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98.23% Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker / Chapter 110: Issue 110: The Amazing Web Part 24

Capítulo 110: Issue 110: The Amazing Web Part 24

The Spider-Hero headed towards the cave and met up with Tony. He was in the middle of studying the alchemical recipes and methods Peter left him and it took the hero snapping his fingers in front of his face to get his attention.

"Yo, time to go."

Tony looked over and laughed, "Has it been a full night already?"

"Yeah, the Symbiote has my healing factor, so you probably don't even feel tired."

"Alright, let's go meet with the king," Tony said as he started walking beside him.

Peter opened a portal to the town and jumped through before Tony joined him. As they stuck to the wall, Iron-Man couldn't help but laugh.

"These powers rock. I feel like I could take on the world."

"We're wasting time," Peter opened a communication line to the other Symbiotes, "How are you guys doing?"

"We informed everyone that wants to come with, but can it wait until my daughter finishes her tea party?" Pete spoke up.

"Fine…I suppose I can wait," Peter groaned. To be honest, he just wanted to head home and stay with MJ so they can finish prepping for their wedding.

"Johnny! Shush! They're kids! They don't need to know about Galactus!"

Peter hung up the call and leaned against the railings of a roof top, "So, got some time to kill."

"Want to talk about Alchemy?" Tony lifted a brow.

"I'll do my best to teach you what I know," Peter replied.

The two chatted about it for almost an hour before Pete told him that they were ready.

He met up with the group and saw the group that was going with him, Jessica and Luke Cage, Daredevil, X-23, Sue Richards, Johnny Storm, Blade, Tony and Pepper Stark, and the Spider-Heroes.

"Right, well, I'm sure Pete's informed you about my arrival to this universe. To show you just why we're so confident about this mission, I've decided to give you all a copy of my Symbiote."

Once they were cloaked in Webster's copies, Peter smiled at their responses. They were all excited and amazed by the powers they now had. 

"Holy crap, are all these options to use different powers?" Sue spoke up.

"Yeah. It takes time to learn how to use them, so you can rely on Webster to act in your place. He's a dependable and competent partner, so feel free to rely on him for advice."

"Magnetism, Super Kinetic Physical Enhancement, Sue's powers, Johnny's powers, Chi infusion, Hyper Regeneration, Electro's powers, Storms, Charles, Avalanche, Geokinesis, Quicksilver, Cryokinesis, how many powers does this thing have?" Laura Kinney shouted in surprise.

"A lot, that's why I told you to rely on Webster," Peter chuckled before stating his plan, "I'll give everyone that joins us on the rescue mission a copy of Webster. We'll show up at his front door with an OP team and wreck his whole operation."

"With this much power, it just might be possible," Mistique called out as she flexed a few times.

"Is Richard really there?" Sue asked.

Raven nodded her head, "I give you my word."

"Well, we have to head to Africa, so we should meet up with Ororo," Laura informed as they made their way towards the gate.

"Everyone ready?" Pete asked.

They all nodded their heads and left on foot. Seeing as how it would take a while to reach their destination, Peter pulled out a vehicle powered by a Philosopher's Stone. 

Thanks to the ride, they made it to a certain location near the bay and waited for a Helicarrier that had been retrofitted into a boat.

When it stopped, a group of familiar people all got off and showed a surprised expression.

"Why is everyone wearing Spider-themed outfits?" Nightcrawler spoke up.

"This Symbiote refuses to completely listen to us. Says the webs are part of his identity," Laura informed as she showed the blend of her outfit and a Spider-Hero outfit.

"Kurt!" Peter smirked as he patted his back.

"Peter, and Peter?" The X-Man looked confused.

"You're friends with your X-Men too?" Pete asked.

"Sure am, Kurt here is marrying me and MJ. Got a whole party ready to go. So I'm hoping we can get this done before seven days have passed."

"Ah, so it's not time travel so it's the multiverse, right?" Kurt smiled, "I'm honored to be the one to marry you. Give the other me a hello in my stead, will you?"

"Can do. Hey, it's Ororo, Colossus, Fury, Multiple Man, and a whole bunch of familiar face! Wow! Quite the line up you got running this boat."

"Great, just what I needed, two of you morons," Fury sighed.

