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53.84% The Emperor's Pampered Wife / Chapter 77: Wild Wolf

Capítulo 77: Wild Wolf

It was already dark by the time Hou Wei Yan finished her appointments. She walked the hallway alone as Qiu Meixiu awaits Cao Yingjie outside the hospital and arrived just in time for the rounds. Doctor Ashraf alongside two nurses was checking on Fang Tao's condition.

As soon as Wei Yan entered the room, they momentarily stopped whatever they were doing and acknowledged her presence. "How is he?"

"Doctor Hou" Ashraf called out before handing the medical chart to the nurses.

Hou Wei Yan smiled and took a kind bow in front of him. He is her senior after all. "Good afternoon, Doctor Ash"

"His vitals are stable and the gunshot wounds are not showing any kind of infection" he reported with the same intensity of kindness, which was surprising to most staff. "He just needs plenty of rest"

"I see" Wei Yan stated as she took at Fang Tao who was looking outside the window. "Thank you, Doctor Ash"

Ashraf nodded his head before he walked out of the room, followed by the nurses. "We'll check on him again later"

"Fang" Wei Yan called out after Ashraf left. She gently placed the basket of fruits on his side table before taking a seat beside his bed. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay" Fang immediately assured, unaware of Wei Yan's worry. "It was just a gunshot wound, don't worry"

Once she heard his statement, something inside Wei Yan snapped. [ Just a gunshot wound? ]

She didn't dare question the whips on his back but she can't tolerate him treating every wound on his body without a care.

"How can I not worry?" she began, her voice slightly shaken and angry at his poorly worded answer. "A gunshot wound is no joke at all, Fang! You could have lost blood while being transported here or could even die immediately if it hits your vital organs. What were you thinking?!"

As soon as her voice and her thoughts were out alongside her contorted face filled with worry came into his view, Fang felt guilty. He was not someone who easily admits his fault—heck, he can even fight and bicker with Laurens even if both of them are at fault. But somehow, seeing her face filled with worry made him weak.

He needs to apologize properly.

Indeed, he acted recklessly that day. So reckless he wasn't sure if it was him or the devils doing.

He worried her and everyone else close to him, that he needs to apologize for acting recklessly. That's the best course of action he needs to do now.

"I'm sorry" he softly mumbled, his voice filled with sincerely.

Wei Yan flinched once she heard of his apology. Now she feels guilty. Did she say too much? "For now, just rest"

"No. I have a job to do" Fang blurted out of the blue while trying his best to stand up.

Once she saw his attempt, Hou Wei Yan immediately pushed him back down.

[ This lunatic! ]

"You still want to guard me at that state? Don't be too full of yourself. You need rest" she said with seriousness. When the person is stubborn, they need an intense reprimanding before they get it in their head.


Wei Yan's brows arched high when he was about to retort. She was about to scold him thoroughly when the door suddenly burst open.

"Big Sister!"

A medium auburn-haired man entered the room with a loud bang. His dazzling cognac brown eyes shone the moment his gaze landed on Hou Wei Yan.

Wei Yan's eyes bulged big the moment she saw who the loud visitor was.

"Xing Qiu?" she yelped as she stood up from her seat. When she got no reply despite her call, Wei Yan felt something was odd. "No, wait. Qiu doesn't call me big sister"

That's right, Qiu often refers to her as Sister Yan but not once did he call her Big Sister because he likes to appear as someone more mature than her.

Which only means, that the one before her is the younger twin. "Xing Yun?"

"That's right!" the fellow said with a cherry voice along with a wink. Upon witnessing this, Fang almost puked blood.

[ What the hell is this brat thinking! Is he not ashamed of doing such a ridiculous action?! ]

"I've been looking everywhere for you" he said as he drew closer to Wei Yan with open arms.

But instead of hugging him, Wei Yan evaded him and raised her brows at him.

"What are you even doing here?" Wei Yan asked before accusingly pointing at him. "Did you do something again? Did Auntie throw you out again that's why you came looking for me?"

Xing Yun—the son of her second-degree aunt—and Xing Qiu's identical twin. Unlike Xing Qiu who focuses on helping expand the Xing influence, Yun is more like the troublemaker of the family. He's one of the reasons why her Grandfather—Xing Mingli—almost had a heart attack because of his crazy demands.

