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7.14% Powers of Majin Buu in a Fantasy World!? / Chapter 3: A Trip Into The Forest!

Capítulo 3: A Trip Into The Forest!

"I've decided!!! My name will be Majin El!" Danielle yelled in the middle of the night, waking everyone on the carriage up.

  Groans resounded inside the magical vehicle and they tried to fall back asleep but El decided to play around with her magic during this time. She sat on top of the carriage while creating a ball of fire and a ball of light in each of her hands. She tried to control the mana flow that entering the two and altering them. Her previous white ball flashed through a number of colors, as if it was showing each shade of a visible spectrum for the world to see. The size of the fire ball increased and decreased until it was both almost as large as the carriage and as small as a grain of rice. She had no difficulty at all controlling the temperature of the fire ball, but she couldn't increase it too much because she didn't know how fire-resistant the vehicle was she was riding on.

  After playing around with the magic she gained from this world, she played with her innate magical ability. She found out that her Majin magic doesn't work the exact same as the magic in this world. The Majin magic is more of utilization of her will and imagination combined to produce the result she wants and the magic of this world is more rule-orientated. If she doesn't give the exact amount of mana required for the spell or magic, it fails and if she tried to overflow the spell with mana it could burst in her face! Precise control is needed for mages in this world it seems. She believed she could even use the same type of magic Bibidi and Babidi did and even mind control people if she had enough time. But that doesn't seem likely for now, so she'll continue experimenting and for her first experiment she decided to use her racial magic on this world's magic. She used her antenna and zapped both magic balls with a pink beam.

  El had to stop herself from giggling at the new transformation her magic has changed into. She grinned wildly as her previous ball of color changed into rainbow colored ball filled to the brim of magic. She felt that if she dropped this ball of colors the entire surroundings would be turned into something "magical" or if she tried to shove this into an object it would become even more amazing.

'What better testing subject is this flying carriage I'm on right now?!' El was about to slam her rainbow ball into the carriage but nearly forgot about her other magic ball.

  So, she held off on her first great idea and inspected the fire ball. This time she truly could not stop herself from laughing aloud. Her fireball transformed into a type of sentient fire! The flame was dancing on her hand with little cute flame eyes it made itself. It flew in the air and circled around her.

"You cute little ball of impossibility… I have no idea how I even created you, but that won't stop me from loving you." She whispered as she hugged the flame ball.

  Surprisingly, she didn't feel any heat from this thing or it could control it's temperature on it's on. The little fireball smiled at her and floated near her shoulder. Suddenly she heard a very loud roar coming from below.

Her face turned red.

"I'm pretty hungry…" El said meekly

  She infused the magical vehicle with her rainbow ball and waited to see the effects of it with suppressed excitement.


  The flying carriage took off in an unbelievable speed and El was forced to hang on the edge of the roof while laughing happily. The carriage dove towards the trees and then rose back high in the sky. It looped in the air and did all sorts of loop de loops as it journeyed to the Hazamund Kingdom! All while having a rainbow trail behind it.

"PINKY WHAT DID YOU DOOOOOO?!?!" Fiorello yelled while trying to regain control over his vehicle.


  Cedar seemed to be completely terrified and was yelling the entire ride towards the Hazamund Kingdom. Rose seemed to be having fun. El didn't paint her as an adventurous noble lady type at first but maybe she hid it around her family. After a couple of moments, everyone on board got used to the wild ride, except for Cedar who seemed to be holding his vomit down.

"Boy, don't you dare throw up in my carriage! Hold your head out the window and do not get it on the side of it either!"

"I'll try not to Grandfather…" Cedar replied, green in the face and hand over his mouth.

"At this speed, we will arrive days earlier than the opening ceremony… So I suppose what you did to my carriage isn't completely bad." Fiorello said.

"Haha if you wanted to say thanks Gandalf, just say it." El teased him.

  He groaned in annoyance and mumbled a thanks under his breath. El laughed happily and saw their destination up ahead.

"Wow….." El awed at the sight of the beautiful fantasy kingdom.

'I definitely wouldn't be able to see something as beautiful as this back on Earth…'

  The sun was rising overhead and bringing with it a nice warm flow of air, bathing Majin El in the sun's rays. Danielle saw many magical flying creatures and vehicles being directed down somewhere and guessed that in such a famous capital, they couldn't let just anyone fly around or over their city. But those flying creatures were just making her even more hungry.

