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96.12% Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken / Chapter 124: Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Chapter 124

Capítulo 124: Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Chapter 124

Birth of a Hero

When Nicholas calmed down, the rest of the story was explained.

Fritz regained his composure, and explained in detail what had happened to Hinata.

The children were also brought here from Glenda, and were listening to Fritz's explanation. They should have been tired, but were they listening attentively.

They were fed in Glenda, albeit not a proper remedy for their mental fatigue. Nonetheless, without tears or complaints they recited their observations.

Their behavior made Fritz believe that Hinata's choices were not a mistake.

Nicholas was mulling over the things that were said.

Most importantly, they now confirmed that that Freedom Association's Kagurazaka Yuuki is indeed their enemy.

Though they still didn't have a clear picture on how powerful or widespread his brainwashing is, considering that the Demon Lord Kazalim is his subordinate makes him a rather dangerous threat.

Next, the reason for Hinata's actions.

Following the battle with Demon Lord Rimuru, Hinata was able to dispel the Parasitic thought manipulation, "Crystal of Curses," and decided to attempt a rescue mission to save the children, as to prevent them to be similarly manipulated.

However, Yuki had set a trap with the children as bait, and a battle started right on the spot.

Her opponent was a hero. After hiding for several

decades, the hero engaged in mortal combat with Hinata.

Although Nicolas was skeptical, but judging from Fritz and the Children's testimony there was no mistake.

Moreover, there was information obtained from their conversations.

Yuuki intended to plunge the world into chaos and become its sole ruler.

Therefore he carried out multiple summons and was involved in some sort of negotiations.

One should also conclude that he and his conspirators share a common goal.

Then there's the fact that Freedom Association's Sub-master is the Demon Lord Kazalim.

Moreover, the Pope of the Holy Empire of Ruberius was not god's agent, but a mere marionette.

Even the Western Saint's Church was obeying not the will of a True God Ruminas, but that of a Demon Lord's.

In other word, the god Ruminas, was actually a demon lord...

However, he hesitated in accepting this revelation. Hinata, at least, seemed to believe it, but then there was also the many hundreds of years of peace and prosperity.

You can't just say that it was all the work of a Demon Lord and expect people to just accept it.

Moreover, a hero was in the hands of a demon lord and is being manipulated by Yuuki… such sacrilege.

This wasn't something they could easily disclose, and even if it did, it would only lead to a movement to free the hero.

And that hero has just proven her heroism (absolute strength) in the battle with Hinata.

From the perspective of the Knights, Fritz, and Nicholas, Hinata was beyond human in strength, and yet she was defeated without resorting to any special skill.

The only existence who could overwhelm Hinata who has gotten only stronger after her battle with Demon Lord Rimuru is the hero herself.

「But… to think that it was a hero…

If we were to reveal her as our enemy it would turn every country against the church.

Not a demon lord but a hero.

Can't get any worse can it… And since it's Yuuki, he'll definitely take advantage of this information」

In reply to the remark of the Holy Knight leader Leonard, the holy knights nodded with meek faces.

However, is that really so? Nicolas repeatedly thought.

Hinata had manage everything once. Nicholas only had to leave it in her hands…

Sadness and despair swirled inside Nicholas heart threatening to overwhelm him, yet he repressed it with his will alone.

「No, in that case he would have long proclaimed that Ruminas had kidnapped a hero.

Considering that he hasn't means that he currently lacks the strength to oppose us」

Nicolas said.

Hinata can't be relied on anymore. So he had to decide himself.

「However, a hero's strength was overwhelming.

Yuki may have dominated the Hero, then couldn't he counter a demon lord?

Actually, just what kind of demon lord is Ruminas?」

Fritz who has actually witnessed the clash between Hinata and the Hero asked.

If the hero could overwhelm Hinata, wouldn't that mean the demon lord is even stronger?

As per the previous question, does the Demon Lord Ruminas even exist?

Nicholas, in response to that question, explored the depths of his own knowledge and memory and found an answer.

「Fumu, Well the demon lord valentine...

There is a book within the western church which summarized ancient literatures.」

Nicolas began reciting…

Ten Great Demon Kings, originally there were three

Guy Crimson, the "Lord of Darkness"

Milim Nava, "Destroy," strongest there could be

Ramiris of the Labyrinth, plunging all to madness

Their fame had spread from sea to sea

Stories told of burning cities and death abound,

Fear of them even in the legends was found.