She heard countless reports about him while she was staying in America and the last she received said he was in Spain with her Grandfather and was under strict monitoring.

[ Why the hell is he in China?! ]

While she was thinking such a thing, Xing Yun was laughing at her serious face. "Big Sister, don't be like that. Can't I pay a visit because I miss you?"

"Missed me? Stop talking nonsense" Wei Yan roared at him. [ This brat only thinks of mischief and I was always his target whenever I was around! ]

Xing Yun laughed at her triggered state. He wasn't joking but her reaction deserves laughter. He laughed so hard that tears began forming in his eyes.

Hou Wei Yan, remained stoic as he laughed his ass out. [ Seriously, this kid has never changed ]

After a good few seconds, he wiped his tears away and finally glanced at the man on the bed. "Oh, you're tending on a patient"

"Sorry for suddenly barging in" he said with a wink to the guard.

Fang flinched when he did this. [ This man is crazier than those in Palisades! Why the hell is he here?! ]

"No. He's my assistant, I came to visit" Wei Yan clarified before taking a seat.

Fang immediately shook his head at her statement. "Guard. I'm your guard"

"Fine, fine" Wei Yan stated before staring at Yun. "Yun, this is Fang Tao, my guard"

"Fang, this is Xing Yun, my cousin, Xing Qiu's twin" she introduced after remembering Fang and Xing Qiu's meeting during the marriage registration.

"Nice to meet you" Xing Yun said as he offered his hand.

Fang accepted it. "You as well"

Even though their hands parted and the shake was finished, their eyes remained locked on each other.

They stared at each other, not because there was a romantic connection between them, but because they work under the same boss.

Xing Qiu and Xing Yun, the two people who accepted Ji Li Zhao's offer of employment despite being a part of the Xing Household. They stand as Ji Li Zhao's monitoring system in the Xing. Although what they did can be considered a family betrayal, Xing Yun and Xing Qiu were never bothered by such a thing. They only supplied Ji Li Zhao of all the necessary information about Hou Wei Yan and what businesses he should avoid to not make conflict with the Xing.

Unlike the other Xings who wish to dominate the Imperial, the brothers want peace and avoid any form of war that may ensue because of family and pride clashing with one another. They don't want Hou Wei Yan or their father—who's a part of Palisades—to be crushed by the war that the Xing and Ji are planning to make. Luckily, Ji Li Zhao doesn't want such a thing as well.

After Ji Li Zhao convinced them, they began helping him avoid trouble with the Xing and even helped him ensure that the Grand Elders won't set Hou Wei Yan up in any form of dates or marriage interviews.

"Where's your brother? You came here alone?" Wei Yan asked with curiosity which made the two of them return to reality.

"Must I always be with brother?" Xing Yun retorted while flashing a smile. Wei Yan was used to his dorky side, but this is the first time for Fang and he probably thinks he won't have the ability to get immune to it.

"Qiu was sent by mother somewhere to handle business. He's getting obsessed lately with one of Bei Family's granddaughters" he suddenly opened up.

Fang who knew all of Ji Li Zhao's relatives suddenly got interested in this development. [ That serious and stoic Xing Qiu is obsessed with Boss' cousin? ]

There are only two Bei Granddaughters, Bei Changhai and Lin Lifen. The youngest of them, Lin Lifen, is already engaged which leaves the unruly adventurer of the family, Bei Changhai as the possible granddaughter Xing Qiu is after.

Thinking about this certainly amused him. They don't compliment each other at all. Since the Bei Family is a part of the Jis, the Xing would naturally oppose his love affair.

"Oh? Really?" Wei Yan further enquired, quite fascinated and curious about this news. "Your Big Brother is?"

"Yep" Xing Yun replied with a sigh. "I don't know what to do with him"

"Yeah, as if you're not deeply infatuated with someone as well" she blurted out while rolling her eyes. This kid is no different from his brother. "How's your fiancee?"

With the mention of fiances, Xing Yun's smiling face suddenly dropped. "She's not my fiancee"

"Not now, not ever" he added while looking away.

His statement petrified Hou Wei Yan. [ Not his fiances!? After all, they had gone through? ]

Not satisfied, she cupped his face and make him look at her directly. "What?! You threatened us with your life to push for your engagement! What happened?!"

