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61.06% Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker / Chapter 68: Issue 68: A New Age Part 5

Capítulo 68: Issue 68: A New Age Part 5

The next morning, while MJ didn't let him get an ounce of sleep, Peter still had to go over thousands of residency applications that his A.I had checked through. Luckily, a little sleep deprivation did little to his constitution.

Throughout the day, he picked out several people to move in. He also spent half a billion dollars on setting up several FEAST compounds across New York. With this much funding, they should be able to skate by on donations and recognition. He really wanted to give the poor a place to get back on their feet. FEAST was just one method of many he had. 

Once he freed himself up, Peter spent time with the family, and they celebrated their engagement like a family would. They threw a party and invited everyone they knew. Watching his parents, Aunt, and Uncle brag about their kid was kind of funny to watch, so he wasn't bored at all.

It wasn't until midday that Fury called him up, "You want me to train a criminal?"

"Oh please, like you haven't done that before. So, did the parents agree?" 

"Sigh…Sometimes I wonder if I'm even needed. Yes, I'll take in Aaron Davis in exchange for their kid going to Avengers Academy."

"You see the potential too," Peter smirked. 

"Yeah, the same potential I saw in you. Kid is smart, talented, and now has some of the best powers in the world. He's a good future candidate for the S.S.S Injection."

"Why don't we wait until he's off the training wheels," Peter chuckled.

"I'm not an idiot, Spider-Man. I know how to do my job. It isn't my first Rodeo," 

"Ah! You said it! So…do you think Aaron can be rehabilitated?"

Fury huffed before saying, "Yeah, he showed remorse when he learned that he attacked his nephew. I think he has a pretty good chance at turning his life around."

"Cool…speaking of rehabilitation, I have a chess match to get to."

Peter hung up and portaled over to see Erik waiting potentially.

"So, think you can beat me today?" Peter sat across from before pulling out a bottle of expensive scotch.

Magneto lifted a brow as he saw the hero make two glass cups appear and filled with ice while removing his mask.

After Peter poured him a cup of some expensive whiskey he snagged from Tony's place, they got their chess game going.

"Smells good," Erik sipped and smiled.

"I figured you'd like that," Peter smirked as he started their game.

They went back and forth for a while, moving their pieces into place and setting up their early game.

"Have you given what I said any thought?"

"I have…Peter," Erik looked over the board.

"Well…don't leave me hanging…check... mate in three," Peter smirked before they reset the board.

"I want in on hunting Hydra," Erik said as he started moving his pawns.

"So, this is a yes to my proposal?" Peter smiled as his hands rapidly speed across the board.

"On the certain conditions. It is to my understanding that you have been setting up something interesting in New York."

"I have," Peter moved his pieces into place, "I'm glad you and Charles are talking again."

"Yes, he has been quite…persuasive," Erik grinned as he moved his knight only to fall for Peter's trap.

"Check... mate in two," Peter chuckled.

Erik let out a sigh and reset the board, "Can you really Terraform Mars in just seven days?"

"Yes, I already have the team ready to go. You're the only one left."

"I will agree on the condition you tell me what you have planned for the Mutant Race."

"First off, human race. Secondly, I want them to be seen as heroes, saviors that liberate mankind and help us touch the stars. No one would look down on them, but instead, I want them to look up to them. Of course, I also like to set up a proper prison capable of helping or imprisoning those that abuse their powers. Even you understand how important the law is to the people, despite us constantly breaking it."

"From what I heard, you're working in the light now," Magneto lifted a brow as he finally thought he found a way to win.

"Check mate," Peter snickered, "and yeah, but that doesn't mean that what I did before wasn't breaking the law. That's why I want the prison to focus on helping others too. I imagine a lot of these future incidents will be accidents due to their awakenings."

"Alright, you have one chance to show me you're speaking the truth. So, reluctantly, I will agree to your terms."