As the tale had told, Ramiris had fallen from grace,

Once shared in the Holy Spirit, but it abandoned

And the warring Nava and Crimson in that place,

Peace between the two she demanded.

These three are like gods, beyond all reason

Against whom you'd never think of treason

Then came others, though unlike the first,

Dagruel who would shake the ground

Valentine who terrorized the night.

Such were the names these fiends found.

Hallowed as Demon Lords, such was their right.

Dagruel guarded the gates of heaven in the land of the dead,

Into a demon lord he mutated after magic he was fed. [1]

These two were famous demon lords.

As to the demon lord in question–Ruminas

That would probably be the Vampire princess Valentine.

As the queen of the vampires, she had overwhelming magical power. An evildoer with an absolutely beautiful appearance.

The city she ruled over, a beautiful flower of the night, Night Rose, was burned to cinders in a battle with Storm Dragon Veldora.

And since then no one had seen Demon Lord Valentine again.

Since no one had confirmed whether she had perished, she was still considered a part of the Great Ten Demon Lords—Vampire Princess Valentine.

「In other words, Demon Lord Valentine is playing the role of God Ruminas.

There is another ancient demon lord: a fallen angel, but its name we do not know.

As for the rest: the slayer of many, Lychan King Karion and Heavenly Frey, and the Golden Leon make up the new demon lords.

There was also the manipulator Clayman, but he was destroyed by Demon Lord Rimuru….」

Having heard Nicholas' explanation the group came to the conclusion that the god Ruminas was none other than Demon Lord Valentine.

Situation so dictated and the Templars did not voice any opposition.

Thus this heavy revelation began to sink in.

They had long worshipped a demon lord.

That's not something you can just laugh off. But there was also no use in getting angry or violent.

Sitting in the Cathedral chamber Hinata established, those present honestly faced the truth.

But not even Nicholas nor Leonard could accept it just yet. It was just beyond all reason.

They would have been much happier if this all happened to be another of Yuuki's attempts to control their minds.

But this thought only reveals the underlying problem.

Yuuki is their enemy. There was no question about it, and Nicholas would never forgive that bastard.


「Though she wasn't one of the original demon lords, Valentine was an ancient one…

But… a hero would probably win anyways.

In other words, if Yuuki controls the hero, there's no reason for him to fear the demon lord, right?」

Leonard stated, only increasing Nicholas' headaache.

That's right. Even as he was explaining it, Nicholas thought the same thing.

Whether Yuuki would win is dubious, but a hero would definitely win. After all, she sealed the Storm Dragon who defeated Valentine.

In that case…

It just wasn't the time to scatter the Empire by revealing the demon lord behind the curtain.

Now that Hinata was defeated, there was no one to unify the Church. If the word of Ruminas' true nature got out, it would spell doom for that entire country.

Whether Yuuki had read this far is unknown, but now he knew, and Nicholas was left without a card to play.

Everyone present realized this fact and silence enveloped the room.

「The Freedom Association Master's next move will be bold, eh」

Nicholas murmured but no one answered.

And then,

「W-what is this?! What an ominous presence!! Friends, take arms!」

Leonard shouted and everyone drew their weapon.

And then before everyone, the space distorted and beings appeared before them.

Seven beings wearing faceless masks.

And when they kneeled, another walked between them.

A beautiful girl.

Her eyes were a beautiful heterochroma, lit in a blue and red light.

She was discussed by them just a second ago.

Queen of the Night, Nightmare of the Night, Ruminas Valentine.

She transported to the chambers using『Spatial Movement』.

And to the people reflected in her bewitching eyes,

「Stand down」

She said in a low yet reverberating voice.

For the knights, even if the one before them was the Pope himself, none would profess to have thought it a good time to relax.

But before this Demon Lord's presence none could disobey.

Strength gone from their bodies, they dropped their blades and bowed before her.

Seeing this, her mouth curved in a small smile revealing a pair of white fangs. She was indeed the Vampire Prinecss.

And when her adorable mouth opened,

「He who underestimates us. Thee means to say that we be vanquished by the hero… nay, perhaps I could see Chloe accomplishing that… by Yuuki?」

She declared.

Nicholas felt his heart stop from her overwhelming presence and could no respond.

