The Saprophytic Earth Dragon's screams were cut short as it was being swallowed whole by Stripey.
Puffs of black smoke issued from Stripey's nostrils. It coughed a few times, as if its snack didn't quite agree with it. The black smoke from its nostrils gradually merged with the dark ominous clouds over Stripey's head.
Gao Peng absently stroked Silly as he watched the enormous spider devour its meal.
He sometimes hated this ability of his. With it, he could tell what someone was thinking just by analyzing their facial expressions. This ability to pick up on every seemingly trivial detail in his surroundings had been both a blessing and a curse to him.
This was why Gao Peng rarely used it when interacting with others.
"You aren't welcome here!" roared the Desert Pillar Monster. It was now livid. Not only was this human ignoring it, but he was also letting his familiar devour another monster before it.