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98.01% Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos / Chapter 2313: Discourse

Capítulo 2313: Discourse

While Vahn was enjoying his impromptu dates with Sis, Fenrir, and Merry, Draco Greif was convening with the Leaders of Two-Wings, Three-Tails, Four-Feet, Five-Claws, and Six-Scars. He had also attempted to summon Sala, but even after searching for her using his Authority as Floor Master, he could not detect her presence.

As he was well aware of the marriage between Vahn and Sandora, Draco Greif rightly assumed the former to be responsible for her absence. Thus, instead of waiting for her to arrive, he waited for the other Leaders to seat themselves before revealing, "I am considering abdicating my position as Floor Master."

Though most of the Leaders reacted with some degree of surprise, the Leader of Six-Scars, a Community comprised almost entirely of Kemono, aka Beast People, calmly inquired, "I take it we are to join hands with the Aldrnari Empire...?"

Despite resembling an oversized cat wearing a business suit, the Leader of Six-Scars, Garol Gundark, was nearly equal to Draco Greif in terms of influence. Six-Scars was the Community responsible for trade within the Draco Greif Alliance, so they relied heavily upon Draco Greif's status as a Floor Master to do business in North and East Sides. If he relinquished his position without a plan, it wasn't just their profits that would suffer...

Understanding his long-time friend's concerns, Draco Greif shut his eyes, appearing to be in deep contemplation for several seconds before calmly replying, "Though I am referred to as a Floor Master, my individual power is a far below those that have held this position before me. It shames me to admit it, but I have only managed to occupy this position because the more noteworthy Communities feared being targetted during their efforts to rebuild. Once they regain their power and influence, they will annihilate everything we've struggled to build these past few years..."

Never one to back down from a fight, the Leader of Five-Claws, Laulau Pantera, slammed the circular table in front of her as she exclaimed, "If it's a fight they want, Five-Claws will meet them on the battlefield! We've never bowed to them before; we won't start now...!"

Standing 156cm tall and possessing distinctly humanoid features, Laulau wasn't a very imposing person at first glance. Many found her more cute than intimidating, especially with her floppy, fur-covered ears and fluffy, leopard-like tail covered in white and black fur. However, despite being surrounded by men and women with features reminiscent of lions, tigers, bears, and wolves, her raw physical power was nearly unparalleled in the entirety of the Draco Greif Alliance. The only person who even came close was Sala, a distant descendant of a Pure-Blooded Dragon.

Closing his left eye, Garol gave Laulau a side-long glance as he remarked, "As much as I appreciate Lady Pantera's enthusiasm, such barbarity is the reason our people have been persecuted throughout the ages. Survival of the fittest may be a part of the natural order, but prosperous societies are built in opposition to such ideals. There's no shame in compromise if it's to ensure the survival of the next generation..."

Despite her predominately human appearance, Laulau's teeth resembled those of a predator as she bared them at Garol. While she had observed the benefits of trade and commerce, she hated how Six-Scars cooperated with the very people who once persecuted them. It had only been around three years since the fall of the Avalon Community, so there was still a lot of hostility between the various beastkin tribes and humanity.

Rising to his full height, Draco Greif shouted, "Enough!" before spreading his wings and releasing an intense burst of wind pressure, shattering the increasingly tense atmosphere. Laulau was sent flying backward, but she managed to flip over and land against the wall as if it were a flat surface before returning to her seat with an expression that was more pouty than fierce.

After Laulau had returned to her seat, Draco Greif relaxed his posture and said, "While I have brought you here to discuss the future of our Alliance, my abdication is unavoidable. I am long past my prime, and my life might have ended months ago if not for the grace afforded by the Sage Dragon Emperor. With that in mind, I have invited you here for three reasons. To determine whether or not we will join hands with the Aldrnari Empire, who will represent us within the Sage Dragon's Court, and who will replace me as Floor Master..."

Shifting his eagle-eyed gaze to Garol, Draco Greif added, "As Six-Scars is singularly responsible for our Alliance's collaboration with Communities in the North and East Sides, I would hear your counsel first. Tell us what you know of the Aldrnari Empire and the Sage Dragon's Hearth preceding it..."