(So t-this is a Demon Lord! S-she's too overwhelming!!)

Fear nearly ripped his heart asunder, and everyone there felt the same.

「Be that as it may.

Ye have discovered our place in the Holy Empire of Ruberion, we gather.

'Tis so, we are the God Ruminas.

Perhaps a shame, but if that country falls apart there is no reason to stop it.


We shall not be looked down upon. Besides, Chloe is ours.

We shall bathe in Yuuki's blood.

What will ye do? If ye swear loyalty to us, I shall bless you with a chance to battle」

Nicholas considered it.

There was no benefit in being enemies. Not that they could win.

He had heard of Demon Lord Rimuru's divine strength. The being before him was comparable.

Actually, she is an ancient.

So he should be even more wary of her.

So should he swear loyalty? His heart opposed that choice.

And not just him, but everyone else present felt the same.

They would only swear loyalty to Sakaguchi Hinata.

Perhaps Ruminas was stronger than Hinata, but the heart could not be so easily controlled.

「Unfortunately, Demon Lord Ruminas,

Our loyalty is to Hinata alone.

We have no wish to fight against you, but we ask you to understand that loyalty is a different matter entirely.

We humbly beg your forgiveness」

Nicholas said while looking Ruminas in teh eye.

Her eyes glittered,

「Oh? You would retain loyalty towards a corpse?」

Before Nicholas could respond,

「Don't go killing me off that quickly…」

The words came from behind Ruminas, the entrace to the chamber.

Long black hair gathered in the back, wearing light equipment.

A beautiful girl.

The Hero stood there.


Ruminas declared happily.

「Sorry Ruminas, I'm not Chloe right now. Right now it's Hinata.

Well, the strength of my soul is already lost so it's just a greeting.

On the way out, you see」

Hinata said with a beautiful smile.


As if they were suddenly cured of paralysis, the knights ran up to Hinata, and Nicholas ran up to hug her.

「Right, you are Hinata right now. How about Chloe?」

「Chloe is asleep. When we fought we were able to truly waken.

My skills were integrated and power assimilated.

Though it took a while, we seem to have fixed all distortions.

You see, before I was summoned into this world, this body slept in Ruminas' care.

And then Yuuki went ahead and awoke it, causing there to be two bodies for poor Chloe, reducing her to an unrecognizable spirit.

Ruminas you yourself forgot the hero's name, didn't you?」

While hugged by Nicholas Hinata asked.

And when Nicholas finally let go,

「So we had Chloe kill the me of this world

This was a predestined future that just had to happen.

Hero Chloe would now awaken as a true hero.

And I, assimilated into her, would use the spirit of time's power to leap back in time and raise the "Hero's egg."

Not at time of strife, but in time of peace.

That is the Hero's Program.

And now that my soul has been absorbed by the Chloe of today, the me who has journey for so long with Chloe has awakened.

Unfortunately, I am an extra existence and would soon disappear.

Which is why I came to say goodbye to you worrywarts.」[2]

Hinata said with an expression full of affection.



Thus Hinata, Ruminas, and Nicholas talked for a bit.

Since time was of essence, they discussed the current state of Hero Chloe.

Chloe was under Yuuki's control.

Moreover, she was bound by a contract upon awakening, so releasing her would prove difficult.

Hinata herself was unable to undo the contract.

This news greatly unnerved Ruminas.

And to Ruminas,

「But, there may be other options when we awaken as a hero.

According to our contract we will be released when Yuuki makes three wishes.

We cannot oppose him until he makes these three wishes.

There's no problem in revealing things like this though. There are things I can't mention though.

Once he makes the third wish, we can rip him to shreds.

Which is why he won't make the third wish, you see?

In other words, he can't go around using the hero as he pleases.

However, that man is bizarre.

He seriously wishes to enjoy destroying this world.

When I'm freed, his plan will fail.

However, he is dangerous. So do stay wary of him.

Now then, it's time to go」

Having so said, the Hero (Hinata) stood.


Please don't go, Nicholas wanted to say, but knew he couldn't.

Choking on his words, he understood he would never again see her.

But raising his fist,

「Be well!」

He declared with a smile.

「Fufu, be well, huh. You too Nicholas.

All of you. Don't be reckless. And if you need anything, go see Rimuru.」

Thus Hinata said her final farewells.

