Lia slept soundly in the middle while Giselle and Lillian faced the other directions. Both could hardly fall asleep. Lillian had spent half the night sulking that she couldn't be with Giselle, while the other half worried about how the story had influenced Giselle. It was only fiction, but that disturbed their reality. On the other hand, despite knowing well that it was just a story, Giselle's mind was wrapped in it. The reality had turned out better for her. Even so, the anxieties never die.
Eventually, Giselle fell asleep, but Lillian couldn't. She stayed up all night from Giselle's rejection. She realized that her mind carried the whole night without catching a rest. In the end, she was able to wake up early before the other two to prepare for the day.
Lillian Grey was up and running on the fourth morning. She had just sent off Jenna after receiving another box full of story submissions along with a fresh fruit parfait from a bakery. Since Lillian was the first to wake up that day, she prepared coffee for Giselle and waited for her to join. Giselle woke up feeling slightly heavy in her head. She later joined Lillian as the two enjoyed their early cup of coffee. Lillian noticed how Giselle still held a worrywart expression on her face. She observed her quietly to inform Lia later. Lillian requested Lia to comfort her mother. While the little girl didn't ask for a reason to do so and straight away went to her mother to give a tight loving hug, Lillian gave Giselle some space. She didn't want to force herself while Giselle was feeling slightly down and their deal was cut off that day for the first time. Lillian understood to let it go. Usually, Lillian gets her kisses either in the morning or at night before going to bed. It was also the time when Lillian would seize the chance to flirt with Giselle. However, right now, she knew Giselle wasn't in the mood. So, she let her be herself.
Unlike Giselle, Lillian was not reacting the way Giselle did. The narrative didn't affect her, and the reason for that was because Lillian knew it to be fiction. Besides, she was judging the story for a writing competition. Comparing something like fiction to reality was something Lillian was clearly aware of. Nevertheless, she could understand it from Giselle's point of view. Lillian knew that it was natural to fret.
Lillian's distance finally caught Giselle's attention, and she noticed how her careless worries had concerned her relationship. By the time the fourth night ended, Giselle voluntarily walked up to Lillian and apologized. She then fulfilled her promise by showering Lillian with dozens of kisses. Fifth day and the coming weekend, Giselle returned to being her usual self. She did look a lot better. Lia stuck by her mother's side through and through. What started as a trump play for Lillian to use Lia to cheer up Giselle had now turned against her, now that Lia and Giselle began to spend more time together, leaving her in silly jealousy.
Even during the weekend, the two planned to visit Giselle's parents. It was also normal for Lillian to join them, but having to read about fifty to sixty stories every day, she barely had a chance to entertain her personal commitments. Lillian cried over the pouring submissions and why she was getting punished like this. Lillian pondered if the entire country suddenly decided to participate in this competition. All of her time was spent reading, judging, and writing her remarks, aside from surviving each day.
The weekend felt so alone in the house. After some time living with Giselle and Lia, Lillian got accustomed pretty soon to her new company. Now that they had left to meet Lia's grandparents, Lillian felt alone. However, the stories were there to keep her company. Still, Lillian felt the loneliest that weekend.
The uncomfortable solitude got her drunk that Friday evening when Giselle and Lia left. She didn't read any stories or anything. Only upon waking up to Jenna's visit did Lillian remind herself that she had a job to finish. The weekend went slow with Lillian's patience running thin. Thankfully, Giselle and Lia returned on Sunday night with a big package of dinner that Giselle's mom packed for Giselle to share with Lillian.
Lillian was on the verge of going insane when she opened the door. Upon seeing the little girl carrying the heavy bag with her basic strength as Giselle stood behind her supporting the weight, Lillian gasped in relief. And the two announced their return.
She sighed in great relief to welcome them inside. That night Lillian ate dinner that Giselle's mom packed and went to sleep. She didn't stay late as she usually did before. Giselle took care of Lillian and made sure she was feeling happy. In fact, Giselle was glad that she returned since she, too, felt alone without Lillian. This feeling was getting familiar and closer every day.