Peter smiled, "Alright! I'll leave the bottle with you to celebrate and pick you up tomorrow. Tell Mystique over there to report it to that Brotherhood group you got."

The guard in disguise gasped before Erik started chuckling.

"How'd you know?" The woman turned back into her blue form.

"Well, I can't just tell you all my secrets," Peter smiled.

He then opened a portal and said, "I'll pick you up first thing in the morning."

As he walked through, Magneto looked at Mystique and said, "Tell me, Raven. Do you think this is the right choice?"

"I'm willing to give peace a try,"

"Are you saying that because you miss Charles?"

"Don't you?"

Erik sighed again, "It would be nice to work with him again."

Peter hopped down on top of Professor X's mansion and crawled to his window.

He tapped on the window and waved at the bald man before saying, "Can I come in?"

"Can't you read my mind?"

Peter shook his head as he opened the window and hopped in, "No, I sealed that one away. I don't like invading peoples' minds, whether that's by accident or on purpose. Besides, it can get kind of loud."

"That it can…" Charles sighed before he asked, "What can I do for you, Peter."

"I want you to reconsider joining the Avengers. I want you as a Council Member."

"I already said…"

"Hear me out," Peter pulled out a folder full of files, "This is my plan to help save Erik, and I can't do this without you."

Charles looked over the work and looked up to Peter with a look of awe, "Is this possible?"

"Yes, completely."

He tapped his foot against the floor before looking Peter in the eyes, "I will accept. However, I'd like to be part of this Mars Initiative."

"You'll have to speak to Erik about that. I gave Mars to him to ensure Mutants don't destroy the world fighting each other. A small price to pay if you ask me. However, he has agreed to turn over all the underage Mutants to you so they can live peaceful lives."

Peter opened a portal, "Oh, and before I forget. I gave you a residence on the island. Come pay me a visit or set up a school there for me! I know you have great teachers."

"I'll check that out."

"Crap, I forgot," Peter opened a Portal to the kitchen to see Logan cooking bacon in maple syurp.

"Hey, Logan!"

"Huh? I thought I smelled you, bub."

"I got a present for you," Peter held his hand out and pulled the radiated adamantium bullet out of his head.

Of course, he only left a pin-sized needle hole in his head so he could avoid blood splatter.

"What did you do?"

"Removed a poisonous bullet that was stuck in his noggin," Peter said before he made magical circles appear all over Logan's body.1

"What are you doing now?"

"Alchemy…I'm change the Adamantium to Adamantine, it has almost the same properties but can cut through magic, is non-magnetic, and has psychic resistances. Not to mention, it's compatible with organic material, so the doofus isn't constantly poisoning himself," Peter said before he thought, "Now I don't have to worry about old-man Logan being a thing."

Logan stared at Peter as the blood dripped down the side of his face. In just a couple seconds, his memories came back in full with the regenerated part of his brain.


"I'll be picking you up tomorrow. Here's your Avengers Card. So, don't forget to say hi to Steve. He's missed ya, and don't you have like kids to check in on?"1 Peter laughed as he ported back to his house.

He spent the rest of the day going over applications and eventually was pulled out his office to help MJ plan their wedding.

They set the date for springtime next year, and were more than excited that Tony helped them find a nice garden chapel to do it in.

After chatting it up with his family, Peter and MJ went to bed that night, but didn't get any sleep. 

The next morning, Peter picked up Erik, Charles, and Logan before taking them into his lab, even Mystique was invited. Though, she wasn't getting the upgrade, she still found it all fascinating.

Each of them went through the enhancement process and churned out three new Super Mutants.

Peter smirked as he saw Mystique put he hands on their faces, "You guys look so much younger."

"And we feel that much stronger…I did not realize how incredible my powers were before. I can feel the world around us, the connection that binds us all together," Erik clenched his fists.

Logan grinned as he said, "Gonna take a while for me to get used to this. All my senses are way stronger than before."

"It appears that the Serum was capable of empowering our X-Gene," Charles added.

