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3.2% Dragonborn Saga / Chapter 23: Jon Dare vs Argir Swift-Hilt

Capítulo 23: Jon Dare vs Argir Swift-Hilt

[A/N: I watched tons of youtube videos for the sake of that chapter.]


[A/N: 3rd Person POV]

"Let the match begin."

*Cling* *Cling* *Cling*

Jon and Argir were already holding themselves and when they got the permission of the king from the queen's mouth, they didn't wait for any instructions from the judge. They didn't even think about trash-talking.

Three exchanges which were too fast that most of the audience weren't even ready to watch, started looking around asking where that sound came from.

After the three exchanges both jumped back. They already have a rough idea about the other but that made things more clear.

Argir held his broadsword front of him with two hands. Jon held the sword in a different pose, which was more of taking a guard by raising the sword's hilt to a high point to his right with the blade guarded downwardly.

They both started moving in a circle and scanned each other again and again. They have already made many moves inside there heads for every possible response from the other.

Jon took a half step forward but Argir changed his stance into a stabbing pose. Jon took another step and changed the pose into straight guard.

While everyone was thinking how will Jon attack, Argir jumped with swiftness and stabbed with one hand towards Jon's left shoulder.

Jon was ready as ever and deflected the opponent's swords with his left armguard and stabbed with one hand too.

Argir felt threatened and tilted his body's upper half away from the stab, retreated one step, held the sword with the other free hand and slashed the sword that was deflected away downwardly.

Jon took a step back evading the slash by a hair's width, he didn't hold his sword with two hands but slashed with one horizontally.

Evading this was hard for Argir so he retreated his hands with the sword to guard his side, sure enough, the swords hit but Jon was not done, his second phase was in a straight kick to Argir's torso.

Argir could no longer block or evade but this was still not a problem, this strong kick might do some damage but it's a one-way ticket backward.

Argir was sure enough sent back by the kick he didn't put much effort resisting, his idea of not resisting was sure brilliant enough.

In the VIP seats, Ulfric Stormcloak and Torygg were already sitting leaning on their knees. Ulfric was an old war dog but Torygg was not some unexperienced young man. Both were keeping up with every detail of the fight.

Jon and Argir began another fast exchange, the scenario from just now was recreated once again with different tactics and traps.

Jon has much more diversity in attacking, he can punch and kick and utilize his body to the fullest. Argir was relying more on speed, his actions and reactions were swift and his sword was like an extension of his body.

Balgruuf the Greater was got into a heated analysis commentary with Ulfric Stormcloak, their eyes as well as everyone were focused on the match but listening to them was very important as the two experienced warriors were reading the match.

Argir decided to put an end to Jon's momentum, he jumped back and made a stabbing pose once again the he stabbed then stabbed then stabbed again and again. Jon was evading back, left and right with now no chance of counter-attacking.

He could remember the Chinese martial arts movies that had the same technique but was used with spears. This technique can had some good chances to counter but being used with a sword made it slow yet hard to go against.

It can't be compared to fencing as it was being done with two hands and supported by the mythical strength of the different world.

It didn't look like Argir was going to finish today, he was gaining momentum and space while making Jon hot on heals.

Jon started to think and changed his footwork, he was waiting for a single attack that can go his way.

Argir didn't read this but he noticed that Jon started to slow down a bit early, the best way to intimidate anyone with an attack to the face and that's how Argir planned.

The attack came aiming at Jon's forehead, yet that was the moment he was aiming for, his opponent's range was wide but took time to retreat the sword.

Jon didn't retreat back one inch but tilted his upper body almost ninety degrees to the back and used his sword to block Argir's sword and keep it up.

Jon's counterattack came right after in another kick, but this one didn't land on Argir's torso, it landed on his left knee from the side.

Argir who had a lot of momentum suddenly felt a pain in his knee that caused him to retreat his body, yet Jon was already on his right side now so he could only use his left side.

Using that side meant relying all the wight on that knee, it was not good, his knee can't carry him as it didn't recover and Jon's second attack was coming.

Sacrifice needed to be made, Argir threw his weight on his bad knee and fell to the ground while flipping away. After he could secure a foot hold, he slashed horizontally in 270° slash to his behind.

The wind slash carried a lot of might yet low accuracy, Jon who was chasing after Argir to press him had to jump backward.

Argir stood hastily and another stabbing pose was perfectly made, this pose can make the opponents think twice before making a move, especially when it was done by Argir.