Soon her spirit would be devoured entirely by Chloe and disappear.

Nothing could be done about that.

Hinata completed her duty of raising the Hero's Egg inside Chloe.

So she was satisfied.

With her own arms and legs she saved many people and repaid her debt to Shizu-san.

Her wish had come true. Anything beyond that would be pure greed.

Now she only had to wait for the end to come inside Chloe…

And to Hinata,


A cold voice was heard.

Ruminas stopped her.

「Thee are fortunate.

We shall test『Asmodeus』upon thee.

'Tis a skill that rules over life and death, and while 'tis impossible to recreate a lost soul, you have a soul and a body gathered here.

We shall not fail.

Are thee not a hero who would never give up?

We shall not allow thee to give up!」

Hearing her words, Nicholas, Fritz, and the Knights started earnestly pleading with Hinata.

Assailed by their puppy-eyes, Hinata was completely at loss.

「Fufu, hahahahaha!」

She laughed.

「Sorry. I just recalled that I hated giving up.

Even to the point of clawing at my enemies. To think that I'd be convinced by a demon lord!

Well, even if you do succeed, I have already lost my original power…」

She said with a troubled smile,

「Strength! In that case, I shall protect Hinata-sama, guide us!」

「This time I shall not fail in protecting you! I will not be defeated!」

「We need you!!」

Responding to their will, she nodded to Ruminas.


Why did she suddenly suggest to do this, Hinata did not know.

But now the fate of a single person was changed.


Ruminas shouted, and two parts of Hinata's soul, from the hero of future and past, came together and were joined by Asmodeus.

Asmodeus, the King of Lust.

And thus Hinata was reborn and Hero Chloe was born without a foreign soul inside of her.

A Hero with long black hair and eyes of divine beauty.

Hinata and Chloe were now perfectly separated.

They were once one and now walked separately.

And with this miracle the Hero's Egg inside of Hinata was passed down to the Chloe of the future.

Thus was the true birth of the Hero Chloe O'Bell. [3]


Capítulo 125: Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Chapter 125

The Memories of the Hero

The birth of the "True Hero" Chloe O'Bell.

It should have been an event that occurred at the same time as Hinata's death.


That Fate was rewritten due to the intervention of the Demon Lord Ruminas.

But, was that really the cause?

Chloe who woke up and knew that Hinata was able to revive safely was glad enough to shed tears.

They would talk calmly, the three: Hinata, the Hero and Ruminas moved to the parlor. In there, they spoke with the awakened Chloe.

Because the string of tension was gone, the children were sleepy, and Glenda had taken them to rest in another room.

The other Holy Knight seemed to have decided to rest as well after Hinata's revival made their tension disappear.

Under pressure they had held the conference since morning and before they realized it, the day had turned to night.

Although it was important to determine their future objective, with the appearance of the Demon Lord Ruminas, their hostility to the Holy Empire Ruberion now vanished during the talk.

Even though they couldn't help but see the Freedom Association as an enemy, they never predicted that Yuuki had consolidated his power in each nation of Human Alliance.

Nevertheless, Hinata's revival wiped out their despair and dispersed the heavy mood.

For that reason, they would hold a real conference tomorrow.

After guiding the three people, Nicholas instructed the maid to prepare the tea, and he embraced Hinata from behind, seeming like he doesn't want to be separated. Even if Hinata told him to go away,

「Because I don't want to part with you again.」(Nicholas)

But there were no islands to hold on to.

Eventually, Hinata ran out of patience and continued the conversation as if Nicolas didn't exist.

Hinata's face turned red, but Nicholas can't see it. Chloe and Ruminas kindly turn a blind eye, and Hinata herself was happy.

「I'm glad, Hinata.... You are safe. As Hinata's soul disappeared, I thought you died....」(Chloe)

「Ah, Chloe. I was surprised too. I never thought that Ruminas would come

and assist in my revival.」(Hinata)

「Fumu. Speaking of which, the information network of the church hath expanded as well.

'Tis was for the sake of finding the one who durst steal Chloe from the Sacred Coffin under mín protection.

And, after knowing Chloe's revival, from the information besought, I cameth here.

When This One arrived thither, the revived thee was not present.」

While hearing the exchange, Chloe was in thought.

Her expression was filled with wonder, as it wasn't a trivial matter.

When Hinata and Ruminas who noticed this, they worried and tried to speak to her,

「I remembered. No... I could remember.


