Entering the Chamber of Flames, Asuka was the first to speak, asking, "Where are Yo and Lily...?" in a flat but audibly concerned tone.
Turning her head up, Sandora, who was currently sharing her throne with Vahn, remarked, "I'm not entirely sure, but I'm certain Vahn knows."
Nodding his head, Vahn briefly exchanged glances with Izayoi before meeting Asuka's gaze and answering, "They're right here."
Immediately following Vahn's words, Lily and Yo appeared out of thin air. Thanks to his ability to manipulate time, he could extend the brief moment between his words and their appearance to infinity. Thus, even though Yo and Lily had been 'preoccupied' at the time of Asuka's inquiry, they were able to appear composed and unflustered after being allowed ample time to collect themselves.
Seeing Asuka, Yo's face lit up as she trotted over to give her first and best friend a hug. Asuka was pretty used to this, so she happily accepted Yo's affections with a gentle smile.
Though the scene seemed relatively wholesome at first, everyone, even Vahn, was surprised when Yo suddenly kissed the bewildered Asuka. The latter's eyes widened as round as saucers, but due to the rather drastic difference between her and Yo's strength, she wasn't able to break free as quickly as she would have liked.
"What the heck...?"
Instead of stepping in to save his girlfriend from Yo's sudden assault, Izayoi shifted his attention to Vahn, asking, "What did you do to Yo...?" with an incredulous yet curious look on his face.
Returning to his senses in response to Izayoi's question, a wry smile developed across Vahn's face as he answered, "I liberated her...?" in an uncharacteristically uncertain tone. Yo had informed him that she would no longer hold herself back, but this was outside even his expectations. He didn't particularly mind Yo kissing or doing even 'more' with Asuka; the problem was that Asuka was in a relationship with Izayoi.
Fortunately, at least this time around, Yo didn't take things further than kissing. She did, however, continue kissing Asuka for the better part of a minute and a half before releasing her lips, adopting a radiant smile, and saying, "Thanks for becoming my friend and always being here to support me. I know you're happy with Izayoi, but I just wanted you to know that I really, really love you. You're my best friend, and I cherish every moment we spend together."
Though her brain had short-circuited due to Yo's surprisingly passionate canoodling, Asuka quickly regained her wits when she heard the bubbly brunette's words.
Shifting her attention to Izayoi, Asuka's expression went from conflicted to moderately annoyed when he promptly raised his hands and said, "Why are you looking at me? I had no hand in this."
Rolling her eyes, Asuka returned her gaze to Yo, a potent heat spreading through her cheeks as she answered, "I love you too, Yo. However, I do-"
Before Asuka could finish speaking, Yo, in her excitement, started kissing her anew. This time, however, the two girls ended up tumbling over, Asuka pinned beneath Yo as the overly affectionate eagerly sought her lips.
Realizing he should probably intervene, Vahn rose from Sandora's throne but was stalled when Izayoi waved him down, saying, "Hey now, no need to rush. There's a pretty good chance this is just a one-time thing. I vote we enjoy the show and let things take their course."
Hearing Izayoi's remark, Asuka groaned in frustration. She knew he was a pervert, but preventing Vahn from stepping in to aid her was a bit much. If Yo weren't the one kissing her, she would probably wring his neck the first chance she got. As for why she didn't just avert her head to the side and break the kiss? It was complicated.
Unfortunately for Izayoi, Vahn ignored his suggestion, appearing next to the two girls as he whispered, "Yo..." in a soft yet authoritative tone.
Releasing Asuka's lips, Yo sat atop her in a straddling posture before wiping her mouth and asking, "What's up?" in a curious tone. Then, as if she had realized what Vahn was thinking, she furrowed her brows into a slight pout as she said, "I don't think Asuka or Izayoi would be okay with you kissing her..."
Having opened his mouth to respond to Yo's first question, Vahn found himself, momentarily with a slackjawed expression on his face. It quickly reverted to a smile, but there was a moderate amount of exasperation in his tone as he said, "You shouldn't kiss people without permission. Even if they offer little to no resistance, it doesn't indicate consent."
Shifting her gaze from Vahn to Asuka, Yo decided to question the target of her affections directly, asking, "Did I do something wrong...?" in a soft, audibly apologetic tone.