This is the mess that almost gave their Grandfather a heart attack. Xing Yun was sent to America 2 years ago to accompany Hou Wei Yan and make him part with his lover. The bastard, not liking the idea of parting with her almost killed himself during a family dinner. His mother fainted, Grandfather Xing almost had a heart attack and their Grandmother got petrified when he placed a knife on his neck and was ready to jump out the building if his wish wasn't granted. Not liking the idea of losing Xing Yun, their family agreed to accept the woman and set the engagement.

But after all of that mess, he's not getting married to her?

"She's someone I can't dare marry" Xing Yun replied with conviction. He parted ways with her half a year ago. Although it's still painful, he had already accepted the fact that they aren't meant to be, because he has a very dangerous side she cannot handle anymore. "She deserves someone else, someone better than me. Someone who won't go psycho on her"

"Xiao Yun" Wei Yan called out with worry. She doesn't know what the reason is but it must have been painful to part ways with his long-term lover.

She was about to ask for more details when the hospital door opened up and revealed Meixiu.

"Sister Qiu!" Wei Yan called out as she stood up to help her place down the bouquet of flowers.

Meixiu smiled and lingered her eyes. When she met a cognac hue, Meixiu can't help but be surprised. "Oh, Young Master Xing Yun"

"Aiyo, Big Sister" Xing Yun greeted while giving her a salute. "You're working for Big Sister Yan?"


"That's great!" he suddenly blurted out with enthusiasm. "I will be in your care then"

"What?" Meixiu asked, not sure what his words meant. [ In my care? ]

"I'll be staying with Big Sister Yan till my heartbreak subsides" Xing Yun suddenly announced making all of them shock beyond words.

[ Xing Yun staying with us? Isn't that dangerous?! ]

Hou Wei Yan was the first to react to his bizarre announcement. "No way, Yun!"

When he heard his protest, Xing Yun's eyes instantly produced tears. He clasped both of his hands together and gave Wei Yan his puppy dog eyes. "Don't you love me anymore, Big Sister? Don't you pity me?"

Fang Tao felt disgusted.

Qiu Meixiu stood petrified.

Cao Yingjie who was hiding behind Meixiu felt his skin crawl.

While Hou Wei Yan felt her head throb at the chaos about to wreak havoc in their life. "You headache"

Upon hearing this, Xing Yun jump and fist-bumped the air for his triumphant victory. "Yes!"

Meixiu, after witnessing this shook her head. "This group keeps growing"

Fang sighed at what she said for he totally agrees and he understands the danger it can bring. Allowing Xing Yun means the end of their peaceful days. "That's because Madame is weak with begging"

"Yingjie said he will accompany you here" Meixiu suddenly said when she felt someone tugging from behind her.

After saying this, Fang looked behind her, and there emerged Cao Yingjie with a huge smile on his face. "Hi, Big Brother! I'll watch over you diligently so get well soon"

"Thank you, Xiao Ying" Fang answered, a faint smile displaying on his face.

Right now, he feels warm and giddy. [ When did I consider this gang my friends? When did I start considering them as my family? ]

"Baozi!" Xing Yun suddenly shouted as he pounced at the little fatty behind Meixiu.

"Eck. Xing Yun! Stop!" Yingjie shouted back with the same intensity as he tried to push him away from his face. His cheeks were on his and it felt gross because it was Xing Yun and not Wei Yan! "Ahhhh! Let go of me"

"Baozi! I missed you" Xing Yun said before he slightly pulled away. Afterward, he flicked his forehead when he remembered what he called him. "Also, call me big brother!"

"Urgh, Uncle, let go!" another shout resonated from Yingjie when Xing Yun tackled him again, this time much tighter and irritating.

"Uncle?!" Xing Yun asked in annoyance. He called Fang Big Brother but he's an Uncle?! That's so unfair and irritating. So to pay him back, he rubbed his cheeks on Yingjie and even ruffled his hair.

"I won't let you go for calling me that!"

Witnessing Yingjie's futile struggle and his helpless state, Wei Yan decided to butt in. "Ah! Yun, stop tackling Baozi!"

"And it keeps getting louder and louder" Fang suddenly stated. Other than their group getting bigger, it's also getting louder and noisier!

While Wei Yan was pulling Xing Yun away from Yingjie, the door opened up again, but this time it had a huge bang sound. When Yu Shou's face came into view, Wei Yan felt terrified because she knew what was about to happen.