I saw my demise in the future.

I'll be defeated by Yuuki and be killed in the future.

It'll become a one-on-one fight with the Demon Lord Guy Crimson, using that opportunity Yuuki pierced the two of us together...

However, on the verge of death, my Astral Body that holds the property of the spirit of time was thrown to the past.

For the sake of sharing my knowledge and experience.....

As a result, the pastcurrent I, received help from Rimuru-sensei, and the rampaging was prevented during the spirit fusion.

Therefore, this maybe my second life?

Though I may have actually leapt many times....

Perhaps, even if I leaped many times in this world, I think I cannot learn everything.

Unfortunately, the Hero's Astral Body that fused with me couldn't remember the knowledge and experiences of the future.

Even now, because I can only remember the last life's memories, this may not be the second time.

When I compare it with my memory, Hinata still being alive now is a miraculous thing.

It's just probably....for one thing, I succeeded in taking a different action from last time.

Though, it's just a trivial action.

As a result, time has now begun to follow a different route from the future that I remembered.

What will happen in this world's future? I will witness it with my own eyes.

And, I wish to save this world.」

Chloe spoke while taking a sip of the black tea that had been prepared by the maid.

The "Remembered Past and Future" that she know.

Last time, or the time she leapt so many times.

Even with the fragment of the Hero's last bit of power that fused with Chloe, she can't convey the knowledge to herself at the time of Spirit Summoning by Rimuru.

The ability she obtained was, Unique Skill『Time Travel』, the power to do a limited leap to the past.

It's a one way trip, and the conditions to use this ability are complicated and its use is limited.

Last time (Or every time), Chloe killed Hinata and leapt to the past.

When she returned from the long time-travel and woke up, she killed Hinata.

It should have been a fate that was repeated without changing.

However, it's different this time.

Up until now, Hinata didn't revive and Rimuru was dead.

Hinata fought against Rimuru not only once.

When Rimuru parted with Chloe and others in the Royal Capital, Chloe always clung to Rimuru in tears and detained him in his return to Tempest.

As the result, some time was wasted, and Rimuru return to Tempest with『Spatial Transfer』in hurry.

Hinata who was performing an ambush outside of the Royal Capital always missed meeting with Rimuru and the encounter between them never happened.

It might be said that Yuuki's expectations always came off.

However, this time Chloe didn't detain Rimuru

She endured it as she wanted to be considered an adult by Rimuru. As a result, it can be said that the situation has greatly changed.

First of all, the detained Rimuru returned to Tempest without encountering Hinata, and succeeded in protecting his subordinates.

However, Tempest will be defeated by the hostile allied forces of the Western Saint' Church and Farmas Kingdom.

The Holy Knight Order led by Hinata boasted an unparalleled strength, no matter how many of Rimuru's monster subordinates were stronger than a high rank devil, it was impossible for them to surpass that wall of strength.

In the end, Rimuru fought Hinata in single combat and was completely annihilated on the spot.

After getting a large quantity of souls from that war, Clayman awakened as a True Demon Lord.

With the joint cooperation of Milim and Frey, Clayman's hosting of Walpurgis was approved. Naturally Ruminas also attended that conference.

During that window, Yuuki began his move to steal the Sacred Coffin.

When Hinata returned, by the order of the raging Ruminas, the Sacred Coffin Recovery Operation was accomplished in every time's flow.

Chloe obtain Hinata's soul here and leap to the past, but because Hinata's soul was ruined due to the effect of Yuuki's Thought Control, "Crystal of Curse", only the energy of her ability and her soul passed to Chloe.

They didn't share their knowledge and feelings, Chloe gathered power by herself and she would go through a long time-travel.

Therefore Hinata's ego returning when she awoke as the True Hero was unexpected.

When Hinata fought the Hero, Ruminas was also in the middle of a fight.

By the order of Clayman, Milim invaded.

Or rather than an order, it was a suggestion.

Clayman's cajolery was based on the advice from Yuuki that Rimuru's death was because of Ruminas's incitement.

Deceived by those words, Milim raged.

With Milim as the opponent, Ruminas was at disadvantage. She would be defeated by Milim after fighting for 3 days and 3 nights.

However Milim can't be said to have been left unscathed, she would be killed in her weakened state by the awakened HeroChloe under Yuuki's order.