"So, you guys ready to go to mars?" Peter smirked as he opened a Portal to a lab that had a group of Mutants waiting for them.

With everyone gathered, Peter started his recording and looked to MJ, "Care to do the honors?"

"Sure thing, Tiger. Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for viewing the Live Spider-Cam. Now we've started a stream to include not just you, but all of humanity on another great achievement. In just seven days, Mars will become a habitual planet. We want you to see firsthand how important Meta-Humans will help all of humanity move towards a more prosperous future."

Peter opened another Portal to Mars and made it large enough for everyone to look through. 

While the chat was blowing up, Peter smiled and said, "Erik, if you would? Oh, before I forget, this is Erik Eisenhardt, a Jewish holocaust survivor and a Meta-Human with the power to manipulate and create magnetic fields. Ferrokinesis for the nerds out there. I know he looks a bit young to be a WW2 survivor, but let's just say some mutants have some pretty good genetics. Not bad for a 94-year-old man, am I right?"

"Was that necessary?" Erik lifted a brow.

"Just trying to get you some good coverage. Lighten up, old man."

Eric walked over to the portal and reached out his hand. He could feel the great source of metal coming from the red planet and then looked to Peter, "What am I supposed to be doing exactly?'

"Reach out and push the metals into the planet's core. Make its composition similar to Earth's," Peter pulled out holographic display, showing the ratio he needed.

Erik started the process and after several hours, he stopped and panted, "This is going to be harder than I thought."

"But dooable, correct?" MJ smiled for the camera.

"Yes, it'll take me all day," Magneto stood tall and started growing more experienced with using his powers. 

"Now this may take a while, so I'll show you what's happening with a few different spectrometers."

Peter showed the heated metal particle as they were slowly sinking into the Martian core.

"Judging from the rate he's moving, it'll be a little over eight to ten hours. So feel free to do something else or just keep watching. I know all you science nerds out there like me won't want to miss a second of this."

"In the meantime, we'll take a few questions from the viewers! Of course, you have to donate if you want answers. Every bit of money earned on this stream will go to improving orphanages and teachings of low income areas all around the United States, so don't hold back on those chat donations," MJ winked at the camera.

While Erik worked, Charles offered him advice to better control his abilities, even teaming up with him to help take some of the strain off his mind. The Spider-Heroes answered many questions, which in turn improved their social standing and image.

[Why'd you call Mutants Meta-Humans? It's clearly a DC rip off.] [Foxyshady sent $10USD]

"Because it sounds nicer than Mutants," MJ rolled her eyes before saying, "Hoping it trends. I never like that name they stigmatized humans with."

[How'd you open up those portals during the conference?] [Madlad sent $50USD]

"How do we teleport? Oh, that's something I can't say. But I can tell you that it related to our powers," MJ giggled.

[Why did you pick Spider-Themed names?] [Dorrwinnythepoo sent $100USD]

"Why Spiders? We swing, shoot webbing, and stick to things, what better than Spiders," Peter laughed.

[You are criminals that are illegally imprisoning the leader of Latveria! Shame on you.][USAsucksmynut sent $1USD]

"Doom? Oh, you think you're smart, huh? He attacked Americans on American soil, so he got what was coming to him. What we did was an act of self-defense. Just because you rule another country doesn't give you the right to try and murder us."

[Your footage is most likely fabricated! If you do not release him, it will be war! Is that what you brain dead Americans want?] [USAsucksmynut sent $1USD]

"If you're from Latveria then find a new leader, because he's never coming back, and while I would never support war, I'm not against protecting my Country and the Citizens from dip-shits like you. You think we're afraid of war? You think you can harm American lives and threaten us? Get over yourself," Peter crossed his arms.

"America is the home of the Avengers, a worldwide peace keeping force. If you attack us in anyway, you're not just making an enemy of America, but all the other nations that agreed to send their best heroes here for training. Good luck getting your leaders to agree to a war when the whole world will turn against them," MJ added.