'With so many of them, no one would mind if one went missing right?' Danielle thought as droll started coming down her mouth.

"How long will it take us to get inside old man?"

"We will have to wait in that line over there."

  El saw the line and immediately decided that waiting on such a thing in her condition was impossible.

"Aren't you Mr. Grand Magus Amazingcus? Can't we just skip the line with your fame?"

"Even if I'm one of the majesty's elite magus, I cannot abuse my position without proper excuse."

"There is also many other important guest that my grandfather could not possibly offend by skipping ahead of them." Rose explained.

"Tch.. How long do you think it'll take?" El asked with her hunger worsening by the second.

"With this size, about 4 hours." Cedar replied, looking much better now that they are waiting in a line and not moving so fast.

"I'll be back guys!!" El yelled after flipping off the roof of the carriage to the forest below.

"You little!! You better make it back in time or you won't even be able to make it inside without me!!!" Fiorello shouted.

  El just laughed cheekily as she landed safely in the forest below. There was a separate line for people who couldn't afford to fly in magically powered vehicles and own flying creatures waiting below. She was really amazed at the number of races in this world. She thought it was be the standard elf, dwarf, human, and demon thing but nope. The gods really got around to making as many races as they could or life was really easy to produce in this world. She started to run into the forest and away from the people to finally satisfy her hunger. Once she got a far enough distance away, her antenna emitted a bright pink light and with multiple magic zaps, the surrounding trees turned into a mass of hopping sweets. With her face in unrestrained glee, she gave in to her desire.


  Majin El was seen sitting on her rear, picking any sweets out of her teeth with a wooden tooth pick she made. With a finishing burp, El got up and dusted herself off.

"I've never felt so free! Choosing to become a Majin was the greatest decision I've ever made." She exclaimed to no one in particular.

  She set off to explore the forest out of curiosity along with her adorable mishap, Tuff, the living magical fire. She walked and walked until she couldn't take it anymore.


  Majin El jumped high in the sky and spotted multiple creatures running away from her direction. Her face turned into an angry grimace and she landed back on the ground.

"Am I emitting some sort of dangerous aura? Do I stink?" Tuff nodded once and then shook its head.

"How do I stop it? Do you even know? You were born like a couple hours ago I think."

  Tuff nodded by going up and down again and then appeared in front of El. The orange ball's temperature heated up to levels that could easily melt steel and other metals before lowering to a degree that couldn't even singe a fly.

"So I have to control my power? How?! I didn't even know I was blasting off a dangerous aura for all to see. Is it my special magic or this magic?" El asked while her antenna glowed pink and a white ball formed above her hand.

  Tuff hovered over the white ball and El extinguished it. She then sat in a meditative position and tried to get a feel of the different types of magic inside her. There was the light magic that was shining brightly and trying to outshine the other magic she had. The fire magic that was trying to burn the others into oblivion. The magic she still hasn't been able to control or understand yet, just doing nothing but being dark blue. And lastly her Majin magic, it was easily controlled and seemed to be an extension of her. El tried to restrain and shrink the light magic and fire magic with mana but couldn't figure out exactly how to keep it down, so she did the best next thing. She released all of it.

"SCREW CONTROL!!! I NEED ADVENTURE!!!!!" El yelled with a maniacal laugh.

  El was currently raising both palms to the sky and unleashing powerful devastating beams of fire and light out of them. Tuff looked up with an amazed expression and danced around the laughing El. After a few more moments of this, El's magical reserves were empty and the elements were contained within her. She then skipped along happily in the dangerous forest waiting for an exciting incident to happen. After 5 minutes of nothing happening though, she got pissed and started causing havoc throughout the forest. Her magical reserves replenished and she lit the forest on fire and blasted the trees and grass with light beams.

  Eventually she calmed down and realized that it was becoming harder and harder to control herself.

"Tuff. I think becoming a Majin is starting to take a hold of me. But the bad part is, I'm not seeing the cons quite yet.. I'm having a lot of fun!"

  Tuff looked at her in confusion and the two suddenly heard multiple foot steps heading towards their location. Tuff flew towards El and El had an even bigger smile on her face.