The VIP, the people, the arena guards and the Imperial soldiers of the legion that were guarding the emissaries were at loss for words.

Everyone clapped at that exchange, Jon was too unusual and his ideas didn't just came out of the box, it made the box look ashamed of itself. Argir's speed, judgment and wisdom far surpassed his age. These two youngsters are two rare geniuses that came out from the same nation, it meant a lot to the people in the VIP seats.

Jon walked around and played with the sword like a clown, the sword was spinning around his right hand showing another level of control. This was a direct taunting for Argir who on the other hand smiled back.

Jon couldn't help but smile too, his opponent was too good, he started to feel his own growth once again. Fights like this with an equal can make the person only better and better.

Argir could already deal with the pain in his knee and could ignore it. The next showdown was about to begin.

*Cling* *Cling* *Cling* *Cling*

Slashing and clashing again, Argir didn't go overboard with speed and Jon didn't do any tricks, they were saying 'I know what you are thinking but who moves first loses'.

Jon wanted more speed training from Argir but he can't afford to reveal many cards this early, there were few ideas he can use but he was waiting for the right chance.

Argir knew what Jon was thinking but on the other hand he wasn't looking forward to Jon's next trick. To him Jon was so capable that he can make an idea out of nowhere and apply it right in the fight.

To him, the creativity of Jon was like an unreadable future, he can't waste his time trying to think of the way Jon will use to counterattack, he had to corner Jon or deplete his Stamina.

Jon was attacking in a wide manner, he wanted to put an end to the opponent Stamina too, Argir was just too good. Their talents varied but if one put the talents aside, Jon knew he would be played by Argir.

Jon had a rebel mindset that if one made him choose between 1 or 2, he'll immediately think of 3. This was reflected on his style, he can be cornered but he will rebel against that and make a flashy way to counter.

The match has already passed ten minutes, everyone was worried.

Stamina was what the warriors relied their lives on, if someone lost his Stamina in the middle of battle his life is already as good as lost.

The exchange of swords reached its peak. Jon could only describe this as a kendo match that has gone haywire.

Suddenly and out of nowhere, Argir made a precise stab to the gab between Jon's left shoulder guard and body armor.

The tip of the sword was starting to sink in Jon's flesh, this was his turn to make a sacrifice. He let his left hand go of the sword grip and retreated his left side around his right leg avoiding a major wound.

He tried to scare Argir away with a horizontal-upwardly slash with the 'Ice Song' in his right.

It was the best anyone can do but Argir was not done yet, this was the payback to his knee, he mustered all the power, weight and speed. he can and directed a hit right to Jon's sword 'Ice Song'. The sword was in one hand and being swung, so it was not under full control.

Just as the swords clashed, Jon's hand couldn't keep up with Argir's force, the sword slipped from his hand and fell to the ground with *clink* *clink* *clink*.

Argir was at the top of his focus and no way for him to miss the chance, his desire to win was reaching the upper limit of just a desire and turned into frenzy, he moved from each his legs making a stance and in the same time kicking 'Ice Song' away with his left, his sword was in a downwardly stab pose as his hands were on his left side and was about to thrust the sword at Jon.

He was smiling widely for the victory he could see, taste and smell.

But just in the very next second his face turned numb and he staggered backward.

Argir didn't know what happened but everyone else was already on their feet from what they saw.

When 'Ice Song' fell Svidi was screaming, Wulfur and Jon were glaring, half of the crowd held there breath and the other were saying gibberish words as their minds already on high function, the VIP area suffered the most as Elisif was jumping in victory pose and Torygg was opening his mouth, the rest were standing, even the mages were shouting.

Argir way of the sword was of a way of planning genius, Jon's way of fighting was of an illuminated genius.

Argir's win was anticipated for half of the people, but this was a bit sad for Jon.

Yet that move that Jon made was out of every text or sketch book there were about fighting in Tamriel, it came right from clowns textbook.

Jon jumped backward with a strange trajectory making his legs rotate around his body midair, his right leg smacked Argir right on the face, his face took the kick with all its might and his consciousness went to Oblivion and came back in a second giving Jon the chance to land upwards down on his hands.

Jon launched himself again with his hands and landed on his legs, he didn't have enough from just that, he made another round again retreating completely from Argir's maai.

[A/N: 'Maai' is a Japanese martial arts term referring to the space between two opponents in combat; formally, the "engagement distance".]