"Ban that douche from the chat," Logan chuckled.

With the various scans he showed and different types of spectrums, and the Spider-Heroes managed to continue answering questions, the crowd stayed ecstatic for pretty much the whole viewing.

Erik smiled as he said, "It's done."

"Good, now spin that bad boy until the magnetic shielding starts up," Peter smirked.

Magneto nodded his head and said, "Much easier than gathering every grain of rusted metal."

The planet's core started to spin quicker and quicker, getting hotter for every second that passed.

Within minutes, a powerful magnetic field covered the planet while the active core started melting the rocks surrounding it. 

It eventually started to make volcanoes and spew out new materials into the air while quakes shook Mars like a baby with a rattler.

"Think you can speed up the rotation to a 24 day and night cycle and give it a wobble?" Peter asked as he pulled up another screen, "They have to be precise, so follow the calculations."

"I can," Erik grinned. 

Once that was set, it was clear that they were off to a good start. Peter smiled and said, "Quake, you're up. I need you to make tunnels for the magma to travel across the planet without making volcanoes. I want you to make it like a circulatory system to keep the Core at a stable temperature."

Peter watched at the Botherhood member stood up and worked his magic. With the portal moving around the planet, he was able to do just that in a little over 10 hours with ten 30 minute breaks to be recharged with the Symbiote. Peter also made sure to copy his power for himself.

Once it was done, the volcanoes stopped erupting and the planet's seismic activity was even better than Earths.

The chat was going ballistic before Peter announced their next lab assistant.

Abeni, known as Geo-Girl in this world, stepped up with Ororo Munroe. 

"This is Geo-Girl, an X-Man with the ability to control Earth. She's an up and coming hero with lots of potential, so let give her a round of applause," Peter said with a smile.

The chat used a bunch of hand clapping emojis.

A/N: Clap here.1

"Thank yoy…I bit my tongue," Abeni pouted.

"It's okay, sweetheart, just focus on the task."

"Right, I'll be making a moon for Mars!" Abeni said with an ecstatic smile on her face.

Peter opened up another portal to the kiperbelt and said, "All the material you need is here."

"First we should mix the two moons," Abeni said while holding up her finger.

The crowd watched as material from the asteroid belt and the moons started clashing together. With Peter making a force field to only let things in, no matter was lost, and the moon quickly began to take shape. He had to admit, he really like Sue's power.

It took her almost 3 hours to finish the whole project before she started on her next one, turning the desolate dirt of Mars into permeable soils. This was a large task for the young girl, but with Peter's Symbiote enhancing her abilities, she was able to not only do this in 8 hours but carved out the ocean floors.

"Ice-Man, Wind-Dancer, Storm, show them what you can do," Peter said as he let the girl rest.

The three X-Men stood up and got to work. Ororo and Wind-Dancer were making the air breathable while Ice-Man was freezing up the surface and filling the oceans.

Another day passed before they finished and Peter was up two more powers, Weather control and Cryokinesis. The planet had a blue-ish tint to its atmosphere, clouds were visible with a steady current, and there were plenty of landmasses to live on.

"Incredible, it went from red to brown, and now has a hefty ocean salt. Good job Geo-Girl. Moving the salts to the ocean was a good idea." 

"Now for our last genius, our very own Plant-Man. Not only does he have the power to control plant life, he's a brilliant scientist that works for my company. Tell us good sir, what do you have right there."

Sam smirked as he pushed up a rather large machine, "This is a plant-growth ray. In conjunction with my powers and the seeds, I will propagate this entire planet."

"I can't wait!" MJ smiled as she kept the camera on Mars.

Peter started to control the portal and rotated it around the planet.

"First, we have to plant algae and seaweeds in the ocean. So, I've prepared all sorts of seeds from earth. Peter, if you would?"

Peter lowered the portal to the inside of Mars' atmosphere and said, "Your green to go!"

"Very funny," Plant-Man said as he held out what looked like a large tube and pointed it at the portal.

