"You think I would have been with you without any love?" Jiang Yuyan asked.
"Well, not from my side, but from your side there would be love. You are among those women who if they decide to be with someone, you give all of yourself to them. So you are the perfect one to have in life."
Jiang Yuyan sighed, "So this is what you think, huh? You would have been hanging out with other girls and I would have been waiting on you."
"Hmm, that is how you are," An Tian said, "But can not deny the possibility that you would have left me as well and I would not have minded. Then I would be happy seeing you with someone else you deserve and I would continue to live my life."
"Never. Without love, I would have never said yes to anyone," Jiang Yuyan declared.
"Well not my fault but women keep falling for me on their own," An Tian replied, "You have seen these crazies with your own eyes."
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