Instead of immediately responding to Yo, Asuka cast an accusatory glare in Vahn's direction before adopting a gentle smile and saying, "I wouldn't say you did anything wrong, per se. However, Vahn isn't wrong when he said you should have petitioned my consent. For now, how about you get off of me? We can talk about this later, in private."
Though she felt a sensation akin to suffocation, Yo responded to Asuka's words with a nod before bouncing to her feet and helping the latter stand.
Noticing the traces of discomfort visible in Yo's usually bubbly expression, it was Asuka's turn to feel guilty. She knew Yo hadn't meant any harm, so it felt wrong to even consider chastising her. After all, Yo was just showing how much she loved her...
Fortunately for Asuka, Vahn freed her from the responsibility by wrapping his hand around Yo's waist, planting a kiss atop her head, and whispering, "The thing about freedom is that it's a very personal thing. Your version of freedom doesn't apply to everyone, Yo. As suffocating as restrictions feel to you, they provide comfort to others..."
Caressing Yo's face with his left hand, Vahn guided her to meet his gaze, but before he could continue his words of love and reassurance, Asuka stepped in, her face beet red as she shouted, "Don't even think about it!"
Furrowing his brows, Vahn looked towards the former heiress and asked, "Have you lost your mind? Who are you-"
Interrupting Vahn's rebuke, Izayoi's expression was uncharacteristically serious as he explained, "She doesn't want to share an indirect kiss with you. Let it go, old man."
Widening his eyes, Vahn's expression went from annoyance to surprise as he shifted his gaze from Izayoi to Asuka's faintly swollen lips. At the same time, quite a number of relatively recent memories surfaced from the back of his mind—memories of the things he and Yo had been doing just hours prior.
Though she was more than a little temperamental, Asuka was still a very sharp woman. Her intuition and ability to read others had been cultivated over years of navigating high society and conducting business. Vahn was also like an open book to people he didn't recognize as an enemy, so she immediately understood what he was thinking when his eyes deviated to her lips.
"I think I'm going to be sick..."
While she had secretly enjoyed Yo's kiss quite a bit, Asuka began feeling sick to her stomach the more she thought about the implications behind Vahn's glance. It didn't help that Yo had actually confided in her many of the things she wanted to try once her relationship with Vahn had finally moved forward...
With Asuka feeling ill, Sandora suggested that everyone return to their rooms. The matter that had transpired at the Corridor of Displays wasn't something they could resolve through talking, so there was no reason to stick around unless they wanted Vahn to reveal everything he knew.
Fortunately, the identity of the faerie was something he could disclose without really revealing anything as it simply didn't have a name. It was just a young Earth Spirit belonging to the Rattenfänger Community.
The most interesting thing about the tiny earth spirit, or, more accurately, the Community it belonged to, was that it didn't exist before the start of the Festival of the Fire Dragon. Salamandra kept detailed records of their affiliates, so it was a pretty major gaffe that a Community had effectively appeared out of thin air yet was included in their ranks.
Though Vahn could have revealed the culprit to be Mandra, Sandora was determined to uncover the truth for herself. Thus, for the remainder of the day and much of the evening, she mobilized the forces of Salamandra to increase security and try to resolve the matter prior to her Coronation and the Festival's conclusion.
With Mandra supporting her from the shadows, Sandora was able to make fairly decent progress in a remarkably short period of time. Unfortunately, she was compelled to stop when a very important guest arrived from the East, Shiroyasha.
"I see the two of you are getting along splendidly."
As the Floor Master asked to oversee Sandora's ascension, Shiroyasha was always going to attend the Festival of the Fire Dragon. She had even told Vahn as such, but he suspected she may have changed her mind due to her late arrival.
It was, unsurprisingly, very difficult to know what Shiroyasha was thinking without asking her directly.
Unaware of just how involved Shiroyasha was in her engagement to Vahn, Sandora had momentarily reverted to her veil of regality, her back straight and voice perfectly poised as she replied, "Yes. His Imperial Majesty, the Sage Dragon Emperor, has been nothing but caring and considerate since his arrival. To that end, I would like to thank you on behalf of the entirety of Salamandra. Shiroyasha-sama's willingness to act as an intermediary has benefited us tremendously."
