Lu Man said, "Dad, give a call to Lin Jinshu and find out what she wants."
Wang Juhuai picked up his phone, then scratched his head. "I don't have any way of contacting her. After the divorce, I don't even want to see her face. I've long since deleted and blacklisted her number."
Xia Qingwei laughed at that. This was probably the funniest thing to happen today.
Wang Juhuai looked so funny scratching his head, but she was really glad with how he cleanly cut off any ties with Lin Jinshu.
Wang Juhuai had to find Wei Zhong to get Lin Jinshu's number from him.
As Wang Juhuai's butler, Wei Zhong managed to hit the expectation that he would succeed at the shortest time possible at whatever task Wang Juhuai had for him.
Wang Juhuai put his phone on speaker mode, and Lin Jinshu picked up the call shortly after.
"Juhuai." Over the phone, Lin Jinshu sounded delighted, but the smugness over guessing correctly was also there.
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