Noticing the tell-tale look in Vahn's eyes, Da Vinci couldn't help but pause in her explanation, a teasing smile on her face as she mused, "You seem to be enjoying yourself."
Like someone who had just returned from their mind wandering, Vahn's eyes came into focus on Da Vinci's, his own expression morphing into a wry smile as he answered, "Indeed."
Amused by Vahn's reply, Da Vinci issued her characteristic giggle, a perfect amalgamation of elegance, amusement, and a bit of sultriness. At the same time, the tip her rather thick tail, covered in maroon-red scales on the back and a glossy cream-colored ventral scales on the underside, began to light gently waggle toward him in a teasing manner.
Resisting the urge to grab the tip of Da Vinci's tail, Vahn just rolled his eyes as he stepped a little closer, his right hand digging into the flesh of her buttocks as he whispered, "I swear, you dragon girls won't rest until you turn me into a beast..."
To punctuate his words, and silence Da Vinci's teasing remark, Vahn planted a rather tame kiss on her lips, a peculiar contrast to the domineering way in which he lifted up her body until her feet were dangling off the ground. Most of the girls with draconic traits felt more at ease when he was a bit rough with them, and, though Da Vinci was more than a simple True Dragon, she had elected to keep the traits that made the race 'enjoyable'.
Knowing things would get out of hand quickly if he fell into Da Vinci's pace, Vahn separated his lips from hers before setting her down and saying, "Now, finish your explanation. I've been growing restless outside so I'm not sure how much longer I'll stay in that world."
Hearing Vahn's words, Da Vinci's peculiar pupils, shaped like angular infinity symbols, began to revert back to normal as she answered, "The problem with your proposition is that it fails to account for your nature. Creating a template for a Record isn't that difficult. However, keeping the information about that Record a secret would be impossible. If you encounter difficulties, I do not have the confidence in being able to deny you access to the data. I would also like to avoid the situation where you come to blame me or yourself for any unforeseen incidents that might take place in that world. After all, without being able to directly analyze a Tier 6 Record, there are too many variables that I simply can't account for."
Though he understood the logic contained within Da Vinci's words, Vahn couldn't help but release a disappointed sigh. He obviously wasn't disappointed in her, far from it. Instead, it was the fact she referenced his mentality that caused him to release a sigh.
During his time in the Akamatsuverse, Vahn realized that the only way for him to truly 'enjoy' his time within a Record was to know absolutely nothing about it. He was too sentimental, so, if he knew any of the world's history or the roles specific people played within the story, it was impossible for him to simply ignore them.
In the hopes of creating a structured world that would allow him to efficiently increase his Soul Tier, Vahn had proposed that Da Vinci have Ark create a thematic world with a structure based on the system they had been developing to govern his Realm. This would hopefully make the future merger easier, but, as she pointed out, the plan only worked if he had the resolution to remain ignorant. Since he had a habit of overplanning, especially when he knew the 'future' of a Record, it was all but guaranteed that he would inquire about the world she had created the moment things stopped going his way...
Not wanting to leave Vahn without any options, Da Vinci cupped his cheek with her left hand, a gentle smile on her face as she softly stated, "Your problem is that you are too focused on being in control. I understand your concerns, but, much as you have done within the Realm, you should just let events play out. A time will inevitably come where you have all the power you could ever hope to obtain. At that point, there will be nothing to prevent you from simply reversing the flow of entropy or forcibly extracting people from the past at the exact moment of their death. Rather than desperately seek to control the situation, focus on the things that actually matter to you. Then, when everything else is said and done, there will be plenty of time to go back and fix the injustices you observed during your rise."
Hearing Da Vinci's suggestion, Vahn couldn't help but stare at her with his mouth slightly agape. It seemed like such an 'obvious' solution, but, due to his empathic nature and desire to bring a stop to unnecessary suffering, it hadn't even crossed his mind.
Seeing Vahn's stupefied look, Da Vinci issued another characteristic giggle as she used her thumb to trace his bottom lip. This was enough to get him to close his mouth and come back to his senses, a massive grin spreading across his face as he wrapped his hands around her waist and asked, "Can you be any more amazing?"
Finding his choice of words amusing, a smile that could only be described as a masterpiece spread across Da Vinci's lips as she answered, "Darling...for you, I can be whatever you want me to be...ufufufu~"
Thanks to Da Vinci's enlightening words, Vahn found himself in an indescribably great mood. It wasn't a 'perfect' solution, as he still wouldn't be able to simply ignore tragedies happening right in front of him, but, as she suggested, there would inevitably come a time when he could retroactively fix various injustices. He even had an example to support Da Vinci's claim, as, during his time in the Nasuverse, Vahn had actually transmigrated several people; transplanting them from the past into the present.
