Or, Anthony.
Hopefully, I've lost him for now.
I was hiding inside a ladies' school because he would not dare go inside. It was so easy for me to pretend as one of the students. Upon reaching the back of the building, I simply walked out.
Since I was trapped in this time and world, I considered entering the convent and live a life of prayer.
Or, I could simply pretend to be a teacher for an all-girl school run by nuns.
I badly need a job!
I wish to be one independent lady without his help. He has done for me so much already and those are enough.
I secretly rode a carriage that carries hay and proceeded to a nearby convent.
As I was about to enter the convent's gate, I saw a man looking intently at a nearby building. Then, he seemingly drew something in a notebook.
Even from afar, I recognized him. His height and built is so easy to notice.
It is Mariano!
Just my luck!
I fixed my hair and wiped my face to make myself presentable.
"Mariano!" I called as I walked towards him.
He slowly lifted his eyes from the notebook. I flashed him my sweetest smile and waved my hand. He grinned nervously in response.
"Where have you been?" I inquired.
Instead of answering, he stepped back and then started to run away from me.
He sprinted so fast that I had a hard time following him. I did not notice how far we have ran but I just found myself in a cemetery for the rich and renowned people.
"This is not funny! Show yourself!"
I saw a rusting gate gently swinging from a mausoleum.
"Mariano..." I sounded very creepy as I called his name. My own voice made me cringe when it echoed inside the room. "You can run but you can't hide."
I pushed the marble cover and lifted the glass of an elevated tomb. He was indeed in there. A skeleton dressed in a nun's habit was beside him.
"Mariano, that's disgusting!"
"Excuse me, Señorita* but you are insulting this lady I am with."
(Spanish term for "Miss")
"Come out there."
"Nah! We're still getting to know each other here. Right, Sister Lucilla?" He playfully blew a kiss on the skeleton. The skull rolled on its side towards his face. It's empty eye sockets seemingly stared at him.
"Ugh! Stop it! She was a nun, for heaven's sake! Let her rest in peace."
"Love is a mystery, just like her rosary."
"What was that meme? I did not understand but I think she will not be pleased that you desire her."
"Are you...jealous?" His eyes squinted as he looked at me.
"No. Why should I? You look like a match made in heaven. Enjoy your time together."
I turned to leave, thinking of proceeding with my plan to apply for a job in the convent.
"Where are you going?" He inquired while peering from the tomb.
"I need a job. Can you help me out?" I was quick to reply.
"I will. Wait up."
He came out and fixed the casket to look just like the way it was.
"Forgive me, Señorita Lucilla. Please don't let me be doomed in hell." he murmured.
"Why are you trying to run away from me? Did I do something wrong?"
He put his hand on his nape and chuckled.
"Were you able to read the letter, Bianca?"
I gulped. I could barely answer when the words he have written for me flashed in my mind. They were with so much sincerity and affection.
He and Antoine are going to drive me crazy.
I don't understand why they liked me.
We could be friends.
No more. No less.
The truth is, I don't like handsome men.
I hate them!
They make a fool of women and then break their hearts.
Maybe, they just made a bet on me like that idiot who invited me on the Junior-Senior Prom and then never showed up. He was famous for his good looks and was a commercial model. He and his peers made a bet on me.
I was a teenager. I dreamed for a Cinderella-like love story where a Prince Charming would come and save me. I was very wrong with this boy.
He turned out to be a jerk!
My dear brother Benjamin almost went to jail for dragging him and six of his peers down the stairs.
One by one.
He patiently waited for them to pass by the school's corridor. He gave each of them a wedgie and left them hanging in the men's locker room with a note on their foreheads written in red ink:

Be warned. -Benjamin Torres (Kuya* ni Bianca)
(Filipino word for "Older Brother)
He could be really nasty.
Thanks to him, the bullying on me decreased in an instant.
Mister Commercial Model and his friends learned their lesson the hard way.
I swear, if I learn that Antoine and Mariano did a bet on me, I will the one to beat them to a pulp!
I studied Mariano's expression and he seemed really serious.
"Y-Yes." I diverted our conversation away from his letter "As you can see, Antoine and I are just friends. You are also my friend. You are both dear to me."
"Friends?" he muttered. "I am relieved to know." He sighed and fixed his bag. "I am really glad to see you again before I leave. I wish you happiness."
"Where are you going?"
"To Victoria. For now, it is better for me to stay at my mother's house. Besides, I haven't seen her for a long time."
I thought quickly. Maybe I can stay with him for a few days while looking for a job.
"Then, take me with you!" I blurted out. "Right! I will go anywhere with you!"
His brows raised a bit. He crossed his arms around him as he restrained a laugh.
"Lady, you sound like we're going to elope. Ha! I never knew I am this desirable." He looked at his side and gently stroked his brown hair. "Can't I even think about it?Ah...let me see...hmmm...I made up my mind. Let's go!"