"I've loaded a large tank up with seeds for oxygen production, so let's start with the ocean."

He flipped a switch while countless algae spores sank into the new ocean. After several hours of him seeding the planet with various plant life, he added the final touch, grass.

When everything was finished, he used the machine and activated his power. The entire planet started to turn green, bit by bit until Mars looked a lot like Earth.

"What's the time?" Peter asked.

"6 days and 14 hours," MJ replied.

"We'll, it's been a long week with many breaks in between, but how about we go ahead and see the new planet firsthand."

Cheers surrounded the group as Peter lowered the portal to a tall mountain overlooking the ocean.

It was green, quiet, and the freshest air Peter had ever breathed in.

"Incredible," The group walked around while the camera stayed floating inside the lab room, looking in as it followed them around.

"We'll have to transport animals here, worms, and certain types of bugs, but once that's done, Mars will be a fully habitable planet," Plant-Man said with a mile-long smile.

"Can we not with the bugs?" MJ shook while the chat laughed.

"Sorry, but a lot of animals feed on bugs. We'd be depriving them of their natural predation cycle, though we can be selective," Peter patted her shoulder.

Peter turned to Magneto and said, "So, what do you think."

"I'm amazed," Erik smiled.

"Same," Charles looked around.

"You can take it from here. I know you can make an entire city in less than a day, so I'll get you an A.I to handle planning everything," Peter said as he ended the stream.

He then made a door with magic and crafted a key that led back to the lab.

"With this, you can move any Meta-Humans that are in trouble and want to leave. Just give them the option to stay on Earth."

"I will. For now, let's return. I want to tear Hydra apart," Erik thought of unleashing all his newfound powers.

"Okay, I'll link you up Shield. I'm sure they'll appreciate the help from the First President of Mars."

When they got back, Peter started up the stream again and said, "Well, there you have it folks. A planet in seven days, and this is just a start. Venus is next, not to mention any other planet in our Solar System can become habitable with the right resources. I hope you enjoyed the first monumental success of Arcadia Industries, because there is more to come. Oh, and before I forget, Erik here will be the first President of Mars and he's promised to model the government after Americas. So, he has term limits and stuff."

When questioned with why Erik would be the first, MJ responded, "Because without him, none of this would have been possible. We could pretty up the planet, but without a powerful magnetosphere, all the progress we made would disappear with a few years."

"Not to mention, we made this planet for Meta-Humans that have lost their faith in humanity, those that want to run, those that want revenge, I can only ask you to forget your enemies and live a better life," Peter gave a sincere bow.

"This is the end of the stream, and in these seven days, you crazy chatterboxes have managed to raise 32 Million dollars to the charities we've set up. Peter and I will match this outcome and put 32 million of our own money to support the cause of uplifting the lower class to better lives. Goodbye for now, and I am so not looking forward to the news reporters that are going to be rambling at our gates."

"We could just invite JJJ, he seemed like a pretty solid reporter with integrity," Peter said before thinking, "Never thought I'd say that about Jonah."

As they left to get back to work, they returned to Avengers towers to celebrate a job well done.

When Steve eventually came out his love nest with Peggy, they ran up to Logan and gave the guy a hug.

While they caught up, Peter and MJ continued to add new residents to Watker Island and got their companies off the ground.

Of course, they still had to deal with asshole leaders who thought they owned Mars, but laughing in their faces and hitting them with facts was enough to shut them up. No one has a claim on other planets unless they're the ones that terraform it.

Peter had Charles, Erik, Steve, Peggy, and Tony on the council, he just needed a few more.

After accepting 2,000 new candidates to move on to the next screening process, he started up another batch of documents and smiled when he saw that the Morales family was moving in.

Peter also managed to snag MJ's father and George Stacey to work for his police departments and made both him and Jefferson Morales the Chiefs of their own stations.

MJ took care of the selling shops and finding honest owners to take care of their wares and do good business. She even opened a couple of malls with her clothing line ready to go.