Though there were bound to be numerous setbacks along the way, Vahn felt better just knowing he had more options. He might even find a 'better' solution at some point, so, with a smile on his face and a bit of pep in his step, he made his way over to a rather futuristic gym where Mordred could be found leg pressing nearly 400,000kg. She had a dull look on her face, but, after doing more than a thousand reps, a thin layer of sweat had spread across her largely exposed body.
Seeing Mordred attempting to exercise her frustrations away, Vahn felt a smidgeon of guilt before promptly tossing it to the back of his mind as he walked forward and said, "Very impressive...I see your legs have become even more toned than the last time I saw you..."
Mordred was more than a little surprised by the sudden appearance of her Chichiue, but, after a very brief pause, a cheeky grin spread across her face as she confidently stated, "We both know I don't do this to tone my legs."
With one final push, Mordred locked the weights in place before rising to her feet and facing her back towards Vahn. She was wearing a version of the Aegis that looked like a black sports bra and tight shorts that only covered around three-quarters of her butt cheeks. This made them stand out even more than normal, a fact Mordred was very aware of as she playfully jiggled her glutes and asked, "What do you think~?"
Similar to a connoisseur of the fine arts, Vahn adopted a serious and contemplative expression on his face, stroking his chin for several seconds before answering, "I might have to change my metric. Though I wouldn't say it's a ten-out-ten, I can't bring myself to lower it to a's too perfect to assign a decimal value so I'm really at a loss...hmm..."
Hearing her Chichiue's words, Mordred snicked mischievously as she gave her own bottom a rather firm smack. This caused a ripple to pass through her nigh-perfectly sculpted posterior, but, as if to demonstrate its ability to retain its shape, it instantaneously returned to form as Mordred teasingly asked, "Want to give it a try?"
Though he might have refused in the past, Mordred was already fifty-three years old at this point. Her physical appearance hadn't changed that much, largely due to her unique constitution, but, as such things hardly mattered, Vahn didn't hesitate to walk over and give the pliant muscle group a firm squeeze, a wispy rainbow hue spreading across his palm.
Feeling the sudden and spontaneous tingle spread through her body, Mordred was unable to stop her teeth from clattering for a brief moment. A confused light flashed across her eyes, but, instead of asking what his intentions were, she leaned forward to use the leg press for support. This allowed Vahn to freely massage and fondle her butt, a 'serious' expression on his face as his thumbs probed her inner thighs and spread the moistening folds beneath the fabric.
Modred had no idea what was going through her Chichiue's mind, but, after returning to Avalon and seeing how nearly everyone already had a child, her patience had been tested well beyond its natural limits. She didn't necessarily want a child, but, after decades of abstinence in the pursuit of her training, her convictions had started to wane. The only thing that kept her going was knowing she would be able to spend an eternity with her Chichiue, but, after seeing so many others with a Divine Authority, Mordred couldn't prevent some dark thoughts from taking root in the back of her mind...
Without beating around the bush, Vahn increased the potency of his [Hands of Nirvana] as he firmly stated, "I am going to stay within the Realm for a few months for training. During that time, you will be accompanying me. I intend to develop my Innates, but my primary purpose is to see whether or not you can achieve Tier 4. To that end, I will give you a taste of what Divinity is like..."
Though her heart was racing fast enough to cause a noticeable vibration within her body, Mordred was able to calm herself enough to nod her head and answer, "I'm ready...Chichiue..."
Seeing Mordred gripping the reinforced leg press hard enough to leave finger indents, Vahn knew she was pushing herself. She wasn't the type to go back on her word, so she was bound to feel as though she had 'betrayed' both of their expectations. This was the reason why he didn't really leave her much of a choice in the matter, and, though his original intent was to try and awaken his Innate, he was now fully prepared to push Mordred far beyond her limits.
Having formed his conviction, Vahn created a parallel space overtop the gym, completely isolating himself and Mordred from the principal axis of reality. He was intending to meld with her, so, even if he held back, things were bound to get a little chaotic. There was even a chance she would reach Tier 4 during the experience, and, as was often the case when someone obtained Tier 4 for the first time, her aura was bound to explode and destroy the surroundings.
With his preparations completed, Vahn tore the fabric of Mordred's Aegis as if it was weaker than wet paper. He could have removed them with a thought, but, knowing Mordred would appreciate it more if he portrayed a more dominant side, that is exactly what he intended to do.
Skipping the usual foreplay in its entirety, Vahn spread Mordred's glistening folds by squeezing her left butt cheek rather forcibly. He could see her surprisingly pristine hymen, undamaged despite all of her intense training and battles. She also rarely masturbated, so, despite her boyish and slightly arrogant nature, Mordred was actually very 'innocent' when it came to sexual matters.
