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Capítulo 26: Abroad

As soon as Lyra exits the airship after the twins and Madam Cherry, she momentarily halts in her steps and her eyes widen. Clear blue skies greet Lyra's eyes and a fresh warm breeze gently brushes away a stray hair on her sun-tanned face. Lyra, barely hiding her astonishment at seeing such a bright, clean, orderly, and cheery port slowly walks out and takes in the view. Noticing the sight of peaceful mingling between machines, cyborgs, androids, animals, and humans, Lyra couldn't help but be befuddled by what she is seeing right now.

After walking a bit more Lyra notices the port is bustling with friendly greetings, leisure activities, and laughter. She sees couples sharing drinks with each other, families enjoying a meal together, and various stalls friendly greeting their customers and chatting happily. People around her even start to greet her with 'good day' with a smile.

Her face stiffens from straining to smile back. She clenches and unclenches her hands trying to get rid of the unease due to her surprise. The absence of bloodthirsty hostility in the port is so evident that it's a bit unnerving for her.

She initially thought that traveling to another country would only differ in distance and transportation from her previous experience when traveling with the mercenaries. Back when she had to do missions for her master, Melika, she had to travel to desolate towns and ports. There, the moment you step into the town, the residents or people who've been left have already marked you as a target. They're already ready to pounce to get whatever you have on. She had to be ready for any underhanded schemes to protect herself and her comrades, and sometimes betrayal happens.

Lyra's stiff face slackens a bit only to be replaced by a broken smile. She closes her eyes momentarily and then looks up at the bright blue sky.

"It's so different..." she softly whispers. The jovial overall atmosphere of the port really isn't something she expected at all.

"Lyra~" with a mischievous grin the twins call for Lyra then teasingly poke her sides "So, how is it?"

"It's so different than I imagined."

"In that case, be prepared for more surprises ~"

Lyra nods.

Lyra continues walking, although she outwardly looks unfazed by the liveliness of the place, internally she is brewing with curiosity. She tries to calmly take in every sight around her but she can't help but take minute stops every so often while walking to look around her. Her eyes glistened with wonder.

Madam Cherry softly chuckles as she notices Lyra's quick stops.

"Wait up Marie!" a young man running from Lyra's side shouts while panting.

"Sheesh, Uncle you're too slow!" the little girl in front of the man shouts back while giggling.

Lyra unconsciously stops and listens.

"Look Uncle even Mr. Teddy is faster than you! hehe!'

The image of her forgotten teddy in her uncle's arms quickly flashes through her mind, she feels a sudden pang in her heart. Her eyes moisten but quickly regains composure and takes a deep breath.

"Lyra are you okay?"

The twins ask as they notice Lyra stopping with her eyelids drooped and her fist tightly clenched.

"Sorry, I'll be right there" Lyra answers quickly and unknowingly shakes her head as she heads toward the twins. Walking briskly, she catches up with the twins and stops looking around the port.

A gentle old man then greets Madam Cherry and leads them to a hovercar. The twins yawn and tell Lyra they'll take a nap for a while. Lyra nods and looks out the window. Her thoughts are far away, Lyra stares out the window without taking in the scenery even though it's all new to her.

Madam cherry after looking over the documents sent in her tablet sighs and thinks about how she prefers reading info on paper rather than digitally. Although, she can't deny how it's more convenient to access necessary info digitally due to the immediate response. Madam Cherry looks across her to see the twins both asleep while Lyra is looking out the window with pursed lips.

"Something in your mind Lyra?"

"hmm? uh, not really." Lyra mechanically replies but realizes that it's Madam Cherry who's asking her so she quickly added, "I was just wondering about stuff."

"Oh? what kind of stuff. Perhaps you're wondering why I brought you with us?"

"Yes, that, and other things."

"Other things?"

"Yes, I'm wondering why is the world so vast, and how the world is more than I believe it is."

"Heh, So, what you mean to say is that you had a very good idea of how the world works before?"

"Yeah, and now, I know I'm foolish thinking that. I guess having gone through a lot made me think of myself as mature and wise for my age. Now, I just think that I'm naive for even thinking I can handle anything just because of what I went through."

