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84.84% Myriad Spear: Combat Continent / Chapter 28: From Now On.... (2)

Capítulo 28: From Now On.... (2)

"Its time to leave, we've lingered here long enough brat." Ma Xiaotao directed an unpleasant glare towards Sei Meio.

Ling Luochen also did the same. Usually both girls would be at each others throats but now they'd found a common enemy. Sei Meio had blatantly taken advantage of them during the resting period. As conserved young ladies with a minimal intimate contact with the opposite sex. This was too much for either of them to bear.

Such things were to be done with one's spouse. Evidently, the two girls thoughts were joined as their faces were red with anger staring at him at the same time.

'What's their problem?' As he dressed, Sei Meio was puzzled by their behaviour, he had yet to recognize the gap between the 21st century women and these girls. In his mind they were equivalent to sheltered maidens but even they got crazy when it came down to it so he didn't realize their difference in culture quite just yet.

With his new attitude on life, he wouldn't apologize or care all that much either.

"Let's go brat" With that they coldly glanced at him and left first. Sei Meio recognized the use of that brat as an insult or derogatory term by context, but it didn't matter all that much to him.


As they walked the bustling streets, with the mid afternoon glare above, countless voices chattered about, loud announcements by vendors, the push of carriages, etc. all flooded around them. Sei Meio finally stopped and just looked, 'looked' as he never really got a chance to look at this new world, he'd always been in a rush after his liberation from prison (duke mansion).

It was all so much more than he'd pictured while reading. Martial souls shone almost everywhere, a farmer with his shovel martial soul on his shoulder, a vendor with his food martial soul selling goods, carriages that weren't the typical medieval kind, oddly enough they weren't even made out of wood, the carriages passing by were exquisitely crafted from an unknown metal being pulled by horses.

There were many weird things that weren't even mentioned in the novel, or even shown in the manga. Which was quite odd really, as much as things happened in all 3 books, you never really got anything but an 'island' like experience for 1 and 2, and 3 approached continental scale in magnitude. He didn't feel the continent(s) in soul land 1 or 2. At most it was island level adventure.

There was a weird vine like plant being used as drink storage and supplier, from his observations the drink in question seemed to be like nectar as it was from the plant itself. There were hunters bringing slayed prey over their shoulders, obviously these weren't soul beasts but it was a novel sight nonetheless. There was no mention of ordinary beasts or ordinary people to a substantial extent in the novels.

He saw some actors doing skits of famed heroes, he didn't recognize the names tough.

There was not much mention of the ordinary folk in the books.

But there they were, everywhere.


"Come one come all, check out the majestic lin huo and his martial soul" A crowd gathered around laughing but he couldn't make out what it was, he was stocking up on soulforce for the journey so didn't want to waste his energy. From context, he assumed it was jester. But that wasn't the only thing happening on the streets. Many other activities were taking place: seeing this he understood that ordinary people had lives of their own too. Which was weird when put in words.

"Mhm, what am I eating" Already chewing on something from a skewer, Sei Meio relished the odd delicious taste, of course everything had its grades and it wasn't as great as his cooking, but the ingredient itself was key as he never had it before.

"Braised horn deer. 30 coppers a skewer" With a practiced business like smile and gesture, the vendor hurriedly announced the price.


"Its....deer from the animal, deer?" The man was puzzled and he couldn't understand what was confusing about that.

"Yes good sir." With a trademark smile the vendor went on, "This particular deer was very close to being one of those fearsome spirit beasts. Terrifying creatures but a fine delicacy indeed fit for the noble class."

Sei Meio paid his sales pitch no mind, he knew enough to recognize a sales pitch even without context.

"Get a move on, we haven't all day!" Ma Xiaotao grabbed him by his high collar and took flight, he was focused on savoring his skewer though, he divided a small portion of his attention to them.

"Why so aggressive red head, you'll scare away all the boys and die alone old and grey with that attitude." His voice was slightly muffled as each chunk on the skewer was quite sizeable. He was relaxed. Being born anew in this world changed him in a lot of ways. Not that he would but middle aged folk couldn't go out with their friends and be public menace and causing trouble. Not that he would, but kids got away with murder while adults had to be responsible.

He was now a kid so he could be bratty. He was born poor then and now, so didn't have that privilege before. He was sensitive to others emotions even at a young age in his past life poor kids normally were, he intuitively didn't make trouble for his mother as much as he could. Of course as a kid back then, he failed a couple of times but he always got back on track. He was at least 60% less of a pain than ordinary kids in his age group.

He hadn't a care in the world right now. Except that accursed training.

"Why you annoying brat! don't forget who saved your life!" Ma Xiaotao instantly flared up.

