Besides, one round of such a game was enough. It wasn't interesting if they continued playing.
She continued, "Don't show off your ultimate moves. My back is full of cold sweat now. If I continue playing, I won't be able to handle it! My legs feel a little weak now."
Ye Jian never thought that showing an adequate amount of weakness meant that you were a coward. She had confidence in herself so there wasn't any cowardice seen in her expression. If they continued playing, no one knew who would win or lose.
She didn't know if two darts in one shot and three darts in one shot meant throwing two darts, each aimed at one target.
During her desert training, Grandpa Gen threw two objects into the air at the same time. The two objects flew with the yellow sand. During that moment, she needed to hit both the objects in one shot to pass her training.
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