.

'Well fuck.' Was the last conscious thought he had before he knew no more.


The second time Sasuke had woken up, he felt…different. It wasn't a positive feeling, neither was it a negative feeling. To be honest, he was glad to be feeling at all. It was like he was breathing for the first time, yet even his breathing felt different. It was a complex feeling to describe. Sitting up felt easier. His limbs were no longer as heavy or weak. His chakra as still tender, like recovering from massive trauma. It was also flowing differently, his signature had undoubtedly changed. That was impossible, wasn't it? It was still his chakra, he could feel it flowing inside of him. It was an odd feeling indeed.

The biggest change, however, was his sight. Not wanting to attempt activating the Sharingan quite yet, he strained his eyes in the dark. The more he focused on the darkness, the less darkness there seemed to be. It was instead replaced with a strange bluish, pinkish glow, emanating from the stone cave walls. For, yes, the Uchiha had at least deduced that he was in a vast cavern inside a cave of some sort. His gaze moving up the walls as high as it can go, except there didn't seem to be a roof. It seemed like those walls went on forever.

Not wanting to linger on the vastness of this place, he gingerly got to his feet which, he hated to admit, felt rather shaky. Weakness was not something Uchiha Sasuke tolerated, it was an insult to his very name. Regardless, maybe that Genjutsu release technique did do something. Perhaps it made his chakra move, so it could be replenished. Maybe it jumpstarted his chakra points to receive energy from the outside. Because that was what it felt like. A shinobi can sense their own chakra from inside their body moving outwards. Sasuke, however, was feeling his chakra outside his body, radiating inwards.

He didn't want to linger on those thoughts either, in fact, he didn't want to think of anything that might remind him of how screwed he was. Because he truly was screwed. Instead, he took a deep calming breath and he felt his chakra settle.

Hesitantly, he approached the cavern walls. It wasn't the cave wall that was glowing blue and pink, they were actually luminous crystals of some sort. Countless glittering gems littering the cave walls as far as the eye can see. Even in his current situation, Sasuke cannot ignore the fact that they were mesmerizing to look at. Upon closer inspection, he noticed the blue looked different from the pink. The blue crystals were small about the size of his hand and great in numbers, while there were less of the pink crystals, but were quite a lot bigger, somewhere big as boulders.

"Sharingan!" He was surprised at how different his voice sounded in the cave.

He had to risk using the Sharingan. He had a feeling there were more to these strange crystals than meets the eye. Grateful and a little more than relieved, he felt his Kekkei Genkai activate.

What he saw, made his jaw drop. Openly. Whatever he had expected to see, nothing could have prepared him for this. It was the likes of nothing that he had ever seen before. With the normal eye, all he could see was the beautiful glittering pink crystals and the blue with its tiny cracks inside each little crystal seem to reflect off each other, giving them a lightning type of effect. That was something in its own entirety.

But this.

The powerful ninja he encountered, Sasuke could see their chakra, vibrant and pulsating. But this cave, whatever it was, was something on a whole different level. No living thing could have chakra this bizarre, this potent, this consuming. It was like this cave had a life of its own.

If he had the Byakugan, he was sure he would see the chakra network running through the stone walls beyond its surface. Sasuke was stunned he didn't feel this enormous chakra emitting off the walls before. But he was only beginning to regain his strength, so it wasn't so surprising after all. The only thing that could make sense in his mind was, incredibly, he was not in his world anymore. This place, everything about it, felt alien. The very air he was breathing right now. That odd sensation he felt pulling him off that cliff. A Genjutsu that even his visual prowess couldn't pierce. That was the only logical explanation. And if he had listened to logic, he wouldn't be in this mess right now.

All of a sudden, a particularly big pink crystal he was standing close to, began to glow brighter and a cloud of fine glittery dust flew off the crystals as though disturbed by a breeze, directly at Sasuke, who sneezed. Accompanied with a fluttering sensation in his stomach, he broke out in cold sweat and gasped. Sasuke frowned, clutching his stomach and taking a couple of hasty steps backward.

He didn't know what to make of this. His recovering mind could not process what was happening. Pride or not, Sasuke was certain he had not experienced this feeling before. Butterflies? In his stomach! Ah hell no! He was no fourteen-year-old girl! How could a rock have this effect on him! Uchiha Sasuke! That vibrating in his chest was back, the same unnerving sensation which had brought him here in the first place. The pink crystal was humming lightly and it seemed to intensify the feeling to an almost unbearable degree.

Outraged at his own stupidity of getting caught off guard yet again by this stupid sensation, Sasuke could feel it fighting with his consciousness. And winning.

'It seems, I'm out of my league.' Was the last begrudging thought that formed his already fuzzy mind as he passed from consciousness.

ValkyrieFaery ValkyrieFaery

Okay, before you yell at me, let me assure you Uchiha Sasuke is not weak. Not in this story or in any universe. He's very powerful and would not fall for any of that, normally. But it will all make sense in due time, I promise!

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