Amused by Sandora's response, Shiroyasha covered the lower half of her face with a fan, an impish snicker emanating from her throat. Before she could even think about teasing the delightful dragoness, however, Vahn interjected, saying, "Though she is markedly more independent than the majority of women in my harem, Shiroyasha is undoubtedly a part of it. In fact, she had been contributing to its growth quite a bit since my arrival in the Divine Realm..."
Recalling that Vahn had mentioned something similar during their first few days together, a look of understanding developed across Sandora's face as she adopted a slight pout and growled, "Shiroyasha-sama..."
Rolling her eyes, Shiroyasha snapped her fan shut, saying, "Don't give me that look, brat. If anything, you were right to be thanking me. The moment you break down this idiot's defenses, you're going to experience a degree of pleasure others can't even imagine. If you thought that massage was a game-changer, you're underestimating the lengths Vahn is willing to go to for his women."
Since the cat was already out of the bag, Shiroyasha fearlessly sauntered over to Vahn, a mischievous smile on her face as she mewled, "Perhaps a demonstration is in order~?"
Though she had been keeping it a secret, Shiroyasha promptly grew to her adult form by the time she had reached Vahn. He didn't resist as she linked her arms around his neck and shoulders, but his voice was firm as he answered, "I'll consider it once we return from the Game Board."
"My point exactly..."
Swatting Vahn's hands away before he could grasp her butt, Shiroyasha separated from him before taking a seat next to Sandora and whispering something into her ear. The young dragoness's face immediately turned red, illusory steam rising from her head as she averted her eyes and said, "I could never do such a thing..."
Shrugging her shoulders, Shiroyasha remarked, "Your loss." before rising to her feet, staring at Vahn, and asking, "We doing this or what?" with her brows raised.
Exhaling a sigh, Vahn briefly closed his eyes, the flow of time coming to a sudden and spontaneous halt before he subsequently opened them, met Shiroyasha's gaze, and asked, "What are you up to?"
Adopting her characteristically mischievous smile, Shiroyasha retorted, "If you're that eager to know, feel free to use that ability of yours. I have very different priorities at the moment."
Though it had only been a few days since their last encounter, Shiroyasha had been feeling an itch that only Vahn could scratch. Watching him go to town on Yo, Lily, Semiramis, and quite a number of other girls had caused her tensions to increase to a dangerous level. Thus, even though Sandora was frozen in time less than a meter away, Shiroyasha shed her lavender kimono and declared, "My previous question was more of a courtesy than anything else. We are, most definitely, doing this..."
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Did anyone else see this coming...?','When Asuka realizes the reason Yo's saliva tastes sweet...','Yo isn't the only one lacking in inhibitions...')
Though they each had rooms of their own, Asuka, Yo, Lily, and the tiny Earth Spirit chose to stay in the same suite. The bed within was large enough to accommodate ten people comfortably, so they just needed to be careful of rolling onto Lily's tails or inadvertently squashing their little faerie friend.
Thanks to a bushel of golden apples and a functionally bottomless teapot provided by Vahn, Asuka had quickly overcome her nausea. She had also gradually come to terms with the events that had transpired earlier in the afternoon but still felt compelled to ask, "Yo, about what you said before. You know, the thing about you loving me..."
Adopting a beaming smile, Yo leaned her head back against Asuka. The latter had been brushing her hair, so Yo was able to conveniently recline against Asuka's breasts as she answered, "I meant it. I don't think we can become lovers, but I never want us to separate. You're my first and best human friend, and I want us to remain together always."
Exhaling a sigh, Asuka adopted an ostensibly helpless expression as she reached up to gingerly caress the sides of Yo's face, a faint smile on her face as she said, "I also want us to stay together. However, I'm not sure how things will work out with both of us loving different men. Izayoi may be a perverted brute, but he is also reliable. Ever since he saved us back in the Game Board, my heart has followed him wherever he goes. Unless he went out of his way to betray me, I don't think I could ever stop loving him..."
Recalling the incident Asuka was referencing, Yo simply nodded. Izayoi had stepped in when the two of them were being accosted by members of the Apollo Familia. Apollo had taken an interest in their abilities pretty early on, so he conspired to try and forcibly recruit them. Izayoi stepped in, and, as a result, he ended up being forced to flee the city after wiping out the Apollo Familia.