"To save you all some time…Webster, do your thing."

Dozens of copies fell off Peter and covered every hero on board in an instant. Along with their newfound powers, Webster shared the memories of Raven's confession and their plan.

"Well I'll be damned…we can finally put an end to that bastards plans," Fury grinned as he enjoyed the feeling of his energy returning.

Peter smirked as he boarded the ship and opened a portal to the coast of Africa, "This should be enough help, right?"

"Can you help the refugees," Ororo asked.

Peter opened another portal to the base near New York and said, "Go on then, there are heroes there that will aid you guys and help you settle in."

They looked at each other and grinned. Cheers erupted from the civilians before they all passed through the portal and saw how grand the new city looked.

They all then set up the ship and watched as Storm blew powerful winds to push the sails. Once they passed through the portal, Peter looked around and watched as a portion of them got off.

He joined them and had to be blindfolded as they rode the Vibranium powered vehicle to the new Capital of Wakanda.

When they were close enough, they were able to see a massive city that was bustling with all sorts of people. 

"Glad to see that the whole world hasn't been reset," Peter smirked.

"And I'm sure that you'll be able to bring it all back for us," Kurt smiled as he looked around.

"No, this time will be even better. We can rebuild with new tech and work in harmony with nature rather than against it," Ororo added.

"Yeah, I guess it will. If I can't get rid of that EMP, we'll have to rely on Magic and Alchemy to help you get off this rock someday," Peter replied.

They stopped at a large castle and went inside to see Doom, T'Challa, and Oyoke waiting for them.

"Mommy!" the daughter of T'Challa and Ororo came running.

"Kymera! You're up early,"

"You came early. I would have met you if you had given me word of your arrival."

"We had some help," Ororo looked at Peter.

"Doom? Well, I don't know whether to be happy that you're on our side or kill you so that you don't cause future problems."

Doom lifted his brow behind his mask and said, "You're smarter than our Spider-Man. However, I no longer wish for world domination. I am a changed man."

"Are you?" Peter swayed side to side as he looked him up and down.

Scanning his thoughts, Peter found himself surprised to learn that Victor was indeed telling the truth.


"Why are there two Spider-Men?" T'Challa asked, whispering to his wife.

"Multiverse," Ororo replied while snuggling with her daughter.

"I see…so what brings you to our universe?" The king stared at him with interest.

"I'll just speed things up," Peter shot out more copies and shared the events with everyone.

None was more happy to receive the Symbiote than Victor. It augmented his body and returned his physical appearance with Elixer's ability to manipulate organic material.

He could feel the stiffness of his body becoming lax as he gave Spider-Man an thankful nod as he said, "This information is useful. With him on our side, it will be our best chance at taking down Apocalypse."

"I see…Ororo, will you need me for this?"

"No, you have a kingdom to look after, love. We just need some allies to take with us."

"Alright, let's go!" Peter said as he opened another portal.

Storm placed her hand over Peter's shoulder and shook her head, "Dear, could you let us take the ship. We need time to learn how to use our new powers. If we go in now, we might mess things up."

Peter saw the logic in her argument and agreed, "Alright. Nothing wrong with a break. I'll teach you guys and show you the webs."

"Don't you mean ropes?" T'Challa asked.

"No, I really don't," Peter chuckled.

With that out of the way, they all left with some Wakandan forces and boarded the Helicarrier.

As they took off towards Europe. Peter went around teaching the heroes everything they needed to know in order to improve as quickly as they could. He shared experiences with his Telepathic abilities and watched over them as they put it into real life practice.

Eventually, night fell, and they all prepared to get some rest for the big event tomorrow. Ororo wanted to keep going, but everyone told her to relax. After all, they still needed time to adapt to the Symbiote's amazing powers. If she spent all her time pushing the ship, then she wouldn't be able to get any practice in.

While they all worked or slept, Peter kept an eye out on the crow's nest and spotted a glowing ship in the distance.

 "May?!" The voices of Pete and MJ echoed out.

"Danielle?" Luke and Jessica were the next to shout.

"Ah, I see they've found our little stowaways," Peter chuckled.

"I'm sorry…we wanted to come with you, but we knew you wouldn't say yes…" Danielle pouted.

