Sebastian was taking a step forth and Stella was taking a step back...
Back and forth ... Forth and back
this continued until Stella has no where to go...
Sebastian came nearer and nearer to her face and now at any moment there lips can touch each other they were so closed that they can feel each other's breathing and hear each other's heart beat
Stella was very very nervous and she was so nervous that she started hiccupping
One Time...
Two Times...
Three Times...
and now again and again She felt embarrassed and put her hands on her lips to hide her nervousness
Sebastian looked at her and smirked
This was not her first time to have hicupps suddenly because when ever he was near her in such a mood she started hiccupping non stop...
He looked at her gently and full of lots of desire
He grabbed her hand and removed it from her from her lips...
She did not noticed all these since she was so much focused on her hiccups
guys at least leave some comments pls
and sorry for poor updates
but what do you think Sebastian has to say to her???