"See my temper tantrum caused an event! I wonder what Ms. Fate has in store for me. Or is it Mrs. Fate? You think someone would ever marry a concept like Fate? Seems kind of romantic to me, Tuff." El wondered before seeing a giant icicle flying towards her.

"HEY!" She yelled before flattening herself to the ground like a pancake and staring at the four-man adventurer group on all fours.

"What's the big idea trying to kill me out of nowhere?!" She asked.

  The adventurers laughed like stuck-up jerks and a sword wielder pointed his blade at her while carrying a shield on his back.

"Like I would need a reason to exterminate a demon."

"The racism in this world is surely a problem that I will need to fix. It's crazy that people will try to kill someone that simply looks like a certain race. I'll have to teach you naughty kids a lesson." El said while wagging her finger.

  They laughed even louder and El finally took note of their set up. There was the warrior, mage, archer, and… fighter? The last person in their group seemed silent and weaponless. As if he wasn't originally part of this group and is only along for some reason. They were also wearing a dark cloak over their entire body during this bright and sunny day. But El didn't care and just charged straight ahead.

"Eager to meet your end demon?" The mage laughed.

  The warrior slashed down with his sword and forced El to dodge. After she got out of the way, the mage and archer shot at her simultaneously and the hooded figure appeared above her nearly instantaneously. He deflected the ice magic and arrow and grabbed El by the neck.

"Our contract ends here. I'm taking this one." He said in a mysterious and dark voice.

  El tried to speak but couldn't get any words out.

"HEY WE PAID GOOD MON---" She and the hooded figure vanished and appeared somewhere else.

  El was let go and fired a magic beam at the hooded figure, intending to turn him into a cookie. But the man held up his wrist before it connected and kicked El in the jaw, sending her flying away off a cliff.

"This guy is a mean son of a.... I really wish I knew how to fly right now…" She whined before crashing into the earth below.

  A few seconds later, she groggily rose from her crash site and looked at the top of the cliff she fell from.

"This body of mine sure is great. If I chose some sharingan eyes or every magical affinity, I would have definitely died there."

"What are you?" She suddenly heard a voice from behind her.

  El jumped in fright from the sudden appearance and turned to face him.

"You're an end game boss aren't you?"

  The figure remained silent as it's magical prowess seemed to squish El's body into the ground.

"A slime-like body that's immune to physical damage. This could be useful for my research.."

"I haven't even made it to the starting line and I'm already facing a hidden boss?! What is this world's difficulty set to?! Insane?!" El yelled to the sky as if wronged by God.

"It's impressive physical and magical talent may be linked to it's incomprehensible mind."

"Buzz off pervert! I'm going to my starting line and you will wait at the finish line, like all bosses do!"

  El then heard crunching coming from the man and cookie crumbs falling from his mouth.

"Magic-infused cookies… Interesting! It even increased my mana's prowess… Truly interesting concept.."

  She got up and turned around before realizing she had no idea where she was taken.

"Before I leave though! Where have you taken me? I need to return back, so I can go to Blue Blood Academy! And have as much fun as a magical Majin girl should in a magical world."

  The hooded figure appeared in front of El and suddenly took her hands.

"My beautiful test subject… You will never leave this place without me… I set a barrier around this entire area that will immediately redirect anyone or anything that tries to go through it." He explained creepily.

  El attempted to kick the man in his private parts but only managed to hit a magical afterimage of him.

"I'll have to return later.. There's a certain fool I have to take care of before we can have our fun.."

  El nearly threw up in her mouth at that comment but held it down through sheer willpower.

"It turns out this world isn't going to go in the normal story telling pattern that I read about in those Isekai novels. Like where is my plot armor wearing savior to save me from the creepy evil bad guy and we fall in love and I get assigned to side character position as he takes over the story for me?" El sighed as she walked to find the barrier.

"Well actually, I don't need any help. I could just absorb the guy once he comes back but, I don't want that much power this early on! What kind of thrills can a girl have if she has the world at her finger tips within a few days!? He could completely kick my ass if I didn't try absorbing him or turning him into a sweet." A light bulb just went off in her head.

"Turning him into a sweet wouldn't let me absorb his powers! I could just do that if I can't figure out how to get past this barrier! Hehe choosing to become a walking hax has never been a better choice."