"We hid, and we'd only were planning on coming out if we were needed, but…my senses…"

Peter noticed the ship getting closer, "Huh? Are those..." 

He opened a portal over and saw around a dozen Ghost Riders and read their thoughts. 

"So they're just basic demons?"

Pulling our his glaive, Peter rushed forward and slayed the pirates with ease. Each cleave of his Vita-Glave tore through their existence and killed both the demons and their hosts.

"Score! There's a bunch of hell enchanted metals I can play with," Peter stored everything before heading back to the Helicarrier.

"What was that about?" Fury asked as he was the first to spot him returning.

"Just killed some pirates," Peter replied as if that was completely normal.

"Huh…it just stopped," May looked at Peter and Fury.

"Oh, you two are so grounded when we get back," Jessica sighed.

"For a month," MJ added.

"Hahah, I hope my kid won't be this bad. I'm the kind that'd cave to my kid's demands," Peter chuckled.

"You shouldn't do that so often. They'll never learn if you spoil them," Fury replied as he crossed his arms.

"Don't get me wrong. If I think that they're doing something bad or causing trouble, I'd be the first to scold them. But when it comes to this stuff, it feels rather innocent. So Fury, any one in your life?"

"I had a thing with Oyoke a while back, but work kept us busy. It's not so easy getting around with modern tech. We broke up a while back," Fury explained.

"Huh…let's see if we can't change that. Spider-Cupid is on the job," Peter chuckled as he jumped down from the crow's nest and grabbed his older-self by the shoulder, "Come on, we're going to fix this rust bucket up."

"We are? Wait, I still have to scold," Pete was interrupted before he could finish his sentence.

"No harm, no foul. She can stay on the ship until we get to Europe. You can decide to punish her later."

With his other-self helping, Peter and Pete set up a bunch of alchemical circles all around the Helicarrier. Thanks to Webster guiding him, Pete was slowly becoming more and more proficient with Alchemy. Once they finished, Peter brought a bunch of materials and activated the circles.

The ship glowed before it was completely rebuilt. It now sported a Faraday Cage that covered every last inch of the Helicarrier's surface. The engine was replaced with a Arc-King Reactor, all the dirt and rust was removed, and the sails folded inside a metal tube, just in case they wanted to go old-school.

Everyone gasped at the sudden change while Fury looked at him and asked, "Is it operable?"

"Oh yeah, just remember to shut off the equipment and keep the Faraday closed to the outside world before you exit. There are two gates for the boarding and disembarking procedures, meaning one gate must always be closed. I added shielding on all the machines, but there's no guarantee a break or tear could happen down the line."

"I'll keep that in mind," Fury said as he made his way to the bridge.

Peter and several others joined him and entered to see it at its usual standard appearance. The only difference was a manual steering wheel that looked like it belonged on a boat.

"Just pull to lift, push to descend," Peter informed before he moved to turn the engine on.

Tony went to navigation and took a seat while a few of Fury's men filled up the remaining stations.

Much to his liking, the Helicarrier fan blades started running and the ship started to lift into the air.

Fury grinned and said, "Damn, feels good to be back."

They started flying towards Europe while Webster continued to teach the heroes through experiences and memories Spider-Man shared.

While they flew, Peter sat across from his older self and asked, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yeah, with this suit, what's there to worry about," Pete replied.

"A lot actually. The reason why I don't do this with others is because a pure download of my memories has a chance to meld them or even overwrite certain parts of their personalities. It's dangerous."

"Well, we're the same person, besides, I'm only taking your experience with Alchemy and Magic," Pete said while crossing his arms.

"I spent almost a full year to master Alchemy, and my magic still has a lot of room to grow. But if this what you want, Webster, hit em with everything."

The Symbiote hit Pete with the full course of studies and all his experiences when he was studying Alchemy and Magic. His mouth foamed a little as he grit his teeth and his eyes rolled back while his head felt like I was going to explode.

"My healing factor will keep you safe, but it won't feel pleasant," Peter informed as his older self fell on his back and screamed in pain.

"I warned you…Hey, I just had an idea. What if I get MJ to make a device that can download information like the device in the Matrix, just without the whole hole in their neck." 