Vahn would have liked to guide her through the process step-by-step, but, taking Da Vinci's advice to heart, he decided not to worry about such things. He knew what Mordred craved, so, without any discernible hesitation, he lined himself up with her entrance, his glans gaining a subtle rainbow hue as he trespassed her depths in a single swift motion...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn has been making a lot of 'progress' in his Realm...') <-(p.atreon link)
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Though she had calmed down over time, Mordred liked to consider herself a confident and direct woman who could stand above all genders and races without fear or shame. She had proven this time and again on the battlefield, fearlessly charging enemy lines to inspire her troops and lead them to victory.
Needless to say, Mordred had earned the trust, respect, and adulation of everyone who had served alongside her in the frontlines. She had also earned herself various would-be suitors in the process, but, while she could joke around with them and play off their advances with a smile, the truth of the matter was that Mordred was 'extremely' irritated by their audacity.
Though she had done her best to bury her growing negativity, Mordred couldn't deny that her patience had slowly eroded away with time. This was exacerbated by the fact Drake constantly tried giving her 'advice' on the matters between men and women. She was like a snake constantly whispering promises of pleasure and release, words that had, at times, resulted in Mordred doing things she almost immediately regretted.
While others might not think much of it, Mordred had always considered it disgraceful to have to pleasure herself. She wanted to remain resolute in the decision she made, and, if it was ever discovered she 'tended' to herself, Mordred believed the way her men would look at her would change. Just the thought of such things made her feel more vulnerable than she would ever admit, so, while she had fallen to temptation a handful of times, she always stopped before things got too out of hand.
With such a mentality, Mordred wilfully ignored anything related to the matters between men and women. She could still give advice and sometimes teased the younger members of her squadron, but, when it came to the specifics, her knowledge was purely theoretical. She still had a number of expectations, tempting her to research various materials, but, in the end, all Mordred genuinely cared about was growing strong enough to become one with her Chichiue...
In the end, none of Mordred's expectations, theories, or anxieties held any value, as, from the moment her Chichiue embraced her, everything she thought she knew about sex was thrown out the window. There was none of the expected pain or discomfort, and, though she tried her best to cover her mouth, a sonorous and womanly moan escaped her lips as a pulse of pure pleasure tore through her body before impacting her mind like a hammer striking an anvil.
Unable to form any coherent thoughts, Mordred was slightly embarrassed to realize she was calling out to her Chichiue in a whimpering moan every time another crash impacted her mind. The leg press she had used for support was ripped apart due to her inability to control her own strength, and, if not for the invisible force that had enveloped her wrists, Mordred wasn't sure she would even be able to stand upright.
It was around the time that these thoughts were going through her head that Mordred realized her greatest shame to date. She had thought it was sweat at first, but, after her senses gradually returned to her, she realized the droplets staining the thick mats of the gym were actually her tears. She wasn't in any pain or anything, but, every time the pulse passed through her body, she felt such a considerable amount of pleasure and relief that it was simply impossible to stop the tears dislodged from her ducts with every impactful movement.
Mordred tried to comfort herself by pretending her Chichiue couldn't see them, but, as if he was reading her thoughts, she soon found herself held upright. His tongue denied her any right to protest, and, due to the mirrors lining the entire gym, Mordred could feel her cheeks burning when she looked forward and saw the image of her Chichiue supporting her legs as his almost comically oversized member plowed into her body.
Seeing her stomach inflate slightly with each movement, Mordred felt a strange feeling of shame that caused her to clench up with enough force to mold steel. Instead of inhibiting her Chichiue's movements, however, the pleasure became even more intense. She could even 'feel' the outline of her Chichiue's member, firm and uninhibited as his glans played across her interior folds like someone running their fingers down a piano. Mored felt this was a rather apt description, as, in a desperate attempt to draw air, her sonorous 'singing' could be heard echoing through the gym as her Chichiue nibbled on her neck.
Though everything thus far was completely outside her expectations, Mordred could feel something surging within her body with each passing moment. She knew what this was, but, after climaxing several times thus far, she actually felt a little nervous regarding the feeling spreading through her body and threatening to make her burst. It was what her Aneue and many others had warned her about, the so-called 'big one' that could even lay low Goddesses of Sex...
Regardless of her rising trepidation, Mordred would not allow anything to get in the way of her union with her Chichiue. She wouldn't even allow the person in question to try and back out, her hands reaching behind her head to hold onto his just as the pleasure in her body seemed to reach 'critical mass'.
Mordred had heard a lot about the phenomenon, but, the moment she felt her Chichiue hold her tighter, pulling her legs closer to his body so that he could embrace her, it was like a bomb had been set off in her body. All of her thoughts ceased in their entirety, and, for a brief moment, Mordred was certain she had blacked. When she came to, she found herself heaving for air as an indescribably hot yet pleasant sensation spread through her insides. This feeling brought her tremendous relief, and, before she realized it, Mordred found herself looking at her slovenly figure in the mirror as her hand instinctually moved to her abdomen...