"Please don't think it that way." I said with a flat tone. I soon realized that I gave him the wrong idea. "I need a place to stay until I find a job. I will pay you with my first salary."
"Oh. Now, that made me very sad."
He bowed his head and seemed to be in low spirits. "Where's Antoine? He should be with you."
"Oh. About that...we had a little misunderstanding."
"What happened?"
I bit my lip and shook my head. I preferred not to tell him yet what is really going on.
"Just a minor thing. I just want to stay away from him for a while."
He noticed the sadness in my voice. I am so bad in hiding the expression on my face that is why he could have seen it too.
"Cheer up. Sure, you can come with me." he told me with a reassuring smile.
I was relieved but my heart still felt so heavy for leaving Antoine.
"Thank you. Don't worry, I won't bother you at all." I promised him, trying my best to sound enthusiastic.
I failed.
He put his hand on his chin and seemed tk be in deep and serious thought.
"The truth is, I'm a little bothered. Can we make a deal?"
"What's the deal?"
"Just promise to never come into my room at night, alright? I know I'm so adorable but don't take advantage of me."
I clenched my fist in annoyance and turned my back on him. I tried my best to be very patient since I am asking him a big favor but now, I am not sure if I could keep up with his naughtiness.
"Dear, didn't you like that deal? Alright, you can come in the morning."
"Eeew! I am not like that!"
His mischief knew no limits. I had the worst case of goosebumps with what he just said.
"I know. I was just kidding! You were so sad back there that I thought you are about to cry. I just wanted to get your attention..."
"No deal!" I screamed. "I am going back to the convent now and take my chances for a job. Even if I would be their janitress, that would just be fine!"
He was taken aback by my bratty outburst.
"Maybe I should think first before I speak. Like, ten times. No, make that a hundred. Forgive me, Señorita." He clasped his hands together like in a prayer and gave me a winsome smile.
"Why are you like that anyway?" I wondered. "Your mouth is just so...weird."
He pursed his lips together and pretended to zip it shut. I could not help but smile at his funny and childlike gesture.
"Can I ask you something?" I continued to ask him.
"Sure, Dear. But I would have to think a hundred times before answering so please bear with my slow reply."
"You don't have to do it literally. Oh God. Why do men take everything literally?"
"Literal? I wonder what you meant by that. Just ask me anything. Go on."
"In your letter..." I hesitated to ask but I needed to know. "You said you heard my heartbeat."
"I am still hearing it now." he admitted without any qualms.
"How?" I shrieked. "Aren't we supposed to be heading to Hermana Auring now?"
"Don't be alarmed. I am not a vampire." he told me so casually. "Your neck and blood are safe."
"I am troubled for you, Mariano. You still look pale and sick. Come!" I pulled his arm for him to follow me. "Let's have you checked so that we can be sure!"
"I really want to." He gently held my hand for me to stop. "Thanks for caring but for now, I just want to see my mother. I want to check if she's well. And...I miss her so."
I saw the longing in his eyes. Realizing that he, too, is not a fictional character made me look at him in a different way. Despite his tactless talking, naughty manners and playful personality, he is a sensitive man.
All this time, he is hiding his pain through his smile and laughter.
"OK. What are we waiting for? Let's go and see her soon."
"How I wish I have the means to make this travel more comfortable for you. My father is rich and powerful but I'm not."
"We don't need those. This will be an adventure. We can hitch a ride and walk. And, don't think about your father now. Stop living in his shadow. You should start all over again." I advised him while patting his shoulder as a sign of my support.
"Do you think, I can do it on my own?"
"I know you can do it!" I said with so much assurance.
His eyes were filled with warmth. I saw a flicker of hope and determination. It was a lot different from the mischievous stares he gave me before.
"Are you ready for adventure?"
"Yes." I affirmed with an OK sign with my hand.
"That is why I really like you. Your fighting spirit is remarkable. You're the best." he joyfully declared.
"I have a great idea!" He snapped his fingers like it would be a good one but I highly doubted it. "Why don't we forget everything and start our lives together? Let all the dead here be our witness."
I was right.
It was a bad idea.
"I do not like the way you sound, Mariano. It creeps me out."
"Let's elope, Sweetheart." he offered. "Marry me, my sunshine."
I stared at him disapprovingly. No matter how many times I reject his declaration of affection for me, he just won't get it.
Why can't he be serious at all?
"We are not eloping." I replied bluntly.
"Why not, Bianca, why?" he asked with overwhelming emotions visible in his tone.
"You don't even know me."
"We have all time. Great! I really want to learn more about you. Let's start with your likes and dislikes."
He is just so persistent!
"Can we just walk and then you keep quiet? I need a moment of silence." I just suggested for him to stop talking.
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