While caressing his furry chin as if it were a beard, Garol casually replied, "Very little, I'm afraid. I attempted to have one of my daughters penetrate the ranks of the Sage Dragon's Hearth, but the only person who seems to recruit for them is the Sage Dragon Emperor himself. All anyone knows for certain is that they can grant pretty much any request, so long as you are willing to sign a contract..."

Lowering his head slightly, Draco Grief paused to organize his thoughts before questioning, "Do we know what these contracts entail? I've heard countless rumors, but I've yet to hear the specifics."

Nodding his head, Garol adopted a distinctly business-like smile as he answered, "That's actually one of the more fascinating things about the Sage Dragon's Hearth. Many assume the contract is akin to signing their life away or swearing allegiance to the Sage Dragon Emperor. In reality, the only thing the Sage Dragon Emperor demands from signators is basic decency. He doesn't seem to care whether or not a person is good or bad, only that they do not take things too far or target children."

Though there were quite a number of additional clauses in the contract Vahn had people sign, Garol found it to be incredibly straightforward for what it offered in return. There were opportunistic individuals who forced people to sign their lives away in exchange for bread and water. Vahn was practically the antithesis of this, offering wealth, power, and personalized Gifts in exchange for little more than a promise not to oppress others. It was a contract so skewed in favor of the person signing it that, even after hundreds of people had benefitted from Vahn's philanthropy, most people still believed it to be a ruse.

Adopting a smile despite possessing the facial features of an eagle, Draco Greif remarked, "That certainly sounds like the Sage Dragon Emperor. His magnanimity appears to know no bounds."

Passing his gaze over the rest of the Leaders present, Draco Greif asked, "What about the rest of you? I will hear your opinions before making my final decision."

Surprisingly absolutely no one, the first person to speak up was Laulau, expressing, "I don't trust him. His meteoric rise is beyond suspicious, and his nature is dubious, at best. No one seems to know what motivates him or his ultimate objective. For all we know, his apparent generosity is just a means to accumulate belief and extend his influence to the entirety of the Little Garden. Once he has accrued enough, there's no telling what he will use it for..."

While he could see where Laulau was coming from, Draco Greif shook his head and replied, "Were we talking about anyone else, I would have been inclined to agree. However, your logic is founded on the presumption that the Sage Dragon Emperor 'needs' the belief of others..."

Furrowing her brows, Laulau asked, "What are you trying to say? Even the most ancient and primordial deities derive their power from belief, be it in their existence or the concepts they represent. The Sage Dragon Emperor is no exception..."

Shaking his head, Draco Greif's expression and tone became severe as he declared, "There are exceptions to everything. Just look at what the Sage Dragon Emperor has accomplished in the relatively short period since his emergence. No one had heard the name Vahn Aldrnari Mason before, yet his Community currently occupies a Gate none thought possible to claim. Since then, he has married a Floor Master, forced countless Communities to compromise, and, according to rumors, he is even in a relationship with the Demon Lord of the White Night..."

Closing his eyes, Draco Greif allowed his words to settle into the hearts and minds of everyone present before adding, "Even if he isn't a genuine exception to the rules we are forced to abide, the Sage Dragon Emperor is among the most 'exceptional' beings to manifest in the Little Garden since its genesis. With beings such as Lord Shiva and Shiroyasha backing him, I believe it's only a matter of time before he occupies a 1-Digit Gate..."

Convinced by Draco Greif's reasoning, Laulau slumped in her seat with a visibly pale expression. No one had managed to rise up and claim a 1-Digit Gate since the destruction of the original Little Garden. Many thought that Shiroyasha and Algol would be able to shake things up, but the former faltered at the finish line while the latter practically disappeared mid-way through her rampage. If Draco Greif's speculations proved accurate, Vahn would be the first in recorded history...

Realizing she had been speaking ill of someone with the potential to one day rule over the Little Garden, Laulau promptly decided to remain silent for the rest of the discussion. She still had her doubts, but she knew how beneficial it would be if the various Beastkin tribes and Eudemon species had a representative among the Little Garden's upper echelons. Vahn was relatively famous for his fondness of races with animalistic traits, so, even if she didn't fully trust him, Laulau wasn't willing to compromise the future of countless races by openly challenging him...