"Little Sister, I'm here!" Yu Shou shouted, ready to tackle her when he caught sight of a more amusing person. "Ohhhh, Yuuuuun!"

"Yuuu Shoouuu" Yun shouted back as he ran towards him. After they faced one another, they clasped their hands together and began their seriously annoying and loud handshake.

Fang sighs at this. His room is turning into a circus little by little.


It was already in the middle of the night but Fang remains awake as memories of the earlier events kept on replaying in his head.

Today was a tiring day. He was supposed to feel relieved after he woke up, but now he thinks sleeping is better than facing two loud lunatics at the same time.

"Fang" someone called out making him bolt up.

When he felt the familiar aura, Fang relaxed and gave a bow to the man who entered his room. "Boss"

"Stay down" Ji Li Zhao instructed as he took a seat beside him. "How are you feeling?"

Fang was suddenly taken aback by this. Ji Li Zhao is terrifying to many but he is kind to his men. Fang usually accompanies Ji Li Zhao to visit wounded comrades, but this is his first time experiencing it.

"I'm fine now" he answered quite sheepishly. Getting asked in such a kind way by their boss is indeed overwhelming. "The Madame saved my life"

"She did" Ji Li Zhao immediately answered while nodding his head. "You made her overly worried"

Fang knew that he did. He was scolded by her earlier after all.

"I don't think you're fit to guard her anymore" his boss suddenly blurted out which made Fang immediately turn to face him.

He failed and deserves such punishment, but he cannot accept it. He's already grown accustomed to guarding Wei Yan and to be honest, he felt alive day by day just by staying by her side and discovering the other side of life other than warfare.

"Boss I---"

"But my wife refuses to let you go. She feels guilty and thinks that I will fire you" Ji Li Zhao cut him off with a faint smile. Truly, she's too kind it's worrying him. "I can't stand it when my wife thinks I'm the bad guy"

Ji Li Zhao remained silent after he said such a thing. He can't bear it if Hou Wei Yan begins to hate him again. Palisades is an organization that aims for the destruction of evil, but it is tainted by blood as well. He knows she will eventually learn of its existence but before that, he wants her to understand the purpose of their organization. That's why he wants her to have a positive view of his subordinates.

"I'm a failure as your right-hand man" Fang Tao blurted out all of a sudden making Ji Li Zhao stare at him. "I'm really sorry for causing such a ruckus. I heard from Makio that you exerted great effort to cover up for my mistake"

"Forgive me, boss"

Ji Li Zhao stared at him for a long time before he coughed and gave a reply. "There would be no next time"

"I've known you for a long time and I know what burdens you carry. I understand how confused you are" he said as he patted Fang's shoulders. "I must admit, falling in love for the first time can get really confusing. That's why I did what I did"

"But, you still committed a grave mistake. Letting your emotions rule over you to such an extent is not like you. You lost your composure and even went as far as nearly dying" Ji Li Zhao reprimanded which instantly sent Fang bowing for forgiveness.

"Boss, I'm sorry"

Ji Li Zhao sighed and remembered the very words he said when he accepted him in Palisades.

[ My life is yours and these organizations. I will spend it serving Palisades to the best of my abilities ]

"You vowed to spend your life serving Palisades. Your sorry won't cut it if you lost your life over something ridiculous" he stated with seriousness. Losing his life over a brawl in an alleyway, much more losing it to lowly gang members is not noble at all. It's not worth it!

"I know"

"You love her, but you can no longer have her for the child she bears" Ji Li Zhao said while sighing. "Makio has something for you but I don't think it's time yet for you to receive it"

"I'll give you a week. Take your time off, clear your mind. When you come back, you'll guard my wife again. But this time, I don't want you to act recklessly"

Fang nodded his head with gratitude for the second chance. "I understand, Boss"

Ji Li Zhao stood up after confirming his dedication. "I'm glad you're alive"

As he left with a smile, Fang sighs and looks outside. The moon is brilliantly shining outside, a good time to ponder what his next move will be.


The next morning, Hou Wei Yan, Qiu Meixiu, and Cao Yingjie accompanied by Xing Yun entered Yi Lan Hospital earlier than scheduled. The four of them walked the hallways and excitedly entered Fang Tao's room.

