A moonbeams kiss
Distant but amiss
The clouds which fog my twilight mind
Lost but there
Despite waning care
Seem to still show
its gaze upon my lair
She wakes my night
With her soft dew light
And with a moonlight kiss
I woke up like this
A hiss not sworn
Nor scratch was torn
No heaviness of heart
No memory of its start
Her distant kiss
I will forever miss
Among those vast white stars alight
Not just tonight
But in waking hour
Will both me, and her, be
She might be away
Yet here I stay
Will never part by length alone
I will atone
My love and kisses
No matter how much sweets and blisses
We'll be together
Somehow forever
But for now, she is gone
The clouds tell me to move on
But I shall not, as there is away
On how I will, I will not say
Yet those stars give me hope
On how we will elope
Despite her death
though fogged by my breath
To reach me close to those stars
And claim back what was ours
We can twirl within the rain
Ignore all the pain
Whistle to the comets
Instead of yelling sonnets
Be a cloud of my own
Breathless fog you would condone
It would take me too long anyway
So much exhaustion would decay
My strength to move forward
And with this reach toward
To the light white as cotton
To a past almost forgotten
Grasp an eternal rope
One can only hope
Will lead back to you
Laying together in moonlight's dew
No longer amiss
I can receive your kiss
But by thousands, under the moon
My love, I'll be there soon.