"There's nothing wrong in being proud of surviving through countless struggles. But, it is quite foolish to think that because of the struggles you went through, you're better than the rest or that the world owes it to you to be what you want it to be." Madam Cherry answers.

Then, Madam Cherry smiles at Lyra. Lyra smiles back with relief clearly written on her face. Seeing Lyra loosen up, Madam Cherry continues,

"So the reason why I brought you with us is so that you could experience a different way of life. To expand your horizon. To find more ways to be happy."

Lyra tilts her head slightly and with her brows knitted asks, "What?"

"This is a good opportunity for you to find another way to live for yourself not tied to the past."

"Huh?" Lyra replies confused.

"As you've said, you've been through a lot Lyra, you've gotten stronger. Strong enough to think about pursuing *your* happiness. Isn't that what your Uncle really wants you to do?"

"I don't understand, you clearly know that I have to retrieve my uncle's corpse to even think about happiness. And I will retrieve it."

Lyra looks at Madam Cherry in the eye with that raging determination. That never changing determination of her clearly reflected in her eyes ever since back then. Madam Cherry looks back at Lyra head-on with calm but cold eyes.

"Lyra, I believe it's time for you to give up on that idea."

Furious but not wanting her anger to get the best of her, Lyra takes a deep breath and cuttingly asks, "What are you talking about?"

"It's been a decade or more since then Lyra. And the place where his body is already impossible to access due to intense combat and use of chemical warfare in that place." Madam Cherry glances at Lyra's rage-blushed scowling face and sighs. She then goes back to look at her tablet.

This time Lyra couldn't help but almost yells, "That's why I have been training all these years! you want me to give up on my very reason for living? I thought of all the people I know, you, you understand my reason the best."

Lyra's voice trembles as she says those last words. Her eyes welled up but she desperately fights her tears back. Madam Cherry clutches her pen so tightly that a slight crack appears, but then she relaxes her grip and looks up to meet Lyra's tear-filled eyes.

"And that is exactly why I brought you with us, Lyra, I want you to see the possibilities and beauty of the world worth living for more than your past regret. You deserve more than just living for the dead." Madam Cherry sincerely and truly believes so. Lyra suffered enough. It's time to make her realize the true wish of her Uncle.

"Hah!..." Lyra could only coldly scoff at Madam Cherry's answer. "That's impossible."

"So is retrieving your uncle's body." Madam Cherry states matter-of-factly. Yet, she quickly looks down to hide the hurt in her eyes from hearing Lyra scoff.

"Says who? you? you haven't even tried! besides, how are you so sure I can't! I'm stronger than before! and I wouldn't know if I don't try!"

"The same goes with looking for another way to live your life." Madam Cherry coldly answers.

With gritted teeth, Lyra keeps quiet as she looks out the window and stays silent for the rest of the ride.


They reach their base and the twins finally wake up as soon as they heard the car door open. They quickly notice Lyra wiping her eyes and greeting them with a smile. A smile that's definitely forced. The twins exit the car and pull Lyra for a hug. The twins are both a head taller than Lyra plus their 2-inch stilettos make them tower over Lyra, and they use this advantage to pat Lyra's head gently.

"Is something wrong Lyra?" Theresa asks.

Lyra stayed quiet for a moment and says "I'm fine."

Yet, the twins can see Lyra's lips trembling and her eyes downcast. They wanted to comfort her more but Madam Cherry calls for them to hurry. They release Lyra from their hug and gently tug at her to urge her to follow. Not wanting their master to call for them again they hurry to catch up.

Looking back and seeing Lyra slowly walking with her eyes downcast, Madam Cherry sighs. She then calls for Lyra to follow into the training area. Lyra finally looking up, fiercely glares at Madam Cherry and follows. The twins' intrigue followed after them.

Reaching the training area, Madam Cherry calls,

"Fight me Lyra, show me your resolve."

Immediately, Madam Cherry and Lyra start fighting.

Without a moment to lose, Lyra quickly dashes to Madam Cherry's side then throws dirt into her eyes, and tries to land a powerful punch. Lyra knows she needs to get the upper hand first to have a chance of winning. She needs to show Madam Cherry her resolve.