"Fang, I brought you---" Wei Yan was the first to enter with a big smile on her face but she felt weak when she saw the room barren. "Fang?"

"What's wrong?" Meixiu asked as she entered next. When she saw that Fang was missing, she immediately went outside in panic. "Nurse! Nurse!"

[ Did that lunatic escape!? But why?! ]

"Doctor Hou" the nurse called out as she followed behind the panicking Meixiu.

"Where's the patient here?"

The nurse scratched her head when she asked this. How does she explain this? "Mr. Fang was discharged last night. His bill was already settled"

"What? Why didn't anyone inform me?" Wei Yan blurted out in surprise and bewilderment.

"Mr. Fang asked us not to" the nurse replied before taking out a letter. "But he left you a letter"

"Thank you" Wei Yan immediately accepted it and opened it without delay. The four of them crowded the letter.

"Thank you for saving me. I will take a week off and think things out. I'll come back once I've settled down" she read aloud.

"Fang" Wei Yan mumbled in worry. "Where could he be?"

Xing Yun gave them a smile to assure them everything was okay. "Somewhere relaxing, I believe"

Relaxing my ass.

The broken-hearted man, Fang Tao was now rolling on the ground, mud all over his white shirt and military boots. There was an obvious melancholy in his eyes as he saw love birds pass by him.

"Damn it!" he screamed as he took out his gun and began shooting randomly. The frightened birds immediately flew away, afraid of the crazy man who carries a gun that can take their lives.

"You psycho!"

"Why did you fall in love?!"

"Why did you fall into the trap?!"

"Damn it!" he glared hard at the target right in front of him. It was there. The bullseye was right there.

But he can't strike it.

Somehow, he can't.

For what fills his eyes are memories of the woman he mindlessly fell in love with. Ah, his torment is here again.

Why did he fall in love with her?

Their push was obvious, he could have avoided it if he wanted to, and yet he didn't. Why didn't he avoid it?

Was he pulled by her allure? Her natural beauty?

[ Ah, I'm going crazy! ]

"Shit!" he shouted before raising his gun, diverting his mind, and focusing his aim on the target.

But damn everything!

He can still see her luxurious raven-colored curly hair tangled in his hands like vines, capturing him completely and leaving him beyond helpless.

Then there are her eyes. Breaming oceanic eyes gazing at him with curiosity.

Curiosity he so wants to quench.

He was filled with thoughts of her. His focus was elsewhere and he hates himself for wanting to remain that way for a while.

Just for a short while.

Let him think of the woman he loves—but can no longer have.

It's painful, thinking of the things he wished to do.

They could have worked together, side by side.

He could guard her alongside Wei Wei.

The child she bore could have been his.

If only he noticed that this feeling was love.

If only he grasped what love is earlier.

If only he gathered enough courage to confess and fight for his love.

If only he didn't cower and postponed everything.

Xie Na and him are no longer possible. That's a fact he should accept.

He has one week to accept such a fact, and accept that his weakness resulted in forbidden love.

Once more, Fang dropped his weapon and ran around the forest. It was his secret base, a place not even Makio or Ji Li Zhao can locate.

This is where he can be himself. Where he can run wild as he can without hurting any human.

As his shirt became unbearably muddy, Fang took it off, revealing a well-toned body filled with scars. He tossed the shirt away before inhaling fresh air.

This way, he felt relief rush over him. He was now one with nature. His senses slowly sharpened as he tries to drown out the voice he was so accustomed to hearing every day.

What he needs right now is rid of Xie Na's reckless influence on him. He knew for himself that he cannot fully forget his feelings for her, after all, she is his first love. But he can erase her deep influence in his senses slowly.

That's the only thing he can do.

As he drew this conclusion, Fang touched the gunshot wound he recently received. The only gunshot wound in his body and he will maintain it as the only one.

It will stand as a reminder of the first love that caused him heartbreak. The first love that wreaked his common sense.

He will return to his job but Xie Na will forever be in his heart. He will drown her deep influence on him and make his mind take control once more.

He will return as the wild wolf he was in the past, but this time, the Alpha has a forbidden mate in his heart.

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Hi guys! The update schedule will be finalised next week. Have a nice day and keep safe! Covid-19 is spreading more widely, please don't forget to stay protected!

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