The place was silent, no one has ever seen this before in a fight, thieves can do these moves but not in actual fight were all unnecessary moves are openings. This was just too absurd, even creativity should have a limit.

Jon who landed far away just now was huffing after the intense engagement. He thought "Parkour, my life savior, Daedric Prince of Gymnastics, give me your blessing and I'll make you a shrine beside my cat shrine".

Jon was having the time of his life in that match, he didn't notice that the fetishes he has, are growing in number.

The audience, on the other hand, has already passed the shock and denial stages, they reach the reaction stage, the place was erupting with applause, even the people that didn't come or hear about the fight were already trying to enter the castle's arena after that laud applause.

The VIP was already hectic long time ago, Idgrod was glaring at Elisif who let her emotions slip, Ulfric was smiling, Torygg opened his mouth more, and the rest were having a unique reaction each.

Argir and Jon glared at each other, Argir was having a conflict between his emotions, he could already taste victory, he planned every move and even kicked 'Ice Song' away from the arena, why is that young man still standing with no problem at all.

He looked at the sword he kicked and said, "You have no weapon, better surr...." but he didn't continue.

Jon has already made a spell come on each hand. Argir's heart sank, magic is strong and Jon is known for his strong spells, this will not be easy if Jon turned the tide by magic.

As Jon casted the two spells, two swords appeared on each hand, the swords were spectral and looked sinister no matter how you describe them.

At the beginning of the match, Jon used a longsword which was longer than Argir's broadsword, but these swords were shorter than it.

This only meant a totally different fight style will appear once again, the possibilities of Jon now has increased.

The Jarls who were dissatisfied about Jon using magic didn't mind the 'Bound Sword' spell. These were also swords after all.

Jon faced Argir and pointed the right blade to him, it was a haughty move that Argir won't get taunted with but with his mindset just now, he jumped at Jon like a mad person.

His swords was on his hand was slashing with both speed and power. He was not angry anymore, he was focusing every piece of his being on his sword right now.

Jon noticed how Argir was focusing, this is a very wondrous state of mind known as 'The Zone'.

All the unnecessary movements are canceled, all the necessary movements are accurate, everything is how it should be, a top-notch style.

Jon couldn't afford to lose here, he focused his Magicka and perception on the blades he summoned.

This was another special way to enter the same mind state, 'The Zone'.

Magicka was the mystic power that can be commanded by concentration, and using the manipulation methods of Magicka, one can direct his concentration.

Right now to very focused young warriors engaged in a heated exchange of power and speed once again. It was just at the level of experts.

In the eyes of experienced warriors, these guys have already won, no one of them can be considered a loser.

In the eyes of the audience, if any of those two lost, it will break the hearts of everyone. The only way out of this dilemma was for them to continue fighting till the both reach their limit and it can be called a tie.

Everyone thought of the same idea even the helpers of the two. Only two people disagreed with the rest, they were Jon and Argir.

After few exchanges were over the two were already out of breath and barely able to raise their swords.

Jon looked at Argir and laughed then coughed few times.

"You look like you were beaten up by a troll, Blondy" Jon said.

"You look like the same, Redhead" Argir said.

The both laughed while catching their breath.

Jon and Argir knew it won't end well that way, the said something but this time the people didn't hear.

They both moved away from each other to the directions outside the arena but stopped at the line.

The both called for someone, Jon called for Wulfur and Argir called for a team mate.

After a while, their helpers removed the gear from them and both of them walked back to the arena without an armor or a weapon.

The people already understood how this is going to end, a brawl.

Looking at each other, Jon has already devised his plans.

Outside the arena people were discussing the matter with heat, some has already started cheering for Jon and Argir at the same time.

Battle-Born looked at Wulfur and asked, "Did he say anything?"

Wulfur shook his head and looked at Jon in the arena, "He was just smiling slyly."

"Smiling, he is up to no good again?" Battle-Born said as he was already used to Jon's mischievous acts.

"Nah, you only joined with us lately but this is something you must remember." Wulfur looked at Battle-Born with a serious face, "Never brawl with Jon."


On the arena Jon and Argir stood against each other again, the fight has already lasted for 20 minutes.

Jon cracked his fingers and neck, he squatted and made all the preparations.

Argir moved his stiff body once again and raised his hands in brawling pose.

Jon saw this and shook his head in his mind, if that 'Coach' from his past life saw that pose. Ten generations of Argir's ancestors will be cursed in a second.

Jon took a stance, hands guarded up and feet moved up and down lightly.