They spent almost a week before the numbers in their city was rapidly growing to almost 800,000 citizens. The city was quiet, and crime was at an all-time low. Human relations had improved worldwide, and since the schools and hero courses were open to the entire world, it meant that they could come here, learn, and bring back their successes to their countries.

As for Hyrda, once Erik and his brotherhood of Metas joined in, they started crushing bases all across the world. Peter even heard about Tony taking down an A.I made to handle all information on Hydra. 

Another week passed and it was another hectic day, but since they were roughly 1.5 Million people now living on Watker Island, he could open it up to the public.

Peter even gave the current President a tour with JJJ being the one who recorded the whole event.

Everything was going fine until he got a call from Matt.

"Yo! Spidey-Hot line, we do have a sex-line, but it's reserved for my wife."

"Hey, you have to get down here, you won't believe what your Defenders and I found," Matt spoke with a serious tone.

"Look man, if you found a sex dungeon, you should keep that kind of thing to yourself."

"Would you just get down here, we're at building in Brooklyn, the address is…"

Peter nodded his head and opened a portal to a building that looked a lot like the one from the Defenders series.

"Holy crap, they found the Hand's base. Dragon bones!" Peter's eyes sparkled.

"He could make some with his stone, but he only used that if he didn't have the resource or it didn't exist. Responsible use and all that stuff, plus, it would have sucked the life out exploring this world.

Peter ran inside the building and moved past dozens of unconscious and cuffed ninjas. He hopped down the elevator shaft and saw the dragon graveyard and the Defenders.

"Yo!" Peter smiled as he walked over.

"Peter!" The group ran over and gave a hug before they started chattering away.

"I know, it's been a while. But in my defense, get it, Defenders…ahem, well I've been busy. New city and all. Oh, and how'd you like your houses?!"

"We love it," Jess shouted as she was still thrown through a loop when she heard that her brother and her had houses of their own.

"It's nice. Really dig the grill you got me," Luke smiled.

"I didn't need it, but it's nice to have another house," Danny nodded his head.

"Anyone know what we're going to do with these," Angel said as she pointed to the dragon bones.

"Webster, how many dragon skeletons are in here,"

"Running scans…Estimated 201 in tact skeletons found. More could be buried deeper."

"Well first, I'll have to help Danny out. I'm sure K'un Lun will be thankful for returning Dragons to their little pocket dimension."

"You can do that?" Danny gasped.

"Yep, I'll clone them and give them to you as eggs. When the projects done, I'll give you a call," Peter said as he gathered up all the bones with his bag.

Eventually, he took out every last on he could find and ran scans to discover roughly 138 more.

Once he finished, he slapped the team on their backs and said, "You guys did great! Keep hunting these psychopaths and let me know what you find. My vacation ends in about a week, so I'll see you all back on the streets!"

He teleported away and ended up at his lab for a while, working on his new project until his vacation days came to an end.

During that week, Peter's products such as noise canceling head phones, improved solar panels, and several other patents came flying out into the market. The world was exploding with a buzz when Tony and him announced a new power source that could power any city in the world almost indefinitely.

With the creation of a Philosopher Stone being Peter's graduation as a Master Alchemist, Tony combined it the Badassium Arc Reactors tech and created a brand-new power source, the Arc King Reactor. They both agreed the name had to be a pun.

The design of the reactor was made by MJ, Tony, and Peter's combined efforts. The named it Project Ambrosia and created near endless source of energy in the form of an Arc King Reactor. With the Philosopher Stone added into the mix, the Badassium would recharge when the element started to run dry.

With the Arc King Reactor available to buy, almost every continent wanted them. Of course, they used magic to protect the designs and power source, so not even the world's greatest scientific minds could dismantle or probe the reactors for information.

While making a bit of money, the power consumption needs of the world were quickly becoming a thing of the past.