Unfortunately for Lyra, Madam Cherry blocks it immediately and counters with a savage combo of rapid jabs and powerful kicks pushing Lyra to defend. Lyra with her hands crossed and constantly sidestepping catches her breath and waits for an opening. She sees Madam Cherry purposely slows down her attacks, she knows it's likely a trap but she needs to take the chance to change the tide of the fight.

Just after Madam Cherry does a high kick, Lyra steps back and does a leg sweep. Cherry somersaults and then throws knives at Lyra. Lyra rolls away to avoid the blades. Cherry dashes towards Lyra, Lyra gets up and tries to tackle Cherry. Cherry suddenly stops docks down and leg trips Lyra. Falling forward Lyra somersaults.

Cherry grabs Lyra's leg before she's airborne and with great force slams Lyra to the ground. Lyra quickly uses her arms to protect her head. The impact is so great Lyra bounces up and felt some of her ribs crack. The air is knocked out of her, Lyra blanks out for a moment.

Standing calmly, Madam Cherry asks, "Is this it? this is your resolve Lyra? Is this all those years of training amount to?"

Hearing those words, Lyra forcefully pushes herself up. Even though every breath she takes feels like inhaling burning coals burning her lungs, she labored to stand straight and prepares to take Madam Cherry again.


Lyra then lunges at Madam Cherry with more force ignoring her pain. Madam Cherry with a cold determination fights Lyra head-on without mercy. Lyra's every punch countered, her trips and takedowns avoided, strikes blocked, Lyra struggles to get the upper hand. Running out of breath and pain becoming more unbearable, Lyra tries to create a distance between herself and Madam Cherry.

Sadly Madam Cherry's attacks are relentless. Lyra could only defend but with the intense pain draining her she couldn't help but let her guard down and so Madam Cherry took the chance. Madam Cherry grab Lyra's shoulder and kneed her in the gut.

"Ugh" Lyra wheezes and gasps. Once again Lyra falls to the ground.

Madam Cherry beats Lyra but Lyra keeps getting up and asking for another round Madam Cherry complies.

Lyra recalls her almost torturous expeditions that her master sent her to, her nightmares, her promises, and her uncle. Her beloved Uncle. Lyra confronts all her fears, regret, and hope as she gets up again and again.

Only to be beaten up over and over again by Madam Cherry.

Finally, when Madam Cherry let her guard down a bit thinking Lyra was so exhausted and would topple over, Lyra suddenly took that chance and poured her everything in that single punch. Caught off guard Madam Cherry is late to block it. The punch is strong enough to put a mark on Madam Cherry's face and push her a few inches back.

After giving her all, Lyra collapses. But before Lyra hits the ground this time, Madam Cherry lifts her up and embraces her.

"Well done Lyra, Well done." Madam Cherry then pats Lyra's back comfortingly.

Hearing those words as she becomes conscious, Lyra breaks down crying. The twins who were watching close don't notice but they were crying too.

Madam Cherry then carries Lyra to the clinic where a healing pod is already set up and gently places Lyra inside to heal up. She brushes off the tears on Lyra's sleeping face. She gives Lyra's forehead a kiss and walks out of the clinic. The twins waiting outside, clearly pacing around and around just before Madam Cherry walks out of the clinic.

"Um, ah. Master?" The twins ask while biting their lower lips.

"Yes?" Madam Cherry eyes both of her disciples.

"Why?" Theresa asks while Claire anxiously clutches Theresa's hand.

"Why I fought Lyra seriously?"

The twins nod.

"I want Lyra to release all the pent emotions inside her that she kept suppressing all these years, I also want her to confront the idea that there is another way of life available to her. By fighting her seriously, I acknowledge her efforts and sacrifices toward her goal. Although, I wouldn't want her to lose any sense of life when she reaches it."

Madam Cherry looks at her disciples and pats them on the shoulder.

"I also want both of you to know that no matter the setbacks you face I'll be here to beat sense into you," Madam Cherry smiles.

The twins nervously laugh and thank their Master and quickly go inside the clinic to watch over Lyra.

Meidan Meidan

I highly recommend rereading the previous chapters before this or even reread from the very beginning, since I haven't really updated it for a year or so. Now that I finally got through my depression, I'll post more chapters. My goal for this year is to finally finish Lyra's story after all. I am truly grateful for those who still support and read this novel. Thank you for sticking all these years.

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