Even if it became a slightly different future, if Milim knew the truth about Rimuru's death, Chloe couldn't do anything.

The fact that Chloe knew was only that Milim killed Ruminas.

However, with this result, the fighting force of the Demon Lord's side greatly decreased.

Milim, Ruminas, Karion. These three people disappeared.

Karion who was hiding, protected by Frey was eventually killed after the disturbance.

The East Empire started the invasion, the fight started against the Demon Lords due to Clayman.

As a result, the world was wrapped in chaos.

In the middle of the chaos, Chloe went to subjugate Guy by order of Yuuki and lost her life.

This was the flow of events that Chloe knew until now, so it could be said that the current situation was vastly different.

Finished hearing Chloe's story, silence descended in the room.

The subject was too important to be ignored; therefore the girls felt that they wanted some time to think about this.

They couldn't confirm whether there were multiple time iterations; however they couldn't disregard the story about how the last world fell apart.

「Then the result where I was able to revive is really a coincidence..... 」

Hinata muttered in one go.

Actually, since her fight against Rimuru at the Royal Capital, Rimuru analyzed Hinata's ability to some extent and was able to take measures.

If their first match was an all out battle where they couldn't retreat then there was no doubt he would have been defeated.

And as a result, his return to his country was delayed because of his encounter with Hinata, and it led him to awaken as a Demon Lord, his awakening brings change to the flow and influences it greatly, in a way that Chloe couldn't even imagine.

It's a completely different route from last time.

Thanks to Rimuru dispelling the curse from Hinata, she was able to return alive without her soul destroyed.

For Ruminas too, the worst case in which Milim raided didn't happen, thus she was pleased as she can reunite with Chloe safely.

In the past, the Hero saved Ruminas's life in her fight with Veldora.

And so she became her first friend, for Ruminas she was her loved one.

In promise with Chloe, the protection of the Sacred Coffin with Chloe sleeping inside was entrusted to Ruminas.

Though she raged when the Sacred Coffin was stolen and went mad, still it was a fortunate that Ruminas carried it out without any trouble.

This time, it can be said that everything is miraculous because it followed a good flow.

「This One is glad that Chloe art safe above all else.

Of course, if Hinata is a part of Chloe, Hinata returning alive also a joyous thing.」

「 Yes, thank you. However, when thinking about this, the route of Fate is altered, it's a miracle.」

Everyone agrees with Hinata's words.

Those words hold a big meaning, big simply because her Will is a part of the Hero and Hinata was walking together with Chloe for a long time.

The things she can do are limited even if she remembered the last memory from the Hero's Astral Body.

Since it had been decided, there was nothing that could change the confirmed past.

That is, in other words, until the moment of the Hero's birth in the future, any kind of attack cannot affect the Hero, and so she could be called Invincible.

The Chloe who flew to the past, her soul would be trained safely without any tremor.

Since the result is fixed, it is protected from anything until it reached the event.

It's just like the self defense of a cocoon that waits for the time of its emergence as a butterfly.

In the previous world, she needed to abide until the destined time when she developed into the Hero

Therefore, it was impossible to kill the past Yuuki to change the future.

Since Yuuki met with the child Chloe and said to take care of her was a "Confirmed Event", until then Yuuki couldn't die.

The rule that protected the Hero's body applied to all events that the child Chloe recognized.

It's the effect of the ability that is the pivot of "Hero Upbringing Program".

It's a compound effect of Unique Skill『Infinity Prison』and Unique Skill『Time Travel』.

Time has an absolute compelling force that keeps it following in a decided manner which can be referred to as Time Prison. That is how Chloe traveled through time.


Even if Chloe had the future memory, the things she could do were nearly none, as her own ability was restrained.

After uniting with the Hero's Astral body in front of Rimuru, she could only fly back into the past to become her duplicate existence who had woken up, so there was no time where Chloe could do something.

As for its significance, it can be said that the influence of the action of not detaining Rimuru showed the highest effect.

The result in a world where Rimuru was detained, is Rimuru'sdeath and Hinata's disappearance..

The result in a world where Rimuru was not detained, is that Rimuru awoke as a Demon King and Hinata acquired "Hero's Egg".

Certainly as Hinata had said, it's a coincidental result.

However, that coincidence brings too convenient a result.