With Laulau providing no additional contention, it wasn't long before the remaining Leaders came to a consensus. The Alliance could not survive without a powerful backer, so joining hands with the Aldrnari Empire was the most sensible thing they could do given their present circumstances. As for their Representative and who would substitute Draco Greif as Floor Master, the group decided upon Merry and Sala. If the latter refused, the next in line would be Laulau herself...




Taking advantage of the fact that neither Sandora nor Sala could see her, Loi-chan manifested buck naked in front of Vahn, a mischievous smile on her face as she was borrowing the form of Laulau.

Though he was a little surprised by Loi-chan's sudden appearance, Vahn didn't so much as flinch as he telepathically inquired, ("What's up? Is the meeting already over...?")

Since the two girls flanking Vahn would notice if she interacted with him directly, Loi-chan maintained a safe distance as she flipped upside down and replied, "They're willing to subordinate themselves if necessary, but they would prefer to keep their autonomy. The more interesting revelation is that Draco Greif intends to step down as Floor Master, nominating Sala as his replacement~."


While not surprised by Draco Greif's decision, Vahn hadn't expected the proud Griffin to abdicate directly. If he had hosted a Gift Game, someone like Ureko could have stepped up to claim the title in his place.

As Ureko was probably happier doing her own thing, Vahn dismissed the notion of trying to 'help' her. Instead, he asked, ("Is there a reason you're borrowing the form of Five-Claws' Leader...?")

Instead of answering Vahn's question, Loi-chan linked her hands behind her back, puffed out her breasts, and smiled mischievously. Laulau was a very petite woman, but her figure was extraordinary. She had a few battle scars, including a cross-shaped scar under her clavicle, but they did little to diminish her charm.

Since it wasn't uncommon for Loi-chan to adopt the forms of attractive women just to tease him, Vahn mentally rolled his eyes and said, ("Thanks for the information. I'll be sure to reward you plentily later on.")

Though she hadn't been seeking a reward, an expectant smile developed across Loi-chan's face as she replied, "I'm looking forward to it~!" in a high-spirited tone that would have made the real Laulau want to smash her face into a wall...




(A/N: I intended to write a formal apology, but I figured it would be better to post a chapter. I know I've disappointed a lot of people by choosing to focus on myself and other projects. I hope a day comes when I'm able to regain your trust.)

Capítulo 2314: Decision

With the episode they were watching coming to an end, Sandora happily remarked, "It's amazing how interesting and diverse the worlds of anime can be. Once the baby has arrived, we should go on holiday to one of the safer worlds."

Though it would be his third time descending into an Actualized World with Sandora, Vahn readily replied, "Sure. Not for too long, though. We don't want a repeat of what happened during our stay in Runeterra..."

Unable to restrain her curiosity, Sala sat a little straighter before asking, "What happened in Runeterra...?"

Seizing the initiative, Sandora giggled before explaining, "Vahn is popular wherever he goes. He also saves a lot of people, so those with powerful fates end up being drawn to him. During our stay in Runeterra, we ended up accumulating quite a number of bedfellows..."

Understanding what Sandora meant by 'bedfellows,' Sala gave Vahn a disproving look as she asked, "What will it take for you to be satisfied? You've already dug your claws into my sister and countless others...does the word 'restraint' not exist in your vocabulary?"

Answering before Vahn could, Sandora adopted a pouty expression as she said, "You're mistaken, Sala. Vahn did his best to avoid starting any new relationships during our stay in Ni No Kuni and Runeterra. I was the one who convinced him to share his love with others."

Not expecting Sandora's response, Sala found herself at a prolonged loss for words. She couldn't understand why anyone, much less her own sister, would want their man to sleep with other women.

Seeing through her sister's thoughts, Sandora was once again tempted to try and convince her to give Vahn a chance. Before she could, Vahn shook his head and whispered, "It's okay, Sandora. I'm sure she'll understand in due time. For now, there is something I need to mention..."

Shifting his attention to Sala, an action that caused the bronze-skinned woman to tense, Vahn maintained a relaxed smile as he revealed, "Draco Greif intends to step down as Floor Master. He has nominated you as his successor and the Leader of Five-Claws as his second. If you refuse, the position will fall to her by default."

