"Are those two men here?" Jun Wu Yao asked in a highly casual voice.
Jun Wu Yao's question caused the heart of the man in green rise to shoot up, lodging in the back of his throat, and making his entire body break out in cold sweat.
[Those two men?]
[What two men! ?]
That question had made the man in green to suddenly think of the time he and Elder Hui had attacked Ye Sha!
Ye Sha slowly raised his head and his chillingly cruel gaze swept over the man in green and Elder Hui before he said: "They're present." Immediately upon saying that, he raised his hand and pointed his finger at the man in green and Elder Hui.
With Ye Sha's finger pointed at them, it immediately caused the hearts of the man in green and Elder Hui to drop to the bottom of the ravine. They turned instinctively to look at Jun Wu Yao and they saw that corners of Jun Wu Yao's mouth had curled up into a chillingly devilish smile, a smile that sent shivers deep into their bones.
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