Though he didn't really get fatigued within his own Realm, Vahn suppressed a sigh of relief when he noticed the dazed smile visible in Mordred's reflection. She wasn't actually pregnant, but, now that he had cum inside of her, he could feel the tensions in her body decreasing rapidly, replaced by a burgeoning maternal aura. She didn't even seem to be aware of the fact that her body was still twitching violently, and, if he wasn't holding onto her, it would almost look like she was having a seizure.
What Mordred wasn't aware of was that this was only the beginning, as, due to a genuine concern that she might break, Vahn held back from initiating a meld. Even Da Vinci could only experience such stimulus periodically, as, immediately following the event, focusing on her work was simply impossible. Instead, she would spend upwards of three days just relaxing, often snuggling up against him as they absentmindedly reshaped the cosmos with their thoughts...
Vahn could tell that Mordred wasn't ready for such a stimulus, as, prior to his cumming inside of her, she had still been very tense. Now, however, she was slowly beginning to relax, and, rather than just being on receiving end, he could imagine her bouncing back, eager to continue. She had been waiting for several decades for the restrictions on their relationship to be removed, and, now that there was nothing standing in her way, Vahn could imagine Mordred becoming 'very' proactive...
After staring at herself for several minutes, her mind bereft of a single thought, Mordred gradually came back to her senses when she noticed her Chichue lifting his head to stare back at her. Then, as if she had only just remembered what they were doing, Mordred felt like a bolt of lightning had struck her mind, returning her clarity in an instant and causing her to nearly apologize for being selfish.
Before she could organize her thoughts well enough to speak, Mordred was left at a loss when her Chichiue blew a ticklish stream of air next to her ear before saying, "Your dazed expression is pretty cute...I'm looking forward to seeing it often from now on..."
Mordred wasn't fond of being called cute, but, hearing her Chichiue's reminder, her lower body clenched up by pure instinct. This caused another small wave of pleasure to spread through her body, silencing any retort she might have had. Instead, she just allowed her Chichiue to continue holding her for a while longer, warmth spreading from her stomach to the rest of her body before she finally uttered, "If it is Chichiue's request...I don't mind wearing cuter clothes..."
Hearing Mordred's utterance, a massive grin spread across Vahn's face, but, while it was certainly a tempting thought, his answer was a firm, "Silly girl. I've always loved you just as you are. Though you caused me a number of headaches in the past, the memories of our time together give me strength in the present. Even if you continue behaving like a spoiled little monkey at times, treating my body like a personal playground, you would never hear me complaining."
To emphasize his point, Vahn manipulated reality so that his memories reflected in each of the mirrors. It was a little strange, especially considering he was still holding her from behind with his penis firmly pressed against her cervix, but various images of their times together began to play on each panel. Every single one of them showed him smiling, and, though there were times when his expression became slightly troubled, there was never a single moment where the love and affection visible in his eyes waned.
Though it was embarrassing to see so many versions of herself behaving like a spoiled tomboy, a reminiscent smile still spread across Mordred's face. She knew her reasons for climbing all over his body weren't exactly 'pure', but, even when she got out of hand, her Chichiue continued to smile at her. There were even times when he would wilfully ignore what she was doing, allowing her to take advantage of him while he just stared off into empty space.
Realizing how shameless she had been in the past, an uncharacteristic blush crept across Mordred's cheeks, encroaching upon her ears and neck. This was exacerbated by the fact she noticed some of the panels replaying the times when her Chichiue had spanked her bottom. Though the incident had filled her with shame and regret, the angle of the mirror made it possible to see the passionate look in her eyes. She hadn't actually enjoyed being spanked, but, just knowing her Chichiue was the one touching her butt caused her to feel excited...
Remembering the events preceding their union, Mordred was glad she had put so much effort into toning her butt. Though it was obvious he had sought her out with the intent to have sex from the very beginning, their playful interactions over the years were one of the things that kept her going. Just the thought of being able to entice her Chichiue with her body caused Mordred's heart to race, and, remembering this, her reservations began to gradually fade away.
Feeling emboldened, Mordred shifted her focus away from the mirrors, her face morphed into what she hoped to be a seductive grin as she looked up into her Chichiue's eyes and stated, "I want you to fuck me into oblivion."
Though he wasn't that surprised by Mordred's words, Vahn still raised his brows slightly as an amused smile spread across his face. Then, even though it caused his other vessels to visibly cringe, he brought his face closer to Mordred's, whispering, "That's my girl..." in the moments preceding an extremely passionate session of love-making...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Mordred is surprisingly innocent','Welcome to the pinnacle','Okay, maybe I jumped the gun regarding Mordred's innocence...') <-(p.atreon link)
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