Since their tech couldn't be copies, they had personally to install the reactors across the world, but Tony and the Spider-Heroes were into it. They figured it would be a good excuse to see the rare and exotic life this world had to offer. Pepper and Tony enjoyed themselves too.

Good old Iron-Man also worked up the nerve to ask Pepper to be his wife.

When they got back, they were richer, and the world was doing even better. Crime was down on a global scale, new heroes were being born every day, brilliant minds were getting the funding and safety they needed, and international relations had never been better. With the exception of a few like Latveria, who could only steam in their poo while the world advanced around them. Without Doom there to lead them the country was actually falling apart.

Another upside to them opening Avengers Academy was the rise of several Avenger Towers all across the world. There were even people vying to get residency on Mars. A lot of people wanted to get to space, so a new Space Age race started and many people began studying long distance space travel.

Peter and MJ got back to work and dealt with the usual nonsense crimes. Drug deals, random acts of violence, robberies, and even stopped a few rape incidents. There didn't seem to be too many bad guys in NY, or at least, they were getting very good at hiding.

After almost a month of little to no crime, they found themselves were out patrolling like usual. The A.Is Peter and MJ made for their companies really helped free up time, not to mention since human greed wasn't a part of the issue, there weren't any scandals with management. 

They ran clean companies and made honest money. They made so much money that they constantly found themselves donating to worthy charities that actually did something for people. MJ's Silk-Clothing line could be sold for cheap, so the world had basically bullet proof clothing that was both comfortable and lasted a long time. She had high end clothing and employed many of their friends as models. She even offered Flash a job since he actually had a good body-type.

Peter's new inventions were side by side with Tony. They were revolutionizing the world with one product at a time. They even competed to see who could make a more profitable piece of technology.

Peter managed to give many of his possible enemies such as Doc Oct, Connors, and others jobs working at his tech company. His father unveiled a new Med-Bed that had the same protections he and MJ gave the Arc King Reactor, so it couldn't be copied or dismantled.

They made a nano-bot version of the Symbiote and pushed the tech out into the world, selling them to hospitals and clinics alike.

With MJ's bullet proof clothing line and a Med-Bed that could cure most wounds and cancers, the death rate for NY plummeted.

On top of that, Gwen joined Avengers Academy with Miles Morales, both of them taking hero courses while representing the next generation of Spider-Heroes. Thanks to everything they've been doing for humanity, the popularity of the Spider-Heroes was through the roof. They were recognized and celebrated more than Hollywood's celebrities. 

While they swung, Peter smirked as Webster informed him that a human hybrid had ended up in Nowhere.

"About time," He chuckled as he teleported over to MJ and snagged her through mid swing.

"Peter! You scared me half to death,"

"Want to go to an alien planet?"

"Really? We just got back to patrolling a month ago."

"Yeah, but it's quiet right now, and I finally found something I've been looking for a long time."

"…Fine, it does sound fun. But who's going to take our place?" MJ said.

"We are," Peter activated his Reality and Power Gemstones, making copies of them that would act in their place.

"Huh? When'd you learn that one?"

"I was inspired by a spell Doctor Strange likes to use. This is my version. It can be used for about a day before the energy dissipates and they disappear."

"Could you make them permanent?"

"If I wanted to, but I don't. It's kind of creepy having a perfect clone of you that acts just like you. Besides, I have no doubt we can mimic the same thing with magic. It'll just take us a while to figure out."

"Point taken," MJ chuckled before she grabbed Peter's waist, "Where to?"

"Nowhere," Peter grinned, "But first, we have to get Tony, I promised him a stellar trip to another world."

  1. I always thought this would be a perfect way to explain old man Logan. The reason he could never recover his memories would make sense if the radiation tipped bullet was constantly decaying that part of his brain.
  2. To LemonZawodowiec who brought up his kid in japan.
    Good catch on the child issue. To be honest, he's had so many different kids it's kind of hard to keep track of what storyline they're on. They just slipped my mind.
  3. 👏

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