Though Draco Greif had once asked her if she was willing to take up the mantle of Floor Master, Sala was still taken aback by Vahn's words. Ever since she fled the North, she had viewed herself as someone unqualified to rule. She also wasn't a Beast Person, Kemono, or Eudemon, so it didn't seem right for her to represent them as the Leader of the Alliance.

Adopting an empathetic look, Vahn's tone softened as he said, "You don't need to make your decision immediately, and no one is going to force you to accept. Even if you choose to remain here or seek happiness in one of my Actualized Worlds, I will not allow the Draco Greif Alliance to crumble. Rest easy, and make the decision you believe to be best for yourself. You have that right...I guarantee it..."

Feeling more relieved than she was willing to admit, Sala averted her eyes from Vahn and fell into deep thought. She felt like he was goading her to enter one of his Actualized Worlds, but she would be lying if she said she wasn't tempted. The Little Garden had never felt like a home to her, and though she felt a sense of obligation towards the Draco Greif Alliance, she wasn't ready to helm the entire organization...

Though she immediately felt guilty, Sala hugged herself in self-comfort as she meekly inquired, "Where would I even go...?"

Adopting an assuring smile, Vahn replied, "That's the beauty of Actualized Worlds. You can go anywhere and be anyone you want. I could send you to a completely innocuous world without conflict, a multiversal battlefield where you can harness your skills, or an empty void where you can create worlds of your own. More importantly, you can return whenever you want and, if applicable, bring along any family or friends you happen to make during your stay..."

Turning to meet Vahn's gaze, Sala's expression revealed a hint of disbelief as she questioned, "I can bring people back with me? Doesn't that violate the Laws of the Little Garden...?"

Shaking his head, Vahn calmly replied, "We wouldn't be violating the Law of Equivalence as we're not calling anyone from outside the Little Garden. Each of the Actualized Worlds I create exists within myself. The moment I entered the Divine Realm, the functionally infinite and diverse inhabitants of my Actaulized Worlds came with me..."

Despite the tranquility of Vahn's tone, Sala felt her body trembling due to the implication of his words. While it wasn't uncommon for powerful Gods to manifest personalized Realms within the Gates they occupied, not even the Primordials occupying the 2-3-Digit Gates were capable of what Vahn was describing. Their existence gave rise to the myriad worlds making up the Lower Realms, but there was always a degree of separation between said worlds and the Divine Realm. If Vahn's Actualized World truly existed within him, he possessed a power that completely circumvented the Laws of the Little Garden...

Seeing through Sala's thoughts, Vahn gave a playful wink and said, "Relax. If it hasn't been made apparent, I'm the type that prefers to handle things himself. I might bring a few unique and interesting individuals out to play, but I have no intention of overwhelming the Little Garden with an endless tide of formerly fictional characters. I don't view people as pawns."

Realizing how rude she was acting, Sala lowered her head and said, "I was never my intention to insinuate such a thing..."

Dismissively waving his right hand, Vahn mused, "I'm used to people thinking much worse of me. Now, what do you want to do? Keep in mind that you don't have to make a decision right this instant."

Instead of immediately responding to Vahn's words, Sala shifted her gaze to Sandora. It was impossible to convey how guilty she felt about running away and leaving Sandora to bear her responsibilities. If Sandora asked it of her, she would dedicate the remainder of her life to serving Salamandra and, if necessary, Vahn...

Returning an affectionate, blameless smile, Sandora placed her hand on her abdomen as she expressed, "The only thing I want is for you to find happiness. I've already moved on and found my own. Isn't it about time you do the same?"


Feeling an achieving feeling in her chest, Sala placed her hand over her heart and started to tear up. She didn't believe she deserved forgiveness, much less happiness, but she couldn't help craving it all the same...

Driving the final nail home, Vahn conveniently reiterated, "Time within the Actualized Worlds flows independently from the Little Garden. Even if you decided to stay a literal eternity, not even a second would pass for us. In other words, you don't have to worry about leaving Sandora behind. She'll be here waiting for you the moment you're prepared to return."


