"Tiara? Hey, Tiara!"
I woke up from my daydreaming as soon as my boyfriend's hand waved in front of my face. I should have forgotten that we are having a wholesome conversation right now, behind the bars of this prison. On my hand, is a grilled cheese with bacon strips sandwich that he wholeheartedly cooked for me.
Rikkun visited me on the very first hour of the morning. He's currently wearing his school uniform, and he said he will go to class later after his visitation in this prison.
"Tiara, are you okay?" Rikkun asked as he stopped sipping his morning coffee and squinted his eyes. He looked at my pupils as if he's trying to reach for his non-existent psychic powers to read my mind.
"A-Ah! I-I'm okay, Rikkun!" I shrieked as I waved my two hands. "D-Don't mind me if I space out like that again!"
"Really?" Rikkun had this curious pout. "Are you sure there's no problem here?"