Giselle knew she was heading in the right direction.
The final week of the second week went pretty slow and distant for Lillian with the amounts of stories that kept rushing in. Her deal with Giselle was long forgotten over the separation during the weekend. Even Lillian forgot to keep track of it.
Somehow, this worked in favor of Giselle since she believed she couldn't keep up with it after seeing the amount of time Lillian spent reading all those stories. She stuck with her daughter for the rest of the days.
The last five days were extremely tight for Lillian, who spent most of her day with all these manuscripts. Even if she wanted to incorporate some quality time with Giselle and Lia, she couldn't do it with the number of submissions she kept receiving via email.
They bared spent time talking to each other. Having Lillian busy, now Giselle took over the duties. She took care of both Lia and Lillian. She made sure to cook for Lillian. And even when she went to work, Giselle called on time to ask Lillian to eat.
They barely spent time talking to each other. Moreover, it was Lillian who ignored to focus on her responsibility. Having Lillian occupied, Giselle now took over the duties around the house. Usually, during times like this, the house chores are often neglected. However, Giselle was present to take care of everything, including both Lia and Lillian. She made sure to cook for them, and even at work, she called on time to remind Lillian to eat.
The second week's Friday evening arrived, and as Lillian was reading the last submission, Giselle and Lia waited by the couch near, watching her closely. After reading the final story, Lillian wrote some comments, and that was a wrap. Lia jumped in rejoice to congratulate Lillian, while Giselle waited for her turn. When it was Giselle's turn to congratulate Lillian, she gave a reassuring hug. Lillian recognized how much she missed this warmth and this love. She returned to her family finally after fulfilling her responsibility.
That night they all waited to eat dinner together, and Giselle cooked a comfort meal to celebrate.
During dinner, Lillian asked Giselle and Lia if they should all go on a nice, relaxing picnic tomorrow since it's the weekend. They weren't able to spend time together last week. Giselle and Lia glanced at each other awkwardly, and it took a minute for Giselle to decline the offer.
Lillian Grey was rejected again. It felt familiar since the last memory of her being in a relaxed state was when she wanted to sneak away with Giselle to their paradise, and Giselle went on to decline. Following that turndown and her job getting tough, Lillian only focused all her energy on completing her assignment. Having to hear the same rejection again, Lillian was left speechless.
"Why?" she asked out on impulse.
Giselle hesitated to admit that she was having lunch with her mother. Lia was also invited to participate. Since Lillian was occupied with work, Giselle left her out for this meeting.
"Again?" Lillian exclaimed.
Giselle wanted to play it cool, and that made her react as if Lillian was being impolite.
"Am I not allowed to meet my mom?" Giselle called out.
"No, I didn't mean it that way. I just thought since it's been a while and now that I'm free, I can- I mean, we can spend time together," Lillian admitted.
"We are together always, Lillian," Giselle remarked.
"Yeah but..."
"Don't worry! We have lots of time to spend together. I would have agreed to your plan, except the lunch date with my mom was already planned."
Lia giggled as Giselle kicked her foot silently down the table.
"Anyways- you are allowed to join if you really want to-"
Giselle only uttered for the sake of courtesy, and to her relief, Lillian reacted to her anticipated.
Unphased and clueless, Lillian looked at them, feeling disappointed and dejected.
"Alright. You guys have fun! We can go picnic some other time."
The next day after sending them off, Lillian was alone again. She didn't have anything fun to do and thus, simply rested on the couch while passing the time idly.
Anna called Lillian just on time to ask if Lillian was free to visit. Lillian grabbed the chance to agree hastily.
Anna spoke no more on the phone except to request Lillian to drop by soon. Surprised, Lillian inquired if something was wrong. Anna hesitated for a while before revealing the reason.
"I- I think- I'm pregnant, Lilly!"
Cue ugly crying...
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