Recalling that Vahn had mentioned something similar before, a faint blush colored Sala's cheeks. If his words were accurate, which they likely were, she was being overly dramatic over nothing.

Suppressing her embarrassment, Sala forced herself to meet Vahn's gaze as she asked, "You mentioned I could go anywhere, right? Are you able to create 'personalized' worlds on a whim...?"

Making a so-so gesture with his left hand, Vahn answered, "It's not that straightforward, but basically. The only real requirement is that I have a point of reference to work from. Why, did you already have something in mind?"

Though she was tempted to ask if Vahn could create a version of the Little Garden where she hadn't run away from her responsibilities, Sala understood that it wouldn't fix things. With that in mind, she adopted a resolute look and said, "Send me somewhere where I can grow stronger and recruit dependable allies. When I return, I will take up the mantle of Southern Floor Master and work with both the North and East to ensure the Little Garden's prosperity."

Nodding his head in approval, Vahn replied, "Very well." before waving his hand to change the image reflected on the display they had been using to watch anime. On it appeared a remarkably beautiful woman with fiery red hair and matching eyes, the former styled in a manner that resembled cat ears. Her body was garbed in form-fitting armor, much like a Valkyrie, and she wielded an intricate-looking, double-sided blade in her right hand.

Without needing to be asked, Vahn revealed, "This is Mitra Paramatman. In the world I'm sending you to, she is fated to become the first of seven Hegemon-class Deities. I'm not telling you to ally with her, but you should avoid antagonizing her too much..."

Raising his left hand, Vahn produced a large, ancient-looking grimoire that closely resembled the Sacred Tome he often had Loi-chan transform into, adding, "This grimoire details the fate of that entire verse. You don't have to use it, but if you ever find yourself at a crossroads and unable to make a decision, feel free to refer to it at your leisure."

Though she was a little reluctant, Sala accepted the ancient-looking tome. It disappeared the moment her hand touched it, but, much like her other Gifts, she had the feeling she could summon it at will.

Since the world he was sending her to was among the most dangerous he had stumbled across, Vahn adopted a serious expression as he reminded her, "Never forget that you can leave that world whenever you please. You need only focus on your desire to leave, and it shall be done..."

Nodding her head, Sala adopted an appreciative smile as she said, "Thank you, Vahn. I know you're going out of your way-"

Catching the fiery-haired Dragoness off-guard, Vahn silenced her by pressing his index finger to her lips and saying, "You can thank me after you've obtained the happiness both Sandora and I desire for you...until then..."

Without giving Sala the chance to respond, Vahn subsumed her into the Actualized World he had created for her, a ludicrous reality known as the Masadaverse. The Tier of the beings within was restricted by his own, but their in-verse feats were comparable to the Little Garden's 'Big Three.' He had gone there twice before and, due to playing by their rules, suffered a handful of defeats against the verse's more powerful Hegemons...

Seeing her sister abruptly disappear, Sandora gave Vahn a side-eye as she said, "That's pretty mean-spirited of you..."

Laughing off the remark, Vahn insisted, "It's better this way. Now, what do you want to do? I can recall her instantly, or we can peek in on her to see the path she took. Either that, or we can fool around for a bit..."

Placing his hand on Sandora's abdomen, Vahn narrowed his eyes in a way that caused her entire body to tremble with anticipation. However, instead of giving in to her urges, she swallowed hard and replied, "You should call her back..."

Unsurprised by Sandora's response, Vahn just nodded before rewarding her with a chaste kiss. He then closed his eyes, focusing on the presence of Sala as he connected with the Template assigned to watch over her. He wasn't the type to leave things to chance, so he had produced a Template to keep an eye on Sala throughout her stay in the Actualized World...

Seeing the usually carefree smile on Vahn's face turn progressively awry, Sandora's expression became mischievous as she narrowed her eyes and asked, "Let me created a Template to protect her, and the two ended up falling in love~?"

Opening his eyes, Vahn's smile became even wrier as he answered, "It's a little more complicated than that..."




(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Theo be like, "Trust me, girl, Vahn knows all about restraints..."','Everyone deserves to be happy...','Vahn's Templates are just as bad as him xD...')

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