"Lord Yan, aren't you curious?" Gu Ying asked in a somewhat flippant manner.
Objectively speaking, Gu Ying was very good looking, especially if one was meeting him for the first time. However his looks were deceiving as anyone looking at him would assume he had a pure, simple heart.
However, Jun Wu Xie, who knew all too well his true, violent nature, could not associate any kind characteristics with him.
Upon careful inspection, Jun Wu Xie realised Gu Ying and His Lord looked similar. The difference was the Gu Ying looked brasher and had more vigour while the Lord looked more elegant and understated. There were similarities between them but you had to look closely to see them.
But there was one big similarity between them.
And that was...
They were both perfect pretenders.
Both of them have managed to conceal just how cruel and greedy they were.
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