When Jiang Yuyan reached the door of the mansion to go out, it was locked. The control of the door was in the hands of those who controlled the whole mansion and kept an eye everywhere. Jiang Yuyan knew she couldn't open it and looked at the camera at the side of the door.
"Do you guys wish to get hung up on the trees out of the mansion?"
As Jiang Yuyan said it, the next moment the door unlocked, and Jiang Yuyan stepped out. San Zemin who followed her reached the door, looked at the same camera, and cursed, "Idiots."
San Zemin's two men who were looking at the view from the door on the screen in the security control room felt puzzled with the replies they got from their lady boss and later from the other boss.
"Did we just angered them?" the one asked.
"Seems like it," the other replied.
"Then what do we supposed to do, open the door or not?"
"That I too don't know."
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