While we walked forward I issued the command to stand by to my familiars who were growing kind of restless. Their instincts probably told them that these two elves were not to be trifled with because Drake's instincts told me the same. To my right Mercy unsheathed his greatsword slowly and started to take on a fighting stance.
Meanwhile to my left, Theresa fastened her grip on her whip while telling her Direwolves to stand down.
I readied myself to grasp the Obsidian daggers that were hidden in my bracers, built from Sabretooth Blackbear hide.
Opposite us were the two elves, Lifey seemingly without a care in the world and Daterna staring at us like my familiars stare at their prey before I allowed them to pounce on it.
Lifey took one step forward and told us „If you really want to take the route through the canyon our fight can now begin. Daterna! Do you want to add something?"
„Yes, and the ferocious glare was momentarily suspended and a caring expression formed for a moment: „don't be careless or you'll be hurt"
„In that case" added Lifey with a devilish smile „we'll start when this light reaches the ground"
And while she said that a small orb of light started floating downwards very slowly.
While it was still descending Daterna and I simultaneously unsheathed two black daggers each.
When I saw the look in her eyes I knew that she would give it her all unless Lifey who didn't even assume a proper stance. „Mercy, Theresa. Can you guys handle Lifey?"
„Of course master Val" said the proud Mercy while Theresa merely nodded. „She won't know what hit her."
„Don't overestimate yourself. False pride is the fastest way to a warrior's demise."
After everything was clear and everyone knew who they were going to face in this battle the few seconds it took for the orb the descend upon the ground stretched seemingly endlessly.
At the very moment when it hit the ground and dissipated Daterna and I launched ourselves forward, daggers ready to strike.
A moment before our daggers clashed I felt something and heard Lifey say guarding light. In my peripheral vision I could clearly see that neither Mercy nor Theresa had unleashed a successful attack yet, although Theresa's whip had ripped a chunk off her clothes. A fragment of a second later I saw how my daggers clashes against a thin wall of light which was gone as fast as it had appeared again. My strike was blocked but Daterna's was yet to come. Very aware of my situation I used the mementum that was left from my launch to evade her strikes by somersaulting over the petite elf, readying my daggers to counter any follow up attacks.
When I landed I slid about two meters along the ground. I realized I had grown stronger by a lot. Now, a strike with my blades at full power might very well be enough to sever even the toughest hide. This caused me to be more impressed by the support spell that Lifey had cast right at the start before even summoning her light armour.
I wasn't the only one who was impressed though.
Daterna had only used a strike meant to cause flesh wounds but her image of the young man she just attacked was now gradually changing towards a capable fighter. Not many would be able to evade a full speed strike from her and even less if it was coupled with magic support.
„Your eyes are fast" she said and then she added with a smirk on her lips „then let me test the rest now. Darkness, come forth."
As soon us she uttered the word ‚darkness' I felt the same thing that I felt when Lifey cast the ‚guarding light'.
Their magic is so different I thought but it feels the same when each of them unleash a spell.
The <darkness> flooded omnidirectional from her position and the elf and I vanished within. In this darkness I could barely even see my hands right in front of my eyes. Everything half a meter away, or any further than that, was invisible in this darkness.
‚Yeah, I know Val; it's my turn now'
I haven't had much time to discuss a strategy with Drake yet when, suddenly, he moved our body forward, evading Daterna's dagger by a hairs breadth.
While swiftly taking half a step forward Drake turned around in the next instant and hit Daterna with a kick to the ribcage that catapulted her out of the darkness, rolling along the ground a few times before coming to a stop in front of Mercy, Theresa and Lifey.
While Daterna was struggling to get up after receiving this unexpected kick she thought ‚remarkable! Not only wasn't he keeping his cool in my <darkness> spell but he even countered my almost unpredictable strike. These battle instincts even trump my own.'
She tried to stand up ‚goddamnit! This guy has monstrous strength. One of my rips seems to be broken'
She gritted her teeth, signaling Lifey to help.
Meanwhile, slowly and carefully I walked out from the darkness that had engulfed me.
Once more I had this indescribable feeling, when I heard Lifey shout „<greater healing>"
But this time it was stronger and Lifey didn't look as relaxed as before when she had cast <guarding light>.
It was clearly visible how the wound on her torso healed rapidly.
When it was gone, Daterna said: „I think we can allow them to enter the canyon. It has been ages since someone hurt me. If that guy can achieve that the kids should be able to traverse the canyon.
Lifey rolled her eyes „he can't protect them all the time. These two can't even take me on when it's two on one. How do you think they'll do if they were to be outnumbered?"
She looked in my direction.
„You and Daterna, stop attacking! If these two manage to get one hit in on me I'll permit you guys to enter the canyon as well."
„Are you two alright with her suggestion?"
„Of course" said both Mercy and Theresa.
„Ok, then... show her that she should not underestimate you!"
While I signaled for Bambi to come to me so that I could sit down and watch the battle unfold, Mercy let out a battlecry and charged forward once more.
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