"S…sound…sounds good to me…" Pete replied as he tried to stand up.

It was clear that he was a little woozy, but he was recovering fast enough to realize just how dangerous a full download was. He was having issues sorting his memories from his younger counterpart's and needed time to digest all the information that was directly seared into his psyche. 

"Feeling better?"

"Yeah, just a little strange. It's like I just lived part of your life," Pete sighed as he tried to open a portal, and much to his surprise, he had succeeded.

"This is your captain speaking," Fury's voice came over the intercom, "Europe is within sight. Docking procedures are underway."

The Helicarrier started to descend and slowly touched water before it made a splash. There were cheers and the sound of people clapping after the first successful flight in seven years.

Peter made his way towards the entrance and was met with none other than Deadpool.

"Holy shit! You made that thing fly again?" Wade shouted as he looked at all the heroes wearing Spider-themed versions of their original outfits, "S-o-o-o…where's my suit. It's not fair that you get to cosplay as my favorite hero but I don't."

"Hey Wade," Pete spoke up.

"Bro, seriously, what's going on?" Deadpool walked over and looked at Peter's suit.

Peter smirked as he threw a copy of the suit on Deadpool and made him jump in surprise.

"Hooo momma! This is the good stuff!" Deadpool cheered as he realized what the Symbiote was doing to him.

"Cured your cancer, again," Peter smirked as he gave him the details of their mission.

"So we're finally putting that monster down for good. About time! Well, come on, let's get this party started! Follow me tourist!" Wade shouted as he led them to a double decker tour bus with his face and the words Wade was bored written on the side.

"Welcome to the Dead-Mobile."

"Haaa…I'll get to work on the repairs."

"I'll help," Pete added as the two Spider-Men started drawing alchemy circles on it. 

When they finished, Peter laid down some materials and transformed the tour bus into a tank/mobile home.

"Ooooh, you made it all spiffy!" Wade circled the vehicle a couple of times.

Devil-Dinosaur sat on top of it while everyone else boarded the ride. 

The drove for the rest of the day and ended it by setting up camp a few dozen miles away from any of the main roads.

May sat with her parents by the fire while Peter and a few others kept an eye on their surroundings.

Blade looked at Peter and said, "Something watching us."

"You felt it too, huh?" Peter replied as he jumped from a tree branch and moved with the Dark Avenger until they spotted their target.

"Venom…and Carnage fused into a single being? Well, luckily for us, I can take care of this."

Peter threw out a sonic blast that caused the Symbiote to scream in pain. However, the moment it left its host to get away from the source, Peter leapt into action. With a single thrust of the Vita-Glaive, he stabbed into the fused Symbiote and used his magic to turn it into an Anti-Symbiote.

As its colors turned white, black, and blue, Peter smirked and said, "Huh? It actually worked. Cool. Guess I'll have a pretty good weapon should I ever encounter someone like Knull."

"Peter?" The voice of a very groggy Miles Morales spoke up.

"Well I'll be...back to your new host," Peter slung the Anti-Symbiote on to Miles.


"You done freaking out?" Peter smirked.

"Huh? There's no voice? In fact, I feel like I'm in full control," Miles gasped in astonishment.

"Venom and Carnage are dead. All that's left is the Anti-bodies. You've heard of Anti-Venom before, right?"

"Is that what you did? So…I'm finally free?"

"Yeah, no more voices or mind control. How'd do you feel?" Peter asked as he ran scans on the Symbiote.

"I feel…good."

"Great, then can you clue us in on what's happening? Why were you hunting us?" Blade sheathed his sword.

"Apocalypse…he's planning on destroying this world. He sent me here to capture Tony Stark." 

"Come on, we can continue the discussion after we get back to camp."

Blade sniffed the air around him and growled, "Vampires."

"I got this," Peter flew up into the sky and used his targeting system to lock on to every vampire in the area.

Then, with his Cosmic Fires, he shot out small balls of plasma that tore through them all. Screams of pain and explosions of vampire dust echoed out in the hundreds before he landed and said, "Done."

"Wait, since when could Peter do all that?"

"Not your Peter," Blade informed.

"I guess we both have some explaining to do," Miles replied as he started walking back to the campsite.

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