"Correction beautiful, i saved our lives, without me we'd all be dead, i didn't ask to get saved, you butted in, i had that old crone right where i wanted her, you two interfered and almost got us all killed." Seeing the self-righteous look on his face as he blew hot air made her furious. She roused her soulforce causing a string of flames but before she could do anything they were snuffed out.

"...!" She saw the phantom of a small figure obscured by darkness in Sei Meio, it radiated a terrifying aura of supreme ice causing her martial soul to tremble, the unruly dark phoenix that didn't listen to even its master cowered at the hint of that pressure.

'Feeling it up close sure is different.' Cold sweat dripped from her forehead as she reflected on that sensation. The martial soul suppression was just too strong. It wasn't only her as either as she saw ling luochen look back at them with a slight tremor.

"Hm? What is it?" Evidently, Sei Meio was unaware of his influence on others. His martial soul was a true pinnacle grade ultimate martial soul. It wasn't something an ordinary ultimate martial soul could compare to. The Icesky Snowlady was born from the purest of ice from nature itself, its grade could rival the dragon kings of old. The suppression of such a martial soul was nothing to scoff at. If it wasn't for their higher cultivation and steeled mindsets. These two girls with the absolute worst element matchups with Sei Meio would be in far worse states.

Even the current Meio couldn't display its true might.

"It...Its nothing."

"Redhead, can you slow down a bit, I want to enjoyyy thee scen-eryyyy!!!" Before he even finished His sentence she sped up. Even worse, to spite him she stopped using her soulforce to shield him from the air resistance causing his face and body to suffer the wrath of the unruly wind.

He used his own soulforce to make a barrier around himself but it wasn't going all that well, the soulforce didn't immediately form into a shield around him as he willed it, he had to emit the soulforce and the shape it, which was a lot harder than it sounds.

Not only that but they were moving at high speed even faster than the fastest car he ever drove, They were at least going 400 metres per second, you could imagine his suffering. He finally formed a protective coating around himself 3 hours later but that wasn't the end of it.

Ma Xiaotao sped up once again with the sound of a small boom, they had long passed the sound barrier even before now she was abusing the sound barrier.

'Wait i didn't hear the sonic boom before. I'm sure we were going past 300 m/s, I've driven in enough planes and fast cars to know that but why did i only now hear it? Is the sound barrier different in this world?'

He didn't have time to think before he was whisked away again.

He was once again left tattered and beaten by the air. Resentfully, he glared at her but she refused to acknowledge him but the small smile of triumph on her little face wasn't able to be concealed.

He then did something a tad perverted. He couldn't help it, he was being provoke and there they were in his line of vision. Revenge.

Two buoyant bags of goodness greeted his eyes, he reached out and pinched the protruded bits, they already looked as if they wanted to break out of her clothes, that was another thing that wasn't quite right as the book or manga but was also quite logical when thought was put into it.

Those characters were images drawn by a skilled artist of course but while some artist could fully capture real life people in drawings they had to at least have met them. The drawings of Ma Xiaotao only captured a sixth of her features everything was correct but it was viewed similar to nearsighted man and was just out of his 'near' zone, the point he could see with clarity.

She had much more to her, her skin was supple, and smooth, her pink lips were small and enticing, her body was out of this world with a dangerous S-curve, her bountiful assets were also quite large up close, they threatened to burst out of her tight fitting dress and were definitely football sized.

The most unique aspect of her that drew his eyes were her blazing red hair and amorous red eyes, they shone like rubies with fine detail, each strand of her hair was thin long and slightly curved, her eyes were clear without ripple. The quality of beauty in this world was seemingly enhanced by a large margin. Soulforce seemed to have quite a lot of effects.

His body had yet to experience the full puberty experience but his mind had, so he could fully appreciate her sexiness.

Before he could fully enjoy and relish her beauty a cold pair of Phoenix like eyes settled in him.


A palm collided with his face as he fell out of the sky into some trees.

If this were any other situation Sei Meio would be enraged but he was kind of asking for it. Then again she induced it but his revenge was a bit over the top. If they were more familiar or in a relationship.....but they weren't.

"Luochen, you carry him." She coldly looked at him and threw him over roughly to Ling Luochen.

'Why am I being treated like an item, I have rights.' Of course, he didn't say that out loud as she was scary and he was in the wrong so he just kept his head down. She was truly like a flame.

"Why should I?" Ling Luochen wouldn't take however, she didn't want to carry Sei Meio as it was a burden and would ruin her graceful image whilst flying.

