Kathina couldn't stop herself from embracing Persepone in a hug after she briefly explained everything that happened at the west block. Kathina nearly broke into tears when she was told by the professors how the corridor looked like before they found Persephone, however, her fears were relieved when she came across her favourite redhead.
Their reunion was quickly broken apart by Maximillian's cough before he signalled with his eyeballs that Kathina should look at the floor to her right. There she found an unconscious body, the unconscious body of Justicar. [Oh right! I should heal her!] Feeling embarrassed that she nearly failed her responsibility as a healer, Kathina quickly rushed over to Justicar.
However, just as she placed her hands the correct distance away from Justicar's body to begin the healing spell, a voice interrupted her.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you."
Hearing a voice from behind Kathina turned to face the owner over the voice who she found to be boy with bleach white hair, flanked by a girl with an expressionless face. Obviously the vampire wouldn't be allowed to stroll around with him in broad daylight. Kathina inadvertently gritted her teeth at the sight of the unforgivable snake.
"And why not?"
In response to Kathina's question, Geraldus chuckled sarcastically.
"Because at best you'll kill her. At worst you'll leave her crippled for life."
"Are you doubting her healing abilities?!"
Persephone, also seemingly unable to restrain herself also shouted out. The only people in the area who can hear her voice was the few of them as the professors already left Justicar under their care under the insistence of Maximillian.
Nevertheless, Kathina still felt somewhat embarrassed at Persephone's audacious question testifying the strength of Kathina's healing magic. However, Geraldus seemed unfazed and simply answered calmly.
"It's not that I doubt her power, no not at all. It's only rather that the present situation calls for a different kind of treatment."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Still defiant, Persephone puffed up her cheeks as she continued to block Geraldus from getting close to Justicar. In response Geraldus shrugged and said.
"How should I explain this? You see I'm not sure if you lot realised but I scanned her body with my magic and found that her spinal cord was actually pierced, she's paralysed from the neck down. If you get Kathina to complete her healing spell you'll actually remove the possibility of fixing the problem."
"Why won't my healing magic work?"
Confused Kathina, herself finally spoke up and questioned the alchemist.
"Can't I just heal her spinal cord and it'll be fine?"
"It's not that simple. You know how your own healing spell works right? It simply speeds up the natural healing process that the human body already possesses. That's why when you try to heal a recently lost hand it won't grow back the hand but rather grow a stump instead."
Kathina can't help but grit her teeth in response with Geraldus' answer, after all she knew that he was correct. Knowing this she knew what's next to say.
"I'm guessing you've got a way..."
"Of course, but for a pri-"
Before Geraldus finished speaking, Persephone once again cut in. However, Geraldus again was simply unfazed, in fact he started laughing.
"Ahah, it was a joke, a joke! I know it was cruel but I couldn't help myself. I'll fix her up free of charge! Consider it a courtesy. I still need to thank you lot for the wonderful specimen's you gifted me in return for my services."
Seeing that she'll have to leave Justicar in the care of the monstrous alchemist. Kathina could only pray that he wouldn't perform any sick experiments on her while she's in his care. Both Kathina and Persephone sighed as they made way for Geraldus and the doll behind him.
While Kathina felt sorry when she first saw Marrionette she grew to understand that she genuinely revered Geraldus as her master. She could see it in Marrionette's eyes whenever she accompanied Geraldus around the school. Whatever Marrionette saw in that monster, Kathina will never understand.
Just when Geraldus left with Justicar surprisingly being carried on Marrionette's petite shoulder, Persephone suddenly spoke up.
"I want... more of his pills."
While Kathina was astonished by the sudden Persephone's sudden desire for more pills, Maximillian only seemed somewhat surprised. Slightly raising an eyebrow he asked.
"Really? How many?"
"Enough that can I swallow at least two a day."
Both Maximillian and Kathina couldn't stop their jaw from dropping at her explanation. [Just exactly what happened in the fight between her and Lucia that cause her to fear the aftereffects of her own magic?] When Kathina turned to Maximillian, she found that he already regained his composure, wearing an uneasy smug smile he answered.
"Really now? I'll go have a quick talk to Geraldus about it then."
Sighing Maximillian quickly started to chase after Geraldus. However, just as Maximillian got out of sight, Kathina was suddenly seized by Persephone who brought Kathina very closely to her face. Before Kathina even got the time to react, Persephone asked a single sombre four worded sentence.
"Am I a monster?"
"What no? What are you talkin-"
As the confused Kathina tried to make sense of the situation she was embraced deeply by Persephone who buried her face deep into her bosom.
"I'm... scared"
As Persephone wept, Kathina could feel the former's tears wet her chest. Kathina was surprised at how the previously composed Persephone could suddenly break down like this upon finally releasing her pent-up emotions, however Kathina knew that she could do nothing else but stay in silence and return Persephone's hug.
"My powers... I just don't know anymore... Back then with Lucia I nearly... I nearly... nearly..."
"I don't understand what you're trying to tell me. Persephone please calm down."
However, Kathina's attempts of comfort did not stop the weeping Persephone who only tightened her embrace.
"I'm scared! I'm so, so scared of what my powers do to me... you know what happens every time I use my powers... the thing I become..."
"But we both know that, that's not you!"
"We don't know that!"
Finally raising her head, Persephone faced Kathina as she firmly grasped Kathina's shoulders, forcing the two of them to stare at each other. Persephone's tear-filled eyes displayed oceans of self-doubt.
"What if the person I become when using my magic... what if that's really me? What if deep down inside I enjoy it... What if deep down inside... I'm a monster..."
Looking at Peresphone's despairing face with lifeless cheeks and dewey eyes, Kathina can't help but feel sorry for her.
"It's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you."
"Stop, just stop alright? Who is the one in control of your body? You? Or your magic? You'll overcome it eventually, you just have to believe."
Listening to Kathina's comforting words, Persephone's dewy-eyes dried up and she proceded to wipe away the tears from her cheeks.
"Just one thing..."
"What is that?"
"Promise me that you'll be always there for me?"
Kathina smiled as she answered Persephone's question.
"I Promise."
Unfortunately this novel has been discontinued and will no longer receive updates from its author. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
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