Jon hasn't trained much on martial arts in his past life but the basics were hammered into him, he watched tons of movies and was able to recreate his version of Parkour, of course he made his rough version of movie martial arts.

Argir didn't think much of Jons stance but he was still aware of Jons capabilities, yet he knew that his won't lose easily too.

Argir wanted to rely on speed and knock Jon with fast strong punches, yet he was he had some since of deja vu followed by numbness in his face.

Jon attack light speed with Jab, Jab, Right Hock.

The people were at a loss for words once again, one should muster a punch by rotating his body to the opposite direction the rotate it back with speed while throwing the punch.

What Jon did was not a textbook brawling either. He moved his hands from the stance and only rotated his body with the Hock to a single direction.

His feet started to jump faster and changed positions, Argir didn't read the next attack at all.

The punches came but Argir was ready and evaded to a certain point, but when he left punched to counterattack, Jon evaded lightly to the back and countered with a single right punch to Argir's left ribs.

Argir was annoyed, he decided to be the one to break the silence and use leg attacks. He moved his right leg to make a straight kick but what met him was Jon's left leg hitting his leg away,his state crumbled and staggered. A Right Hock, Left Hock, Kick Straight sent him back to the ground.

Jon's stance didn't break for a second, his punches targeted the head, that was too hardcore even for a brawler.

Argir didn't stay on the ground, he stood up again while say "Come at me."

Jon didn't hesitate, he moved forward and right kicked Argir's right leg, after it hit the kick changed to a side kick and dived into Argir's abdomen, this was just the start.

Jon retreated his right while jumping with the left, once the right landed in the ground, the left moved in an arc to Argir's head who managed to guard by his right hand.

Argir staggered to the side but Jon gave a chase and jumped while rotating midair and landed a light left kick to Argir's head with a heavy right kick to his chest, then both landed on the ground.

Jon staggered while standing up again and the judge ran to check on Argir.

Everyone held there breath, Argir was still moving but looked in no shape to fight, he coughed blood long ago and his body was full of wounds.

Jon wasn't any better but was standing still.

Few seconds later the judge stood.

"I declare Jon of 'White Wolves' the WINNER."


That was a tough fight.

I loved the swordsmanship of that fellow, but when he asked me to end it I a brawl, I told him not to do it. Well, he brought that upon himself.

Fighting him in armor and using weapons, I couldn't do anything to him that easily, but once we used bare hand martial arts we were in totally different plains.

This the difference between those who have watched "Yuri Boyka" and those who didn't.

Well, let just get healed physically now and mentally later.

But just as the healer was done with us, Captain Aldis came out of nowhere, "You two are ordered to come to the big seats".

The big seats are what I call the VIP, I can foresee a headache.

I gave a hand to Argir who limped to stand.

After a while, we reached the place and the guards let us in.

The place was sure nice, the big shots were all in one place.

We bowed to High King Torygg a light bow, Nords don't bend the knee.

We were congratulated with promises of many gifts and stuff.

I had to refuse Ulfric advice to join him in Windhelm, Torygg was giving him a cold eye but he completely ignored it.

Idgrod Ravencrone and Balgruuf are the only Jarls I have a good impression with so I promised to visit them for sure.

Elisif, on the other hand, was really worried about Argir for some reason, I don't know the reason but curiosity is killing me, I tried my best to hear what are they saying and I cought something.

"... Sis, you're embarrassing me...." I swear I could hear Argir say that.

Damn! I just beated up the royal brother-in-law, good thing we are Nords.

Anyway, after evading Ulfric, I was excused and could run away back to my friends.

"Let's head home" I said.

We left with a lot of cheers, and the guards made a path for us to the participant's entrance.

I changed into my dandy style clothes and coverd myself with a cloak.

I was planning on going to the bathhouse but I saw a strange out of place shop.

The shop had many cages and looked a bit new.

"What is that shop?" I asked.

"This is a pet shop where rich girl come to buy pet animals." Svidi said.

"Milkdrinkers!" Battle-Born reacted.

"Rich people.. sigh." Wulfur followed.

I was in no mood to reply.

I finally found it!

After a full life time, I can make that dream come true!

I will die with no regrets this time.

"I am going in..." I said, "For me kitty kitty kitties."

[A/N: There is a poll in Discord about the civil war, come and join us.]

El_Don El_Don

Drem Yol Lok. Greetings, wunduniik. I am the Author. Who are you?

What brings you to my strunmah…my mountain?




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