Even acquiring Hero's Egg, properly speaking, was something that could only be born after Chloe received the energy flowing from Hinata's soul.

Even in that aspect, the present Chloe is strong when compared to past Chloe.

Because she went to the past together with Hinata's Will, Chloe didn't taste solitude. And under the tutoring of Hinata, an excellent teacher, she was able to learn all the skills that Hinata had known.

Because of that the foundation was made...

――She awoke the Ultimate Skill『Space-Time King (Yog-Sothoth)』――

Thanks to this ability she was able to recall the future memory.

It's a thing that Chloe from previous iterations was not able to do.

Originally, Hinata's『Mathematician』and『Usurper』 were unified with『Absolute Severance』and『Infinity Prison』and she acquired Ultimate Skill『Hope King (Sariel)』.

This time, she absorbed the energy from Hinata's Soul without a problem, so she could remain without being mixed, and Hinata's soul could be revived in pure form.

What it brought was an absolute power that rules over time and space.

It was the awakening of two abilities called Ultimate Skill『Space-Time King (Yog-Sothoth)』 and『Hope King (Sariel)』.

Chloe who awoke this ability and obtained an ability to memorize and repeat the time she spent on this moment again and again.

During combat, she was able to start over again after she saw the enemy's attack.

That absolute superiority Chloe had, made Hero Chloe becomes the strongest existence.


Chloe understood the awakened ability.

The existence released from the Law of the World, people who posses Ultimate Skills.

Ruminas in front of her.

Rimuru that Chloe loves.

And she realized that Rimuru's existence was necessary to rewrite destiny.

Perhaps, because Rimuru obtained an Ultimate Skill, he slipped out from the Law of the World, and so he might be the reason of the current miracle?

No, more than that.

In the last time, if by chance Rimuru survived, wouldn't he have awakened an Ultimate Skill?

Such a question appeared in her mind.

If Rimuru survived after his companions were killed and he was in despair and anger.......

By some means, he helped Chloe, so that she might to interfere the past?

(No, even if it's Sensei, that's not possible)

Chloe shook off her imagination and stood up.

「I has stayed for too long, though it's not necessary for me to be always near Yuuki.」

Chloe said so and prepared to return.

Despite obtaining an Ultimate Skill, Yuuki's control, "The Order (Wish) of Three" is still effective.

She guessed this is because Yuuki also has an Ultimate Skill.

Chloe can't attack Yuuki.

Therefore, even with the strongest ability, she can't attack Yuuki.

Since his wish is to bring chaos to the world, it's necessary to defeat him someday.

When she tells this to Hinata and Ruminas,

「Don't be reckless, you know?」

「Yes. Yuuki is an enemy to This One. Chloe, don't do a dangerous thing, okay?」

「Ufufu, It's all right! I can't lay my hand on Yuuki, similarly Yuuki cannot do so to me.

If he turns his hand on me, his control is released.

Therefore, I'm safe. Because, unlike the former world, this world is stable.

But, if you want to be careful... it will be the movement of the East Empire.

Yuuki's subordinates have already prepared it, it's necessary to push forward preparations so that this side responds to it too.

If it's possible, you should tie the neighboring countries of the Great Jura Forest in a large alliance.」

「The Empire in the East? Fie, an enemy of This One――」

「It's no use, Ruminas. Overconfidence is prohibited!

For the East Empire, Summoners ruled, so there were many 'Otherworlder'.

People who have high combat ability that Yuuki summoned belong to the army of the East Empire.

It's not a war potential that can be trifled with, and there are many people who are stronger than a high rank devil.

Above all else....In that country, there is the "Scorching Dragon Velgurind".

You must never let your guard down.」

Chloe warns Ruminas.

Ruminas also changed her thinking after hearing Chloe's words.

If the Empire has a reliable force that organized and begins a military campaign, it's surely a threat.

「Then as expected, the very best thing is to visit Rimuru and suggest an alliance right?」

「Yes. I think that Sensei will surely help.

Or rather, I think that Sensei has the key to save this world.」

Chloe agreed to Hinata's words.

Though Ruminas envied Rimuru a little, she decided to endure it and agreed.

The Monster's Country Tempest and the Western Saint' Church. And also the Holy Empire Ruberion.

In the girls' discussion, the objective to conclude an alliance was decided.

After it is realized, it would later be called the "Saint-Demon Alliance."


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