This 'flying' they were doing was not really flying in the truest sense, using their soulforce, they reduced their weight mid flight after pushing hard on the ground with their fight in small bursts, depending on the strength used to lift off, they sometimes didn't touch the ground for minutes as they levitated and glided, Generally soul king and emperor experts could fly but not for long periods.

A soul sage could fly for a substantial amount of time and soul douluos could fly for a longer period of time. Titled Douluo were rumored to be able to fly indefinitely. This was a bit of information he gleaned from asking them.

"Because I said so and I'm your captain." Ma Xiaotao smiled as she crossed her arms. Seeing her breasts jiggle and jump, Ling Luochen turned red and turned away while puffing her face.

'Hmph, Big breasts all should die. They're the worst.'

Ma Xiaotao naturally saw her eyes and she longed since knew that ling luochen liked ignoring her for some reason. Having it pinched a while ago, she connected the dots. Ling Luochen was envious of her chest! With that fact clear she stepped up to her while her head was turned and pressed her breasts against her while looking down at her.

"Oh my does our 'little' luochen have a complaint for 'big' sis."

'Why you!! Big breasted milk cow. Go die!!!!' Of course she couldn't say that out loud so Ling Luochen was just livid with anger. She snorted grabbed Sei Meio and took off.

Sei Meio behaved himself at first but he still had to protect himself from the wind, and he was hungry but she wouldn't let him eat. He went on a hunger strike and accidentally copped a feel. Granting him a matching handprint to his left cheek. He was then dumped on Ma Xiaotao. The process repeated itself constantly throughout the journey.

He wouldn't' t deny it was on purpose. The pain was worth it.

It was quite amusing, had he not been at fault and they had not been girls. He'd already have lashed out or set up a 'lesson' for them in the future to pay them back. He was violent by nature but it never showed before except in his kindergarten days. He lived in a peaceful neighbor hood, and peaceful society. Except for the fights he got into a few times in junior high/primary school/middle school, he hardly ever fought.

Of course, the world was far from peaceful with guns and murder as well as all sorts of crimes but he was never involved in any personally. At most they happened in his close vicinity. He didn't know if he was lucky or not. So excluding the little gang he formed in kindergarten which hardly is even worth mentioning, he hadn't been involved in any kind of violence despite his aggressive nature, it was tamed long ago.

He didn't want to bother his mother so he didn't talk back to teachers and just talked behind their back like other kids. Overall, his violence never showed.

They didn't take flying to be a big deal, he was different of course, which mortal man didn't want to fly. His thoughts were interrupted by the wind once more as his barrier quivered and ruptured from the lashes of wind.


Three days later.

Three figures, rushed towards a massive city in the distance. From their current angle on a nearby hill, he could estimate the size of this city, and was matching if not surpassing New York city, or Kyoto. Two of the largest cities he visited.

It seemed he had barely scratched the surface of this big city that housed Shrek Academy. Sei Meio was walking on his own beside the two women. He behaved himself due to being laughed at by a passerby for a pig face, he was ashamed and used his ice martial soul to ease the swelling, his cheeks were now rosy pink and he didn't seek trouble for himself either.

"Oh before I forget you two, don't mention anything about the nature of my second martial soul." That was an issue that he had to address before they arrived, he already decided to use that as a hidden card and killer blade. It would be a guarded secret of his. It's current abilities were far from direct.

That would also be the case for a long while so he embraced that, it would be his assassin martial soul as he would kill all who recognized it's use. As for those he shared it with, he had no plans of sharing it. What happened with the girls was a life or death situation. His eyes were stealthy there was no need to downplay one of it's strong points.

A surprise attack was the best attack words from the art of war. He thus needed to control these two.

"Why should we?" Ma Xiaotao asked as Ling Luochen adopted a similar stance, while they didn't hate Sei Meio but they didn't like him all that much either due to his antics.

"It's a deal of sorts, an exchange. You need me to quell that unruly martial soul of yours right?"

"....How'd You know?" She was puzzled as she never mentioned the matter.

"You almost burned the bedroom down, you burned the sheets and bed too, it was easy to see. I stopped it once, I can do it again. It wasn't even all that hard."

A silence descended as they all gauged each other. Ma Xiaotao was a little red from embarrassment.

"Hmph, what about me?" Ling Luochen didn't like her getting all the benefits so she wanted something as well. She hurriedly covered her mouth after letting it slip. She wasn't that direct of a person.

"That's even easier, your martial soul is ice and I'm ultimate ice, I can help with your training and help you realize your true potential and break past your limits." The last bit was pure b.s. as he made that up while going along but there was surely some way his martial soul could assist hers.

"We have a deal?" He asked. They nodded in agreement, they stood to benefit, there was no reason to refuse. Thus they headed to the academy.

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