  Eventually she reached the border and saw that the border was just a wall of highly dense mana.

'This couldn't be the barrier could it..? It's too simple for that creep right?' She thought as her hand glowed white.

  She shot forward a magic wave of light at the barrier and it did absolutely nothing, which caused El to get a huge smile on her face.

"Finally! It's time to test out one of my favorite moves from that anime!"

  Majin El jumped high in the sky and cuffed her hands to her side. She concentrated her magic to form in between her palms and a bright pink light of intense energy came to. She poured all of her mana into this attack.







  The famously stolen technique managed to crack the barrier and El slowly extended her arms out more, adding more power to her attack.


  The barrier broke against her might and she landed on the ground with a peace sign.

"Now it's time to find those nobles and get into my magical academy." El stated before taking off into the forest.

  As she ran all the way towards Hazamund Kingdom, she saw those 3 adventurers from behind who tried to kill her. It looked as if they were in a pretty bad shape. They looked incapable of taking on a slime or a goblin even with all three of them together!

'The perfect targets to absorb…'

  El jumped high in the sky and squished her body into a ball before smashing right on top of the injured warrior's back. He yelled out in agony and fainted in seconds. The archer and mage tried to defend themselves but El sent two goops of pink that covered and swallowed the mage and archer. The three globs splattered on Majin El and slowly her pink body started to transform. At the initial absorption stage, she looked no more than a pink globular mass trying to shape itself into something with multiple voices of moaning and groaning. A few moments later, a somewhat defined shape is now visible. El's moaning voice, ice magic, nature magic, and the shield of the warrior was remaining. The ice magic took form of snowflakes and swirled around El's figure gently and calmly. The nature magic came in the form of vines from the ground that intertwined in her changing form. The shield took refuge on her back, like soldier holding down the fort from an incoming swarm of enemies. And for the final parts of the transformation, El's antenna grew slightly longer and her body became a bit more toned. The vines transformed into leaves and covered El's chest as if she was a dryad. The tip of her antenna had a slight pure white part near the very edge of it.

"Ooooooo myyyyy god!!! Absorbing that snake thing didn't feel nearly as great as this. I could get addicted to this feeling… Those guys weren't as weak as I thought they were!" El uttered ecstatically while feeling her new body and powers. She was about to explore more of her newly gained abilities but finally remembered she had somewhere to be.

"THE CITYYYY!!!" She yelled.

  She hurriedly ran through the forest without even realizing that Tuff was floating right behind her.


  El leapt in the air and landed on top of her current allies' vehicle just in time for them to enter into the city. She heard the great magus sigh as the guards looked at her with increasing hostile looks. She held up her hands and made childish faces at the guards. They really didn't like that and almost attacked her with their spears but the all amazing grand magus Rello stepped in and saved the day.

"I'm sorry for her behavior but worry not. She is not part of humanity's enemies. She is a most likely a hybrid of some sort. Here is my identification." Fiorello said as he pulled out his twisted wooden staff.

  The guards still held a glaring look towards her but allowed Fiorello to enter into the city. The old man zapped his carriage with a magic spell after Cedar and Rose came from inside of it. The carriage shrunk and he put it inside his robe's pocket.

"The opening ceremony and testing doesn't start for 3 days. So in the meantime, girl, you can do as you please. However, I must warn you, if you cause any sort of trouble in this city even I won't be able to protect you from the consequences." He blabbed to her.

"I'm going to explore the greatest city in this country for the next three days! So don't worry about me you old coot. But if you really are worried about me you should pass me some…" El suggested while rubbing her fingers together.

"It truly is a mystery of what goes on inside your head…" He said while shaking his head and giving her a bag of gold coins.

  Majin El's eyes shined brightly as she looked at the shiny coinage. Her internal feelings on full view for everyone to see.

"We'll see you on testing day Majin. Make sure to come to this place right here." Rose said while pointing to a large dot on the map she gave her.

"Bye bye!!" El said before turning around and dashing off into the city without a care in the world.

CaptainBoyHole CaptainBoyHole

I'd like to thank reviewers dspendragon125 and TheGoodDoggo for helping me think of the Danielle's new name and how her racial magic ability should work. If you two want you could send in an element, type of quest, special item or cheat you would like to see in the story in the future.

For the other commenters and reviewers

Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

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