The little black cat on the table finally managed to clear its mind after much effort but what it immediately saw, was its own Mistress looking at it with a strange look in her eyes.
Those eyes, immediately heightened the little black cat's innate animal instincts and it warned the cat of the very close and imminent danger!
"What are you thinking of!?" The little black cat shrank back, and backed itself into the farthest corner, a look of terror filled its horrified eyes as it stared at Jun Wu Xie.
Jun Wu Xie stretched out her hand, and she grabbed one of the little black cat's front paws, forcibly dragging the petrified cat before her.
"I went through thick and thin with you for so many years! I deserve at least even that little bit of credit even if you don't appreciate it! You can't do this! !" The little black cat was still babbling incessantly when it suddenly found its mouth covered by Jun Wu Xie's hand.
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