Following Izayoi's departure, Asuka had worked tirelessly to increase her influence and clear his name. She ultimately failed in her goal of becoming Governess of Orario, but the experience had all but solidified her views on the rather roguish hero...
Having been paying close attention to the conversation, Lily chimed in to say, "I think you may be overcomplicating things, Asuka. I can't really see Vahn-sama or Izayoi-san becoming upset even if you and Yo entered into a relationship. Vahn-sama only wants the people around him to be happy, and Izayoi-san is more likely to joke about it than take offense."
Furrowing her brows, Asuka remarked, "That may be the case. However, it is the principle of the matter that concerns me. If Izayoi were to cheat on me with another person, be they man or woman, I'm not sure I could ever forgive him. As fond...as much as I love Yo, it would be hypocritical of me to hold him to a higher standard than myself..."
Though Asuka's words caused her to feel a little empty inside, Yo could understand what she was saying. It wasn't that Asuka didn't want to be together with her; she just didn't want to hurt Izayoi.
Thinking of solutions, Yo briefly humored the idea of asking Vahn if it was okay if she entered into a relationship with Izayoi. She got the impression he would be okay with it, but, at the same time, Yo felt a strange feeling of anxiety just thinking about being with someone other than Vahn.
Dismissing the idea nearly as quickly as she had thought of it, Yo rose to a seated position before half-turning to face Asuka as she said, "So long as we can be together like this, I'm happy. I just don't want us to grow apart and be unable to share things like we do now. Even if we both got married and started families, I would rather we raise our children together than be separated..."
Feeling her heart melt, Asuka muttered, "Oh, Yo...even after all this time, you're still so precious. Come here..."
Inviting Yo into her embrace, Asuka gave the comparably busty brunette a firm hug as she quietly added, "I can promise you this...no matter what happens with Vahn and Izayoi, our bond will remain eternal. You are like a little sister to me...no, something much, much more..."
Though she didn't go for the lips, Asuka planted a chaste yet lasting kiss on the nape of Yo's neck. Her feeling towards the latter were nearly as strong as Yo's towards her. She just didn't have what it took to abandon her principles and live a life without inhibitions. In that respect, she and Yo were polar opposites. It just so happened that opposites attracted...
After stepping in to prevent her from being captured by Izayoi, Maxwell, the Demon Lord of Thermodynamics, hurled the body of the scantily clad blonde in front of a petite demoness with short purple hair, saying, "Keep your pets in line. The Game hasn't even started, but one of your members nearly got taken out. Our Master will not tolerate a second mistake."
Squinting her blood-red eyes, the petite demoness began to discharge a hazy black mist from the inordinately large and frilly sleeves adorning her slender arms. She, like most people, had never liked Maxwell. He wasn't even her direct superior, so she didn't delay in sending the black mist to swirl around him as she said, "Leave."
"Black Percher! You ungrateful wench...!"
Gathering heat in his right hand and cold in his left, Maxwell was prepared to teach the lower-ranked Demon Lord a lesson when a soft voice echoed from the void, stating, "Maxwell, I wish to speak with you. Attend me."
Though the voice radiated no anger or hostility, everyone within the room tensed. Even the scantily clad woman on the ground awoke from her deep state of unconsciousness, goose pimples breaking out across her body as she contemplated prostrating herself and apologizing for her failure.
As if the owner of the voice could read her mind, it assured her, "There is no need for you to apologize, Ratten. The appearance of the Sage Dragon Emperor has obfuscated matters in a way even I couldn't divine. For now, just focus on supporting your Master. As for you, Black Percher, continue according to the original plan."
Cupping her hands together despite her oversized sleeves, Black Percher respectfully lowered her head as she said, "Very well, Master. I will do as you command."
Though no one could see the voice's owner, everyone in the room got the impression it had just nodded. It was like an aura of affirmation had filled the room, drastically improving the morale of everyone present. The only exception was Maxwell, who, prior to his departure, directed a disgusted, hate-filled glare towards Black Percher and Ratten.
After pacifying Shiroyasha and accompanying her back to the Thousand Eyes Branch, Vahn spent some time restoring the Chamber of Flames to its original state before renewing the flow of time. When he did, Sandora immediately started sniffing at the air, her face turning a little red as she noted, "Shiroyasha-sama is missing, and the air suddenly smells cleaner than before..."
Directing her crystalline blue eyes to Vahn, Sandora's expression became serious as she said, "Please tell me Shiroyasha-sama didn't do anything to my body when you stopped time..."
Though he understood why Sandora might ask such a question, Vahn was still a little taken aback by it. Shiroyasha had endeavored to 'prank' him by pulling Sandora into their flow of time, but he would never allow anything like what she was currently thinking to occur.
Learning everything she needed to know from Vahn's reaction, Sandora exhaled a sigh of relief. She would trust Shiroyasha with her life, but she was well aware of the Eastern Floor Master's eccentricities; they weren't exactly a secret.
"Sorry, Vahn. I'm just feeling a little befuddled due to Shiroyasha-sama's previous remark. She offered to let me piggyback her consciousness so I could experience what the two of you were going to do together. Though I refused, I would be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little curious..."
Shaking her head, Sandora attempted to clear her wayward thoughts. She didn't want Vahn to think she was a desperate or perverted girl.
Seeing through Sandora's thoughts, Vahn's expression visibly softened as he exhaled a sigh through his nose.
Only a few days had passed since Vahn's arrival in the North. However, thanks to his gratuitous manipulation of time, several months had passed since his initial encounter with Sandora. This included nearly two months with Sandora herself, so his views towards her had already changed quite a bit. He still felt she had a lot of maturing to do, but there was no reason they couldn't just expedite the process.
Feeling shivers pass through her body due to Vahn's soft yet resonating tone, Sandora found herself unable to speak as she turned to meet his luminous, aquamarine eyes. When he grabbed her hand, she felt a wave of warmth spread through her body that was only exacerbated when he said, "I feel like visiting one of my Actualized Worlds. Will you come with me...?"
Opening her mouth, Sandora's first instinct was to ask about the Festival of the Fire Dragon, but, knowing what she knew about Vahn's Actualized Worlds, they could spend a lifetime inside and still return before morning.
Without having to consider her response for too long, Sandora adopted a faint yet excited smile as she asked, "Where are we going...?"
Though Sandora would have been fine with finding a place to settle down in the mountains, Vahn wanted to bolster her confidence and give her the opportunity to experience a grand adventure. He also wanted to create a unique experience for just the two of them, so he ended up taking her to an Actualized World known as the Ghibliverse. More specifically, he took her into the world of a game known as Ni No Kuni II.
While the story of Ni No Kuni II took place over several months, it had a kingdom-building aspect that spanned generations. The world itself was also remarkably similar to the North Side as there were vast, open plains and countless Elemental Spirits known as Higgledies roaming around. As for the civilization level, it varied quite a bit as the setting combined the fantasy tropes of excavating ancient yet highly-advanced technology and summoning Heroes from modern and futuristic worlds.
Sandora initially struggled due to the drastic disparity between her power in the North Side and her abilities within the Ghibliverse. Fortunately, she had Vahn there to help acclimate her to a brand new system of magic. He had also placed them at a point seven months before the start of the main story, so they had plenty of time to both adapt and simply live together.
Though things became a little complicated when one of the Heroines, a girl named Tani, started imprinting on Vahn, the latter managed to steer her back towards her intended love interest, a boy named Evan, using a bit of fate manipulation. He ended up feeling a little guilty about it, but he hadn't entered the Actualized World with the intent of having yet another young girl imprint on him. He was there to spend time with Sandora, so that was exactly what he did.
In the end, Vahn and Sandora spent close to seven years helping Evan and Tani build and expand their kingdom before choosing to return. They had already informed the residents of Ni No Kuni that they were travelers from another world, so the parting wasn't nearly as sad as it could have been. The only complication was Sandora promising they would return if the Kingdom were ever imperiled. Since Vahn had knowledge of the entire timeline from the outside, he and Sandora ended up having to return three times just to prevent her from being a liar...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Asuka is a woman of principle...','Maxwell is slowly building his Aggro...','Vahn takes promises very seriously xD...')
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